Donkey Kong 64 Walkthrough

Welcome to the official Donkey Kong 64 players guide for Rareware Archives! I will give out full details on how to obtain all golden bananas and all individual colored bananas for each kong. I will also do my best to reveal all banana coins and their mounds. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at Let’s get right ahead onto the game and the walk through.
Jump to Level
Jungle Japes
Angry Aztec
Frantic Factory
Gloomy Galleon
Fungi Forest
Crystal Caves
Creepy Castle
DK Isle
Hideout Helm
After viewing the rap, start your new game and watch the opening cut scene. It seems that K. Rool has arrived next to your island and is trying to blow it up with his laser. Unfortunately for him the laser malfunctions and is now stranded next to DK Isle. While the kremlings are doing maintenance on the laser, the hero (Donkey Kong), sets out on his journey to save his four other kongs and to take down K. Rool.
Your adventure starts inside the heart of DK Isle. While training in your house, Squawks the parrot flies in unexpectedly and tells Donkey Kong about what has happened. Not only has K. Rool attempted to destroy the island but he has also stolen all of your bananas! Walk outside to view the area of your home. It’s quite beautiful with the waterfall gliding down. Jump down and head on over to Cranky’s laboratory. From a distance it will be the head of Cranky with an arrow pointing to it. When you near it the cabin will spin into existence. Inside, Cranky will tell you that you are too lazy to do anything right now and he reveals four barrels that you should use to train in. Head back outside and follow the signs to the south to find the four barrels.
You can do each barrel in any order. In the front-left barrel is the underwater challenge. Simply press Z to swim under and press A to swim. Collect the coin at the bottom to complete the challenge. In the front-right barrel is the vine jumping challenge. Simply jump onto the tree and climb to the top. Jump onto the swinging vine and let go when the vine nears the end of its arc. Swing to the coin to complete the challenge. The back right barrel is the barrel throwing challenge. Pick up a barrel by pressing B. Throw it by pressing B again. Do this to all of the barrels to complete the challenge. The back-left and final barrel is the orange throwing challenge. Simply run over all of the oranges and throw them by holding Z and pressing the right C button. After you complete these four challenges, head back to Cranky.
Cranky will give you the Simian Slam potion. With this move you can stomp harshly on the ground by jumping and pressing Z. Head back out and run to your tree house. Examine the signs near you to find “Way Out”. This will point you in the direction to a cave. (This is almost directly across from Cranky.) At the end of the cave is a switch with Donkey Kongs face. Perform the Simian Slam to open the gate. Head on through into DK Isle.
Welcome to the great DK Isles! This is basically the hub world of the game. There are six levels with 25 golden bananas in each. The entrances are all closed off and will be opened as you progress through the game. Upon entering you will notice five banana pad teleports. They look like bottle caps with a color and a number on them; they’re hard to miss. Step on them to activate them. There is another set of them around the area. When you activate another, you will create a port letting you teleport between the two pads. These will become of great assistance.
Across the water in the distance you will see a large green dome. Swim over and activate the switch number 1. Walk inside to find a large dinosaur imprisoned in a gigantic cage. The dinosaur calls himself Lumsy and it seems he’s been locked up because he would not follow K.Rools commands, which were to destroy the beautiful island. He has been locked up until he has “toughened up”. Lumsy asks for you to free him. Agree to help him and he will literally dance for joy, breaking a large boulder somewhere in the Isle revealing the first level. Lumsy will explain that there are locks that hold the cage down. Only the baddest creatures guard the keys.
Exit the dome outside to the Isle. Swim back to the main land and scale the wall counter clockwise to find the hole in the wall along with your first golden banana! Collect it and walk inside. You have arrived inside the lobby to Jungle Japes. Each level lobby contains five different colored doors with Wrinkly Kong the ghost. Inside he will give out helpful advice or will reveal a secret that can lead to a golden banana. Also in the lobby is a large slot machine like creature with a number on it. His name is B.Locker and he checks if you have a certain number of golden bananas to pass. The number on him is the number of golden bananas you must have to pass on through into the level. Show B.Locker that you have the required number of bananas and head on through into Jungle Japes.
Welcome to Jungle Japes! This is your very first level and it is the perfect place to go ape! The main objective in each level is to collect colored bananas and feed them to Troff the hippo. We’ll get to that when we get there.
Jump to Kong
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Lanky Kong
Tiny Kong
Chunky Kong
To get started on this amazing adventure, turn around and activate teleport pad number 1. Climb up the tree nearest to the exit of the level. At the top, swing from vine to vine while collecting yellow bananas (1-5). At the end you will jump into a small alcove activating a switch that will open the gate below. Jump down and head through the cave. Collect the three yellow banana coins near the entrance. When you reach the end of the tunnel you will hear you buddy Diddy Kong cry out for help. Activate teleport pad number 1 near you and also pad number 2 which is a little bit ahead.
The next thing to do is to rescue Diddy of course! But first we need to take a detour. Jump in the water ahead and swim to the left side of the area. On the mountain you will notice a vine traveling up. Climb up the vine until you get to flat surface. There is a large circular pad on the ground with K.Rool’s face on it. Step onto it and press z. This small mini game is called the Battle Arena. If you are able to stay alive while the timer ends, you will receive a crown. The best tactic is to stay in the center and wait for the beavers to charge at you. When they are about to hit you do a backflip (hold Z then A) and perform the Simian Slam. This will knockout all three of the beavers. Collect the crown when you finish.
After the fun small brawl, enter the hut behind you. This is Funky’s Armory and this is where you can buy weapons for your characters and ammo upgrades. Buy Donkey Kong’s Coconut Gun for three yellow coins and exit the shop. Climb up the tree nearby and collect yellow bananas (6-10). To your right you will find a gap with swinging vines over it. Swing across the vines and climb up the tree to collect yellow bananas (11-15). Jump back down and use the cannon to get to Diddy’s cell. Collect Donkey Kong’s golden banana number 1. DK 1 Diddy will explain to you on what you need to do. Coconut switches will appear above three different doors.
Climb up the tree nearby and collect yellow bananas (16-20). Head left down the slope while collecting yellow bananas (21-23) and turn left to activate teleport switch number 2. Continue down the path and collect yellow bananas (24-26) on the slope. You will notice a yellow balloon flying above you. Take out your Coconut Gun (hold Z then left C) and take aim (up C) and fire at the balloon (B) to collect yellow bananas (27-36). Head back to teleport pad 2 and use it. Head left until you find teleport pad number 3 and collect the five yellow bananas on it. (37-41) You will find the first coconut switch above the gate next to you. Take aim at the switch and fire. The first coconut above Diddy will start to flash. Turn around and you will find a yellow balloon flying a round a large boulder on a purple X. Shoot the balloon to receive yellow bananas (42-51).
Jump back into the water and up the vine. Walk over to where the swinging vines are but do not jump on to them. Instead inch up to the edge of the cliff farthest away from the wall. Take aim with your gun and look down to find the switch above the gate. Shoot it to activate the second coconut by Diddy. Jump the vines and land near the cannon. Don’t enter it, instead jump off the cliff. Run to your left to find teleport pad 3 and five yellow bananas. (52-56) Turn around and shoot the switch above the gate to activate the last coconut above Diddy’s cage. Diddy will finally be free and will leave you a golden banana so run up there and collect it. DK 2 (It would be easier to take teleport pad number 2 up there.) All three gates with the coconut switches above them will be lowered once you collect the banana.
Jump down off the cliff to where the newly opened door is near teleport pad 3. Run through the cave and jump the two vines while collecting the yellow coin. You will find two different paths you can take. First head left and activate teleport pad 4. Now run to the end of the cave while collecting yellow bananas (57-65). You will now enter a rainy area with Cranky’s laboratory in the middle. Shoot the yellow balloon flying around you (66-75) and activate teleport pad 4 in front of the laboratory. You may have noticed that when you collected the 75th banana, you received a Banana Medal. Collect 15 of these and talk to Cranky for a special surprise…
Behind Cranky’s laboratory is a closed gate on the wall with a coconut switch above. Shoot the switch to lower the gate. Instead of running into Rambi’s crate, collect the five bananas (76-80) and collect the three yellow coins in the back. Return to Cranky’s laboratory and buy the Baboon Blast. When ever you see a pad with your face on it, press Z to be launched high into the sky. For now, exit the lab and hit the coconut switch to lower the gate again. This time, jump in Rambi’s crate to transform yourself into him. Destroy the four huts in the corners of the rainy area and head down into the tunnel. Turn left and charge the door with Rambi’s face on it. To do this, hold Z and Rambi will start to drag his feet. Then press B in front of the door to charge it down. Press and hold Z left C to change back into Dk.
Make your way to the east of Rambi’s crate to find a switch and five yellow bananas. (81-85) Use the Simian Slam on the switch to reveal a golden banana being raised out of the ground. Run to teleport pad 4 in front of Cranky’s Lab and jump into the water. Swim to shore and run to the golden banana in between the two teleport pads. DK 3 Head over to where that large boulder on the purple X is. Climb up the tree nearby and jump the swinging vines until you cone to a ledge. Collect the three yellow coins and press Z on the pad with DK’s face on it.
You will be launched high into the sky and you will land in a moving barrel. Reminds you of the good ol’ DK Country games. First, when the cross hair and the stationary barrel meet up, press A to be launched into it while collecting a yellow coin. Do the same again while collect five yellow bananas. (86-90) Another three blasts and you will find another five bananas. (90-95) After that is another golden coin, and then you will reach the golden banana. DK 4 If you fall during this it’s ok you won’t die, but you will have to start from the beginning.
When you return, jump down off the cliff and head left into the tunnel that was previously opened. You will find a buff enemy with yellow hair. this large guy is called a Kasplat. Kill the buff dude and it will drop a yellow blueprint. There are five Kasplats in each level with different hair colors corresponding to a certain Kong. Collect the blueprint and take them to Snides HQ to receive a golden banana. That being said, collect the yellow blueprint and make your way back to teleport pad 2. Run left down the slope and enter the small shack being Snides HQ. Inside Snide will give you a golden banana in exchange for the blueprint. DK 5
Make your way to teleport pad 2 to take you near the entrance. Run to the right and jump over the river. Climb up the second tree and swing across the vines to land in a alcove. Will will collect the final five yellow bananas of Jungle Japes (96-100) and you will notice a portal with two hippos on it. This is where you will end the level to take on the boss. But we’re not done yet! Make your way to the front of the level and jump in the kong barrel. Choose Diddy as your character and jump on out.
The smallest and coolest of the bunch, Diddy is quick and nimble. He collects red bananas and like the other kongs, has to collect 100 each. Start of by using the teleport pad 1 to take your self to the very beginning of the level. Walk down the path in the direction of the cave while collecting the first five red bananas. (1-5) Inside the cave you will notice on your left a gated room with red items. To open it you must shoot peanuts on the two switches on either side of the gate. Unfortunately you have not bought Diddy’s weapon yet so continue down the cave. At the end, climb up the tree in front of teleport pad 2 and collect red bananas (6-10). Head left and climb the first tree you see to collect red bananas (11-15). Jump off from the tree and down into the water. Swim to the left of the vine on the mountain and head underwater. In the corner are three red tokens. Collect them and then swim near the alcove where teleport pad 4 is. You will notice under water two sets of red bananas in each corner. Collect them. (16-25) Climb up the vine on the mountain and enter Funky’s armory. Buy the super awesome peanut gun then leave the shack.
Jump down into the water and enter the alcove where teleport pad 4 is. Run down the cave and take a right. Jump the vines and kill the Kasplat to collect the red blue print. Collect the three red coins and the three red bananas. (26-28) Turn around and run all the way through the tunnel to Cranky’s lab. Buy Diddy’s new move “Chimpy Charge” and exit the lab. Use the teleport pad 4 and climb up the vine on the mountain to Funky’s armory. Jump the vines over the gap and enter the cannon. While on the way up you will automatically collect two red tokens. Head left and collect the seven red bananas around the tall hill. (29-35) Take out your peanut gun and shoot the switch near the teleport pad to extend a walkway on the hill. Quickly run up the path and enter the small cave near the top. Upon entering, jump up on the “fragile” boxes to your left. At the top, take out your peanut gun and shoot the switch way off in the distance on the wall. This will cause a bridge to appear next to you. I would suggest shooting the wasp that hovers over the bridge so it doesn’t knock you down. Carefully cross the bridge to the other side and collect the red coin. Simian Slam on the switch to make a golden banana appear on top of the tall hill outside. For now, jump down.
Collect the five red bananas in the small river. (36-40) To your left, jump on the “fragile” box and then onto the coal. Jump again up on the ledge and collect red bananas (41-45). Jump back down and collect the red coin on the coal in the corner. (You have to back flip onto it) Run straight into the next room and run forward. You will see a large gate with a large “Hi-Low” switch inside. Use your Chimpy Charge (hold Z then B) to knock a square of the gate down. Inside, collect the red coin behind the barrels to the left. Then, use the Chimpy Charge again in front of the “Low” button to slow down some conveyor belts. Exit back outside and use Simian Slam on the switch to open the gates. Inside go ahead and kill the large enemies with the orange bombs. Take out your peanut gun and shoot the red balloon flying above you to get red bananas (46-55). Collect the red coin on the box then jump onto the box in front of the conveyor belt to get red bananas (56-60). If the conveyor belts speed up again, simply run back to the “hi-low” switch and Chimpy Charge the “Low” again. Once you make it to the end, jump down in the shoot and walk to the end to jump in a mine cart and collect red bananas (61-65).
Minecart Madness! This mini game you must collect a total of 50 coins or more before you reach the end to successfully complete this challenge. Use forward and back on the joystick so speed up or slow down. Use left or right to grab coins on the side of the track. As you progress there will be times when you have to slow down. When the gators mouth opens, watch the timing in case the mouth closes and hits you! If you get hit with something you will lose coins. There are also levers that you can switch to change your direction. Some will help, some will not. Activate the first one, do not touch the second one, activate the third one and do not activate the fourth. This should give you a huge coin bonus advantage if you follow this. Do you best to collect the most coins as possible with the least amount of damage. If you are successful, you will receive your first golden banana for Diddy! DYK 1
You will arrive at the bottom of the level. Climb the two trees nearby to collect red bananas (66-70) and (71-75), also to collect a banana medal. Head back near the beginning of the level. Go through the tunnel until you find a closed off gate with all sorts of Diddy’s stuff. Open the gate by shooting the two switches on each side. Inside, collect the three red tokens and the golden banana. DYK 2 Shoot the red balloon above you to collect red bananas (76-85). Head back into the tunnel and make your way to the rainy area by Cranky’s lab. It would be easier to take the teleport pad 4. Once there, make a sharp right and run to the switch with Diddy’s face on it. Collect the five red bananas above it (86-90) and Simian Slam the switch. This will cause a gate to open revealing a banana somewhere and you will have 50 seconds to get it. Quickly run to teleport tab 4 and use it. Jump down into the water and climb up the vine on the mountain up to Funky’s. The golden banana will be on the left in a small cave. DYK 3
Jump back into the water and make your way to teleport pad 2. Use it and shoot the switch on the wall next to you to extend the spiral bridge again. Run all the way to the top to collect another golden banana. DYK 4 When you collect it the teleport pad 5 will appear. While you’re up there, shoot the red balloon to collect the last ten red bananas. (91-100) Jump down and head to Snide’s HQ. Inside, give him the blueprint to get your fifth banana. DYK 5 All that’s left is the boss and you’re finished with the level for now.
The fastest way to get into Troff and Scoffs room would be to go back to teleport pad 2 and teleport next to teleport pad 1. Then use teleport pad 1 to teleport to the entrance of the level. Simply run down to the cave and turn left in the large room. There will be a Troff and Scoff room inside. Enter it to find yourself in a large room with two hippos standing on a circular pedestal. What you must do is stand on the banana pad in the center of the room and feel the hippo on the right to make him fat. The number of bananas you must feed him is on the door in front of you. The reason why he needs to become fat is so he can jump on his pedestal, thus lowering his and raising the other hippos. The hippo needs to be high enough so he can unlock the door. Once the door is unlocked, a random character will be selected to fight the boss. This time, it’s DK. Enter the door to fight your first boss.
Note: This is after you have freed Lanky Kong from Angry Aztec.
From the beginning of the level, run past the trees and into the tunnel. Go inside the room on your left and collect the blue coins. Take out your grape shooter and shoot the switch on the wall to lower the gate. Collect the five blue bananas inside (1-5) and jump in the challenge barrel to play Mad Maze Maul. Another easy game, you have to kill six baddies and make it to the goal. Simply run by a baddy and press B to knock them out in one hit. Once you’ve killed all the enemies, run to the goal. When you complete the challenge, jump to collect the golden banana. LK 1 Head back in the tunnel and make your way to the main area of Jungle Japes. Jump in the barrel, we are going to use Diddy for just one second. Jump across the river to your right and run to the base of the steep slope. Take out your peanut gun and fire at the switch above the gate at the top of the slop to lower it. Head back to the barrel and get out Lanky. Run to the slope and use your Orangstand to walk up it while collecting blue bananas (6-8). Run into the cave and collect the ten blue bananas on the steps. (9-18) Turn around and shoot the blue balloon above you. (19-28) On both sides of the room, there are two pegs. On each peg is a blue coin and five blue bananas. Simian Slam each peg and collect the items. (29-38) This will make five bees appear. Shoot them all with your grape shooter and the picture will open to reveal a golden banana. Collect the banana and exit the cave. LK 2
Turn right and run through the tunnel jumping the vines. Head right further down and make a left when you come across the beaver. Collect the blue banana in the path (39) and kill the Kasplat in the next room. Take out your grape shooter and shoot the blue balloon flying above you. (40-49) Collect the blue coins and use your Orangstand to climb up the slope on your left while collecting blue bananas (50-52). Jump in the barrel challenge to play a game. “Speedy Swing Sortie” You must collect all of the coins while swinging across vines. Fairly simple, just climb up the tree and swing across the vines while collecting the coins. If you fall it would be best to press pause and start over. Once you beat the challenge, collect the golden banana. LK 3
Climb up the other slope while collecting the three blue bananas and the group of five blue bananas at the top. (50-60) Run back down the slope and exit the area. Turn right and head to the rainy area of Cranky’s. In the northwest part of the area, collect the five blue bananas and shoot the flying blue balloon above you. (61-75) Simian Slam the switch to reveal a golden banana somewhere which you have 60 seconds to collect. Run to teleport pad 4 and use it. Climb up the vine on the mountain up to Funky’s and jump the vines on the right to the cannon. In front of the cannon on the wall is the golden banana. LK 4
Once you get the banana, jump into the water below and collect the five individual blue bananas (76-80) then jump out and use teleport pad 2 by the character barrel. Head left, down the slop and collect the five blue bananas and the blue coins. (81-85) Enter inside Snide’s and trade the blueprint for a golden banana. LK 5 Now to finish collecting the blue bananas. Climb up the tree in front of Snide’s to collect blue bananas (86-90). Jump down into the water and use teleport pad 4 in the alcove. Head back down into the tunnel and turn left. Head straight down the tunnel and collect the five individual blue bananas around the boulder. (91-95) The last five are on top of a tree in Cranky’s area. Run over there and climb the tree nearest to where Lanky’s switch is. Collect the last five blue bananas (96-100) and jump in the character barrel. Choose Tiny.
Note: This is after you have freed Tiny Kong from Angry Aztec.
From the beginning of the level, head straight down into the tunnel. Collect the five individual purple bananas through the hall and turn around. (1-5) Head to the room inside the tunnel and shoot the switch on the wall to lower the gate. Collect the five purple bananas (6-10) and jump into the challenge barrel. Splish-Splash Salvage! You must collect the 10 coins under water. There are four coins on the side of the barrel, five at the base, and one in the center at the base. Swimming may be a bit tricky, just do your best. After completing the challenge, collect the golden banana. TK 1 Head back through the tunnel into the main area. Head left and run through the tunnel near teleport pad 3. Run a little bit down and kill the Kasplat. Collect the blueprint and the three purple coins on the wall. Head down further and shoot the two switches on the wall to open the gate. Activate teleport pad 5 and head left into Tiny’s barrel. To the left of the stump is a red mushroom. Bounce off the mushroom and onto the stump. Drop through the small hole and collect the golden banana. TK 2
Turn around and run through the small log on the wall to collect purple bananas (11-25). Run to the opposite side of the area to the other log. Run through to collect 15 more purple bananas. (26-40) Now run over to Tiny’s barrel that’s next to a large shell like structure. Collect the five purple bananas in front of it. (41-45) Jump in the barrel and enter the shell. Inside, run through the path on the left and shoot the purple balloon. (46-55) Simian Slam the switch in the center to open a gate in the main room. Head back and run left into the next room. There are two purple coins in the path. In this room, simply Simian Slam the switch to open the last door. Head back and turn left into the room. In this room, jump on the platform and collect the eight purple bananas surrounding the platform. (56-63) Jump to the top and collect the golden banana. TK 3 Exit the area and use teleport pad 5 in the main area.
