Back online to cover E3!
I just wanted to let you all know that with E3 rapidly approaching I have decided to bring back the current version of the site for the time being. I had hoped to be all done by now with the redesign but I’m afraid that it’s taking me a little longer than I had hoped. I’m sorry about that. However, there’s no need for me to keep the site down while I finish off my work as the outstanding bits are all server-side rather than what you see when you visit. The new design will not work properly until I have done all of these changes so I thought it better to have the site up and running again using the old theme for now to make sure we capture all the news in the run up to the show, plus coverage of anything else that catches our eye once all the bigwigs have their shows and make their announcements. I’ll be continuing on with the rest of the work in due course and then have a big switcheroo when it’s all ready but right now it’s only right that we focus on E3 and the joys that potentially are waiting for us.
It certainly looks to be a good one this year, with a rumour doing the rounds that Rare will be announcing not one, but two games! Those games are supposedly new entries in the Perfect Dark and Battletoads series. If that is true, and depending on what form they take (please, please, please no more Kinect-only games), then my desire to own a Xbox One suddenly increases dramatically.
What do you think? Are you excited by this possibility of new PD and Battletoads games or is there nothing Rare, or Microsoft for that matter, can do to tempt you towards taking the plunge and buying a Xbone? Let us know in the comments.
Please note that the comments system is currently set up to have all comments moderated before they are published so don’t panic if yours doesn’t appear on the site straight away.
Categories: Staff Notices
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