GoldenEye 007 Walkthrough 5-2: Bunker

Mission 1: Arkangelsk
Mission 2: Severnaya
Mission 3: Kirghizstan
Mission 4: Monte Carlo
Mission 5: Severnaya
– 5-1: Surface
– 5-2: Bunker
Mission 6: St. Petersburg
Mission 7: Cuba
Mission 8: Teotihuaca’n
Mission 9: el-Saghira
1- Compare staff/Casualty Lists (Secret Agent)
2- Recover the CCTV tape (Agent)
3- Disable All Security Cameras (Secret Agent)
4- Recover the GoldenEye Operations Manual (00 Agent)
5- Escape with Natalya (Agent)
M Briefing: Unbelievable, 007. If this gets out we’ll be the laughing stock of the international community. As soon as you get back – IF you get back – you’re getting a performance review. Only completing the objectives will give you a hope of keeping your rather checkered career intact.
Q Branch: You’ve got your wits and that’s about it, 007. Not much I can do to help you here. You might try to find your equipment again when you escape from the cell, though, It took me a lot of time to get all that stuff together.
Moneypenny: Grabbed by the Spetznaz, James? Sounds painful!
These declassified maps from MI6 give a satellite view of the Bunker – our intelligence has also taken great care to provide internal blueprints for any area that our cameras haven’t been able to peer inside of, giving you complete visibility of every location in your mission. Crucial provisions like Body Armor and hidden Weapons have also been detailed inside the dossier, along with other points of interest during the assignment.
Click here to expand the dossier and take a closer look at the maps provided within.
You may use these maps before the mission starts to familiarize yourself with the region, and refer to them throughout as you need them.
Good luck, 007!
You’ve gone and done got yourself kidnapped by Spetznaz! They locked you up inside their bunker and now you have to escape and reclaim all proof that you were there. This isn’t going to be easy, though; you’re in the lion’s den of the Russian secret service. Something big went down here, and I’m sure that someone here knows something about it.
You find yourself locked in a cell next to a slim Russian woman named Natalya. Walk up to her to initiate some basic dialogue. She will give her perspective of the story, but if you’ve seen the movie or don’t care, you can skip all of that and work on your escape. There will be an idiot of a guard walking back and forth in front of you. Ignore him and go to your items selection. Apparently Q equipped your awesome watch with an electromagnet device for attracting magnetic items to it. