Grabbed by the Ghoulies Bonus Challenges Guide

Challenge 3: Super Duper Super Scary Shock! | Challenge 4: Friday Night at the Embassy! |
Challenge 5: Soak-A-Zombie! | Challenge 6: A Touch of Frost! | Challenge 7: Poor Ol’ Fiddlesworth! |
Challenge 8: Who’s the Daddy? | Challenge 9: Smash the Study, Buddy! | Challenge 10: Chop Socky Whacky! | Challenge 11: Amber Wants a Kiss! | Challenge 12: Hey, Big Swinger! | Challenge 13: Gone to Pot! |
Challenge 14: Kick ‘Em Quick! | Challenge 15: Take out the Trash! | Challenge 16: Dirty Laundry! |
Challenge 17: Catch the Cowards! | Challenge 18: Bedtime Gory! | Challenge 19: Who’s Still the Daddy? | Challenge 20: (Don’t Fear) The Reaper! | Challenge 21: Play it again, Son!
For every five Bonus Books you manage to collect during your adventure in Ghoulhaven Hall you’ll unlock a single Bonus Challenge in the Bonus Challenges Menu. The aim of these challenges is to revisit one of the rooms in the game and complete a specific task within it, whether this be defeating a number of Ghoulies within a set time limit, or seeing how long you can avoid the touch of the Grim Reaper. Each time you complete a Bonus Challenge you’ll be awarded with a Bronze, Silver or Gold Medal based on how well you’ve done.
Your result will appear over the challenge that you’ve just completed, keeping track of your best record every time you best an older medal. If you can manage to go above and beyond to complete the challenge in expert fashion you’ll earn the illusive Platinum Medal. Each time you nab a Platinum Medal you’ll earn a piece of Grabbed by the Ghoulies Concept Art to be displayed in your Gallery. If you can locate all 100 Bonus Books and earn at least a Gold Medal on all 20 Bonus Challenges you’ll unlock the 21st Challenge that tasks you with completing the game over again as Coopers girlfriend, Amber, with only 10 Health available per room – including the final showdown with the Baron!
While acquiring the Gold Medal can be fairly easy once you’ve played the Challenge over a few times, getting your hands on the Platinum Medal will prove to be incredibly challenging unless you employ the correct strategy – most of which involve uncovering soup tins that will be indispensable during the Bonus Challenge. In order to provide you the efficient strategy, the following Bonus Challenge Guides will detail the most effective route to earn the Platinum Medal for all 21 Challenges, offering up bonus tips and the like along the way.
Scenario: The Billiard Room is bustling with activity after the Skeletons flood the area. Using the objects around the room you’ll have to defeat as many as possible, all before your allotted time limit of sixty seconds winds down.
Strategy: As you start off, work your way over to the Pool Cue Rack and you’ll find the first and second Skeletons popping out of their canvases here. You can choose to use your bare hands or a pool cue here, just make sure you don’t knock them too far for ease of convenience, and then go to town! At around 40 seconds you’ll have defeated about 2 or 3 of these Ghoulies, and you’ll find the room is getting a little full up. Let’s take care of the swarm shall we? If you work your way to the opposite end of the room toward the couch you’ll find two large Trophies resting on the cushions. Pick up one of the Trophies and let the Ghoulies chase you around the Pool Table until you’ve bulked up a nice even line-up. Once you’ve done so, let the Trophy loose and you’ll manage to weaken the lot to minimal health. Time to finish them off! Grab the second Trophy and repeat the same strategy to land yourself at around 25 seconds where you’ll have about 6-8 Ghoulies defeated. You’re free to use this time to pick off the few Ghoulies that escaped the path of the Trophy, or start breaking in some new Skeletons fresh from the portraits. Once the timer hits 10 Seconds you should utilize this time to having the Ghoulies chase you around the Pool Table until you’ve got them nice and close. When the time is right, press A to swing the table around and send them into bits! You should easily manage to defeat over 16 Skeletons using this technique.
Bronze Medal: Defeat 4 Skeletons
Silver Medal: Defeat 8 Skeletons
Gold Medal: Defeat 12 Skeletons
Platinum Medal: Defeat 16 Skeletons