Chapter 7-1: Fire and Ice

Chapter 1: After the Witches!
Chapter 2: To the Mines!
Chapter 3: A day at the Fairgrounds
Chapter 4: To the Lagoon
Chapter 5: Land of the Dinosaurs
Chapter 6: Industrial Pollution
Chapter 7: Fire and Ice
– 7-1: Hailfire Peaks
– 7-2: Into the Snow
– 7-3: Inside the Mountains
– 7-4: Kickball Part 2
Chapter 8: Head in the Clouds
Chapter 9: Toil and Trouble
Canary Mary Guide
Cheato Page Guide
Disclaimer: This guide was written as a full game walkthrough, and thus was meant to be read from start to finish. If you are stuck collecting a certain item, refer to the in-depth guide links. Whilst this walkthrough tries to remain spoiler-free, users may find that when skipping ahead, or reading parts of the guide when they haven’t followed it from the beginning, that they may come across spoiler material. To ensure that you get as much enjoyment out of the game as possible, we ask that you refrain from reading ahead in this manner. Do so at your own risk.
Isle O’ Hags – Jinjo Village
You know the deal. Stock up on eggs and feathers if you need to, then hop into the silo. Off to the Wooded Hollow once more.
Jump up the steps to Jiggywiggy’s temple and inside.
Although you do have enough jiggies to open the next three areas, we only need to go to one place for this segment. Finish the puzzle and watch as the door to Hailfire Peaks is blasted open on the clifftop. Exit the temple.
Warp straight to the Clifftop – there’s nothing else we need to do first.
From the silo, cross the zig-zagged bridge to the Hailfire Peaks entrance, however instead of going in, run around the back and pick up the claw-clamber boots. Head back across the bridge again, past the silo and up the wall to find a Jinjo in an alcove. After picking him up, head back down again carefully and cross the bridge once more into Hailfire Peaks.
Hailfire Peaks (Lava Side)
Welcome to Hailfire Peaks. Well, the fire side of it, anyway. After making your way up the stone steps, you’re greeted by a red hot lava world. A huge, towering volcano stands before you, with lava spewing down its sides and filling the crevices below. You’ll have to watch your step on the stone walkways which circle the mountain if you’re going to stand any chance of keeping your cool. A cutscene shows an old friend galloping away into a tunnel high up the mountain. Gobi has somehow managed to find his way to the lava world after all these years, and decides to settle himself down within the Lava Side’s Train Station.
Let’s hop to it, then. Run forward and up some more stone steps until you activate the world’s first warp pad. Be careful as you take a right around the boiling hot pool of water, then use your talon trot to scale the slope inside the orangey tunnel. At the top lie some notes (10) and a ladder. Pick up the notes before making your way back down again and around the other side of the pool.
Keep making your way around the ledge until you come to some yellow-orange holes in the wall. Watch yourself – get too close and some hot-hand enemies will shoot out of the wall and try to grab you. Wait for them to go back into the wall before you make your way past. Grab the notes (10) as you go, before finding Mumbo’s Hut. Jump down onto the cracked red earth below and grab the Glowbo, and before long you should hear a screeching roar from above. Uh-oh. It seems that the peak’s resident dragon, Chilli Billi, has spotted a trespasser on his side of the mountain. What happens to trespassers? They get hit by a fireball the size of a house, that’s what. From now on, you’ll have to be a little bit more careful. Make sure you don’t stay in one spot for too long.
As soon as it starts raining fire from the heavens, try to get as close as you can to the large stone building. You may have noticed a crack in the structure, in which case it’ll hopefully have become obvious to you that the answer is none other than giant fireballs. Yep. Soon enough, one of the fireballs will crash down into the structure and smash the stone apart, revealing a few feather nests and a flight pad. Getting around the fire side just got a whole lot easier, thankfully. Leave the flight pad be for now, and instead head over to the other side of the red earth and step on the switch. A shortcut will open up in front of the flight pad you found before, linking an underground tunnel to the entrance. Cool.
Head back to the flight pad and stock up on feathers before taking to the air. Keep tapping the A button – you’ll have to make your way all the way up to the tallest volcano, and to the highest alcove you can see. Once you find the lone tunnel with a flight pad sitting out the front, head on through. You’ll reemerge high above the clouds, on a short ledge below the volcano’s top. Head right and you’ll find an egg nest. Stock up on ice eggs if you’re low, as you’ll be needing them. Climb up the small wooden ladder and you’ll be greeted by a brand new friend.
Boss Battles – Chilly Billy: Hot ‘n’ Spicy Dragon
After Chilli Billi realises you’re not the Pizza Delivery Boy, he decides to settle for a Bear and Bird instead. I wonder if this is how he treats all his guests.
The battle with Chilli Billi is a little different to other boss fights, as none of your attacks can affect him on their own. Chilli Billi is able to sit in the middle of his lava bath and spit fireballs at you one after another. You’ll have to be quite careful, as you’re only able to run around on the thin ledge surrounding the pool. Make sure not to drop off on either side, or you could face a hot fate, or worse, fall off the mountain entirely.
Anyway, by now you’ll have easily noticed the four giant cannons on each side of the volcano. Hop behind one, and not only will it serve as a means of cover from Billi’s giant fireballs, but if you spit an egg into the hole in the back of the cannon, it will cause a giant form of that specific egg to be fired towards Chilli Billi. Neat!
Switch to your ice eggs if you haven’t already and you’ll be able to take Billi’s lifebar down to 5. After hitting him with a second egg, the dragon will stoop down to your level and open your mouth. Time for a change of plan. The cannon will retreat into the ground and Chilli Billi will take out his huge, green tongue. Stay close to the cannon for now, and jump over the tongue when it comes near. Make sure you only press left and right on the control stick, as pressing any other direction could be fatal – especially if Billi manages to hit you.
After he finishes, you’ll be able to use the cannon once more to take his health down to three hits. Unfortunately, the cannons around Chilli Billi are only able to fire three shots before they get ‘used up’ – the cannon will retreat into the ground permanantly, forcing you to find another means of taking out the great dragon. Chilli Billi will stoop down again and proceed with his licking attack. Run left (or right, whichever you prefer) around the edge until you reach a gap in the platforms, all the while avoiding the tongue. When you’re ready, feathery flap over the gap and onto the other side, then keep running towards the second cannon.
You’ll be able to fire two shots with the new cannon before Chilli Billi takes out his tongue again. Repeat the dodging process before finishing him off with a final Ice egg. Chilli Billi gives up, however he reveals that he wasn’t the only one to order a pizza, and that you’ll have to tackle his older and tougher brother on the ice side of the mountain before you can see any sort of prize. Make your way back around the edge of the volcano again and stock up on Ice Eggs if you need to before heading back down through the tunnel into the main area of Hailfire’s lava side.
From the flight pad, feathery flap down to the ledge directly below you to find a warp pad. Activate it, then head left around the ledge whilst avoiding the hothands. Grab the notes (5) as you go, then stop at the pool of boiling water. Talon trot up the slope to the top, but instead of going through the frosty blue doorway, flap flip up on the left side to find a grip-grabbable ledge. Take it across to the left and defeat the enemy before hoisting yourself up into an alcove with a honeycomb piece (1) inside.
After this, take Banjo and Kazooie back to the warp pad you found earlier and use the split up pads behind them to change to Banjo. Take Banjo left again and past the boiling hot water pool and down the mountain, collecting some eggs in the egg nest as you go, but avoiding hot hands at the same time. Head across the ledge directly above another stone building with a gargoyle enemy above the entrance and across to the other side. Keep going around the ledge on the other side whilst avoiding the hothands, and collect the notes (10) as you go. Be careful – spin the camera as you move around the side, as a sneaky hothand waits there to knock you down below.
Pass him and you’ll find Jamjars, trickily hidden away in this hard-to-find alcove. For 640 notes, Jamjars will teach you the Shack Pack move. The Shack Pack move allows Banjo to completely conceal himself within his backpack over his head, and allows him to sneak into tiny, usually unaccessible gaps, whilst also protecting him from dangerous liquids whilst he is submerged. Any ideas? Head back up around the ledges towards the split up pads, but make a quick stop at the boiling water. Hold Z and press the bottom C button and Banjo will retreat into his pack. Keep holding Z as you leap into the pool of water, recovering a Jinjo (1) and of all things a large, steaming hot fish. Mmm… think we’ll save this one for later.
Take the ramp out of the pool (let go of Z if you’re rushed for time, but have more than 1 honeycomb) and make your way back to Kazooie. Use the Snooze Pack attack you learned in Grunty Industries to replenish your health if neccessary, then team up and continue right around the ledge. Collect the notes (5) before going through the frosty looking tunnel at the end.