Challenge 12: Hey, Big Swinger!

Challenge 3: Super Duper Super Scary Shock! | Challenge 4: Friday Night at the Embassy! |
Challenge 5: Soak-A-Zombie! | Challenge 6: A Touch of Frost! | Challenge 7: Poor Ol’ Fiddlesworth! |
Challenge 8: Who’s the Daddy? | Challenge 9: Smash the Study, Buddy! | Challenge 10: Chop Socky Whacky! | Challenge 11: Amber Wants a Kiss! | Challenge 12: Hey, Big Swinger! | Challenge 13: Gone to Pot! |
Challenge 14: Kick ‘Em Quick! | Challenge 15: Take out the Trash! | Challenge 16: Dirty Laundry! |
Challenge 17: Catch the Cowards! | Challenge 18: Bedtime Gory! | Challenge 19: Who’s Still the Daddy? | Challenge 20: (Don’t Fear) The Reaper! | Challenge 21: Play it again, Son!
Scenario: A trip to the lavatories is hardly a bathroom break for Cooper, who soon finds it heavily occupied by an outfit of Skeletons. It’s difficult to go when everyone is watching, so you’ll have a single minute to gather the occupants around the bathtub in the center of the room and give it a spin! Any Skeleton caught in the tubs radius will be reduced to a pile of bones, with your ultimate aim being to defeat at least 11 of them. Be wary though; you’ll only be allotted a single health point to see you to Platinum.
Strategy: Obviously if you’re hit even once during this challenge you’ll have to start the entire thing over from the beginning, to have a bit of leeway instead, you’ll have to swing around from where you start off to face the door just behind Cooper. You should manage to spot a single Laundry basket to the right of the door, which will herald an Energy Boost! Super Soup worth 10 points, bringing our total stamina to a manageable 11. While you’ll spot some Skeletons beginning their trek towards you on the floor, there are a plethora of hidden Skeletons that you’ll need to expose, as well as a few ignorant Skeletons that you’ll have to hit to have their attention. To keep the floor Skeletons at bay however, we’ll need to make use of the Freeze Ghoulies! Tin found inside the cabinet to the right of the sauna room. Once you’ve picked up the Tin and have all the Skeletons frozen stiff, you’ll have to smash open the glass to the sauna room to find your first ignorant Skeleton stuck in a dance. While we have time on our side, any ignorant Skeletons that we hit during this duration will come to their senses when time is restored, giving us chase toward the central tub as planned. After you’ve given the sauna Skeleton a single solid whack to his back, retreat out of the room and break the cabinet beside the Freeze Ghoulies! cabinet to find another Skeleton. Making your way over to the showers, we’ll find our second ignorant Skeleton enjoying a bit of a wash. Interrupt his freezing cold shower with another hit and then continue your clockwise trek around the room to the first closet just before the changing stalls ahead. A solid kick will take out the closet door to expose a second hidden Skeleton and you’ll notice your Super Soup start to fade fast. We’ll want to avoid picking up a second Freeze Ghoulies! Tin, as the Skeletons will be frozen in place well after the time limit has ended – a bit self defeating, really. While the Skeletons are likely to give chase here, don’t let them deter you from smashing the second closet to the right here, and the third closet just across the bathroom. Right, with all of our bony brutes ready for a spin it’s time to become the aforementioned Big Swinger as the challenge so implies. Do your best to lead the Skeletons on by pacing around the bathtub until you’ve gathered a mass around all the sides with every Skeleton accounted for. Once you’ve nailed the opportune moment, grab one of the edges with A and send the tub in a cycle of destruction. You should manage to reduce at least 11 Skeletons to a pile of bones as the tub makes its way back, and 12 if you’re especially set on clearing out the entire room, which lands you the coveted Platinum medal.
Bronze Medal: Take out 2 Skeletons with the bathtub.
Silver Medal: Take out 5 Skeletons with the bathtub.
Gold Medal: Take out 8 Skeletons with the bathtub.
Platinum Medal: Take out 11 Skeletons with the bathtub.