Chapter 1-3: Mayahem Temple

Chapter 1: After the Witches!
– 1-1: Spiral Mountain
– 1-2: Jinjo Village
– 1-3: Mayahem Temple
– 1-4: More of the Mayhem
Chapter 2: To the Mines!
Chapter 3: A day at the Fairgrounds
Chapter 4: To the Lagoon
Chapter 5: Land of the Dinosaurs
Chapter 6: Industrial Pollution
Chapter 7: Fire and Ice
Chapter 8: Head in the Clouds
Chapter 9: Toil and Trouble
Canary Mary Guide
Cheato Page Guide
Disclaimer: This guide was written as a full game walkthrough, and thus was meant to be read from start to finish. If you are stuck collecting a certain item, refer to the in-depth guide links. Whilst this walkthrough tries to remain spoiler-free, users may find that when skipping ahead, or reading parts of the guide when they haven’t followed it from the beginning, that they may come across spoiler material. To ensure that you get as much enjoyment out of the game as possible, we ask that you refrain from reading ahead in this manner. Do so at your own risk.
Mayahem Temple
Walk up the steps of the entrance and you’ll be greeted with an upbeat mayan melody. Let’s get started. Move forward onto the swirling blue pad.
This is a warp pad, and can be used to warp between locations within a level, similar to how the silos in Isle O’ Hags work. Once it’s activated, head on over to the pool of water on the right and dive in for a Jinjo (1). Jump out again and head up the sloping path which runs around the huge temple in the centre of the level. Make sure you collect all the notes (40).
Soon you’ll see a metal object on the ground with a flashing red light on it, similar to the silos in Isle O’ Hags. This is Jamjar’s silo – where you’ll be able to learn new moves. Jamjars is Bottles’ older brother, and although he won’t grieve too much for his brother’s death, he will help you take your revenge on the witches. Walk up and talk with Jamjars, and if you have 25 notes, you’ll be able to learn your first new move – the Egg Aim. The Egg Aim lets you use an aiming sight (by pressing the top C button) to effectively fire your eggs; it’s best use is for targeting objects that aren’t on the same level as yourself. Head up the slope again for more notes (20) then up the stairs on the left. Use your egg aim ability to shoot eggs into the mouths of the six snake-heads protruding from the building. Once all have been shot, the door will open and you’ll be able to head inside.
Once inside, you’ll be greeted by Targitzan’s humble servant, Chief Bloatazin. Apparently Targitzan’s Sacred Relic thingy has gone missing, and Bloatazin will be in severe trouble if he isnt able to find it. Bloatazin opens up another door for you to get into the Treasure Chamber by from the outside. Talon Trot up the pile of gold to your left for an Empty Honeycomb (1) before heading out the door – we’ll be back later.
Just head left and collect the note nest (5) and activate your second warp pad, then enter Mumbo’s Skull.
Once inside, pick up the jumpy creature immediately in front of you. Jamjars tells you it’s called a Glowbo and that it has some magical powers. Glowbos can usually be found in places where there is a large amount of magic, such as Mumbo’s Skull.
Head upstairs and give the Glowbo to Mumbo. Mumbo decides that he won’t be transforming you in this game, but instead, going adventuring himself. You’ll gain control of Mumbo. Use B to use his staff to fend off enemies, and press B on his special pads to use some form of his superior magic skills. Be wary that Mumbo does have less health than Banjo and Kazooie, though. Exit the skull.
Use the warp pad to teleport to the level’s entrance and exit. Once there, go up the slopes again and find the pad with Mumbo’s face on it. Press B and you’ll be able to use his magic. Mumbo will use a summon spell to control the Golden Goliath in front of the pad. You’ll gain control of the statue for 75 seconds – press A to jump and B to kick things with it. After the 75 seconds is up, you’ll run out of magic and will have to return to the stone again. So make it snappy.
Take the golden goliath up the slope towards where you found Jamjars and kick the gates to break a hole in them. After that, take him down again to the level entrance and exit area. Kick the green boulder near the pool to reveal a flight pad, then head to the right and kick a second set of gates. This time they’ll open fully and you’ll be able to venture inside.
Jade Snake Grove
Once inside, take goliath forward and to the left into the marsh. You’ll see a small island with a moggy enemy guarding a Jiggy high in the air. Collect your jiggy (1) then, if you still have time, head into the next area and kick down a small grate blocking off a doorway – you can now come back and enter it with Banjo to access the code chamber.
After the golden goliath’s time has run out, warp back to Mumbo’s Skull again.
Just jump in Mumbo’s chair and you’ll be able to control Banjo again. Don’t worry, you won’t be needing Mumbo again in this level. Go downstairs and exit the skull.
Once outside Mumbo’s skull, head around to the left for some more notes (15). You should now have 80 of the 100 notes of the level if you’ve been following the guide exactly. From the steps of the huge mayan temple, go to the left and you’ll find another of Jamjar’s silos.
The move he teaches you is the Breegull Blaster, and 30 notes are required to learn it. Show mole the gold and he’ll teach you the move. The Breegull Blaster is basically a First-Person Shooter mode which is activated in certain areas and places – Banjo will hold Kazooie like a rifle and be able to shoot eggs out of her mouth by pressing Z. Sound cool? Of course it is.
Head around the back of the mayan temple for a treble clef. Treble Clef’s are worth 20 notes, and this one is enough to finish your note collection in Mayahem Temple. Drop down to the start area and head on through the gates the Golden Goliath opened for you.
Once inside, head forward and talk to Jamjars again for another new move – the grip grab. 35 notes are needed to learn it, and it sure comes in handy in the game. If there are any small ledges anywhere, Banjo can jump onto them and use them to get to new areas. Kazooie can also use her beak by pressing B to fend off any baddies which try to take a bite out of you while you’re vulnerable. If you want to get up from the ledge you’re on, press A, and if you want to drop down, press Z.
Awesome stuff. Flap flip up to the ledge behind Jamjars to find a Jinjo (2). After collecting it, head down the stairs on the right and activate the warp pad. Head up the stairs on the left up to the area with the Code Chamber that you previously opened. Talon Trot up the temple, and up the top, use your Grip Grab to slide across the ledge on the right for a Cheato Page (1). Be wary of the enemies as you go, though – they’ll try to bite you and make you fall off.
After nabbing the cheato page, Talon Trot back up the temple side and flap flip up the ledges until you get to the top where a huge Snake lies, guarding his gold. You’ll have to flap flip up onto the little green square in the corner, then tip toe to get your jiggy. How do you do that? Tilt the control stick forward a tiny bit and Banjo will start to move slowly. You’ll have to tiptoe all the way to the Jiggy without any sudden movements or else Ssslumber the Snake will wake up and swallow his Jiggy so you can’t get it. If this does happen, just jump off the platform until you hear him fall asleep again, then try once more. Once you have your Jiggy (2), head back down to where you activated the warp pad, but go up the steps to the Indian tipi or wigwam.
Collect the Glowbo bouncing around behind it, then head inside.