GoldenEye 007 Walkthrough – 2-2: Bunker


Mission 1: Arkangelsk
Mission 2: Severnaya
– 2-1: Surface
– 2-2: Bunker
Mission 3: Kirghizstan
Mission 4: Monte Carlo
Mission 5: Severnaya
Mission 6: St. Petersburg
Mission 7: Cuba
Mission 8: Teotihuaca’n
Mission 9: el-Saghira


Background: A spy satellite has detected increased levels of activity at an old observatory complex near Severnaya (62.08n, 102.58e) in Russia.
Other sources have confirmed the shipment of a large amount of computer hardware to that location, and an influx of skilled personnel.

1- Disrupt All Surveillance Equipment (Secret Agent)
2- Copy the GoldenEye Key, Leave the Original (Agent)
3- Get Personnel to Activate the Computer (00 Agent)
4- Download Data from the Computer (00 Agent)
5- Photograph the Main Video Screen (Agent)

M Briefing: 007, I want you to infiltrate this base and find out what the devil’s going on there. The satellite photographs reveal that there has been recent underground excavation. We’d like to know the exact nature and planned extent of the workings. By the way, this is a covert operation. You may have to neutralize the security, but try not to be too obvious about it.

Q Branch: You’ll be doing some computer hacking on this mission, 007. I know you’d rather be cracking passwords, so I’ve taken the liberty of putting together a little gadget which will do the hard work for you. If you attach the data thief to their mainframe it should override any computer security measures and download the information we require.

Moneypenny: Underground in Siberia, James? Some of us don’t get further than the Northern Line.


These declassified maps from MI6 give a satellite view of the Bunker – our intelligence has also taken great care to provide internal blueprints for any area that our cameras haven’t been able to peer inside of, giving you complete visibility of every location in your mission. Crucial provisions like Body Armor and hidden Weapons have also been detailed inside the dossier, along with other points of interest during the assignment.
Click here to expand the dossier and take a closer look at the maps provided within.
You may use these maps before the mission starts to familiarize yourself with the region, and refer to them throughout as you need them.
Good luck, 007!

[Expand the Mission Dossier Maps]


Where you dropped in is in the very center of an underground stronghold still under construction. There are armed guards everywhere, but more importantly there are cameras. If any surveillance camera spots you, an infinite amount of soldiers will come in until you’re eliminated. Start by entering the room right in front of you. Pick off the two guards quickly or they’ll alert the whole Internet that you’re here. Destroy the alarm while you’re at it.

From this room, aim through the glass and shoot the camera outside. Step out and take any guards that are there. Head to the left and watch the corners. Peek around the left corner. Head down the corridor to the left and kill anyone who comes to meet you. There will be a door on your left. Peer through the glass and blow up the camera in there. Keep moving, and around the next corner will be a dead end and another camera. Slowly edge around the corner and shoot it from a distance.

This half of the bunker should be clear now. It’s time to head into the lion’s den. Go back up the hallway to the small set of stairs that lead down. This leads into the main control room of the bunker, which coincidentally is filled with more soldiers. This part might be difficult, but try to take them all out as best you can. Note that there is a camera on the far side from the entrance, up in the alcove. Take it out to end your problems here.

Now onto business. The reason that you came here is to ascertain the purpose of this facility. Select your camera on your items menu and snap a shot of the big, complex screen at the front. Next, pick up the shiny, colorful disc on the table. Select the Key Analyzer, press Z to analyze, then toss the key away. Now you’ll have to find a specific NPC. His name is Boris Grishenko and he is not invincible. Clear the bunker of all soldiers before aiming your weapon at him. Short dialogue will pass and he will lead you to the mainframe towers in another room. As soon as the data starts downloading, special ops guys will pop in and start firing, so make sure to be ready for their insanity while your download processes. As soon as that is done, head out to the glass doors in the control room, shooting up soldiers along the way. Open the doors and walk up the main hallway and back up to the surface.

Next: Launch Silo #4, Kirghizstan