Collect the five purple coins on top of the hill and jump down over to Snide’s. Trade in the blueprint for a golden banana and exit. TK 4 Jump down over to Funky’s then left into the water. Use teleport pad 4 in the alcove. Head to your right and climb the tree to find five purple bananas. (64-68) Head over to Tiny’s switch in the area and collect five more purple bananas. (69-73) Shoot the purple balloon flying above you (74-83) and Simian Slam the switch. A golden banana will appear and you have 30 seconds to collect it. Simply use teleport pad five and jump left into the water. Jump into the alcove on the mountain to collect the golden banana. TK 5 The last purple bananas are where Rambi charged the door down. Head back to teleport pad 4 and use it. Turn around and head into the tunnel. Turn left and collect the seven bananas down the path. (84-90) Shoot the purple balloon flying around to get the last ten purple bananas. (91-100) Also, jump in the water and collect the purple coins. Head to a character barrel and choose Chunky.
Note: This is after you have freed Chunky Kong from Frantic Factory.
From the beginning of the level, collect the three green coins on the wall to the left of the entrance portal and use teleport pad 1. Head left over to where the boulder and the large purple X is. Collect the five green bananas around the wall (1-5) then pick up the boulder with B. Throw it and a golden banana will come out. CK 1 Simian Slam the purple X three times to fall down a hole. Collect the five green bananas while going down the hall. (6-10) You will end up in a dark room with torches. Carefully navigate the narrow path while collecting green bananas (11-20). At the end, shoot the skull of a reptiles eyes with your pineapple shooter. This will create vines that you can swing across leading to your Kasplat and a golden banana. Take the right path and kill the Kasplat for a blueprint. Head back and take the left path. Collect the golden banana and exit the area. CK 2
Head left into the tunnel while collecting green bananas (21-30). In the next area, jump into Chunky’s barrel in the middle to turn into giant Chunky. Back flip into the challenge barrel above you to play Minecart Mayhem! You must move your joystick in the direction of the track to stay away from the baddies for 30 seconds. Press up when you pass the first track. Stay on the track passing the next two tracks. Tilt your joystick to the right when passing the next track. Pass the next track and turn right into the one after that. Move up into the outer track and wait for the timer to end. Jump back into Chunky’s barrel and collect the golden banana. CK 3 Each tree around you has five green bananas so collect them while you are large Chunky. (31-50)
Use teleport pad 5 and jump down from the hill. Head down the slope over to Snide’s area and jump off the cliff onto Funky’s roof. There are ten green bananas on the roof so collect those. (51-60) Jump down into the water and use teleport pad 4 in the alcove. Climb any tree in the rainy area and jump on top of Cranky’s roof to collect five green bananas. (61-65) Turn around and head through the tunnel. Turn left and run straight to the end. Shoot the three green balloons flying around. (66-95) There are five green bananas next to the watermelon crate so collect those. (96-100) Pick up the boulder in front of you and throw it. Simian Slam the switch to open a gate near Snide’s revealing a golden banana. This might be a bit hard, you have 50 seconds to collect the banana. Run back down the hall and turn left. Don’t worry about teleport pad 4 because you will waste time. Make another right running past teleport pad 4 and jump in the water. Climb up the vine up the mountain to Funky’s. Back flip on top of Funky’s roof then again on the ledge above. Run left and collect the golden banana. CK 4 Now head into Snide’s and trade the blueprint for the last golden banana. CK 5
Army Dillo is a mean armadillo that will not stop until you are defeated. But that is not going to happen! He has two cannons that stick out of his shell. The main goal here is to pick up the TNT barrel in the center and throw it at his face when it is exposed. First, run around dodging the fireballs that shoot from his cannon. When he finished, he will poke his head out of his shell to see if you’ve been knocked out. While he’s laughing and not even noticing you, pick up the TNT barrel and throw it at his face. This will cause himself to be electrocuted. He will then curl up in an oval and will try to run you down. He will slam on the ground creating a large wave; don’t worry it won’t hurt at all. Simply run out of the way before he can get to you. Dodge his attacks again until he exposes his head. Throw another TNT barrel at him and reoeat this cycle one more time to defeat him. His cannons will pop off of him and with an “uh oh” as his final words, he runs off terrified. Pick up the large key he drops and you will find yourself back where you entered the portal to Troff and Scoff’s.
Exit the level back into the lobby. Exit to DK Isle and swim to the large green dome. Unlock the first lock inside and Lumsy will jump for joy again opening the entrance to Angry Aztec. Leave the room and use the teleport pad 1. Run clockwise around the island until you come to a ledge on the wall. Jump up the two ledges and climb the tree. Jump on the path and then jump the swinging vines. Climb up the stairs and enter inside to Angry Aztec lobby. Inside, show B.Locker your bananas and enter the level.
Welcome to the sandy level of Angry Aztec! Here in the desert you can be sure to be swept up in a sand storm! Have a blast at the gong temple! Worship the sacred totem! Say hello to erm.. Gobi’s look-alike?!
Jump to Kong
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Lanky Kong
Tiny Kong
Chunky Kong
From the beginning of the level, jump the swinging vines over the sand and activate teleport pad 1. Continue forward and swing across another set of vines. To your left you will see a closed wall with two coconut switches on both sides. Go ahead and shoot them to open the wall. There’s nothing you can do in here yet so continue down the path. You will eventually be in the outside world of Angry Aztec! Head left and activate the teleport pad 1. Jump to your left across the vine and enter Candy’s music shop. Have DK buy the bongos and exit. Jump over the sand onto the small patch where the character barrel is. Climb up the three trees around it and collect yellow bananas (1-15). Jump down and head in the direction to the cage with the llama. Collect the three yellow bananas on the ramp and the two yellow coins. Head to the large building with a scary face on the front door and activate teleport pad 2. 16-18) Head back to the character select barrel and choose Diddy.
Run on over to Chandy’s shop and buy Diddy’s electric guitar. Exit and head to where the character barrel is. At the top of one of the trees there will be vines you can jump on. Jump across the vines until you land on top of the llamas cage. Perform the Diddy’s music on the pad (hold Z then up C) and the large door will be lowered. Jump down and head back to the character select barrel. Choose DK and hop on out.
Run to where the newly opened door is and head down the hall. Turn right on the first right to be in a sandy area with a very narrow path. About half way down the path, take out your coconut gun and shoot the two yellow balloons flying above you. (19-28 and 29-38) At the end activate teleport pad 3 and enter inside Cranky’s lab. Buy DK’s Strong Kong, and exit the lab. Head back across the narrow path and turn right. Continue down the cave. Collect the three yellow coins around the large boulder on the right and continue down. At the end of the hall, activate teleport pads 2, 3, and 4. Head right and run up the ramp and collect the yellow bananas (39-42). Stand on DK’s pad and press Z. While blasting through cannons above the desert, you will blast through a DK star at the end. This will open the llamas cage who will leave behind a golden banana, and switches will appear around the llama building. First run behind the llama building and shoot the flying yellow balloon. (43-52) Run to the front door and shoot the coconut switch above it. Head on through into the building.
You will notice that Lanky Kong is in the house! Run down either ramp and activate teleport pads 1 and 2. Note that these pads are not associated with the outside; only in the llama temple. First, head into the right area while collecting three yellow bananas and some yellow coins. (53-55) Use DK’s bongos on the pad to wake up the llama and he will spit into the lava thus turning it into water. Head back and jump into the water and swim into the hole that appeared after you woke the llama. Inside the next room, shoot the switch to free Lanky Kong! Collect the golden banana he leaves and head back into the main room. DK 1 Head up the left ramp while collecting three yellow bananas. (56-58) Jump up the stairs and collect another three yellow bananas. (59-61) At the top, activate teleport pad 1 and collect the six yellow bananas opposite of the ones you just previously collected. (62-67) To your left, go through the entrance and Simian Slam the switch with your face on it. This will open a door somewhere in the level. Exit the temple.
Head counter clockwise around the area until you find Funky’s armory. Activate teleport switch 4 then climb the tree next to the sand. Jump the vines to get to the other side. Jump down and head to the wall to find teleport pad 5. Jump in the DK barrel to become invincible. Head back over to the sand where you jumped the vines and run into the wall that opened. There are four sets of five yellow bananas during the path. (68-87) Jump into the challenge barrel and play the bonus stage. This is called Stealthy Sneak. You must navigate to the end without being caught by one of the guards in the light. From the beginning, take a right, then a left. Take another right, then a left to get to the goal. Collect the golden banana as your reward. DK 2 Also a teleport pad 5 will appear next to you. Go head and use it.
Continue counter clockwise around the area and run up the ramp to collect three yellow bananas. (88-90) Collect the yellow coins there also. Head back to teleport pad 2 and use it. Head back even further and use teleport pad 1 near Candy’s. Head down the path and jump the vines. Turn left and enter DK’s barrel. Quickly collect the yellow coins and the last ten bananas in the back. (91-100) Kill the Kasplat on the bridge and collect the blueprint. Head back down the tunnel to he outside. Run to the llamas cage and pick up the golden banana. DK 3 Head back to the character barrel and choose Diddy.
Head to the large building with a scary face on the front door and activate teleport pad 2. Collect the five bananas on it and the red coins around it. (1-5) Shoot the red balloon flying above you and run up the ramp. (6-15) Take a left and scale the wall around the corner. Turn around and look at the wall to find a peanut switch. Shoot the switch to open the door in the front. Run inside to find that Tiny Kong is trapped someone inside. To your right you will find a switch with Diddy’s face on it. Simian Slam the switch to extend the tongues of the monkeys above creating ledges to jump on. In order to jump on the the tongue, you must back flip onto it. Jump on the tongues while collecting three red bananas. (16-18) When you’re on the third tongue, back flip onto the ledge above. Take out your peanut gun and aim opposite the wall to find a switch. Shoot the switch on the wall to extend a long tongue out. While crossing the tongue collect the fifteen red bananas. (19-33) The tongue will extent back into the monkey mouth so when you get to the alcove, back flip onto it.
Collect the red coin and perform your guitar on the pad. This will cause a ray of sunlight to enter the temple and melt the ice inside. Jump back down and swim in the path while collecting seven red bananas. (34-40) When you get to surface, head over to the red coins and collect them. Next to them is a button on the wall with Diddy’s face. Chimpy Charge the button and platforms will rise under letters. You must Chimpy Charge the letters in order to spell “K-O-N-G”. So first start with K, the O, and so on. When all have been activated, Tiny’s cage will open and she will leave behind a golden banana for you. DYK 1
Exit the temple and navigate through the tunnel to Cranky’s. On the way you will have collected five red bananas. (41-45) Inside Cranky’s, buy the RocketBarrel Boost. Back track your steps near the scary face temple. Climb the tree near it and jump in Diddy’s barrel to fly a jet pack! Navigate on top of the temple and kill the Kasplat for the blueprint. Land back on the surface and use the teleport pad 2. Head left up the ramp collecting red bananas (46-48) and jump into Diddy’s barrel. Fly over to the totem and fly into the sun circle at the top of it while collecting the red banana bunch. (49-53) Fly through the circle two more times to make a vulture fly out of his cell. Meet the vulture back at the rocketboost barrel for a challenge. When you start, simply fly through all the hoops the vulture leaves behind. Remember to just take it nice and slow. If you fly through them all, a golden banana will appear inside the sun circle at the top of the totem. Simply fly into the circle to collect it. DKY 2
Fly on top of the llama temple to collect five red bananas. (54-58) Collect the crystals if necessary. Run back to the rocketboost barrel and fly on top of of large temple that’s surrounded by sand. Simian Slam the switch there and the mouth on the totem will open and it will start spinning. Again, jump into the rocketboost barrel and shoot a peanut into the mouth. Shoot three more peanuts in the mouth and switches will appear over the doors to the temple surrounded by sand. Go ahead and fly and land near the entrance of that temple. Walk up the ramp on the left side of the temple to collect four red bananas. (59-62) Jump back down and shoot the peanut switch on the right to open the door. Walk inside.
Shoot the peanut switch and two walls will open on either side of you. Take the left path and collect the red coin at the end. Go back and take the right path. You will come to another peanut switch. Shoot it to lower the wall again. Take the right path and shoot the red balloon. (63-72) Also collect the red coin. Head back and take the left path. Collect the golden banana at the end and a timer will start. DYK3 Quickly run to the exit before the timer runs out or you will be shot at. When you’re outside, head over to the tower that’s barely sticking up out of the ground. Collect the three red bananas up the ramp (73-75) and Chimpy Charge the four gongs in each corner. This will cause the tower to rise and a golden banana will appear on top. There are three trees surrounding the tower each with five red bananas. Climb all three to collect red bananas (76-90). Head to the rocketboost barrel and use it to collect the golden banana at the top of the tower. DYK 4 Head over to Snides HQ and trade in the blue print for a golden banana. DYK 5 Head on over to teleport pad 5 next to DK’s barrel and use it. Inside the cave, take out your peanut gun and shoot the red balloon flying over the sand. (91-100) Take the teleporter back to the character barrel near Snide. Now it’s Lanky’s turn.
Run to the tree in front of the gong temple. Climb it to collect five blue bananas. (1-5) Run back near the character barrel and down the other side opposite of Snide. Climb the tree to your right and collect the five blue bananas. (6-10) Jump back down and run on over to Funky’s armory. Collect the five blue coins around teleport pad 4 and buy your weapon from Funky: the grape shooter. Exit the shop and head on over to the temple surrounded by sand. Run up the ramp on the left side and shoot the grape switch above the first door to open it. Inside, shoot the grape switch to open two doors. You can take either side. Shoot the blue balloon in the hallway for blue bananas (11-20). Shoot the next grape switch to open the walls and take the right path. At the end is a banana barrel. Jump inside for a challenge. This challenge you must swat four flies with a floating fly swatter. This is probably one of the most annoying challenges because the flies move incredibly fast. Just keep your eyes on the fly and smack it when it’s underneath the fly swatter. After swatting four flies, you will win the challenge. Collect the golden banana that appears from the barrel and run out of the building before the timer runs out. LK 1
Upon exiting the building, walk the narrow path at the bottom the the character barrel. Climb the tree nearby and collect the five blue bananas. (21-25). Jump down and run to the other tree near by and get the five blue bananas up there as well. (26-30) There is one more tree close by and it’s in front of the llama temple. Collect the five blue bananas up top. (31-35) Run over to teleport pad 3 and use it. Collect the blue coins along with the five bananas next to Cranky’s lab. (36-40) Go inside the lab and buy the Orangstand. Outside of the lab, walk the narrow path and collect the five bananas. (41-45) Turn left and head outside. Go to Candy’s shop and buy the trombone.
Exit the shop and use the teleport pad 1. Run down the cave collecting five blue bananas.(46-50) Head on over to the scary face temple and shoot the grape switch on the right side of the wall. Collect the three blue coins on your right and jump in the water. Swim straight ahead into the next room and collect the nine blue bananas in the water. (51-59) Jump on top of the monolith and collect the five blue bananas. (60-64) Simian Slam the switch up top and a vulture carrying a golden banana will fly out. Shoot the vulture with your grape shooter five times and it will drop the banana. Collect the golden banana and the water level will drop. LK 2 Stand on the silver battle arena platform and press Z. Complete the challenge and collect the crown. Exit the temple and use teleport pad 2.
Head right to the llama temple. Shoot the grape switch on the left side of the temple and enter inside. Collect the six blue bananas on both sides of the ramp when you enter. (65-70) Collect the five blue bananas on teleport pad 1. (71-75) Head up the ramp on the left and play your trombone on the pad. This will cause a bridge to extend out over the water. Walk over to the bridge and use your Orangstand by holding Z then B. Handstand up the bridge and jump in the bonus barrel. This challenge is quite easy. You must shoot watermelon into six snakes to keep them spinning a turtle. If they drop a turtle it’s game over. If you run out of watermelon let the joystick go and press A to reload. The idea is to shoot watermelon in a pattern. Start at the top left, then top middle, top right, bottom left, bottom middle, bottom right, then reload and repeat. When you beat the challenge, collect the golden banana. LK 3
Jump in the water and swim to where your cell was. When on shore, turn around and shoot the two blue balloons flying around. (76-95) Jump back into the water and swim out. Head to teleport pad 1 and activate it. Shoot the grape switch on the wall behind you to open the door. Inside, kill the two kremlings and vines will appear over the lava. Swing on the vines on the left side to collect the last five blue bananas. (96-100) On the other side swing on the vines to collect two blue coins. Now Simian Slam the switch in the center of the room. You must solve a memory game. Shoot grapes at the monkeys head to reveal a sound. You must match the sound with another same colored monkey head. The solution is:
When you solved the puzzle, collect the golden banana that drops down. LK 4 Go back and jump in the character barrel and choose Tiny.
Go ahead and collect the three purple coins behind you. Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter Angry Aztec and use the teleport pad 1. To your left go to Candy’s shop and buy Tiny’s saxophone. Head over to the character barrel and collect the four purple coins around it. Head over to teleport pad 2 and use it. Run to teleport pad 3 up ahead and use that as well. Go inside Cranky’s lab and buy the Mini Monkey. Run across the narrow path and kill the Kasplat in the next room. Pick up the blueprint and collect the three purple coins on the wall. Head down the path while collecting the first ten purple bananas. (1-10) Use the teleport pad 4 when you get there and enter Funky’s armory. Buy the feather bow and exit. Head left to the character barrel and walk the narrow path collecting five purple bananas. (11-15) There are a total of five trees around the temple each with five purple bananas. Collect them all (16-40)and run up the ramp on the left. Take out your bow and shoot the switch above the door. When inside, collect the purple coin and shoot the feather switch. Head through either door and continue through. Collect the purple coin and shoot the next feather switch. Take the right path to collect a purple coin, then take the left path to collect the golden banana. TK 1 Exit the temple before the timer runs out.
Head over to teleport pad 5 and collect the five purple coins surrounding it and the five purple bananas. (41-45) Run over to Snide’s and trade in the blueprint for a golden banana. TK 2 Exit and head over to the gong temple. Collect the five purple bananas (46-50) under Tiny’s barrel then jump in the barrel to become small. Run up the ramp then use your saxophone on the pad. Squaks will come down and pick you up. He will drop you down a whole at the top of the temple. You will enter a mini-game. You have to race and win against a beetle while collecting 50 or more coins. This challenge is extremely difficult. Only pass him when the path splits up. Be very slow around tight corners. You will most likely fails the first few times but you will get to know the track. Tip: before you start the race, you can attack him while on foot to slow him down a little. Once you beat him, you will receive the golden banana. TK 3
Run on over to the llama temple. Shoot the feather switch behind the temple and enter inside. Jump down in front of the water and take out your bow. Look up and shoot the purple balloon flying above. (51-60) Turn around and use teleport pad 1. Head down the left stair case and collect purple bananas (61-63). Jump in Tiny’s barrel and enter the small hole. When you are out of the tunnel, turn back into Tiny’s normal size. Collect the two bananas (64-65) and activate teleport pad 2. Simian Slam the switch with Tiny’s face on it to make platforms rise from the lava. Jump the platforms and collect the five purple bananas. (66-70) Simian Slam the second switch to make more platforms rise. Jump the platforms and collect the next five purple bananas. (71-75) Simian Slam the last switch to make the last set of platforms rise from the lava. Jump the platforms and collect the golden banana. TK 4
Exit the temple and head to teleport pad 2. Use it to get to the scary face temple. Shoot the feather switch on the right side of the temple and enter. Jump in the water and swim to where you were rescued. Inside, shoot the two purple balloons flying around. (76-95) Swim back into the main room. In the corner is a Tiny barrel. Jump in it to become small. Jump in the water and swim through the small hole while collecting the last five purple bananas. (96-100) Inside this small room, kill the croco kremlings. Once they’re dead, you will be given a golden banana. TK 5 Now it’s time to finish getting the rest of the bananas for the other Kongs. Exit the temple and jump in the character barrel. Go ahead and choose Lanky.
Lanky: Take the teleport pad 2 and head to the llama temple. Shoot the grape switch on the left side and enter inside. When you enter, take the teleport pad 2. Kill the Kasplat and pick up the blue print. Exit the temple and head over to Snide’s HQ. Give Snide the blueprint in exchange for a golden banana. LK 5 When you leave, jump in the character barrel and select DK.
