Challenge 10: Chop Socky Whacky!

Challenge 3: Super Duper Super Scary Shock! | Challenge 4: Friday Night at the Embassy! |
Challenge 5: Soak-A-Zombie! | Challenge 6: A Touch of Frost! | Challenge 7: Poor Ol’ Fiddlesworth! |
Challenge 8: Who’s the Daddy? | Challenge 9: Smash the Study, Buddy! | Challenge 10: Chop Socky Whacky! | Challenge 11: Amber Wants a Kiss! | Challenge 12: Hey, Big Swinger! | Challenge 13: Gone to Pot! |
Challenge 14: Kick ‘Em Quick! | Challenge 15: Take out the Trash! | Challenge 16: Dirty Laundry! |
Challenge 17: Catch the Cowards! | Challenge 18: Bedtime Gory! | Challenge 19: Who’s Still the Daddy? | Challenge 20: (Don’t Fear) The Reaper! | Challenge 21: Play it again, Son!
Scenario: Keep your Judo Chops and Crane Kicks handy for this challenge, as you’ll be tasked with clearing Ghoulhaven’s Music Room of as many Ninja Imps that you can manage to lay your hands on. If it’s true warrior skills you hope to brandish – and a Platinum Medal for your collection – you’ll have to defeat at least 16 Ninja Imps by utilizing only 10 attacks before the time limit of two minutes and thirty seconds winds down. Good luck, young Grasshopper.
Strategy: There really isn’t a way around it; the Chop, Socky, Whacky Challenge is one of the most frustrating you’ll take part in, primarily due to its high expectations partnered with constricting rules. You’ll likely have to start this challenge over quite a few times, so avoid getting discouraged and press on, you’ll nail it eventually. Starting things off from the get go, you’ll have to venture off to the record player ahead on the left hand side and then turn your attention to the piano on the right hand side once you’ve managed to hoist it over your head. You should manage to spot two large windows just behind the grand piano with a trio of Ninja Imps in front of their frames. While these Ninja Imps are in meditation mode they’ll go down much easier than their larger counterparts if you give them enough time, so acting fast you’ll need to toss the record player towards the trio nearest to you and wait until you’ve managed to add all three to your counter. If you’ve missed a single Ninja Imp you’ll have to reset the challenge, better now to spend a few seconds in vain than the finding yourself just short after wasting minutes. Once you’ve managed that, approach the piano from the front nearest your window Ninja Imps and wait patiently for them to finish their expanding meditation. The idea here is to have the Ninja Imps attack the center of the piano keys to reveal a One-Hit Wonder! Soup Tin hidden away inside. Take care to avoid their flying kicks by taking a few sidesteps to the left or right as they rise into the air, and you should have them hit their intended target and saving you one of your precious hits. Once the Tin is set, avoid picking it up and instead venture back to the main area that you’ve started from and approach the windows on the left hand side. You’ll notice a pair of stone busts beside their respective windows here, and the idea is very much the same in that you’ll have to orchestrate the Ninja Imps into kicking the busts for further Super Soups. A successful trial will reveal both a Turbo Cooper! and Super Weapons! Tin. Be sure to grab the Turbo Cooper! Super Soup first, as it will allow you to recover the other Soups in a much more timely fashion, leaving you some leeway. You’ll need to follow the wall to grab the Super Weapons! Tin, and then finish your search by picking up the One-Hit Wonder! Tin in front of the piano. Right, it’s likely you’ve been clamored by the Ninja Imps thus far, so let’s work on showing off some moves of your own. Venturing back to where you started from, grab the guitar on the footrest just beside the fireplace and then use it to take out the first cluster of Ninja Imps that surround you. Now that 5 Imps have been defeated, you’ll find the next wave of tiny Ninja Imps smashing through the window where we recovered the Super Weapons! Tin. Before they have a chance to expand their body, mind and soul through careful introspective meditation, try and catch all three Imps in one hardy swing of your guitar. Once you’ve managed and your counter rests at 8 defeated Ninja Imps, we’ll venture out into the open and encourage the larger Ninja Imps to surround us before exercising some much needed crowd control. Once you’re left with a single hit at your disposal and the One-Hit Wonder! has worn off, get rid of the guitar by pressing B and then lure all of the remaining Imps over to the couch in the starting area. Circle the couch a few times to ensure that the Imps are keeping up with your pace, and when the time is right grab one of the ends and spin it around with A. If you’ve managed this correctly you’ll have hopefully garnered enough Ninja Imps to bring your total to at least 16 to warrant the Platinum Medal.
Bronze Medal: Defeat 4 Ninja Imps.
Silver Medal: Defeat 8 Ninja Imps.
Gold Medal: Defeat 12 Ninja Imps.
Platinum Medal: Defeat 16 Ninja Imps.