Challenge 11: Amber Wants a Kiss!

Challenge 3: Super Duper Super Scary Shock! | Challenge 4: Friday Night at the Embassy! |
Challenge 5: Soak-A-Zombie! | Challenge 6: A Touch of Frost! | Challenge 7: Poor Ol’ Fiddlesworth! |
Challenge 8: Who’s the Daddy? | Challenge 9: Smash the Study, Buddy! | Challenge 10: Chop Socky Whacky! | Challenge 11: Amber Wants a Kiss! | Challenge 12: Hey, Big Swinger! | Challenge 13: Gone to Pot! |
Challenge 14: Kick ‘Em Quick! | Challenge 15: Take out the Trash! | Challenge 16: Dirty Laundry! |
Challenge 17: Catch the Cowards! | Challenge 18: Bedtime Gory! | Challenge 19: Who’s Still the Daddy? | Challenge 20: (Don’t Fear) The Reaper! | Challenge 21: Play it again, Son!
Scenario: If the Super Duper Scary Shock Challenge wasn’t nearly as confrontational you would have liked, have no fear; eight challenges later and you’re ready for a face off in the Archives with the Ghoulish girl herself! This time you’ll have to defeat Amber once more as quickly as possible. Playing against the clock means you’ll miss out on a chance for a medal every additional 20 seconds you spend fighting with Amber, you’ll need to aim for 45 Seconds total to walk away with the Platinum Prize.
Strategy: You’ll find a number of Super Soups available for use in the Archives that could very well lead you to Platinum; there’s a few Turbo Coopers for added speed, an Invisibility Tin you could use to sneak in some extra hits, and even some Miniature Coopers so you can sit back and let your minions have all the fun. All together they’re entirely unnecessary for this challenge, as one specific route in this room will lead you to Platinum every time without a single sip from the aforementioned Soups. Here’s how: As you start off you’ll find Amber letting out a roaring battle cry as she makes herself invulnerable for a brief period. Use this bonus time to quickly turn around on the spot and you should manage to spot a Super Weapons Soup wedged between the crates directly behind you. Grab the Super Weapons Soup Tin and you’ll spot two shelving units to your left and right leading to two separate areas. Take the route that features three crates on the right and you’ll spot the Thorned Challenge Door as you emerge on the other side. Run toward the Challenge Door and you’ll find a collection of bottles that have been placed atop a crate to the left. Pick up the bottles and start to throw them at Amber as she should emerges from around the bend. Thanks to the Super Weapons you’ll manage to land 11 Bottles on Amber to lower her Health Points to 45, we’re just over half way! Once she’s taken in all 11 bottles she’ll topple over backwards, and not a minute too soon either, as the Super Soup is beginning to wear off. Don’t bother throwing any more bottles until she raises back up from the ground and her invulnerability wears off otherwise you’ll tap into your supply of finite bottles. You should have six to go at this point with just over 20 seconds on the clock, so pelt Amber with the rest of your collection to bring her down to 15 Health Points. Instead of going in close to finish her off with a few punches, you’ll find a rather large cardboard box situated at the corner of the shelving unit. Pick the cardboard box up and toss it into Amber and you’ll do away with the inkling of Health she had left, the timer just going over 30 seconds or so. Follow this method and you’ll earn the Platinum without any issue!
Bronze Medal: Defeat Ghouly Amber in under 1 Minute and 45 Seconds.
Silver Medal: Defeat Ghouly Amber in under 1 Minute and 25 Seconds.
Gold Medal: Defeat Ghouly Amber in under 1 Minute and 5 Seconds.
Platinum Medal: Defeat Ghouly Amber in under 45 Seconds.