Arc Angel Scribes Excerpts

The following excerpts detailing the development of A Nightmare on Elm Street was originally published on Rare’s Scribes letter page. We’ve scoured each edition for that year in order to provide you with every mention of the title to be found in Rare’s posted answers in chronological order below. 
We’ve also included a link above each heading which will re-direct to the original letters page that the question was featured in should you wish to view it in the original context – otherwise you’ll find that the entries below only focus on answers related to Perfect Dark for a comprehensive listing for any fan wanting further information on pre-release content, hidden easter eggs, abandoned features and development secrets:

November 8th 2001:

Dear Mr Sean Tripedox “Pants” Williamson,
Hello good sir, just would like to start this correspondence off with a right jolly congratulations on your previous works of video entertainment. I most enjoyed them all, especially Perfect Dark, even more smashing then its precursor Goldeneye. A couple of the chaps at the gentleman’s club were pondering questions to ask you, and since I am the video entertainment afficianado of the group, here they are.
#1 Bloody good show with Perfect Dark and all that, quite enjoyable. I was wondering though, why can’t I see my feet or any part of me at all besides my hands. It’s quite disconcerting to not be able to see yourself. Still your decision to keep dear old Jo invisible was probably sound, or we would have boatloads of filthy Americans rambling on about her chest and such.
#2 Considering your considerable experience in this field, I thought maybe you could make a historically based game. Come now, can you imagine, a Historical Realtime strategy game, centering on the most famous exploits of the jolly old empire. Think of it, controlling the archers at Agincourt, leading the cavalry charge at Waterloo, over the top at the Somme, on the beaches in Normandy, what an idea if I do say so myself!
#3 I’ve heard greatly about secret games in development. I greatly dislike secrets. Could you just confirm that Perfect Dark 2, Killer Instinct 3, Conker’s Other Bad Day, Banjo-Threeie, and the as yet to be named Gran Turismo killer are NOT in development? It would make me feel much reassured, as all this “secretive” faving about is unbecoming to the gentlemanly reputation of RARE.
#4 What is all this nonsense about a survey man that only wears pants?
Your humble servant,
Sir Bran of Stinkmoor

1) I’ll quote the designer on this one: “Yes.”
2) Indeed, what an idea: just imagine a game with an audience consisting solely of beardy British historians and military fanatics. Doesn’t exactly cover all bases, does it? And what do you mean, “considerable experience in this field”? We weren’t actually around in 1415, you know (well, not all of us).
3) I can officially confirm that at least three of those aren’t in development. Two of them would have been handled by the same team anyway.
4) Just that, sir – absolute nonsense. Fancy forgetting about his hat. Tch.