Donkey Kong: Head into Snides HQ and trade the blueprint for a golden banana. DK 4 The last thing we need to do is get the final banana for DK. Head over to the temple surrounded by sand and shoot the coconut switch above the door on the first floor. Enter inside and shoot the coconut switch to lower the walls. Take the left path and collect the two yellow coins. Shoot the next coconut switch and take the right path. Collect the golden banana and exit the temple. DK 5
Find any Troff n Scoff portal and enter inside it. (The closest from here is beside Funky’s armory. Feed the hippo 120 bananas and have Diddy enter inside the door.
Note: This is after you have freed Chunky Kong from Frantic Factory.
From the beginning of the level, jump the vines over the sand and collect the five green green bananas down the hall. (1-5) Turn around and shoot the two switches on the wall to open the door. Inside, collect the green banana bunches on each narrow path. (6-25) To make this golden banana easier to collect, shoot the bees in this room. There are four vase like artifacts in the room. There will be a different symbol on each vase. Pick up a vase with B and set it down on the same symbol that appears on the floor in the center of the room. Set it down with Z. Once you place all four, (one vase is in the center of the room) the golden banana will run right into you. CK 1 Exit the room and use teleport pad 1. Head straight to the temple where you freed Tiny. Collect the four green coins on the sides of the temple, then shoot the switch on the left side of the temple to open the door. Enter inside.
Collect the three green coins to your left and head down the tunnel next to you while collecting green banana (26-29). Play your triangle on the pad to open the door. Inside, defeat all the crocs that appear on all four sides of the spinning room to make the golden banana appear. Collect the golden banana and exit the room. Head left to the circular corner of the temple and collect 25 green bananas. (30-54) Jump in the water and swim straight into the room where the battle area pad was. Take out your gun and shoot the green balloon flying above here. (55-64) Exit the temple and run through the tunnel on the left. About mid-way through, jump in Chunky’s barrel on the left and head down the tunnel further. On your right you will find a large boulder. Pick it up and backtrack to your barrel. In the center of the room is a pedestal. Jump on it to raise a cage and press Z to let the barrel drop keeping it down. Get out of Chunky’s large form and head down the hall. Turn left when you can and jump in the challenge barrel. This game is rather easy, just shoot the kremlings that appear and don’t get hit. Constantly tap B to fire your gun. Even when the enemy is appearing continue firing at it until you hit it. The best way to kill them is in a clockwise movement. (Or counter clockwise) When the timer runs out, collect your golden banana. CK 3 Exit the room and continue left down the hall.
When you reach the totem area, collect the green bananas that surround the totem pole. (65-74) Head over to the temple surrounded by sand and head up the ramp on the left. Shoot the switch above your door and enter inside. Shoot the switch on the wall and go through either side. Collect the green coin in the next area and head right. Shoot the green balloon flying above (75-84) and do the same on the opposite side of the room. (85-94) (There are two green balloons in the area not one.) Continue through and shoot the switch on the wall. Take the left path to find your Kasplat. Kill it and collect the blueprint. Climb up the stairs and collect the green coin. Shoot the switch on the wall to open a wall somewhere. Head back the right path and collect the green coin. (The wall would be closed here.) Jump into the challenge barrel to play Kremling Kosh. In this easy game you must shoot a certain number of green kremlings before the timer runs out. Shoot as many green kremlings as you can without shooting the red ones. When you beat the challenge, collect the golden banana and exit the temple before the timer runs out. CK 4 Head on over to Snide’s. When you reach the stairs to the character barrel near him, collect the six green bananas on each side of the stairs. (95-100) Head into Snide’s and trade your blueprint for a golden banana. CK 5
While noticing a small dragonfly buzzing around, Diddy begins to play with it. He unfortunately smashes it by accident. Out of boredom, Diddy stomps on it further. Sadly, the father Dogadon caught Diddy in the act. He gives a bloodcurdling scream and shoots fireballs at Diddy.
This gigantic firefly is a large fire creature that will throw fireballs at you. Because the fireballs is his only weapon, this fight is somewhat easy. Dodge the fireballs until he lands on the area. Pick up a TNT barrel and throw it at him. Continue dodging more fireballs until he lands again. Throw another TNT barrel to damage him. Continue this process one more time and you will have defeated him… for now. Collect the large key that pops out of the lava and you will be taken back into Angry Aztec. Pause the game and exit the level. Run all the way to K.Lumsy and unlock lock number 2. Dancing for for joy again, Lumsy reveals the entrance to Frantic Factory and Gloomy Galleon. The next level we are going to attack is Frantic Factory. Exit the dome and jump onto K.Rools ship. Jump on the pedestal and navigate to the door to Frantic Factory…
The smell of rusty metal fills your nostrils as you step through the portal. Wind up toys, child blocks, heavy machinery, all fills the factory. This is the home of K.Rool and stepping into his territory won’t turn out so pleasant.
Jump to Kong
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Lanky Kong
Tiny Kong
Chunky Kong
Frantic Factory Boss: Mad Jack
Upon entering the level, activate teleport pads 1 and 2 in the first room. Run straight into the next room and activate teleport pad 3. Simian Slam the blue switch in the center of the room to open a valve. Head back in the first room and walk down the left tunnel while collecting yellow bananas (1-5). Jump into the hatch and drop to the bottom. Collect the three yellow coins near the window and continue down the path while collecting yellow bananas (6-11). You will enter a large circular room with a humongous machine that towers in the middle. Head left until you come to teleport pad 4. Activate it and walk through the door to your left. Collect yellow bananas (12-15) while running through the hallway. This room is called the storage room. In this next room turn left and Simian Slam the blue switch. This will open a gate somewhere in the factory. Stand on the pad in the middle of the room and press Z to start a blast game. During this game you will collect yellow bananas (16-35). When you shoot through the DK star, a level will appear in front of an arcade machine somewhere. Run in the corner of the room to activate teleport pad 1. Jump up the boxes on the left side of the room and run into the next room. This room will have Cranky’s lad and Candy’s shop. Shoot the yellow balloon flying above (36-45) and enter into Cranky’s lab. Buy the Gorilla Grab from Cranky and head back into the storage room. Turn left and run into the hall. Climb the pole, jump off and run down the hall. Turn on your first left into the small room. Activate teleport pad 5 on the table and press B in front of the lever next to the arcade box. You will now be playing a classic game of Donkey Kong. Successfully complete all three levels and you will be rewarded with a golden banana. DK 1
Now we need to head to the toy room. Head back to the storage room and use teleport pad 1. This time take the right path at the beginning of the level. Run through the gate and climb the pole. Run trough the hall and take a right. Follow the path and you will end up in the toy room. To your left, collect the three yellow coins up the stairs. Run back down and head opposite the room. You will find toy boxes spurting up a sliver of the top. Jump on the toy box below the alcove and jump into the hall. Collect yellow bananas (46-50) while heading into the next room. You will find yourself beside a large blue and green number board. First, take out your gun and shoot the yellow balloon above you. (51-60) Now for the board, Simian Slam the switch on the floor next to the board to start a timer. Simply Simian Slam the numbers on each tile going up numerically. Start with 1, then 2, then 3, etc… up to 16. Once you do this, the golden banana will appear. Collect the banana and head back into the toy room. DK 2
Head right and enter the door that says R&E. Climb up the pole and run into the next room. This room is called the R&E room. Activate teleport pad 2 on your right and run through the door behind you. Run to the end of the path and collect three yellow coins next to the window. Grab the lever next to you to open some gates on the ground in the previous room. Head back out into the main room and climb up the zipper on your right. Walk forward a little and drop in the small gap. You will be standing on an arena pad. Press Z to play the challenge and collect the crown at the end. Jump out of the hole and run through the first door on the right. Shoot the flying yellow balloon above you (61-70) and jump down the hole. You will be standing next to a shack labeled “high voltage”. Shoot the coconut switch on the right to open the door. Collect the fifteen bananas in this room as well has the coin. (71-85) Grab the lever and the tall machine in the room with teleport pad 4 will activate creating some new paths. Also, a golden banana will appear next to you. Collect the banana and leave the shack. DK 3
Time to leave the small shack. Exit out and drop to the floor. Turn left and run through the hall way. In the tall machine room, run past the teleport pad 4 and into the machine. Jump into DK’s invincibility barrel and jump on the conveyor belt. Charge to the end while collecting yellow bananas (86-100). Collect the golden banana at the end and return out of the machine. DK 4 Now we have to get DK’s Kasplat. He’s a little hard to get to so follow along carefully. As you exit the machine, head left until you come to Diddy’s Kasplat. Jump onto the ascending platform on the wall and jump off on the ledge. Follow the path and carefully jump on the grills on the pipe that extends to the tall machine. Turn left and climb up the zipper. Turn right while being shoved by the metal sweepers and jump onto the rolling metal rod. Be very careful not to fall off. Continue left up the path and jump onto the rotating blades that sweep across the room. This is probably the hardest part of the track. Stay on the blade until it’s done a semi circle and jump off on the platform on the other side of the room. Once you get to the other side activate teleport pad 4 and congratulate yourself.
Now continue and jump across the ascending platforms. If you fall, just run to teleport pad 4 and teleport back up. Run across the path until you get to some more spinning metal rods. Jump across them and run to the edge of the platform near Diddy’s pad. Look down to see your Kasplat! DO NOT JUMP DOWN THERE. There is a 99% chance you will just land on the Kasplat, hurt yourself and fall to the bottom. Instead, play your instrument or shoot coconuts at it until it dies. Pick up the blueprint and jump to the bottom. Snide is located near the front of the level. Pause the game, exit the level, and reenter the level. Take the right path and climb up the pole. Turn left when the paths switch and climb down the pole at the end of the path. Snides HQ will be there there so trade in the blueprint for the banana. DK 5 Also activate teleport pad 3 while you’re down there. Jump in the character barrel and choose Diddy.
Use teleport pad 3 nearby and run to teleport pad 1. Use that and jump on top of the boxes to get to Cranky’s lab area. Go inside Cranky’s and buy the Simian Spring. Exit the lab and head to the room with teleport pad 1. When you enter the room, go through the tunnel on the right and enter the tall machine room. Collect the 12 red bananas that surround the machine. (1-12) Kill the red Kasplat while you’re at it and collect the blueprint. Find Diddy’s switch somewhere around the room and Simian Slam it. This will cause a golden banana appear in an alcove high above the machine. Simply use the teleport pad 4 to teleport up there. Jump the ascending platforms and run across the path to two spinning metal rods jump across them while collecting red bananas (13-22). Run to the pad with Diddy’s face on it and collect red bananas (23-27) Hold Z on the pad and collect the golden banana in the alcove. DYK 1
Head back into the storage room. Run straight and climb up the role collect red bananas (28-32) while navigating the path. Collect the five red bananas on teleport pad 5. (33-37) Pause the game, exit the level, and reenter. Run through the right path and climb up the pole. Navigate your way to the toy room. Run clockwise around the blocks a little until you see Diddy’s spring pad. Use it to get to the level above while collecting five red bananas. (38-42) Back flip up onto the ledge above and collect the five red bananas.(43-47) Do a back flip onto the left or right ledge. Jump a few more small blocks and collect five more red bananas. (48-52) Navigate up further and collect another set of five red bananas. (53-57) You will be able to see the last set of red bananas as you climb up. Jump down and collect them. (58-62) Now climb as high as you can and use Diddy’s spring pad to launch yourself into a challenge barrel. Complete the Path Peril Panic game to get the golden banana. As a fairy walks out, shoot the crocos to close their mouth. The fairies must make it to the other side to get the point. Get six points to win the challenge. You will have to use Diddy’s spring pad to collect it though. DYK 2
Jump to the bottom of the room and find the box that lifts you up to the path in the corner. Collect red bananas (63-65) and the five bananas on teleport pad 5. (66-70) Enter inside Funky’s and buy the ammo pack making it so that you can hold 100 ammo instead of 50. This will apply to all Kongs. Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and use teleport pad 2. Head counter clockwise around the area, up the zipper and turn left to see Diddy’s music pad. Perform the guitar on it to open the door. In this next room, shoot the three red balloons flying above to collect the last of the red bananas. (71-100) Now take a look at the doors. Look at the numbers on each door and Chimpy Charge the same numbers on the corresponding switches to open the door. If the door says “3124”, then Chimpy Charge the number 3, then 1, then 2, then 4. Defeat the enemies in all three doors and a banana will appear. Remember to kill the robot windup toy you must throw bombs at it with Z and right C. Kill the bees with your gun. Collect the golden banana when you finish. DYK 3
Exit the room and go through the door next door to your left. Collect the red coins around the hole. Drop down the hole and Simian Slam the switch you see. Vines will lower so go ahead and swing on them to enter a barrel challenge. This horrible, horrible challenge is Beaver Bother. You must herd 12 super annoying beavers into the pit in the middle. Since the beavers do not fall in like they physically should as they cower right next to the hole, you have to hope for the best. A good tip is to constantly press the B button to scare them. You will collect the golden banana when you beat it. DYK 4 Take the teleport pad 1 into the front of the level room, then take the teleport pad 3 into Snide’s area. Trade in the blueprint for a golden banana. DKY 5 Jump in the character barrel and choose Lanky.
Use the teleport pad 3 next to you and run over to teleport pad 2. Collect the first five blue bananas and use the teleport. (1-5) When you teleport you will automatically collect five more bananas. (6-10) Collect the ten individual blue bananas surrounding the area (11-20) while defeating and collecting the blueprint from the Kasplat. Head into the passage with Lanky’s instrument pad. Play the instrument to open the door. In this room, shoot the blue balloon flying above you (21-30) and Simian Slam the switch. You will now have to play a small memory game. Simian slam the keys in order of the kongs popping out. Slam the colors/notes in this order: C/Yellow, B/Blue, C/Yellow, D/Purple, E/Green, C/Yellow, A/Red. One you complete the memory game, a golden banana will come out. Collect the banana and exit the room. LK 1
Turn right and head through the door behind the character barrel. Collect the blue coins and climb down the pole. Run into the toy room and to your right, collect the blue coins behind some boxes. Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter the level and use teleport pad 1. Climb the small boxes next to you and Orangstand up the pipe while collecting blue bananas (31-35). Simian Slam the switch at the top to free Chunky from his cage! Drop down and collect the golden banana he leaves for you. LK 2 Climb up the boxes while collecting the blue coins. Collect blue bananas (36-40) while heading to Cranky’s. Buy the Baboon Balloon from Cranky and head back into the storage room. Turn right and head into the tall machine room. Run past teleport pad 4 and into the machine. In here, collect the three blue coins in the corner and shoot the blue balloon in the machinery. (41-50)
Exit the machine and find your switch near the Kasplat. Simian Slam the switch to make a banana appear way up above. Head on over to teleport pad 4 and use it. Jump the ascending platforms while collecting three blue tokens. Near the character barrel, shoot the blue balloon flying above you. (51-60) Continue down the path, crossing the two metal rods, and finally making it to the steep pipe. Use your Orangstand to collect the 25 blue bananas on the way up (61-85) and also the golden banana. LK 3 Pause the game, exit the level, reenter and run right in the direction of the toy room. Once you get there, head to the other side of the room and climb the boxes. Turn right and press Z on Lanky’s pad to inflate himself. Slowly travel over to the barrel challenge. This challenge is Batty Barrel Bandit. This is a slot machine type challenge. Press A to start the barrel and press A again when the picture of a banana appears. Create a four-in-a-row banana line. Correctly do this three times to win the challenge. You will be given the golden banana when you finish. LK 4
Make your way back to the tall machine room. Jump on the ascending platform by where Lanky’s switch is. Navigate all the way to the center machine. Climb up the zipper on the left and cross the metal pole. Collect the last fifteen blue bananas while walking up the slope. (86-100) Pause the game, exit the level, reenter and run to teleport pad 3. Trade in your blueprint for a golden banana. LK 5 Exit the HQ and jump in the character barrel. Choose Tiny.
When you jump out of the barrel, shoot the flying purple balloon above you. (1-10) Use teleport pad three and head left down to the pole while collecting purple bananas (11-13). Collect the purple coins around the pole and climb up. Continue down the hall collecting purple bananas (14-20). In the toy room, run to the other side of the room and climb the boxes. Turn left and jump into Tiny’s barrel. Now that you’re tiny, enter the small hole on the wall while collecting purple bananas (21-25). At the end, you will automatically collect purple bananas (26-30). Simian Slam the switch and the closet will open. Take out your bow and aim at the spinning board. On the right there will be a picture of an item with the word “next” above it. This means shoot that picture on the spinning board. Do this to six items and a golden banana will appear. Collect the banana and exit the room. TK 1
Head to the corner of the room that leads to Funky’s. In Funky’s area, shoot the purple balloon flying above (31-40) and use teleport pad 5. Jump into Tiny’s barrel and climb up the ledges on the right. Collect purple bananas (41-45) and enter the small hole. Collect the golden banana at the end end jump down. TK 2 Run down the tunnel and drop down the pole. Kill the Kasplat, collect the blueprint and collect the purple coins around you. In the packaging room, turn right and climb up the boxes to Cranky’s. In Cranky’s lab, buy the Pony Tail Twirl then exit back into the packaging room. Turn right and head into the tall machine room. Simian Slam Tiny’s switch to your left to make a barrel challenge appear way up top. Instead of being sensible and using teleport pad 4, head over to the raising platform by the Kasplat. Navigate the path til you get on the machine. Shoot the flying purple balloon (46-55) then jump back down and use teleport pad 4. Collect the purple coins around the pad up top then jump across the ascending platforms on the wall. Instead of following the path straight, jump up onto the conveyor belts and run to the end while collecting purple bananas (56-75). When you get to a dead end, jump off the end and use your pony tail twirl to get to the barrel challenge. This game is very easy. You must shoot the golden banana six times to win the challenge. Just don’t shoot the Kongs. Collect the golden banana when you beast it. TK 3
If you look out further on the wall you can see some purple bananas and some coins. Pony tail twirl over there and collect the items. (76-80) Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and use teleport pad 2. Run through the door behind you while collecting purple bananas (81-90). Jump in Tiny’s barrel at the end and enter the small hole. Enter the next small hole in the other room to start a race. You will be on a slot car track and you must finish two laps around the track in first while collecting 10 coins. This game is a bit hard but you will get it once you know the track. Hold Z the whole time to accelerate and move when a barrel bomb gets in your way. Focus on collecting the 10 coins then focus on beating him. You will be rewarded with a golden banana when you finish. TK 4 Exit the room and head back to teleport pad 2. At the beginning of the level, head through the left tunnel and climb about halfway down the pole. You will find a small alcove when climbing down. Jump in the alcove and collect purple banana (91-100). Head back to the beginning of the level and use teleport pad 3. Go into Snides and trade the blueprint for a golden banana. TK 5 Jump in the character barrel and choose Chunky for the first time.
To start of your hulky adventure with the mighty Chunky Kong, collect the green coins around teleport pad 3 and collect the first five green bananas. (1-5) Use the pad and collect another five green bananas on teleport pad 1. (6-10) Don’t use the pad just yet, instead go down the tunnel to your left. At the end, collect the green coins. You will notice a green balloon flying around but you don’t have your weapon yet! Return back to the main room in the front of the level. Use teleport pad 1 and you will automatically collect five green bananas. (11-15) Collect the green coins around the pad and head into the room with the Kasplat. Climb up the pole and head to the arcade room. Use the teleport pad 5 to teleport near Funky’s. Go inside and buy his Pineapple Shooter. Exit the level and reenter. Go down through the tunnel on the left and shoot the green balloon flying above. (16-25) Climb down the pole while collecting green bananas (26-35). Head down into the Production Room and run counter clockwise until you find Chunky’s switch. Simian Slam it to make a golden banana appear. You also have 100 seconds to collect it. Run to teleport pad 4 and use it. At the top, wait for the rotating blade to appear behind you. Jump on the blade and run to the center to collect the golden banana. CK 1 Collect the green bananas while passing by on the rotating blade. There are four groups of five bananas. (36-55)
Run to the center of the machine and drop down below to collect the green coins. Jump down to teleport pad 4 and run into the Storage Room. Turn left and climb up the boxes. Run on over to Cranky’s and buy the Hunky Chunky move. You will also have the option to buy the Primate Punch. But that as well. Head next door over to Candy’s and buy Chunky’s Triangle. Head back into the Storage Room and turn left. Climb up the pole and run straight down the hall until you find a gate. Use Chunky’s Primate Punch on the gate. (hold Z then B) Collect the green coins and jump in the challenge barrel to start a game. This game is fairly simple. You must collect six coins and make it to the finish goal in 60 seconds. Simply run through the maze collecting the coins. It is possible to look through each corner of the maze and make it to the goal before the timer runs out. Collect the golden banana when you beat it. CK 2 Head back down into the Packaging room and turn left. Primate Punch the gate blocking your path. Jump onto the box with a question mark on it in the corner of the room and Simian Slam it. This will break it and reveal a switch. Simian Slam the switch and a box will break above you revealing a golden banana. Primate Punch the switch on the wall with your face on it. This will make three platforms rise up and down in the room. On each platform there are a group of five bananas. (56-70) Collect those then jump on the first platform. Jump across each platform to reach the golden banana. CK 3
Head back into the room before and use teleport pad 1. Run across to teleport pad 2 and use that. Climb the zipper up the wall near you and head forward to the second gap in the floor. Collect the green coins and turn around. Climb up another zipper near the Kasplat. Primate Punch the gate and use your Triangle on the pad to open the door. Shoot the green balloon when you walk in (71-80) and collect the ten bananas lying on the sides of the room. (81-90) Primate Punch the switch on the box at the back of the room to make some enemies appear. Simply kill the enemies that appear until they make themselves into a tall mini-boss. Chunkys’ barrel will appear near the front of the room. Jump in the barrel to turn into large Chunky. Simply hit the enemy about ten times to kill it and the golden banana will appear. Collect the golden banana and exit the room. CK 4
Pause the game, exit the level and reenter. Head down the right path, climb the pole and head right into the Toy Room. To your left will be your Kasplat. Kill it and collect the blueprint. Turn around and jump on the boxes to collect the two green coins in each alcove. There’s another two green coins in an alcove on the other side of the room. To finish off, pause the game and exit the level for the last time. Reenter and take the path on the right. Climb up the pole and head left. Shoot the green balloon flying around (91-100) and climb down the pole into Snide’s area. Enter Snide’s and trade in the blueprint for a golden banana. CK 5 And that is all of the bananas for Frantic Factory! Find the nearest Troff n Scoff portal and enter it. The nearest is in the R&E room. Use teleport pad 2 in the room next door to get there. Scale the wall counter clockwise and you will find the entrance. Feed the hippo 200 bananas and enter through the boss door as Tiny.
