Challenge 19: Who’s Still the Daddy?

Challenge 3: Super Duper Super Scary Shock! | Challenge 4: Friday Night at the Embassy! |
Challenge 5: Soak-A-Zombie! | Challenge 6: A Touch of Frost! | Challenge 7: Poor Ol’ Fiddlesworth! |
Challenge 8: Who’s the Daddy? | Challenge 9: Smash the Study, Buddy! | Challenge 10: Chop Socky Whacky! | Challenge 11: Amber Wants a Kiss! | Challenge 12: Hey, Big Swinger! | Challenge 13: Gone to Pot! |
Challenge 14: Kick ‘Em Quick! | Challenge 15: Take out the Trash! | Challenge 16: Dirty Laundry! |
Challenge 17: Catch the Cowards! | Challenge 18: Bedtime Gory! | Challenge 19: Who’s Still the Daddy? | Challenge 20: (Don’t Fear) The Reaper! | Challenge 21: Play it again, Son!
Scenario: Eleven challenges on since Cooper last proved himself against the ancient Mummies in the Workshop, the lad is back for one last hurrah against these bandaged Ghoulies to show he’s still the daddy! This challenge is anything but a chance for Cooper to brandish his massive ego, and a strict set of rules is sure to keep him at bay. In the confines of a single minute, Cooper will have to defeat as many Mummies with his torch as possible, but he’s only permitted 10 successful swings until he runs into some torchlight trouble and the challenge ends. You’ll have to defeat at least 15 Mummies before time runs out if you hope to salvage this Platinum medal from its dirty wrappings.
Strategy: From where you start off, turn around on the spot and continue down the pathway just in front of you; you’ll know you’re going in the right direction when you spot a sarcophagi to your left. You should just manage to spot another sarcophagi after a crate facing the right as you come out into the open here, as you turn to your right to follow this path you’ll find a Turbo Cooper! Super Soup beside the large crate waiting for you to pick it up. Once you’ve done that you’ll have to squeeze past the crowd of Mummies here and keep to the left to find a Sphinx-like sculpture on all fours next to a sarcophagi. Sacrifice one of your hits to decapitate the Dog-faced Sphinx and you’ll be provided with a One-Hit Wonder! tin in response. After you’ve picked up the Super Soup it’s time to go to town on these undead annoyances; try your best to have a good selection of Mummies crowd around you and swing when the timing is right to send them into the air. Optimally you’ll want to use a single swing to defeat 2-3 Mummies each time, if you can manage more, then it will only go to make your work easier, but even getting more than 2 with a single swing will set you up for success. Once you’ve managed to take care of at least 8 Mummies with 4 hits – saving one for the Sphinx smash, your tins will start to wear and we’ll have to refuel. Let’s leave these Mummies behind and venture back onto the main floor where you’ll spot a rather unique looking yellow vase surrounded by a stack of crates. Follow the vase to the left and then turn right when you’ve reached the end of the crates to spot a Turbo Cooper! tin above an ancient slab. From here you should manage to spot an even larger Sphinx-like sculpture to the left that’s just beside a vined challenge door. Giving it a solid whack and beheading it in similar style to its brother will provide you with another One-Hit Wonder! tin that we’ll collect post-haste to deal with the remaining Mummies – it all comes down to this. Once again you’ll want to gather up as many Mummies as you possibly can in a single area before swinging away to take the group out. If you’ve managed to hit at least 2 Mummies every single time with your 8 hits provided than you’ll end up with just enough Mummies to reach the Platinum plateau with 16, but it’s likely that you’ll end up with a score that’s even higher if you’ve managed to swing into a larger grouping of Ghoulies.
Bronze Medal: Defeat 6 Mummies with only 10 Attacks.
Silver Medal: Defeat 9 Mummies with only 10 Attacks.
Gold Medal: Defeat 12 Mummies with only 10 Attacks.
Platinum Medal: Defeat 15 Mummies with only 10 Attacks.