Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty’s Revenge Walkthrough

Chapter 1: Revenge is Bitter-Sweet
-1-1: Gruntilda’s Plot
-1-2: Spiral Mountain Past
Chapter 2: Pitchforks and Hay Bales
Chapter 3: Exploring the Shore
Chapter 4: Trudging through the Swamp.
Chapter 5: A Trip to the Pier.
Chapter 6: Out of the Frying Pan, into the Freezer.
Chapter 7: The Final Fight.
Grunty Crushing Granite
Two months after the triumphant finale of Banjo-Kazooie which would see Grunty on the receiving end of witch squishing granite, things seem good and well with the Bear and Bird duo who are finally able to catch some rest and relaxation.
While the Bear and Bird clean house, Klungo is still fruitlessly trying to shift the boulder from Gruntilda’s resting place. While the Minions’ devotion is strong, his shoulder is not as the boulder remains as motionless as it did in Banjo-Kazooie.
Giving up, Klungo ventures out from the scene where he begins to toil away at some unseen work which creates quite a ruckus.
The noise stirs the attention of Mumbo-Jumbo who has decided to observe Klungo’s plot from the bush next to the boulder. Just as Mumbo gets into his hiding spot Klungo enters the scene once more, this time rolling out the culmination of his efforts; a large robot sharing the appearance of Gruntilda. As he rolls the creation toward the boulder he explains to Grunty that the robot is a “Mecha-Grunty Suit” that could potentially harbor her spirit and allow an escape from her imprisonment. Without missing a beat, Gruntilda’s ghost floats out from the boulder and enters the Mecha-Grunty suit as it jumps to life. Finally possessing a body after 2 long months, Gruntilda promises to exact her revenge on Banjo and Kazooie by kidnapping Kazooie and traveling through time to separate the duo and change the very course of history!
Uh-oh, it looks like Bear and Bird are in quite a pickle if Grunty is to follow through with her wicked plot! Luckily with Mumbo-Jumbo witnessing the action unfold he escapes unseen to warn Banjo and Kazooie of Gruntilda’s sudden resurrection and vile scheme. Arriving at Banjo’s house, Mumbo hurries down the path to let Banjo know of Gruntys’ return, but before he’s able to finish his sentence Grunty crashes down in Banjo’s yard and kidnaps Kazooie.
Holding the Breegul close, Grunty travels back to an unknown time as Banjo and Mumbo are left in a state of despair.
Follow that Witch!
Grunty may have gotten the upper hand from the get-go, but the Shaman has a plan of attack all of his own. Mumbo tells Banjo that he can use his mighty magic to send Banjo back in time as well, and hopefully – with a little luck – to the same time period that Grunty has retreated to. Without any other option to foil the hags plans Banjo agrees much to his better judgment, after all it was just 2 months ago that Mumbo had accidentally turned the duo into a washing machine when a spell went awry. Hoping for the best Mumbo begins to chant and wave his staff to send Banjo back in time, the spell ends with a brilliant flash of white light which consumes Banjo and sends him spinning wayward down a purple and green swirling vortex! Let’s just hope that Mumbo has perfected this spell, there’s no telling where Banjo could end up…