Mad Jack is an angry Jack-in-the-Box that will try and destroy you withe fire balls, stomping you and any way he can get his dirty hands… erm spring on you. You will be in a unique room with very tall platforms making your arena. Each platform has either a blue or white color in a checkered pattern. As you enter the level, head over to the platform that is lit up. As you stand on the lit platform, the boss will show himself and all of the platforms will rise. This is where the action begins. As the fight begins, jump across the platforms dodging Jack who tries to jump on you. After a few jumps, Jack will stop jumping and there will be two lit platforms in the area; one blue and one white. You must step on the switch on the color that corresponds to the color platform Jack is on. You must use your hair twirl to get across each platform. If you fall you will rise back up on a small platform with no damage taken from falling. Simian Slam the switch on the same color that Jack is on to electrocute him.
Do this process one more time and Jack will start to get angrier! He will speed up and the two lights will not light up. Instead you have to find them yourselves. This time instead of fireballs, he will shoot lasers at you. Damage him two more times and he will turn invisible! This tricky part may sent you at the bottom. When he jumps around you can see his magic stars light up and the platform he is on will also light up. It shouldn’t be too much harder. Hit the switch on the same color Jack is on one more time to defeat him. They key will appear and the platforms will rise back down. Collect the key to exit back into Frantic Factory. Exit the level and head over to the green dome that Lumsy lives in. Unlock the third lock to make Lumsy a bit happier. Unfortunately we didn’t make him that happy so no new levels were uncovered. That’s okay, we still have Gloomy Galleon to complete! Exit the dome and jump in the water. Swim over to K.Rools ship and swim counter clockwise under until you see a hole you can swim through. When you swim through it, jump up the steps to see B. Locker show him that you have over 30 golden bananas and enter into Gloomy Galleon.
This wet and cold level is home to the K.Rool lighthouse. It is said when the beacons light, the pirates will invade… There is also an old legend of a ship that sunk many years ago and is stashed with a lifetime supply of treasure. Only the bravest can find and survive the horrors from within the ship.
Jump to Kong
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Lanky Kong
Tiny Kong
Chunky Kong
As the level begins, run down through the hall until you find a character barrel. Continue straight and activate teleport 1. To your right, jump on the box to activate teleport pad 2. Head through the broken ship on the right and shoot the yellow balloon flying near the end of the hall. (1-10) Return back to teleport pad 1 and head left following the sign that says “lighthouse”. Shoot the two switches on the wall to open the gate. Swim underwater and head in the direction of the lighthouse. You will see a switch that has the direction symbol for “up”. The switch is located on the wall below the lighthouse. Simply swim on the switch to raise the water level. Jump onto the lighthouse and activate teleport pad 5 and 1. To the right of teleport pad 1, there is a ledge on the edge of the lighthouse with a DK pad on it. Press Z on it to shoot into the sky. Shoot into the top barrel to collect five yellow bananas. (11-15) Shoot into the barrels until you come back to the start. This time shoot into the bottom barrel. Shoot into the left barrel to collect five more yellow bananas. (16-20) Shoot through until you come to the start once more. Take the bottom barrel, then the right. When you come to the barrel that spins 360 degrees, shoot through the first barrel to collect a yellow coin. Restart the shooting til you come back to the 360 barrel. Skip the first one, then the second, and finally shoot into the third while collect a yellow coin. Shoot into the next barrel collecting five yellow bananas. (21-25) Then finally shoot through the DK star. A seal will be released into the water and a gate will open somewhere nearby.
First, shoot the yellow balloon that’s flying around the lighthouse. (26-35) Simian Slam the switch in front of the zipper to open the gate above. Climb up the zipper and enter into the lighthouse. Head to your left a little and shoot the yellow balloon flying high above you. (36-45) Climb up the zipper in front and collect the five yellow bananas. (46-50) Make your way up the platforms and collect the five yellow bananas at the end. (51-55) Jump onto the ascending platforms and collect five more yellow bananas. (56-60) Continue to the top and collect the five yellow bananas there. (61-65) Grab the lever on the ground nearby to turn the lighthouse on. This will open the doors outside to let a ship in. Also a golden banana will appear at the ground. Jump to the bottom and collect the golden banana. DK 1 Exit outside and use teleport pad 1. Jump in the character barrel behind you and choose Diddy. (We will only be using him for one second.) Head straight across the path with the enemy with the spiked club and shoot the switches on the wall to open the gate. Head back to the barrel and take out DK. Head back to where Diddy opened the door. Swim directly across to find a broken piece of ship. On it is a teleport pad 4. Activate it then swim to the other side of the area near Candy’s. Swim near where the seal is and he will give you a golden banana. Jump onto the piece of ship and collect it. DK 2
The seal will offer to race with you! Jump into the alcove behind the seal to start. Press Z to accelerate, A to jump and R to turn sharply. You must collect ten coins while racing through buoys to win the challenge. If you miss five, you lose. Try not to hit any boxes on the way or you will lose three coins. Beat him while racing two laps to win. Once you beat him, you will receive a golden banana. DK 3 Swim back into the main area and head left. Activate teleport pad 5 on the broken ship piece on the surface. Follow the path to more broken ship pieces. Collect the yellow coins on them. Continue further and you will find a large cactus in the water. Jump on the cactus and play your bongos on your pad. This will open a gate on a sunken ship. You have 60 seconds to get there or the gate will close. Quickly, jump in the water and swim past teleport pad 5. Head straight and you will find the ship. Enter inside the hole on the right side of the ship. Navigate through ship while collecting yellow bananas (66-75). There is also three yellow coins in here. Head into the room with the challenge barrel. This challenge is Krazy Kong Klamour. You’ve already played this before; just shoot the banana that appears 15 times to win the challenge. Shooting a Kong will only raise the banana count by one. Collect the golden banana when you beat it. DK 4
Exit the ship and swim to the bottom. To your right, directly beneath the center of the area is a small tunnel created by a ship. Swim through it to collect 15 yellow bananas. (76-90) Swim to the character barrel and choose Diddy.
Note: You may have already noticed that Donkey Kong hasn’t finished collecting his golden bananas and his regular bananas. This is because there are some areas that cannot be accessed until other Kongs have unlocked it.
From the beginning of the level, head down the path to the character barrel. Head straight into the next room and run to the back. Jump in the cannon near Cranky’s and you will shoot through ten red bananas. (1-10) Collect the red coins around the lab and jump back down. Head to teleport pad 1 and use it. Jump onto the ship that is sailing around the lighthouse and Simian Slam the switch on it. The best way to get there is by using Diddy’s rocketboost barrel on the ledge of the lighthouse. When you Simian Slam the switch, a golden banana will be shot out of a cannon to the top of the lighthouse. Jump off the ship and jump in Diddy’s rocketboost barrel. Fly to the top of the lighthouse and collect the golden banana. DYK 1 While you’re up there, jump down onto the ledge a little bit below and collect the ten red banana. (11-20) Jump back down to the rocketboost barrel and fly onto the top and play your guitar on the pad. This will make a large mechanical fish come out of the ground in the other large area. You have 100 seconds (93 really) to swim inside the mouth. Jump down to the base of the lighthouse and use teleport pad 5. Turn around and jump in the water. Swim underwater in the direction to Candy’s and you will spot the large yellow fish. Wait until it’s mouth opens and swim inside.
Now that you’re in the large fish, play your instrument to kill the bees flying around you. Jump on a piece of wooden debris and take out your gun. Aim it at the large heart with the spinning fan on it. You must shoot the three circles on each side from yellow to blue. (Basically shoot them three times.) Do not start on the bottom because you will for sure not have enough time. Wait until the fan reveals one of the top two and shoot it. Then wait for the fan to reveal the bottom one. Repeat until all of the circles are broken out. It would be best to head to Funky’s to get full ammo. If the timer runs out you have to head back to the lighthouse and play your instrument again. Once you shoot the lights out a golden banana will appear. Collect it and you will be back outside in the water. DYK 2
Head back over to teleport pad 5 and use it. Jump in the water and swim onto the switch below the lighthouse that has the symbol for down to lower the water level. Jump on the box on the side of the area and head through the tunnel. Continue straight into the large area. Swim right to Funky’s area and make your way to the large cactus. Collect the red coins at the base of the cactus. Swim up to the cactus and shoot the red balloon flying around. (21-30) Play your instrument on the pad above to open a gate on the sunken ship. Quickly make your way to the same ship that DK swam to. Diddy’s door will be opposite the one DK had. Inside the ship, collect the 14 red bananas (31-44) then enter the challenge barrel. In this challenge you must collect all of the coins in the area. The coin above the water may be a bit confusing to get. Find the vine closest to the water and swing across then til you get to the coin. Collect the rest under water to beat the challenge. You will automatically collect the golden banana when you beat it. DYK 3
Exit the ship and head right to the area of what looks to be a sunken stern of a ship. Swim to the base and collect the ten red bananas. (45-54) Remember the grate that rubbish robot fish came out of? Swim over there. From the sunken stern, swim left in the main area and swim deep to the floor. Collect the 20 red bananas that surround the grate. (55-74) Head back up to the surface and use teleport pad 5. Jump in Diddy’s rocketboost barrel and fly on top of the cage that the seal was once in. Collect the red coins on top. Flying around the cage is a red balloon. Shoot it and jump in the water. (75-84) Head exactly opposite the cage to the alcove on the wall. Kill the Kasplat and collect the blueprint. Take it over to Snide’s in the alcove nearby and trade it for a golden banana. DYK 4 Outside of Snide’s activate teleport pad 3 and jump into the character barrel outside. Choose Lanky, pause the game, exit the level and reenter.
Note: You may have already noticed that Diddy Kong hasn’t finished collecting his golden bananas and his regular bananas. This is because there are some areas that cannot be accessed until other Kongs have unlocked it.
Run down through the hall while collecting blue bananas (1-5). Head right past the character barrel and jump in the water near the lighthouse. Swim to the bottom and collect the five blue bananas around Engaurd’s box as well as the blue coins. (6-10) Swim into the box to transform into Engaurd. There is a treasure chest nearby. Press B in front of it to charge it. Blue bananas will come out but you can’t collect them yet. Swim down the cliff to find another treasure chest with some blue bananas. Swim further down into the pit where the large seashells are. There is a treasure chest in there with a golden banana. Break that and swim up. Above the pit is another treasure chest with blue bananas. Swim up another cliff and destroy the next chest with more blue bananas. On the wall to the right of the large door is a picture of Engaurd. Swim over there and break the wall with B. Exit out of Engaurd back to Lanky. Collect all of the blue bananas from the treasure chest as well as the golden banana. (11-30) LK 1
Jump onto the lighthouse and use teleport pad 5. Swim under to Engaurd’s box on top of the sunken ship. Collect the five blue bananas under it (31-35) and swim in the box. You may have notices the red and yellow DK star directly above you above the water. You must swim quickly straight up and jump through it. (The water level must be raised.) Jump through it three times and a gate will open to a room with stacks of golden coins. Transform back into Lanky and swim through the tunnel in the wall. When you reach the treasure room, jump onto the first stack of coins on your left collecting a blue banana. (36) Use the pad to blow yourself up to the next stack of coins. Jump up and collect the blue banana. (37) Use the pad to levitate up again. Levitate to the right to collect a blue banana. (38) Jump to the left and use the pad again to float up. Collect the last two blue bananas on the way up (39-40) then jump in the challenge barrel. Play the Searchlight Seek game. Very simple, just find and shoot the four crocs in the dark to win. Collect the golden banana and jump back down. LK 2
Swim back out to the main area and use teleport pad 5. Lower the water level and swim to the box that lead to the main halls. Head straight into the area with the sunken ship. Swim to the cactus and collect five blue bananas on your instrument pad. (41-45) Play your instrument to open a gate on the sunken ship. Lanky’s entrance is directly on the other side of the ship of where Diddy’s was. Inside, simply collect the golden banana on the bed and the 15 blue bananas in the corners of the room. (46-60) LK 3 There are also three blue coins. Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head down the hall to he character barrel. Turn left and Simian Slam the switch to the right of the enemy with the club. This will lower a gate on the sunken stern. Continue to the open area and jump in the water. Swim quickly to the left underwater to the stern and swim inside the bottom hole. Collect the five blue bananas (61-65) and swim inside Engaurd’s box. Destroy all of the chests inside here. Three of them will reveal blue coins and one will reveal a secret entrance. Change back into Lanky, collect the blue coins and swim through the secret entrance. Collect the blue coin on the way and the five blue bananas at the end. (66-70) Collect the golden banana and exit. LK 4 Swim over to the box to the main halls. On the box, take out your grape shooter. Aim it above the water and shoot the blue balloon. (71-80) Jump onto the ledge behind you and jump in the character barrel. Choose Tiny.
Note: You may have already noticed that Lanky Kong hasn’t finished collecting his golden bananas and his regular bananas. This is because there are some areas that cannot be accessed until other Kongs have unlocked it.
Head down the path with the enemy and the spiked club while collecting the first four purple bananas. (1-4) Simian Slam the switch on the left to lower a gate on the sunken stern. Jump in the water and swim left underwater to the stern. Swim through the top hole. Inside, collect the ten purple bananas in the corner (5-14) then swim through the hole in the wall. Swim left into the challenge barrel to play Kremling Kosh. You have already played this before; shoot 22 kremlings with the watermelon before time runs out. Green kremlings are worth 1 and red ones are worth 2. When you beat it collect the golden banana and exit the ship. TK 1 Note: To exit the ship, swim into the first room and swim up on the roof.
Head over to the large cactus by Funky’s and play your saxophone on the pad. This will open another gate on the sunken ship. Quickly swim into the hole before the timer runs out. The hole is located to the left of Lanky’s. Collect all 17 purple bananas inside and the golden banana in the den. (15-32) TK 2 There are also two purple coins in one of the dens. Exit the ship.
Swim over near Funky’s and swim to the bottom. You will notice a large mechanical structure. Enter Tiny’s barrel on the top and enter the small hole behind on the machine. Inside, enter the bonus barrel on top of the desk. Play the bug swapper game. Swap 6 flies in 60 seconds to win the challenge. Collect the golden banana when you beat it. TK 3 Exit the area and swim to the surface to teleport pad 5. Use it and jump in the water below. Swim down to where the large seashells are. Collect the purple coins on the shells and enter Tiny’s barrel. Swim into the large shell on the wall. Inside you will watch a cut scene of a mermaid crying. Collect the purple coins in front of you and swim to her to see what the problem is. It seem that those darn kremlings have stolen her pearls and locked them in a treasure chest. Exit the area and make your way to the sunken ship area. Swim straight into the treasure room and jump left on the coin stack. Take out your feather bow and shoot the purple balloon to the left of the treasure chest. (33-42) Enter Tiny’s barrel above the chest, collect the five purple bananas in front of the keyhole (43-47) and swim inside it. Inside, collect the purple coins around the middle coin stack. You will notice five clams in here. When a clam opens its mouth, quickly swim inside and collect the pearl. Wait until the clam opens its mouth again to swim out. Collect all five pearls and return to the mermaid in the lighthouse area. You will be rewarded with a golden banana. Swim over to the banana and collect it. TK 4
Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head to the character barrel. Turn right and collect the five purple bananas in the path. (48-52). Turn around and head right into the room with the ship. Jump in the cannon in front of you. Swing across the vines and activate teleport pad 3 while collecting the five bananas on it. (53-57) You will notice your Kasplat to your left so play your saxophone. Walk carefully across the planks while collecting purple bananas (58-60) and the blueprint. Head back across the planks and use teleport pad 3. You will automatically collect five purple bananas. (61-65) Take out your feather bow and shoot the purple balloon flying above you. (66-75) Enter into Snide’s and trade the blueprint for a golden banana. TK 5 Swim across to the alcove where Diddy’s Kasplat it and shoot the purple balloon flying above you. (76-85) (Make sure the water level is lowered so you can take out your gun.) Find a character barrel and choose Chunky. Pause the game, exit the level and reenter.
Note: You may have already noticed that Tiny Kong hasn’t finished collecting her regular bananas. This is because there are some areas that cannot be accessed until other Kongs have unlocked it.
On your first right, shoot the switches on the wall to open the gate. Turn around and head through the main hall. Run past the character barrel collecting green bananas (1-2). Head right into the ship and collect green bananas (3-7) down the path. There are also three green coins on the wall to the right. In the next room, Primate Punch each chest to reveal a banana fairy, headphones and a golden banana. Collect the golden banana and head back through the tunnel. CK 1 Head over past the cannon near Cranky’s and Primate Punch the gate on the ship. Enter the battle pad and survive through the kremlings til the timer runs out. When you do, collect the golden crown. Head back over to the broken ship and jump on top of teleport pad 2 for five green bananas. (8-12) Jump in the cannon in front of the ship and swing across the vines. Carefully walk across the planks on the right while collecting green bananas (13-15). Jump down and head into the main halls.
Turn left into the lighthouse area. Swim to the base of the lighthouse and collect the ten green bananas surrounding it. (16-25) Return to the surface and head to the alcove where Diddy’s Kasplat is. Use your triangle on the pad and a gate will open in the sunken ship in the other area. Quickly raise the water level and use teleport pad 5 on the lighthouse. Swim down and enter the hole that’s next to Engaurd’s box. Inside, collect the three green coins near the wall and enter the challenge barrel. This is another slot machine game. Simply press A when the banana appears four times to get a point. Get 3 points and you will beat the challenge. An easy way to do this is remember what item is before the banana. For example, when you see a watermelon on the second slot, you know the banana will be after that. And for the third slot, when you see a grape the yellow banana is after that and a pineapple will be before the banana in the fourth slot. Collect the golden banana when you beat it. CK 2 Pause the game, exit the level and reenter.
Now that the water level is raise, swim into the first room on the right. Jump onto the platform and shoot the green balloon flying around on the left. (26-35) Turn around and kill the Kasplat. Run straight and pick up the cannonball. Head back to the cannon and set the cannonball inside it. Enter the cannon and a target will appear. You have 40 seconds to shoot three targets in this room. The first is to the right of you. The second will be on your left and the last is directly behind you above the cannonball. You will only have six shots so shoot wisely. If you fail, head back and pickup the cannonball to the cannon. When you shoot the three targets, a golden banana will appear next to the cannonball. Jump over the gaps and collect it. CK 3
Exit the room into the main halls. Head right past the character barrel into the lighthouse area. Jump onto the ledge of the light house and onto the ledge where Diddy’s rocketboost barrel is. (Or DK’s blast pad.) Wait until the ship comes by and jump onto it. On the stern you will see a trap door. Simian Slam it to fall through. Inside, run past the cannonballs being fired at you while collecting green bananas (36-55). Turn right and Primate Punch the large gate to knock it down. Collect the five green bananas in front of you and the green coins to the left. (56-60) In the middle is a large stack of spinning barrels. When Chunky’s face appears, Primate Punch it to destroy the barrel. Do this to the rest of them and a golden banana will appear. Collect the golden banana. CK 4 It appears that you are seasick! Instead of making your way back outside with inverted controls, simply pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head through the main halls. Turn left at the character barrel into the sunken ship area. Head right and swim all the way to the cactus near Funky’s. Kill the Kasplat on the cactus and collect the blueprint. Collect the green coins around you. Take out your gun and shoot the green balloon flying above you. (61-70)
Jump in the water and swim to the sunken ship. At the bottom there is a small tunnel created by a piece of a ship. Inside, collect the 15 bananas. (71-85). Swim to surface and jump onto teleport pad 2 to activate it near the sunken stern. Don’t use it, instead collect the five green bananas on it. (86-90) Take out your gun and shoot the green balloon flying above the sunken stern for the last ten green bananas. (91-100) Head back over to teleport pad 5 and use it. Swim over to Snide’s and trade your blueprint for a golden banana. CK 5 Outside, jump in the character barrel and take out DK again.
Donkey Kong: Jump down into the water and swim into the alcove where Engaurd broke the wall. Collect the final ten yellow bananas inside. (91-100) Swim back outside and jump into the character barrel again and choose Diddy.
Diddy Kong: Use teleport pad 5 on the lighthouse then swim into the treasure room while collecting red bananas (85-90. Jump onto the coins on your right. Take out your gun and shoot the red balloon flying to your left for the last ten bananas. (91-100) Use the pad to jump up near the Kasplat. Navigate to the top and use the pad one more time. At the top, enter inside the challenge barrel. This is another Stealthy Snoop game. Make it to the goal without being spotted. From the beginning, take a left. Follow the path until you come to a fork in the road. Take the path directly ahead of you. You will soon come to another split. Take the right path and head to the goal. Collect the golden banana and a teleport pad 4 will appear below you. DK 5 Jump down into the character barrel and take out Donkey Kong again.
Donkey Kong: Swim outside and use teleport pad 4. Kill the Kasplat on the coins and collect the blueprint. Take teleport pad 4 back outside then swim to teleport pad 5. Swim over to Snide’s and trade the blueprint for a golden banana. DK 5 Jump into the character barrel outside and take out Lanky.
Lanky Kong: Swim to the lighthouse and use teleport pad 1. Head past the cannons to the ship near Cranky’s. In the small room where the arena pad was, shoot the two blue balloons flying above you. (81-100) Pause the game, exit the level and reenter. Swim into the room on your right and kill the Kasplat for the blueprint. Collect the blueprint and take it to Snide’s for a golden banana. LK 5 Jump in the character barrel outside and choose Tiny.
Tiny Kong: Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and swim into the room on the right. Climb up on the platform and collect the last 15 purple bananas. (86-100) Now that we’re complete with everything it’s time for the boss. Head over to Cranky’s area and jump in the first cannon. Swing across the vines and walk across the planks on your right. Enter Troff n Scoffs portal. Inside, give the hippo 150 bananas and enter the boss door as Lanky.
This guy is basically a large and deadly puffer fish. You will find yourself in a small lake on a coconut boat. To beat this guy, you must drive your boat through five DK stars around the lake. When you drive through the first one, a metal rod will rise up from the water. You will have 30 seconds to drive through the next DK star that appears. Drive through the four DK stars while avoiding his nasty fireballs… (does it seem that every boss in this game uses fireballs?) When you drive through them all, the five metal rods will connect with electricity intertwining the fish in the middle giving it a nasty shock. Again you must swim through five DK stars. This time the stars are smaller and you only have 20 seconds to drive through them! After another nasty shock you must repeat this tactic three more times as the stars get smaller and smaller and the timer goes goes from 20 to 15 to 10 seconds. A good strategy is to not stop circling the fish while driving through the stars. If you are on your last star, go ahead and turn around to drive through it. Once you zap the nuisance five times, it will deflate no smaller than a flattened beach ball. Collect the boss key in the center of the lake and you will appear back in Gloomy Galleon.
Exit the level and head over to the green dome. Unlock the fourth lock and Lumsy will jump for joy! He will cause a large boulder to explode revealing a cannon. Head over to the cannon and jump inside. You will be blown to the entrance to Fungi Forest! Walk into the suspended house which is the lobby. If you’re not Donkey Kong, jump in the character barrel near you and change to him. Show B.Locker that you have 50 or more golden bananas and he will move out of the way. Enter into the world of Fungi Forest.
Ahh the wet smell of the flowers overwhelm you as you look up to the tall clock house. The magic time tree can take you from dusk to dawn. Keep in mind though that the beautiful forest may not be so innocent.
Jump to Kong
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Lanky Kong
Tiny Kong
Chunky Kong
As you walk through the portal, run up the hill to the main path. Run around the time tree activating teleport pads 1-4. Behind teleport pad 3, run down the path and through the purple tunnel collecting yellow bananas (1-5). Head counter clockwise in the area over to Cranky’s. Inside, buy the Super Simian Slam for 5 coins. This will apply to all Kongs and you can now activate switches that are colored blue. Continue around the path until you find teleport pad 5. Collect the five yellow bananas on it and activate it. (6-10) Jump over the moat in the center of the area and activate teleport pad 3 in front of the entrance to the giant mushroom. Use the teleport pad to arrive back in the main area. Run 180 degrees around the time tree and head through the blue tunnel while collecting yellow bananas (11-15). You will arrive in a small area with a waterwheel house. Jump over the moat around the house and activate teleport pad 1 in front of the entrance. Enter inside the house.
In the back of the room you will find a large box with a question mark on it. Simian Slam the box to break it. When you do so, it will reveal a switch and you will collect five yellow bananas. (16-20) Simian Slam the blue switch to open a gate behind you. Quickly run inside the large cage before the gates close. Inside, shoot the yellow balloon flying above you. (21-30) You will notice on the floor three levers each with a certain number of dots in front of them. The first lever will have one dot, the second two dots and the third three dots. If you talked to Wrinkly Kong in the Fungi Forest lobby, he mentions that the numbers 2-1-1-3-2 may help you. With this advice, grip grab the second switch, the the first and so on following those numbers that Wrinkly Kong gave you. Once you do so, a golden banana on a conveyor belt will be taken outside into a cage with a moon on it. The moon means that it must be night time in order for the cage to disappear. Head back outside and use teleport pad 1. Jump up on the stumps in front of you. Wait for the pendulum to pass by and jump on its shaft. Climb to the top and jump off. If you run to the other side of the clock house you can find three yellow coins. You will notice two switches; one with a sun and one with a moon. The switch that is activated represents the time of day. Take out your gun and shoot the moon switch to change the time to night. When you do so, jump back down and use teleport pad 1. Run to the other side of the house and collect the golden banana inside the cage. DK 1
Jump across the moat and head over to the thorny path. Collect yellow bananas (31-35) while heading down. Do not touch the thorny bushes (walls) because you will get hurt. Head left around the house (inside the walls of the thorny bushes) and jump in his invincibility barrel. Continue around the house and collect the five yellow bananas in the center of the thorny rose bushes. Below where the bananas were is a blue switch. Simian Slam the switch to open the door to the house. Make sure you’re away from the bushes and exit your invincibility form. Make your way around the house and inside through the doors. Inside, head right to find another box with a question mark on it. Simian Slam to break the box and collect the five yellow bananas inside. (41-45) It will also reveal a switch. Simian Slam the switch to create vines above you and a challenge barrel. Quickly climb up the ladder on the right side of the room and jump the vines into the challenge barrel. Another Minecart Mayhem game. This time you must survive 45 seconds against two bomb carts. There are many different methods on how to do this but here’s an option. Take the first path up and then skip the second one. Take the next one up then press and hold Z to speed up. Take the next one up and quickly pass the next path. You should be able to navigate through the last few paths til the time runs out. When you beat it, you will collect a golden banana. DK 2
Exit the house and walk around the thorny bushes. Navigate behind the bushes behind the house to find your Kasplat. Kill it and collect the blueprint. Head back to the waterwheel area. Walk 180 degrees around the moat and you will find an abandoned house. (It is directly across from teleport pad 1 over the moat.) Head behind the house and shoot the yellow balloon flying above you. (46-55) Head back to teleport pad 1 and use it. Make your way up the tree and switch to day time by shooting the sun switch. (The most convenient way to get up there is by using the cannon near teleport pad 1. Jump back down and use teleport pad 3. Enter inside the giant mushroom. Run up either ramp and climb the ladder. Navigate all the way to the top and exit through the opened door. Collect the ten yellow bananas circling the path (56-65) then continue following the path, and up the ladder while collecting yellow bananas (66-70). At the top of the ladder, collect the yellow coins and press Z on the pad to blast up in the sky. Navigate through the barrels and you will collect ten yellow bananas. (71-80) When the barrel spins 160 degrees, take the first barrel that’s perpendicular to you. Shoot through the tiny rings to end up in more barrels. Shoot into the challenge barrel at the end. Another game we’ve played. Shoot the six crocs to let the banana fairies pass in 60 seconds. When you complete the challenge you will receive a golden banana. DK 3
Climb up the ladder beside you and enter inside the giant mushroom again. Turn right and climb the ladders up. Jump across gaps, swing through vines and up to the very top. When you get to the top, exit outside. Collecting the five yellow bananas in front of you and activate teleport pad 5. (81-85) Use it and head back inside the giant mushroom. Head to the character barrel and turn around. Take out your gun and shoot the switch on the wall. There are four more switches each corresponding to the other fours Kongs. Jump in the character barrel and have the four Kongs shoot their switch on the wall. This will cuase cannons to appear throughout the giant mushroom. Jump in the character barrel and get DK back out. To your right is a DK switch. Simian Slam the switch to reveal a golden banana at the top. Head up the slope and jump in the cannon. On your way up you will collect yellow bananas (86-100) Collect the golden banana. DK 4 Head outside and use teleport pad 5. Head across the moat and use teleport pad 3. Run around and use teleport pad 1. Turn around and jump across the moat over to Snide’s. Trade in the blueprint for a golden banana. DK 5 Exit Snide’s and jump in the character barrel next to you. Take out Diddy.
As you jump out of the barrel in front of Snide’s, take out your gun and shoot the red balloon flying above you. (1-10) Head over the moat to teleport pad 1 and use it. Turn around and jump on the red mushroom to collect ten red bananas and enter the rocketboost barrel. (11-20) Fly onto the time tree and change it to night time. Jump back down and use teleport pad 3. Jump into the character barrel and take out Lanky. Climb the mushroom in front of the gated tunnel. Take out your grape shooter and shoot the switch above the tunnel to open the gate. Jump back down and head left to the character barrel. Take out Diddy and head through the tunnel that you opened. At the end of the tunnel, pass the stump and head straight in front of the large tree. Activate teleport pad 4 while collecting the five red bananas on it. (21-25) Use the pad to teleport and you will automatically collect five more red bananas. (26-30) Teleport back and run around the tree collecting red bananas (31-40).
Head through the tree past the Kasplat and on the stump. Play your guitar on the pad to wake up an owl nearby. He will tell you that he doesn’t speak to people without wings. Head to the east side of the area and jump in your rocketboost barrel. Fly to the owl in the tree and start a challenge. You must fly through the rings he sends. Do your best to not miss any because it’s hard to get back in play. When you fly through the course, the owl will give you a challenge barrel. Fly on top of the tree and collect the five red bananas. (41-45) Jump in the barrel to play a game. Busy Barrel Barrage. Shoot the enemies that try and hit you and survive for 45 seconds. Never stop shooting, they will spawn at random. When you beat the challenge, collect the golden banana. DYK 1
Jump down and use teleport pad 4. Circle around the tree a little and use teleport pad 3. Behind the giant mushroom across the moat is a small red mushroom. Jump on the mushroom to collect ten red bananas and inside a rocketbarrel boost. (46-55) Fly to the very top of the giant mushroom and over the large red head. You will find a challenge barrel at the very center of the red mushroom. Fly into it and play Teetering Turtle Trouble. Like last time, shoot watermelons in the snakes mouth before they drop the spinning turtles. Your priorities are the snakes that say “help”. Just keep shooting at each of the snakes even if they aren’t saying help. When you beat the challenge, you will collect the golden banana. DYK 2 Land on the mushroom and slide to the platform circling it. Collect the ten red bananas circling it (56-65) and find a hole on the outer part of the ledge. It will have a ladder. At the bottom collect the three red coins and press Z on the battle arena pad. Survive one minutes against different kinds of enemies and collect the golden crown. Climb back up the ladder and circle around into the giant mushroom. Inside, travel down a few floors (about half way down) and kill your Kasplat. Collect the blueprint and the seven bananas around it. (66-72)
Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head to teleport pad 1. Turn around and run to the abandoned shack where DK shot the yellow balloon. To the left of the shack, jump on the boxes while collecting red bananas (73-75). Use the pad on the top box to jump in an alcove while collecting five red bananas. (76-80) Inside, play your instrument on the pad to have Squawks hold a flashlight for you so you can see. Carefully walk across the narrow planks. Collect the 10 red bananas in the room (81-90) and collect the golden banana in the back. DYK 3 Go ahead and jump in the pit below to kill yourself. Turn around and exit the shack. Head to the waterwheel house. Run around the house until you see a rope. Climb up the rope and Simian Slam Diddy’s switch at the top. This will open a small door under you. Enter inside and shoot the red balloon near the back for the last ten bananas. (91-100) At the top of the machine in the room you will find an “on” button. Shoot it with your peanut shooter to turn it on. Next, Chimpy Charge the green arrow on the machine to activate the wench. When you do so, a golden banana will appear outside in a cage and a musical pad will appear in front of the thorny bush area. Exit the attic and head over to the thorny bush area. Play your instrument on the pad next to the character barrel to destroy the metal cage. Run over to the golden banana and collect it. DYK 4
Head over to the time tree and make it day time. Head back to Snide’s and trade in the blueprint for a golden banana. DYK 5 When you exit, jump in the character barrel and choose Lanky.
Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head up the hill. Collect the five blue bananas on teleport pad 1 (1-5) and make your way to the top of the time tree. Shoot the moon switch to make it night time then jump back down. Use teleport pad 1 and run to your left. Use the pad to float onto the roof while collecting blue bananas (6-10). Land on the roof and collect the four blue bananas. (11-14) There is a small alcove above the entrance to the waterwheel house. Enter inside it while collecting five blue bananas. (15-19) Inside, collect the five blue bananas to your right, (20-24) then Simian Slam the blue switch in the center to release three bats. Simply shoot them and a golden banana will appear. Collect the banana and exit the house. LK 1
Jump back down and head around the house to the rope. Jump on the rope and collect blue bananas (25-27). Use teleport pad 1 to get to the main area, then use teleport pad 3 to get to the giant mushroom and automatically collecting five blue bananas. (28-32) Enter inside the mushroom and head up either ramp. Turn around and stand in the middle. Take out your gun and shoot the balloon flying around. (33-42) Head back outside and collect the ten blue bananas circling the giant mushroom as well as the three blue coins in the back. (43-52) Head over to the teleport pad 5 and use it. Use your Orangstand to climb up the large red head of the mushroom. At the top, collect the five blue bananas (53-57) and Simian Slam the blue switch. This will open two doors on either side of the giant mushroom. Head into the dark side of the mushroom first. In here, play your instrument to get rid of the bees. Jump on the red mushrooms to collect 10 blue bananas. (58-67) In the middle of the two mushrooms suspended in the air is a golden banana. Simply jump on the red mushroom to collect it. LK 2 Exit the room.
Head back up to the top with your Orangstand and activate the switch again. This time, head down the opposite side of the mushroom and head through the second door. Inside here, collect the five blue bananas on the yellow mushroom. (68-72) Look at the picture on the wall. Notice that the picture has an image of all five kongs with arrows leading through them. Also in the room are five colored mushrooms corresponding to a certain kong. For example, DK is yellow, Diddy is red, Lanky is blue, etc… The first image on the picture is DK. So Simian Slam the yellow mushroom. The next Kong would be Diddy. Simian Slam the red mushroom. The orders of the mushrooms you need to Simian Slam is Yellow-Red-Purple-Green-Blue. When you do so, a challenge barrel will appear in the center of the room. Jump inside it to play Krazy Kong Klamour for the third time. Simply Shoot the banana five times instead of the Kongs. Hitting the Kongs will result in adding an extra banana to hit. This time, you have to shoot very fast because the slots change really quick. Shoot five bananas in 60 seconds to beat the challenge. Collect the golden banana. LK 3
Exit the room and walk around to the entrance to the mushroom. (The top of the mushroom entrance.) Inside, take out your gun and shoot the balloon flying in the middle. (73-82) Exit and use teleport pad 5 to get to the bottom. Head through the yellow tunnel nearby to collect blue bananas (83-92). Head past the stump and through the tree to find your Kasplat. Kill it and collect the blueprint as well as the three blue coins there. Head west of the area and you will find your last eight bananas. (93-100) You will find a rabbit and wants to challenge you to a race, but unfortunately you need a potion to race him. This potion is made from Cranky in the next level Crystal Caves. **Be sure to come back here after you drink the potion in Crystal Caves. Head back to teleport pad 4 and use it to get to the main area. Use the cannon to get to the top of the time tree and change it to day. Jump back down and use teleport pad 1. Turn around and head to Snide’s. Trade the blueprint for a golden banana. LK 4 Hop in the character barrel and take out Tiny.
**This is only after you drank the potion from Cranky’s in Crystal Caves. Play your instrument on the pad to wake up the bunny. He will challenge you to a race around the area. Accept and use your Orangstand to navigate the goals. When you beat him he will give you a mere three blue coins. Collect them and play your instrument on the pad again. You will be challenged to another race. This time, he is much faster but the course is still the same. When the race begins, jump in the barrel to become quick. Beat him again and he will give you a golden banana. collect the golden banana to finish up. LK 5
Jump in the moat ahead and collect the 17 purple bananas surrounding the waterwheel house. (1-17) Jump back out and use teleport pad 1. Run around the path and use teleport pad 3 while collecting the five purple bananas on it. (18-22) Run inside the giant mushroom. On your left, collect the five purple bananas and Simian Slam the switch. (23-27) This will cause a challenge barrel to appear up above. Run up the ramp and up the ladder. Turn left and climb the second ladder. Keep heading left while jumping over gaps. Jump in the challenge barrel to play Speedy Swing Sortie. You must collect 14 coins in 45 seconds. Jump on the red mushroom in the back to bounce on the tree. Follow the path while collecting the coins. You will have to use your pony tail swirl some times to jump across trees while collecting coins. Once you beat the challenge, collect the golden banana. TK 1
Make your way up to the next level and exit through the door. Run around the path until you find your Kasplat. Kill it and collect the blueprint. Collect the five purple coins around you and shoot the purple balloon flying above you. (28-37) Jump below and head through the yellow tunnel. Run past the stump and through the tree until you see an instrument pad. Collect the eight purple bananas around the stump. (38-45) Jump in your barrel behind it to become small. Run back to the instrument pad and play your saxophone. Squawks will appear and drop you on top of the stump. Back flip over the hole to collect five purple bananas and into the hole. (46-50) Inside, play your instrument to kill the baddies. This will cause a golden banana to appear. Jump across the small gaps and collect the golden banana. TK 2 You will also notice a large purple seed in the middle. Be sure to pick this up! Once you collect the seed, jump in the cannon to exit the stump.
Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head left over to the green tunnel. Shoot the two switches to open the gate. Run behind to the red mushroom and jump in the character barrel. Take out Chunky real quick and head through the green tunnel. Shoot the two switches on the wall to open the gate. Head back to the character barrel above the red mushroom and take out Tiny again.
Head back through the green tunnel while collecting purple bananas (51-55). You will see a worm inside an apple asking to be protected from the rotten tomatoes. For now, climb the three tall mushrooms in this area to collect purple bananas (56-70). Head over to Funky’s and activate teleport pad 2. Inside Funky’s, buy the homing ammo! This will let you shoot an enemy with almost 100% accuracy. It will curve in the direction of the enemy. Exit the shop and head over to the farming patch surrounded by a small fence. A tall beanstalk will rise out of the ground. (Remember when you collected the seed? This is what it is used for; growing the beanstalk.) For helping grow it, a golden banana will appear at the top. To your right, collect the purple coins and jump into Tiny’s barrel. Head in front of the beanstalk and play your instrument on the pad. Squawks will come pick you up and will take you to your golden banana. TK 3
Head back into the main area. Jump in a character barrel and take out Chunky again. Use teleport pad 1 and run around the house until you see a large door. Primate Punch the door to open it. Inside, head right and you will see a large box with a question mark on it. Primate Punch this to open a path for Tiny. Exit the area and find a character barrel to take out tiny again. Head back in the main area and jump in the cannon to get to the top of the time tree. Shoot the moon symbol to make it night. Jump back down and use teleport pad 1. Run around the house and jump in Tiny’s barrel. While small, enter the little hole in front of you on the house. Inside, you will automatically collect five purple bananas. (71-75) Head right and collect the five purple bananas on the wall. (76-80) Head right and jump up the boxes for another five purple bananas. (81-85) Enter inside the hole in front of you. You will automatically collect five purple bananas when you enter. (86-90) Run onto the spider web in the middle and you will be greeted by a large spider. Instead of dealing with you herself, the spider sends her small children to do her dirty work. Kill the small spiders around here while avoiding the spit like substance the large spider spits at you. The green spit will reverse your controls and the yellow spit will freeze you. The large spider will wake up when you kill the children spiders. Take out your feather bow and shoot her in the eye. Repeat this process five more times and the large spider will turn small. Simply attack the spider once to kill it. Collect the golden banana that appears and leave the area. TK 4 Jump in Tiny’s barrel on the wall and head out through where you came in.
Head over to the thorny bush house area. Instead of going inside, navigate around the bushes behind the house to where the Kasplat is. Enter inside the little area where the Troff and Scoff portal is. Take out your bow and shoot the purple balloon flying above you. (91-100) Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head up the time tree to make it day time again. Jump back down and use teleport pad 1. Turn around and head over to Snide’s. Trade in the blueprint for a golden banana. TK 5 Jump in the character barrel outside and take out Chunky.
Jump over the moat ahead and run around the house until you find a large door. Primate Punch the door to open it and go inside. Walk a little forward and turn right around the wooden bend to find a large box with a question mark on it. Primate Punch the box to break it. Collect the five green bananas that was inside (1-5) and play your triangle on the pad. This will cause the waterwheel to turn as well as the conveyor belt in the main room. Nearby, pick up the metal barrel. Exit the room with it and enter inside the main room in front of teleport pad 1. Place the barrel on the conveyor belt. The barrel will explode upon touching the spinning spikes. There are two more metal barrels in this room so do the same thing with them. When the third barrel explodes on the conveyor belt, a golden banana will appear. Collect the golden banana and exit the room. CK 1
Use teleport pad 1 in front of you, and run around to teleport pad 2. Collect the five green bananas on it and use it. (6-10) You will automatically collect five more green bananas when you teleport. (11-15) Run over to the tomato patch and collect the nine green bananas around it. (16-24) Head back near Funky’s and jump in his barrel. Head back to the tomato patch and JUMP onto the tomatoes to kill them. When you do so the worm in the apple wants to live somewhere else other than here. Pick up the apple and head through the tunnel. Take a left at the end and set the apple down on the picture of an apple on the ground. Collect the golden banana the worm gives you. CK 2
Head on up to the time tree and shoot the moon to make it night time. Head on over to teleport pad 3 and use it. Enter inside the giant mushroom. Run up the ramp and collect a total of 16 green bananas while heading to the next exit above. (25-40) When you exit, run around the path and climb the ladder. Climb the next ladder and enter inside the mushroom. Inside, continue up the path while collecting green bananas (41-51). When you get to the ledge, jump across the vines and collect the five green bananas on the alcove. (52-56). Exit out the mushroom. Outside, kill your Kasplat and collect the blueprint. Shoot the green balloon flying above you as well. (57-66) Head back into the mushroom and swing across the vines. Continue up the mushroom while collecting green bananas (67-80).
Exit outside at the top and run around the platform until you see your switch. Collect the coins on the switch and Simian Slam it to open the door in front of you. Enter inside and collect the five green bananas. (81-85) Also, shoot the green balloon flying above you. (86-95) Kill the bee then Simian Slam the switch in the middle to mix up the picture on front of you. Take out your gun and shoot the nine tiles until they match the picture of Chunky. When you do so, a golden banana will appear. Collect the golden banana and exit. CK 3
Use teleport pad 5 then jump across the moat and use teleport pad 3. Behind the path to teleport pad 4 is a large well with a red mushroom above it. Climb up the stump in front of the well and collect the last five green bananas. (96-100) Simian Slam the grate you’re on to fall down below. You will begin another minecart game just like the one in Jungle Japes. This time, you must collect 50 coins! Remember to speed up or slow down when necessary. When you finish the track with 50 or more coins you will receive a golden banana. CK 4 Head to the time tree and switch to day time. Use teleport pad 1 and turn around over to Snide’s. Trade in the blueprint for a golden banana. CK 5 Now it’s boss time. Enter inside the Troff n Scoff portal next to you and feed the hippo 300 bananas. Enter inside the boss door as Chunky.
Dodagon is back and angrier than ever. He crawls out of the lava and onto the area. As the battle starts, dodge all the of the fireballs he sends at you. When he lands on the corner of the area, pickup a TNT barrel and throw it at him like last time to send him into the lava. When he reemerges, continue dodging the fireballs until he lands on the corner of the area again. Jump over the shock wave he sends and throw another TNT barrel at him. Dodge more fire balls and soon he will look like he’s about to explode. But instead he will send a massive firewall to you. This is unavoidable so take the hit. Pick up the TNT barrel and throw it at him again. Now he’s outraged. He will stomp on the arena and it will start to sink. Dodge a few fireballs and throw a TNT barrel at him once more. Your Chunky barrel will appear! Quickly jump in the barrel and punch the beast like crazy. When Dodagon recovers, dodge more fireballs until you can throw another TNT barrel at him. Again jump in your barrel and punch the living lights out of him. After a few more rounds of punching him, he will soon die and drop the boss key. Collect the key to be taken back to Fungi Forest. Pause the game and exit the level.
Head over to the green dome and unlock the lock number 5. Lumsy will jump for joy and will reveal the next two levels: Crystal Caves and Creepy Castle. Crystal Caves is next on our agenda so let’s head there. Use teleport pad 1 out side and jump in the character barrel. Take out Tony and use teleport pad 2. Head across the path past the instrument pads, then pony tail twirl on to the alcove and head inside Crystal Caves Lobby. Head up to B. Locker and show him that you have 65 or more golden bananas. When he vanishes, enter inside Crystal Caves.
The chills and breezes, the elegant shines, the crystallized elements… what more can be added to this beautiful world?
Jump to Kong
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Lanky Kong
Tiny Kong
Chunky Kong
Crystal Caves Boss: Army Dillo II
Run up the path and activate teleport pads 1 and 2 while collecting the first five yellow bananas. (1-5) Take the right path past the baddy with the spiked club to the end. Jump across the river on your left and continue to your right. Jump across the platforms and turn right onto the plank. Cross it and collect the five yellow bananas surrounding your pad. (6-10) Press Z on the pad to be shot up in the air. Shoot into the very right barrel first to collect yellow bananas (11-15). The rest of the path is linear from here. You will collect another fifteen yellow bananas through the course. (16-20) Shoot into the challenge barrel at the end. In this game you must shoot the Kremlings before they hit you. You’ve played this before; remember to shoot non stop. When you’ve survived for one minute you will receive the golden banana. DK 1
Run across the narrow path over to Cranky’s. Jump in the character barrel and take out Chunky. Run back across the path and Primate Punch the ice on the wall to break it. Head back and take out DK again. Head back across the path and inside the path collecting three yellow bananas. (31-33)
Inside this room, shoot the yellow balloon flying above you. (34-43) Exit the room and head left down the path. When you get to the river, jump in it and continue left. You will find a large igloo. Collect the five yellow bananas around it. (44-48) Behind the igloo you can find teleport pad 1 with five yellow bananas on it. (49-53) Use the teleport pad. Jump in the character barrel and take out Chunky. Head back down the path in the direction of the level portal, and Primate Punch the icy wall on the right to break it down. Head back and take out DK again. Run through the path that Chunky just opened and shoot the yellow balloon flying above. (54-63) Also collect the yellow coins. Head back out to the teleport pads.
Take the path right past the baddy with the spiked club. Jump across the river to your left and take the left path. Jump up on the ledges to the top. When you see Funky’s in the distance, make your way over there and buy the ammo belt pack. Now you can hold 200 ammunition! Exit the shop and jump down into the river. Swim past the waterfall and exit on your left on the ledge. You will see Candy’s shop so why not stop by for a visit? Since we haven’t been here in a while you can buy the instrument upgrade allowing you 20 plays instead of ten. She will also let you buy an extra melon for you health. Buy these and exit the shop. Head left to an icy abandoned cabin. Jump on your instrument pad and collect the five yellow bananas. (64-68) Play your instrument to open one of the cabin door in front of you. Enter inside and shoot down all of the bees. Watch out for the trap doors! When you kill all the bees, a golden banana will appear. Collect the five yellow bananas on one of the trapdoors (69-73) and the golden banana. DK 2 Exit the cabin.
Climb up the few floors up the cabin and activate teleport pad 5. Head back to the path next to Candy’s. Jump down the cabin and head down the path past Candy’s. Jump up the small platforms and head down the narrow path. Activate teleport pad 2 and head across the plank to your right. In front of the cabin, play your bongos to open the door and enter inside. Collect the five yellow bananas in the center. (74-78) Hit the blue square on your left to turn the room. Stand on the battle pad in the back and press Z. Survive 70 seconds of enemies and collect the golden crown. Notice the four squares in the middle of the room. You must Simian Slam the color corresponding to a Kong. You need to slam all of the colors before you can move on to the next Kong. The colors you need to slam in order are: yellow, red, blue, purple, then green. So starting in the room tilted on the left, slam the two yellow pads. Then slam the red pad. Hit the blue switch on your right to turn the room. Slam the red tile then the blue tile. Hit the blue switch on the left again and slam the blue tile. Hit the blue switch again to turn the room. Do it once more on the blue switch to your right. Slam the two purple tiles then the green tile. Hit the blue switch on your left and slam the green tile. Slam the orange tile then hit the blue switch on your right. Slam the last orange tile and the golden banana will appear. Collect the banana and exit the cabin. DK 3
Use teleport pad 2 to get back near the entrance. Head down the path on the right and cross the river on your left. Jump up the platforms and head left to the ice castle. Continue left down the path and make a right to find your Kasplat. Kill it and collect the blueprint. Jump down and take out Chunky. Head down the path near the baddy with the spiked club and Primate Punch the icy wall to reveal a path to Snide’s. Head back in the character barrel and take out DK. Run over to Snide’s and trade in your blueprint for a golden banana. DK 4 Exit and jump in the character barrel next to you. Take out Diddy.
Note: You may have already noticed that Donkey Kong hasn’t finished collecting his golden bananas and his regular bananas. This is because there are some areas that cannot be accessed until other Kongs have unlocked it.
Exit Snide’s area and head right. Jump over the river and jump up the platforms on your left. Make your way over to Funky’s. Cross the bridge next to the armory and collect the five red bananas. (1-5) Jump in the rocketboost barrel above you. Straight up behind you, you will see a large platform with a Kasplat on it. Activate the teleport pad 5 and jump back in the rocketboost barrel. Head inside the waterfall collecting the five red bananas (6-10) and entering the challenge barrel. Another Mad Maze Maul! You must kill seven enemies and make it to the goal before the timer runs out. When you finish you will collect the golden banana. DYK 1
Turn around and follow the river until you find a platform sticking out of the water. On top of it is five red bananas and teleport pad 4. Land of the pad to activate it and collect the five red bananas. (11-15) Jump to the ledge near you with the baddy and the spiked club. Play your instrument to kill it and turn around to the platform. Take out your gun and shoot the red balloon flying around it. (16-25) Head up the ramp, jumping the gaps, and head across the narrow walkway to Cranky’s. To the left of Cranky’s over the river is another rocketboost barrel. Jump in it and fly into the igloo area close by. Above the igloo, fly through the DK star while collecting red bananas (26-30). To your left, collect the five red bananas on the rock sticking out of the ground. (31-35) Then collect the five red bananas over the large ice dome next to it. (36-40) Opposite the area the area there is another ice dome with five red bananas over it. Collect them then drop to the ground. (41-45) Behind the igloo on the wall is teleport pad 3. Head over there and activate it. Head to the igloo and play your instrument on the pad to open the door. Enter the igloo.
Inside, you will find six barrels on sitting on a small number. Pick up the barrel to see what the number is. Starting at 1, throw the barrels. When you threw all six barrels in numerical order, a golden banana will appear. Collect the golden banana and shoot the red balloon flying above you. (46-55) DYK 2 Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and run up the the teleport pads. Use teleport pad 2 then jump down into the river. Get out near Candy’s and head to the large cabin. Play your instrument on the middle floor and head inside the opened door. This challenge here is a bit hard so for now, collect the red bananas in this room. (56-65) Let the timer run out because you won’t have time to finish your challenge. Exit and reenter. You must kill all of the enemies before the timer runs out. Jump in your rocketboost barrel and land in a corner with a green kremling. Kill the kremling then throw orange bombs in the center platform to kill the four barrels. Now fly in each corner and kill the rest of the enemies and a golden banana will appear. Killing the enemies can be extremely difficult. Do you best not to fall off a ledge and you should make it in time. Collect the banana and exit the room. DYK 3
Head up to the third floor of the cabin and play your instrument on the pad. Inside, play your instrument to kill the two baddies and to make a pad appear in the center of the room. Use the pad to jump high and lean to your left into the rocketbarrel boost. Fly over the three candles to light them. Or to put it into more simple words, collect the red bananas over each candle. (66-80) When you do so, a golden banana will appear on the floor. Drop down and collect the banana. DK 4 Exit the room and look up. Shoot the red balloon flying high above you. (81-90) Jump into the barrel to the side of the cabin and take out Lanky.
Note: You may have already noticed that Diddy Kong hasn’t finished collecting his golden bananas and his regular bananas. This is because there are some areas that cannot be accessed until other Kongs have unlocked it.
As you jump out of your barrel, jump in the river below and collect the ten blue bananas. (1-10) When you reach a dead end at a waterfall you will notice a balloon flying around. Jump on a ledge and shoot it. (11-20) Swim all the way down the river just before you enter the igloo area and hop out. Jump over the gaps and run over to Cranky’s. Buy Lanky’s Simian Sprint and exit. **Now you can finish collecting the last golden banana in Fungi Forest. Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head up to the teleport pads while collecting blue bananas (21-25). Take the path right and jump across the river on your left. Jump up the platforms and you will see a large ice castle on your left.
Simian Slam the switch on the right and enter inside. Shoot the blue balloon flying above you and collect the blue coins on the game board. (26-35) Accept a game with the ghost tick-like creature. What you must do is Simian Slam the tiles to make your face appear. The ghost will also slam and make K.Rools face show up. The one with the most faces wins. A tip is to first slam a red tile quickly to become in the lead. When the ghost slams a tile, slam that same tile to take it back. If you do this through the whole game, you should be in the lead til the end. When you beat the challenge, collect the golden banana. LK 1 Exit the room and Simian Slam the next switch around the castle. This will open a piece of the castle at the top and a timer will start. Use the pad further around the castle to float up. Use the next pad above and drop in the castle at the top while collecting the five blue banana. (36-40)
Another annoying race against the beetle. Not only must you finish in first but you must also collect 50 or more coins. When the race begins, jump in the barrel. Do you best not to fall of the sides and to not hit the bugger. Remember to take it slow when you can and to collect as many coins as possible. When you finish the race with 50 or more coins, you will be awarded with a golden banana. LK 2 When you exit, head over to Cranky’s. On the bridge you will find a pad with Lanky’s on it. Press Z and float in the direction of the blue bananas (41-55) and drop into the water. Inside the igloo area, play your instrument on your pad to open the door. Inside, kill all of the enemies that spawn and pads will be placed on the large crystal in the center of the room. Make your way to the top of the crystal collecting blue bananas (56-60). Shoot the blue balloon flying around you as well. (61-70) Collect the golden banana. LK 3
Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and use teleport pad 2 up the path. Head straight and then right over the plank. Behind the cabin, use your pad to get to the roof. Collect the five blue bananas and play your instrument on the pad. (71-75) This will open a door down below so jump down and enter inside the cabin. Inside, use the pad to get inside your barrel. Quickly run to the blue switch while collecting the five blue bananas on it. (76-80) This will cause a golden banana to appear on the other side of the room but you only have three seconds to get it! Quickly run to the banana and collect it. LK 4 When you exit, jump down and head towards Candy’s. Jump up to the top of the large cabin and use teleport pad 5. Kill your Kasplat and collect the blue print. While you’re at it, collect the 20 blue bananas around you. (81-100) Jump down into the river and get out on your right when you can. Head down the path and turn right into the cave near the baddy with the spiked club. Head into Snide’s and trade the blueprint for a golden banana. LK 5 When you exit, jump in the character barrel and take out Tiny.
Head out and jump into the river. Collect the ten purple bananas leading to the igloo area. (1-10) Play your instrument on your pad in front of the igloo and go inside. Inside, play your instrument to kill the baddy. Shoot the balloon flying above you. (11-20) Back flip in the center of the room to collect the five purple bananas. (21-25) Simian Slam the target in the center to start a timer. You must Simian Slam it three more times to complete the challenge. When you do so, collect the golden banana that appears. TK 1 Head over to teleport pad 3 behind the igloo and collect the five purple bananas on it. (26-30) Head over to teleport pad 1 and use it.
Head up the path to your right and jump across the river on your left. Continue right and jump over the gaps. At the top, turn right and run across the narrow path into Cranky’s. Buy the Monkeyport from him and exit. Head back the way you came toward the beginning of the level. Instead of jumping across the river, jump up the platforms and make your way to Funky’s. Head down the narrow path next to Funky’s and jump over the gap to Tiny’s barrel. Jump back and continue to the end of the path inside the icy hole while collecting the purple coins. When you get to the other side, activate teleport pad 4 so Diddy can get to his Kasplat. Shoot the purple balloon flying above you (31-40) and press Z on Tiny’s pad to teleport into an igloo. Collect the five purple bananas (41-45) and the golden banana next to you. TK 2
Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head up the path. Use teleport pad 2 and turn around. Head up to the Kasplat and kill it. Collect the blueprint and shoot the purple balloon flying above you. (46-55) Jump down near Candy’s and head towards the large cabin. Play your instrument on the second floor and go inside. Collect the ten purple bananas above the gaps. (56-65) Kill all of the purple crocs in here with orange bombs and a golden banana will appear. TK 3 The easiest way to kill them is by aiming in first person mode and throwing the oranges. When you collect the banana, find the purple balloon the flies very quickly up and down in one of the gaps. Shoot it and exit the cabin. (66-75)
Jump in the river and swim to the warp pads near the beginning of the level. Use teleport pad 1 and make your way outside of the igloo area down the river. Jump out of your first right and behind the Kosha is a Tiny Barrel. Jump inside it and enter the icy wall. On the other side, collect the five purple bananas and jump inside the challenge barrel. (76-80) You must play another Krazy Kong Klamour game where you shoot the golden banana instead of the Kongs. Shoot the banana five times before the timer runs to win. Collect the golden banana and a teleport pad 3 will appear. TK 4 Pause the game and exit the level. Head up the path and turn right. Head into Snide’s and trade the blueprint for a golden banana. TK 5 In order to collect the last 20 purple bananas, we need to do something with Chunky first. So hop in the barrel outside and take out Chunky.
Shoot the green balloon flying around Snide’s. (1-10) Head up into the main area while collecting three green bananas. (11-13) Head left over to teleport pad 2 and collect the five green bananas on it. (14-18) Go ahead and use it to collect five more green bananas on the other teleport pad 2. (19-23) Use it again and head right down the path. Jump over the river and jump up the gaps. Head across the narrow path into Cranky’s. Buy the Gorilla Gone move. Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head through the path on the left near the kremling. Collect the three green bananas down the path. (24-26) Collect the five green bananas on the pad (27-31) and press Z on it to turn invisible. A golden banana will appear behind you. Simply run over and collect it. CK 1
Head back out to the teleport pads and use teleport pad 2. Jump down near Candy’s and head to the large cabin. Play your instrument on the bottom floor and enter inside. You will notice moving lights in the room. You MUST avoid them or you will be shot at and killed. (You will start back inside the room though.) You will notice three targets inside the room. Simian Slam the targets without being spotted in the light to make a Chunky pad appear. Use the pad to become invisible. Collect the 20 green bananas in the center of the room (32-51) and jump in the challenge barrel. Another Searchlight Seek game. You must shoot 8 crocs in the dark to complete the challenge. When you finish, collect the golden banana and exit the cabin. CK 2
Make your way down the river near the first teleport pads. Jump out on your left near where the blue beaver is. Jump up the platforms and turn left to the ice castle. Continue left and pick up the large boulder. Collect the five green bananas the was under it. (52-56) Head up the ramp in front of you more three more green bananas. (57-59) At the top, collect five more green bananas on top of the switch. (60-64) Set the boulder on the switch with Z to activate it. This will cause a large ice block to break revealing another boulder. Head over near Cranky’s. Directly across the narrow path is an entrance on the wall. Inside, collect the six green bananas surrounding the large boulder.(65-70) Jump in your barrel to become large. Pick up the boulder and collect the five green bananas under it. (71-75) Set the boulder down on the rotating switch to blow up a large igloo in the igloo room. Head out side and swim left down the river into the igloo room. To the right of the large igloo is your golden banana and five green bananas. Collect them. (76-80) CK 3
Jump on top of the large igloo in the center of the room and kill the Kasplat. Collect the blue print and drop down. Play your instrument on the pad and enter inside the igloo. Inside, you will find a bunny holding on to a large TNT barrel. Flame enemies will appear and walk to the barrel to try and detonate it. Keep the enemies away for 30 seconds and the bunny will give you a golden banana. Collect the banana and shoot the green balloon flying above you. (81-90) CK 4 When you exit, head over to teleport pad 3 and use it. Inside this room, collect the green coins and shoot the green balloon flying above you. (91-100) Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head over to Snide’s. Trade in your blueprint for a golden banana. CK 5 Now to finish up with the other Kongs. Exit and take out DK.
Donkey Kong: Head left to teleport pad 1 and use it. Play your instrument next to the large igloo and enter inside. You will find a large maze made of ice. First, jump on top of the entrance door for five yellow bananas. (79-83) Make your way to the entrance of the maze. While you navigate through it, collect the seven yellow bananas. (84-90) The maze will rotate back and forth so be careful. At the end, collect the last golden banana. A good strategy is to stay in place and avoid the walls as it spins counter clockwise. When it spins clockwise, move with the walls. DK 5 After you collect the golden banana, shoot the yellow balloon flying above you. (91-100) Exit outside and take out Diddy in the character barrel.
Diddy Kong Head down the river and jump out on your first right. Head up the path and over to Cranky’s. Jump in the rocketbarrel boost and fly below to the teleport pad 4 on the piece of rock. Use it and you will automatically collect five red bananas. (91-95) Collect the last five red bananas on the wall (96-100) and kill the Kasplat. Collect the blueprint and exit the level. Reenter and make your way to Snide’s. Trade the blueprint for a golden banana and exit. DYK 5 Jump in the character barrel and take out Tiny.
Tiny Kong Head to teleport pad 1 and use it. Make your way to the igloo the broke during Chunky Kongs quest with the boulders. Use Tiny’s pad on it to find yourself face to face with the madman behind the stalactites falling throughout the level. Play your instrument to kill it. Collect the final 20 purple bananas around where it was. (81-100) Jump down to kill yourself. Find any Troff n Scoff portal and enter inside. Feed the hippo 350 bananas and enter inside the boss door as Donkey Kong.
After a massive repair from the kremlings, this mad armadillo is back for more. He will finally have his shot at revenge against the might Donkey Kong. As the battle begins, dodge his fire balls until he pokes his head out. Like last time, pick up the TNT barrel and throw it at his face. Dodge his rolling attack and he will soon fly into the air and drop on the ground creating a shock wave. Jump over the green wave and dodge more fire balls. When he pokes his head out, throw another TNT barrel at him. Dodge his rolling attack again and jump over two shock waves he sends out. Avoid more fire balls and throw a TNT barrel at him when he pokes his head out. His cannons will then blow off of him and he will try and run you over. Dodge the rolling attack again and he will send three more shock waves. Jump over them all and he will let out his big cannon. A shower if large fire balls will come. Run in one direction to avoid them. He will shoot out a large missile that will home in on you. Go ahead and take the hit. He will poke his head out so take the TNT barrel and throw it at him. This will blow the large cannon and his shell of, winning the battle. Collect the boss key and exit the level.
Head over to the green dome and unlock the number 6 lock on Lumsy’s cage. He will dance for joy again and for a moment, the mouth on K. Rools ship seems to open a little… but then closes. This is the entrance to Hideout Helm, the last level. But this can’t be accessed until we’ve completed Creepy Castle. Exit the dome and you will find a large cannon near you. Jump inside it and you will find your self inside Creepy Castle’s lobby. Head around to B. Locker and show him that you have 80 or more golden bananas. When he moves, enter inside Creepy Castle.
The frights… the fights… the chills… the wills… This scary domain is none other than K.Rools abandoned long lost home. Don’t let anything get inside your head… or it will be your last thing you do.
Jump to Kong
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Lanky Kong
Tiny Kong
Chunky Kong
Creepy Castle Boss: K.Rool Cutout
As you walk into the musty outer castle, run over the bridge collecting the five yellow bananas. (1-5) Head up the stairs on your right and you will find a large hollow tree. Behind it is a DK pad. Press Z on it to launch into the rainy sky. Keep in mind there are no yellow bananas here. There are only yellow coins to collect. Shoot yourself through the hoops to the end into the DK star. This will open the small gate on the hollow tree. Enter inside it. Play your instrument inside to kill the pesky bats. Shoot the switch on the wall to open the door. Head down and kill your Kasplat. Collect the blueprint and shoot the yellow balloon flying around the hole (6-15) Jump inside the hole and into the water. Swim to the broken piece of wood and collect the five yellow bananas on it. (16-20) Up above you on the wall is a moving target. Note you cannot shoot the target yet until you get the sniper scope upgrade from Funky first! Go ahead and jump into the water and swim to the exit for now.
Head back up the stairs and navigate past the hollow tree down the path collecting yellow bananas (21-35). When you collect the 35th yellow banana, activate teleport pad 1. Follow the trail of yellow bananas, up the zipper and across many gaps. (36-65) Activate teleport pad 2 when you collect the 65th yellow banana. Collect the three yellow coins on the ledge and exit the level. Reenter and navigate the path until you get to the hollow tree. On the wall to the right is a zipper you must climb. At the top, activate teleport pads 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Use teleport pad 2 and navigate up the path past the purple bananas. Activate teleport pad 3 when you get to Cranky’s and go inside his lab. Buy the Super Duper Simian Slam from him and exit. Continue up the path past the museum until you come to a greenhouse. Activate teleport pad 4 there and continue up the path.
Head past the ballroom and library all the way to the top. When you reach the top of the castle, activate teleport pad 5. To your right you will find Snide’s. Head inside and trade the blueprint for a golden banana. DK 1 Head back out and use teleport pad 5. Run over to teleport pad 1 and use it. Jump down a level behind you and enter the door. Head straight down the path until you find Funky’s. Buy the sniper upgrade for all Kongs. Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head inside the hollow tree like last time. Make your way to the platform in the water and aim at the target on the wall. Use your sniper mod to shoot the target. (right and left C) The water level will rise and another target will appear. Shoot it and a 3rd target to reach the golden banana. Jump up and collect it. DK 2 Exit and make your way to teleport pad 1 up the path. In front of the pad is a wooden gate with a hole at the bottom. Walk into the hole inside the castle. Follow the path past the tag barrel until you come to a gate on the left that opens for you. Go inside into the foggy area. Head straight and collect the yellow coins around the switch. Simian Slam the switch to open the door in front of you. Inside, collect the five yellow bananas on the tile board. (66-70) Simian Slam the nine tiles until they all show Donkey Kong’s face. When you do this, a golden banana will appear. Collect it. DK 3
Exit outside back to teleport pad 1 and use it. Use teleport pad 5 and head down the castle path until you see your switch. Simian Slam it to open the library door below. Run down the castle until you see a cloud. Jump onto the cloud and into the library. You will have 20 seconds to do this. Inside, heap up the ramp and take the left path. you will eventually come into a large room with books and the door behind you will shut. Collect the five yellow bananas in front of you (71-75) and kill all the enemies that appear and a switch will appear at the top of the books in the middle. Simian Slam the switch to open a door down the hall behind you. Make your way to where you turned left into the book room. This time, take the right path until you find books flying past the room. Jump in your invincibility barrel on your left and back flip under the yellow bananas down the path to collect them. (76-85) Make your way to the golden banana at the end of the path. DK 4 Shoot the switch on the wall to open the door. Exit outside of the castle.
Head back up and use teleport pad 5. Run over to teleport pad 1 and use it. Jump down a level behind you and enter the door. Head left over to the large skull. On the wall to the right of it is a switch. Shoot it to open its mouth. Head inside. Activate the three teleport pads when you enter and take the left path. Make another right and collect the five yellow bananas on the teleport pad 2 at the end. (86-90) Shoot the switch on the wall to open the door. Inside, shoot the yellow balloon flying around. (91-100) You will find levers on the ground and you must pull them in a certain order. Start at the top left, then top right, and lastly bottom left. This will open a door so head inside. You will be in another minecart game. Collect 25 coins before you finish the course to win the golden banana. Dodge the large ghosts hands and jump between tracks. He will shoot fire balls twice. If you get hit you will lose 3 coins. When you finish with 25 coins or more you will collect the golden banana. DK 5 Use teleport pad 2 to arrive in front of the exit. Head out into the skull area and left in the halls to the tag barrel. Take out Diddy.
Exit the level and reenter. Climb up the zipper to the right of the hollow tree and use teleport pad 4. Navigate up the castle a little ways and Simian Slam the switch to open the door to the ballroom. Inside, kill all of the enemies on the dance floor and a rocketbarrel boost will appear in the center. Jump inside it and fly over the three candles to light them with your jet pack while collecting the red bananas over them. (1-15) When you light the third candle, a bonus barrel will appear. Fly inside to play Minecart Mayhem again. Like last time, survive the track for one minute while avoiding the bomb carts. It’s a tricky one but you will recieve the golden banana when you beat it. DYK 1
Head to the top of the ramps and take out your gun. Look up towards the chandelier you and you will find a flying red balloon. Shoot it and exit the ballroom. (16-25) Head back down to teleport pad 4 and use it. Run over to teleport pad 1 and use that as well. Take out your gun and look above the wooden door and up the castle walls. You will see a red balloon so shoot it. (26-35) Jump down the drop behind you and enter inside the door. Kill the Kasplat in front of you and collect the blueprint. Head left into the skull room. Above the skull is a red balloon. Shoot that then shoot the switch to the left of the skull and enter inside the mouth. (36-45) Take a left and navigate through until you come to a split. Take the left path again and run until you find the teleport pad 1. Activate it and collect the five red banana on it. (46-50) Shoot the switch on the wall and enter inside. You will find a large coffin with four switches on the sides with a number on it. Chimpy Charge the numbers in numerical order (1-4) and the coffin will open revealing a golden banana. Collect the banana. DYK 2
Chimpy Charge switch number four and a coffin will open revealing some enemies and a red balloon. Kill the enemies and shoot the balloon. (51-60) The other coffin revealed three red coins. Exit the skull room and head back outside. Go clockwise around the castle and climb up the two zippers. Head to your right and inside the wooden gate in front of teleport pad 1. Inside, navigate the path until you come to the door on the left that opens on its own. Also collect the three red coins in front of it. Inside, head right down the path and Simian Slam the switch to open the door. Head inside to find a golden banana at the very end of the path. Problem is, if you walk over to it, it will spin around behind the wall. Stand in a place where the banana is still visible and take out your gun. Shoot the red balloon flying around (61-70) and use your sniper mod to shoot the switch on the wall above the banana. This will drop chains over the path. Jump across the chains and collect the golden banana. DYK 3
Head back out and turn right. Jump in the tag barrel and take out Chunky. Primate Punch the two gates on the walls that have some of Diddy’s bananas. Walk out of the area and head right. There are two more gates here to Primate Punch. Head back into the tag barrel and take out Diddy again. Collect the ten red bananas in the two walls. (71-80) Head right into the other area and collect the ten red bananas in the walls. (81-90) Exit outside of the castle and use the teleport pad 1. Run over to teleport pad 2 and use it. Jump in the rocketboost barrel and fly counter clockwise up the castle. When you near Cranky’s you will notice five red bananas on top of one of the pole supporting the bride. Collect the bananas (91-95) then fly to the very top of the castle. You will see a cloud with red bananas on it so land on that cloud. Collect the five red bananas (96-100) and hop over to the bonus barrel. Another bug swatting game! You must swat 10 bugs in 60 seconds. When you complete the challenge, collect the golden banana. DYK 4 Jump down and head over to Snide’s. Trade in the blue print for a golden banana. DYK 5 Head over to teleport pad 5 and use it. Behind teleport pad 1 is a tag barrel so jump in it and take out Lanky.
Use teleport pad 1 in front of you. Jump down behind you and enter inside the door. When you enter, you will automatically collect five blue bananas. (1-5) Follow the trail of blue bananas all the way to Funky’s. (6-30) Head back down the path to the Kasplat. Head left and you will see a tomb like cabin with blue coins around it. Shoot the switch to the left on the tomb and enter inside it. Shoot the switch on the wall to open a gate. You will have a very short time to get there so jump in the barrel behind you and take the left path racing to the gate. Hint: stand under the barrel and shoot the switch. As the grape flies to the switch, jump in the barrel to save some time. When you reach the next area, shoot the blue balloon flying over the green slime. (31-40) Play your instrument on the pad to make some vines drop down. Hop across the vines and collect the golden banana. LK 1
Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and make your way up to the five teleport pads. Use teleport pad 2 and navigate down the path to find your Kasplat. Kill it and collect the blueprint. Head back up to teleport pad 2 and use it. Jump in the water below and enter inside the castle. Follow the path until you come to the door that opens on its own. Inside, head left and Simian Slam the switch. Head inside the door that opens and shoot the blue balloon flying over the green slime. (41-50) Play your instrument on the pad to create some Lanky’s face pads around the area. Use them to fly to the bonus barrel at the end. Note you can make it to the bonus barrel from the second pad. You will play another game of Kremling Kosh! Shoot 25 kremlings in 60 seconds and you will receive the golden banana. LK 2 Shoot the blue balloon flying around you when you exit. (51-60) (Yes, that makes two blue balloons in this room.) Stand on the edge of the pad to take out your gun or else you will blow up into a balloon.
Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and make your way to the teleport pads. Use teleport pad 4 to arrive near the greenhouse. Simian Slam the switch behind it to open the door. Inside the greenhouse, you will see a golden banana in the corner of the room. But you must navigate through a maze to get there. Also you only have 40 seconds to collect it. While you’re navigating, collect the 30 blue bananas in here. (61-90) There is a barrel to your left from the entrance to help you navigate faster. When you collect the golden banana, a Battle Arena pad will appear. LK 3 Head over to the pad and play for a golden crown.
When you exit the greenhouse, use teleport pad 4 then use teleport pad 5 next to you. Simian Slam the switch in front of you to open the door to the castle. Inside, kill all of the the baddies to create a pad. Also shoot the blue balloon flying above you. (91-100) Shoot the three switches on the wall high above you using the sniper mod and the grate on the floor will open revealing a draft. Use the pad to float up using the draft into the bonus barrel above. And this is where the real nightmare begins in this castle… Beaver Bother. You must herd 15 beavers into the hole in the middle in only one minute. Remember to not stop pressing B. This is a boost to help the beavers fall in. Try and get around the beavers and pray that you make it in time. When you beat it, the golden banana will be yours. LK 4 Exit the castle and head over to Snide’s. Trade in the blueprint for a golden banana. LK 5 Head over to the character barrel and take out Tiny.
Run past the teleport pad 5 and collect the purple bananas all the way down past the greenhouse, past Cranky’s, and ending by teleport pad 2. (1-50) Use teleport pad 2 and run over to teleport pad 4 and use it. To the right of the greenhouse is a large trashcan with a barrel next to it. Jump in the barrel to become small. Jump on the red mushroom near you and Pony Tail Twirl to the top of the trashcan. Drop in the small hole in the top and you will automatically collect five purple bananas. (51-55) Play your instrument in here to kill the enemies. When they all die a golden banana will appear. Collect it and exit the trashcan. TK 1
Use teleport pad 4 and then use teleport pad 1. Jump down behind you in front of the door but don’t go inside. Instead, scale the wall clockwise and you will soon find your Kasplat. Play your instrument to kill it so you won’t fall off. Collect the blueprint and make your way to the door below teleport pad 1. Inside, head right and shoot the switch to the right on the large tomb. Go inside and take the right path. Jump over the gap collecting the five purple bananas. (56-60) Simian Slam the switch at the end of the path to raise some hands in the green slime leading to a golden banana. Jump across the hands using your Pony Tail Twirl and collect the golden banana. TK 2
Exit out of the tomb and head right down the path over to Funky’s. Shoot the purple balloon flying above you.(61-70) Exit the castle dungeon and make your way up to teleport pad 1 and the door in front of it. Go inside and turn left. Pony Tail Twirl over the large gap while collecting the purple coins. Jump in the bonus barrel to play Teetering Turtle Trouble. Shoot the snakes to make them spin the turtles. If they drop one you must try again. When you beat it, collect the golden banana. TK 3
Jump back over the gap and head outside. Use teleport pad 1 then use teleport pad 4. Head up the castle path until you come to the ballroom. Jump in the tag barrel and take out Diddy. Simian Slam the switch to open the door. Jump back in the tag barrel and take out Tiny again. Head inside the ball room. Make your way to the dance floor and collect the five purple banana on the monkey port pad behind it. (71-75) Use the monkey port pad to take you to some mysterious room. Collect the five purple bananas near you (76-80) then head behind the small structure to find another monkey port pad. Use the pad while collecting the five purple bananas on it (81-85) and collecting another set of five purple bananas when you arrive. (86-90) Take out your feather bow and shoot the purple balloon flying around you. (91-100) Use the monkey port pad again to get back to the small building and jump on top of it. Jump in the barrel to become small and enter inside the building. You will arrive in another race against the race car in the Frantic Factory toy room! Successfully beat the race of two laps while collecting 10 or more coins. If you miss five flags you will lose. When you beat the race, you will collect the golden banana. TK 4
Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head up to the five teleport pads. Use teleport pad 5 and head over to Snide’s. Trade in the blueprint for a golden banana and exit. TK 5 Jump in the tag barrel nearby and take out Chunky.
Pause the game and exit the level. Reenter and head inside the hollow tree. To your left collect the five green bananas (1-5) and Primate Punch the wall behind them. Shoot the green balloon in this tunnel. (6-15) You will notice when you walk through the tunnel the switch at the end will turn around. Stand near the entrance of the tunnel and shoot the switch using your sniper mod. Head through the tunnel and jump in the bonus barrel. Try not to throw the controller when you realize it’s another Beaver Bother challenge. Herd 15 beavers into the hole in 60 seconds. This is the same exact one as Lanky’s previous bonus barrel. When you complete the challenge, collect the golden banana. CK 1
Exit the hollow tree and make your way to the teleport pads. Jump in the water in front and head inside the castle. Collect the 30 green bananas that trail through this area. (16-45) Go back and kill your Kasplat. Head to the door that opens on it’s own and turn right. Primate Punch the two gates on the walls and shoot the green balloons in each one. (46-65) Head back outside in the teleport pad area and use teleport pad 1. turn around and jump off the ledge behind you. Enter inside the door and turn left. Shoot the switch to the right of the skull and enter. Take the right path and shoot the switch on the wall to open the door. Activate teleport pad 3 and enter inside the room. Primate Punch the two coffins on your left and collect the ten green bananas in them. (66-75) Primate Punch the coffins on the other side to reveal some green coins and a bonus barrel. Jump in the barrel to play Searchlight Seek. Shoot 10 green crocs in one minute in the dark to win the challenge. Collect the golden banana when you beat it. CK 2
Exit the skull area and back out side. Head to teleport pad 1 and use it. Run to teleport pad 4 and use that as well. To the left of the green house is a large wooded shed. Primate Punch the door to it and enter inside. Primate Punch the box in the center of the room with the question mark on it to break it. Play your instrument to kill all of the bats and a golden banana will appear. Shoot the green balloon flying around and collect the golden banana. (76-85) CK 3 Note that if you used Chunky’s pad to become invisible, more Bats would have appeared! Exit the shed and navigate down the castle until you find the museum. Simian Slam the switch and enter inside. Head to the main room inside and shoot the green balloon flying around you. (86-95) To your left you will notice three shields. Primate Punch them from left to right and one of the stone head will open its mouth revealing a large boulder. Pick up the boulder and collect the five green bananas under it. (96-100) Set the boulder on the platform in the center of the room to open another stone heads mouth revealing the golden banana. Collect the golden banana and leave the museum. CK 4
Head down over to Cranky’s and use teleport pad 3. Run over to teleport pad 5 and use that as well. Head on over to Snide’s and trade the blueprint for a golden banana. CK 5 And this will be the last golden banana to collect in the main levels, congratulations! There is still DK Isles at attack but first we need to kill the boss. Head back over to teleport pad 5 and use it. Run over to teleport pad 4 and use that. ON the castle wall there is a Truff n Scoff portal. Enter inside and feed the hippo 400 bananas. Enter inside the boss door as Lanky.
This cardboard menace may be more of a threat than it seems. It’s only a mere cardboard cut out of K.Rool constructed by kremlings how hard can it be? Don’t underestimate this horror just yet. As the battle begins, jump in the cannon directly in front of you to shoot yourself to the cardboard. This is the way to damage it. Swim back to the center while dodging lasers it shoots at you. It will pop up twice and shoot lasers so on the third time he pops up, jump in the cannon that is aimed at him. When you hurt him three times, he will lose an arm and two cutouts will appear this time. There will be a dark one and a light one. Be sure to shoot the light one because if you shoot the other, you will lose a Kong and you will have four lives left. Shoot the light cutout three times and it will lose another arm. Now the cutout is erm… angry and will start popping up fast in front of all the cannons. Note that the cutout pops up counter clockwise of the cannons so you can time it easier. Stand next to a cannon and wait until the bright cutout pops up. Jump in the cannon and shoot him three times to cut its head off. This will be the defeat of the cutout and you will be victorious. Collect the boss key and you will exit the area.
Exit the level and head over to Lumsy’s green dome. Unlock lock number 7 and he will dance for joy. He will make the jaw of K. Rools ship drop in the process. The entrance to hideout helm as been opened. Let’s not tackle that level yet. We still need to collect the last 24 golden bananas in DK Isle. Exit the dome and head to the five teleport pads.
Now that you’ve collected all of the golden bananas in the previous seven levels, it’s time to gather the final bananas located in DK’s home.
Jump to Kong
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Lanky Kong
Tiny Kong
Chunky Kong
Note that you’ve already collected DK’s first golden banana right before you entered Jungle Japes lobby. DK 1 Use teleport pad 4 to arrive to the entrance of Frantic Factory lobby. Enter inside and pull the lever on the right. This will activate a platform near you. Jump on the platform and jump off at the top. Play your instrument on the pad and Squawks will be kind enough to drop you a golden banana. DK 2
Head back outside and use teleport pad 4. Jump in the tag barrel and take out Tiny. Use teleport pad 2 and scale the wall to Crystal Caves lobby. Jump in the tag barrel and take out Chunky. Primate Punch the two ice walls near the entrance to reveal two areas. Take out DK again and head through the left tunnel. Jump in your barrel to become invincible. Head over to the right tunnel and run across the lava to collect the golden banana. DK 3 Exit outside of the lobby and head to the five teleport pads. Jump in the tag barrel and take out Tiny. Use teleport pad 4 to arrive near Frantic Factory again and drop down to the bottom of the ship. Run to the back and use the monkey port pad. Run to the side of the mouth and hop inside. You are now in the lobby to Hideout Helm. Jump in the tag barrel to your right and take out DK. Shoot the switch on the other side of the room to create a path. Play your instrument to kill the Kasplat on the other platform. Run across the path and collect the blueprint.
Exit back outside and drop to the bottom of his boat. Start navigating the path to Frantic Factory but when you come to a split, take the left path. Instead of jumping on the vines, drop down below them to land on a platform. Shoot the switch on the wall to reveal a golden banana. Collect it and make your way back up to those vines. DK 4 Jump across them and enter inside the door. Head into Snide’s and trade the blueprint for a golden banana. DK 5 Exit and jump in the tag barrel. Take out Diddy.
In the corner of the room, use the pad to jump into the bonus barrel. The game is Batty Barrel Bandit. Make three sets of bananas in 40 seconds to win. It’s a toughie so keep patient. When you beat it, the golden banana banana will be yours. DYK 1 Head outside and make your way to the five teleport pads. Take out Tiny and use teleport pad 2. Scale the wall and head inside Crystal Caves lobby. Jump in the tag barrel and take out Diddy. Near the ramp is Diddy’s rocketboost barrel. Use it to fly up to the platform behind you. Play your instrument on the pad and Squawks will give you a golden banana. DYK 2
Jump in the tag barrel and take out Chunky. Jump down to the five teleport pads outside and use teleport pad 2. The first boulder you see up the path must be picked up and destroyed. When you do so, Lanky’s instrument pad will be revealed. Use teleport pad 2 and take out Lanky. Use the teleport pad again and play his instrument on the pad. Squawks will appear saying he’s found a rocketboost barrel for Diddy. Use teleport pad 2 again and take out Diddy. Use teleport pad 3 and swim to the cannon in the ocean. Use it to shoot up to the entrance to Fungi Forest. Hold up on the rocketboost barrel. Go inside Fungi Forest lobby and shoot the red mushroom moving around on the roof. The mushroom will change to yellow. Have DK shoot the mushroom as well and it will change color. Shoot the mushroom with the color corresponding to the other Kongs. When you do, a Chunky pad will appear. Take out Chunky and use the pad the become invisible. A Battle Area pad will appear on the box in the back of the room. Play for a golden crown. Take out Diddy again and exit the lobby. Jump in your rocketboost barrel there and fly to behind you to the top of the waterfall. Land and shoot the switch on the wall to open the gate. Collect the golden banana inside. DYK 3
Make your way back to the rocketboost barrel and use it to fly to the tip of the island. When you’re there, fly into the bonus barrel. Play Peril Path Panic for the golden banana. You must let 10 banana fairies pass through without getting eaten in 60 seconds. When you complete this, the golden banana will be yours. DYK 4 Head over into the Creepy Castle lobby and take out DK. Behind the stairs to the entrance of the level, shoot the switch on the gate to open it. Take out Diddy and kill the Kasplat that is inside the gate. Collect the blueprint and turn it into Snide’s for a golden banana. DYK 5 Jump in the tag barrel and take out Lanky.
Drop to the bottom of K. Rool’s ship and head to the green dome. Behind the dome is a switch on the wall. Shoot the switch and a gate will lower next to you revealing a golden banana. Collect it and enter inside the dome. LK 1 Head left around the cage and you will see a golden banana behind some bars. Jump in the barrel near you and race to the blue switch on the other side of the room. This will open the gate but you only have a few seconds to get there. Quickly make your way to the golden banana and collect it. LK 2
Exit and use teleport pad 1. Head over to the Jungle Japes lobby and take out Chunky. Pick up and throw the big boulder in the corner. Take out Lanky and play his instrument on the pad that the boulder was on. Squawks will come and give you a golden banana. LK 3 Exit and head inside Creepy Castle lobby. Have Chunky move the boulder on the pad in the right side of the room and take out Lanky again. Use the pad to float to the top of the structure in the center of the room. Enter the bonus barrel and play Searchlight Seek. Shoot ten green crocs in 60 seconds and the golden banana will be yours. LK 4
Exit the lobby and head to the teleport pads. Take out Tiny in the tag barrel and use teleport pad 2. Scale the mountain to Crystal Caves lobby and take out Lanky again. Head through the left tunnel and kill the Kasplat at the end. Collect the blueprint and trade it in for a golden banana at Snide’s. LK5 Jump in the tag barrel and take out Tiny.
Jump down in the water and swim to the left to banana fairy island. Run behind the large banana and shoot the switch on the wall. This will open a gate revealing a golden banana. Collect it and head to the five teleport pads. TK 1 Jump in the tag barrel and take out Diddy. Use teleport pad 2 and enter inside Angry Aztec lobby. Chimpy Charge the two gongs and a bonus barrel will appear above you. Take out Tiny again and fly to the bonus barrel from the top of the stairs. You will play Big Bug Bash. Another very hard game but you will get it eventually. Bash 8 bugs in 60 seconds and the golden banana will be yours. TK 2
Exit the lobby and jump down to Gloomy Galleon lobby. Inside, take out Chunky and Simian Slam the switch right when you jump out of the water. This will open a small grate in the water. Take out Tiny again and jump in Tiny’s barrel over the water behind the Kasplat. Swim through the tube in the water and collect the golden banana inside. TK 3 Head back to the five teleport pads and use teleport pad 4. Go inside Frantic Factory lobby and take out Chunky. Primate Punch the box with the question mark on it in the corner to reveal Tiny’s Kasplat. Take out Tiny again and kill it for the blueprint. Exit the lobby and jump over the edge down below into Snide’s. Trade the blueprint for a golden banana and exit. TK 4
Head behind the base of K. Rool’s ship and use the monkey port there. Play your instrument on the pad there and collect the golden banana that Squawks brings you. TK 5 He will also reveal a barrel for Chunky down below. Jump back down into the water and head to the five teleport pads. Take out Chunky.
Use teleport pad 3 and shoot the switch on the wall to the right of the waterfall. Collect the golden banana inside. CK 1 Head over to the island east of the banana fairy. Jump in the barrel there to become large. Swim to the large white X east of you and Simian Slam it. This will cause the platform to lower in the water and a boulder on the other side of the Ilse will explode. Swim over to the exploded boulder and collect the golden banana that is in there. CK 2
Head over to the five teleport pads and use teleport pad 2. Scale the wall and pick up the second boulder you see. Throw the boulder and play your instrument on the pad that was revealed. Squawks will fly by and give you a golden banana. CK 3 Jump down in the water and swim inside Gloomy Galleon lobby. Kill the Kasplat when you jump out of the water and collect the blueprint. Exit the lobby and take the blueprint to Snide’s for a golden banana. CK 4 Congratulations! That was the last blueprint in the game! Now that you’ve finished the blueprint, you can press up C and play any bonus challenge you want. Pick up the boulder over the Battle Arena pad and play for a golden crown. When you get it, jump in the tag barrel and take out Tiny. Exit Snide’s and use the monkey port behind K. Rool’s ship. Enter Hideout Helm lobby and take out Chunky again. Turn invisible by using the pad and two rows of vines will appear. Take the left row to swing to a bonus barrel. Play Kremling Kosh while shooting 28 kremlings in one minute. When you complete it, collect the golden banana. CK 5 (This is also golden banana number 200! Swing back across the vines and activate teleport pad 1. Swing across the vines in the center and show B. Locker that you have 100 golden bananas or more. Enter inside Hideout Helm.
This is it. The final level. Once you progress through this mad hideout, you will be on your way to the final battle with K. Rool. Because you have collected all of the blueprints, Snide helps you out giving you 50 minutes to complete the level. If you don’t finish in time, you won’t have an island to come back to.
Getting Started
Deactivating the Machine
Rareware Coin
Nintendo Coin
As the level begins, activate teleport pad 1 and turn left into the room. Jump in the tag barrel and take out Lanky. Head back into the main path and Orangstand up the two slopes. To your left, jump in the tag barrel again and take out Chunky. Shoot the switch on the wall to open a new passage. Swing across the vines over the lava. Head left into the next tag barrel and take out Tiny. Jump in Tiny’s barrel in the back to become small. Run through the small pipe in the wall nearby. Jump in the tag barrel in the next room and take out DK. Pull the lever on the other side of the room to make DK stars appear around the machine. Jump in the tag barrel and take out Diddy. Jump in the rocketboost barrel and fly through all of the DK stars before your 60 seconds are up. This will lower the five doors in the room. Take out Chunky and Primate Punch the gates blocking the five doors. Jump back in the tag barrel and start with Donkey Kong.
Donkey Kong: Head to the other side of the room and play your instrument on the pad in the door. Enter inside the room and jump in the left rotating K. Rool can. You must shoot yourself into three targets in the room. Back flip into the center barrel and time your shooting so it hits the targets. You have 30 seconds to do this. When you complete this, jump into the right spinning K. Rool can. in this game, you must hit 18 kremlings as Rambi. Do not hit the power towers or you will lose. When you complete this, the yellow energy power will go out and the banana medal will be yours to take. Collect the banana medal and exit the room. Jump in the tag barrel and take out Chunky.
Chunky Kong: Head up the stairs to your left and play your instrument on the pad. Enter inside and jump in the left K. Rool can. Jump into Chunky’s barrel and you must find and kill the kremling in 20 seconds to complete this. The kremling is located in one of the boxes with the question mark on it. There are four so be quick. Primate Punch the boxes until you find the kremling. Simply run into it to kill it and finish the challenge. Jump into the right K. Rool can and you must snipe 5 kremlings in 30 seconds. Shoot rapidly; you have unlimited ammo. When you complete this, the green energy power will deactivate. Collect the banana medal and exit the area. Jump in the tag barrel and take out Tiny.
Tiny Kong: Head up the stairs to your right and enter the door. Play your instrument on the pad to open the door. Jump in the left K. Rool can and you must Pony Tail Twirl through DK stars without touching the floor. When you reach the end, step on the switch to complete the challenge. Jump through the K. Rool can on the right. You must jump on three red mushrooms and Pony Tail Twirl through thre DK stars. This one is quite simple. When you complete it, the purple energy power will deactivate. Collect the banana medal and exit the room. Jump in the tag barrel and take out Lanky.
Lanky Kong: Run up the stairs on the rights and over the machine. Play your instrument on the pad to open the door. Inside, jump in the left K. Rool can. you will have 30 seconds to jump in your barrel, activate the blue switch some where in the maze, and run through the checkered goal. When you finish this jump in the K. Rool can on the right. You must shoot three bees flying around you. Jump on on of the boxes and shoot them to finish the challenge. When you do, the blue energy power will deactivate. Collect the banana medal and exit the room. Jump in the tag barrel and take out Diddy.
Diddy Kong: Jump in the rocketboost barrel and fly straight up. Enter inside the alcove and play Diddy’s instrument on the pad to open the door. Jump in the left K. Rool can and you must kill the kremlings until the switch in the middle appears normal. When it does, Simian Slam the switch. You have 30 seconds to do this. When you finish, jump in the K. Rool can on the right. Jump in the rocketbarrel boost and shoot the four switches on the wall to raise the cage on the bottom. When you do, Simian Slam the switch that was under the cage to finish the challenge. The red power energy will deactivate and the timer will finally stop. Collect the banana medal and exit into the main room.
Head up the stairs through the newly opened door. Activate teleport pad 1 in the steering room. Continue through the door that has a picture of a battle crown on it with the number 4. This means you must have four or more battle crowns to enter. You will watch a short cut scene of K. Rool fleeing his room. Run through to where K. Rool previously was and you will notice on the next door there is a Nintendo Coin and a Rareware Coin. This is where he hit a road block. In order to Gain entry, you must collect those two.
This secret coin is a bit of a challenge to collect. Exit Hideout Helm and enter any level. Head into Cranky’s in that level and accept his game challenge. This was unlocked when you collected 15 banana medals. You will play a Jetpack game. In order to collect the Rareware Coin, you must score 5000 or higher. Press A to fly and B to shoot. Careful not to touch any enemies or you will die. Collect the pieces to the rocket and fly over the base to construct it. When it’s built, collect the fuel cells. As you’re doing this, collect the other items that drop to build up points. When the rocket has full fuel, jump inside it to gain an extra life, and start a new level. In the next level you only have to collect fuel cells. I recommend staying in the first level because the enemies in the next are a bit bigger and there’s more in number. Once you rack up 5000 points, the Rareware Coin will drop on one of the platforms. Collect it and then die. Cranky will be bewildered at what you have done and he will award you with the Rareware Coin. Congratulations!
This is probably the hardest thing you can do in this game. Enter inside Frantic Factory and head to the arcade machine. Since you’ve already collected the banana to this you can play again for a Nintendo Coin. Again? Yes. The horror continues and the worst part about it is it’s much harder. The only level that remains the same is the third. Remember to keep calm and have patience. Do your best and try not to mope around because you need to pay two yellow coins every time you play. When you defeat DK on the fourth level, the Nintendo Coin will be yours. just remember to save the game after this challenge.
Head back to the door in hideout helm and collect the boss key inside. Exit the level and take it to the green dome to finally free the poor K. Lumsy. A cut scene will play showing K. Rool escaping from his lair in his green aircraft. Lumsy on the other hand, notices and runs around the Isle playing like it’s a toy. Unfortunately, he trips over a large boulder and hits K. Rools ship. The ship crashes into the land below. This is where the final fight starts. Use teleport pad 3 to arrive at the wreckage. Jump inside the aircraft to begin the fight.
Note: There is still one last golden banana to collect! If you complete the game with 201 golden bananas, a hidden cut scene will play after the credits of the game. This last banana is acquired when you have taken photos of ALL banana fairies in the game. Refer to the Banana Fairy Guide on how to locate all of the fairies. You do not need to locate them all to fight K. Rool. This is only if you’re interested in the secret cut scene at the end of the game. Even if you have or haven’t collected the 201st banana, time to finish off K. Rool.
The Day of Reckoning has come for K. Rool. You will arrive in a large fighting ring with the crowd cheering for K. Rool. But of course they aren’t so kind with the DK team. Up in the booth we have two kremlings that rings the bell for the timer. Problem is, they will ring the bell when they notice K. Rool on the ground, ending the match and saving him from elimination. The bout will consist of five rounds. One round for each member of the DK team. The microphone announcer will hop into the middle of the stage and announce the contestants. The fight will start of with none other than the famous Donkey Kong.
Donkey Kong: As the fight begins, jump onto one of the corners to evade K. Rools seismic waves. After a few jumps from K. Rool, barrels will appear over the four corners of the ring. Jump into a barrel and you will be aimed at K. Rool. Wait until he cheers with the crowd to shoot him. When he is putting his fist up in front of him this is not the time to shoot or else you will get hurt. Hit him four times to end the round. When you get to the third and fourth barrel, it gets a bit harder. You must time your shots perfectly or else he will quickly put himself back in fighting position. After four brutal shots at K. Rool, he will fall to the ground. But of course before the announcer can count to ten, the lousy kremlings ring the bell to end the round saving K. Rool. Next up is Diddy.
Diddy Kong: Dodge the red gloves that K. Rool throws at you for a few seconds. Soon, a rocketboost barrel will appear in the center of the ring. Jump in it and you will notice two targets on the sides of the light K. Rool is under. While dodging the annoying gloves, shoot both switches and the light will fall on his head. Do the same thing to the next light he stands under. Once you do this four times, K. Rool will fall to the ground with the light still on his head. Before the announcer can count to ten, the kremlings of course end the round. Time to take out Lanky.
Lanky Kong: The ring is a bit dark now that there are no lights. Plus, the light that fell on K. Rool is still on his head! This blinds him and he will manically run around the stage in hopes of hitting you. After avoiding him for a few seconds, four music pads will appear in the corners of the ring. There will be four podiums around the sides of the stage as well. When facing a podium, press B to have Lanky’s arm reach the button on the podium. This will raise a platform next to you with a barrel on it. Take the barrel and throw it in the middle of the ring revealing a banana peel. Play your instrument on one of the pads while K. Rool is behind the banana peel. If you do this correctly, K. Rool will hear you and charge at you. If the banana peel is between you can K. Rool, is will slip and fall on it. Do this three more times and K. Rool will be knocked out. Time for Tiny.
Tiny Kong: This fight is a bit long but kind of easy. The light on K. Rool’s head has been pulled off and he can now see clearly. As the battle begins, jump over the shock waves K. Rool sends out. You will need to use your Pony Tail Twirl because there will be a lot of them. He will soon clutch his behind in pain and a Tiny barrel will appear. Jump in the barrel to become small and enter inside the hole on his left boot. Talk about rancid. The inside of his shoe is quite gross if you ask me. Where did the cobwebs come from?! Anyway, watch as the toes wiggle. The ones that wiggle are the ones that will move forward and will try and hit you. Soon the far left toe will raise up. Take out your feather bow and shoot it. You will end up back outside the ring. Repeat this process with the three other toes. Only the next toe will need to be shot twice, the third three times and the last four times. When he falls over, the round will end. Lucky for the DK Team, the obnoxious kremlings break the bell. If you can complete one more round, the kremlings won’t have a bell to end the round with! Finally, it’s Chunky’s turn.
Chunky Kong: K. Rool seems pretty upset. He runs around the stage bouncing off the ropes. He also turns invisible making it a bit harder to see him. You can still see his shadow though so you know when to avoid him. Jump on Chunky’s switch in the middle of the ring to make four Chunky pads appear in the corners of the ring. Use the pad to become invisible. K. Rool will become visible and a Chunky barrel will appear in the center of the ring. Jump in the barrel and you will end up in the corner of the ring. K. Rool will charge at you and will try and knock you out. Right before he nears you, Primate Punch the living lights out of him. It takes practice to get the timing right when punching him, it’s really simple. Do this three more times to knock him out. On your third hit, K. Rool will become invisible even while he’s charging at you. Use the shadow on the ground to time your punch. The match will end as you punch your last punch.
As you cheer with the crowd, K. Rool will get back up and charge after you. Fortunately for you Candy appears in the halls of the stadium. Total oblivious from what he was trying to do, he reaches out for Candy over the ropes. On the other side of the stadium, Funky comes out with his boot rocket. Funky fires the rocket and it hits K. Rool dead on which makes him fly into the sky and over the Isle. He lands inside the green dome of Lumsy… which is where he gets his last beating from the large dino. Congratulations! You’ve completed the game! Grab some popcorn and watch the credits roll with the DK crew having fun in their own home.