Banjo Tooie Walkthrough

Chapter 1: After the Witches!
– 1-1: Spiral Mountain
– 1-2: Jinjo Village
– 1-3: Mayahem Temple
– 1-4: More of the Mayhem
Chapter 2: To the Mines!
Chapter 3: A day at the Fairgrounds
Chapter 4: To the Lagoon
Chapter 5: Land of the Dinosaurs
Chapter 6: Industrial Pollution
Chapter 7: Fire and Ice
Chapter 8: Head in the Clouds
Chapter 9: Toil and Trouble
Canary Mary Guide
Cheato Page Guide
Disclaimer: This guide was written as a full game walkthrough, and thus was meant to be read from start to finish. If you are stuck collecting a certain item, refer to the in-depth guide links. Whilst this walkthrough tries to remain spoiler-free, users may find that when skipping ahead, or reading parts of the guide when they haven’t followed it from the beginning, that they may come across spoiler material. To ensure that you get as much enjoyment out of the game as possible, we ask that you refrain from reading ahead in this manner. Do so at your own risk.
The Story so far:
During a ‘friendly’ game of cards on a stormy night, Banjo, Kazooie, Bottles and Mumbo realise something isn’t quite right when Banjo’s entire house begins to shake. Upon checking outside, Mumbo finds that Grunty’s sisters have come to her rescue after two years of being trapped under a boulder at the bottom of Spiral Mountain. They use a powerful spell to levitate the rock up and over their heads, blasting it to pieces. When Gruntilda crawls out of her part-time grave, she is but a mere collection of bones. Her first objective now? To find a brand new body.
Mumbo begins to run off back towards Banjo’s house to warn the others of Grunty and her sisters, but is spotted by the witches on the way. Mumbo tries to evacuate the house, but Bottles thinks it is all a joke, and is blasted by one of Grunty’s powerful spells.
The following morning, Banjo and Kazooie realise that the witches have wrecked not only Spiral Mountain, but have killed their friend Bottles, too. They decide that there’s only one thing to do – set out again after Gruntilda in order to defeat her once and for all.
Spiral Mountain
Walk up from Banjo’s wrecked house and you’ll find an Angel standing over Bottles’ decaying carcass. You’d better get after the witch fast if you want a chance of restoring Bottles’ life again. Head up the path towards the mountain and the camera will shift to view the tunnel the witches’ digger previously made, with a Grunty’s green companion waiting outside. Klungo will notice you, then scurry inside the tunnel. Don’t bother about going after him just yet, though.
Your first task in the game is to run around the right-hand side of the mountain until you find a large pile of rocks. One of them will have a green, shock-spring pad on it. Stand on this and hold down the A button to shoot up and into the air by using Kazooie’s springy legs. You’ll find a hole in the wall and a grotty piece of paper inside – pick it up. You’ve just collected your first item – a cheato page. If you find five of these and return them to Cheato in Grunty’s old lair, you’ll be granted a cheat. They can sure become useful if you’re new to the game.
If you’re new to the Banjo series, or just need to brush up on your skills, find Bottles’ old molehills and talk to him – he’ll be glad to teach you all of your old moves again. Otherwise, head up to the digger tunnel and head inside.
Follow the digger tracks down until you meet up with Klungo at the bottom. He doesn’t look too happy at all.
Boss Battle – Klungo: Minion with a Mission
Klungo starts the battle by pulling out a randomized potion. The potion will decide what Klungo’s attacking methods are during your battle.
If Klungo pulls a red vial out of his labcoat, you’re in for an easy battle. Each time he drinks it, he will grow extremely large – simply roll into him to defeat him.
If Klungo drinks the blue potion, he will make clones of himself. Wait for the clones to come out – the one which stands in place the longest is the real Klungo. Attack him with a simple roll attack. This one is probably the hardest of the three as it requires good observation as well as some quick attacking. If you know which Klungo is the real one, but they’re too far away, try shooting a couple of eggs in his direction.
If Klungo drinks the green potion, he will turn invisible. Watch him closely as he picks up the potion so you know where he is, then he’ll start running around the room. Attack him with a roll attack or an egg. If you don’t know where he is, keep looking around because occasionally the potion will make him temporarily visible.
After Klungo’s been hit, he will put up a magic force field to prevent you from touching him, then throw yellow vials in your direction. Simply keep running around him and you’ll be able to dodge all of them. Then the effects of the potion he drank earlier will start working again, and you’ll repeat the sequence.
If you need energy during your fight, head over to the pile of rocks in the corner for some honeycomb – there’s some eggs over there as well if you need them.
After you hit Klungo three times, he will give up. He opens the gates for you and exits. Follow him through the gate with the greenish rocks.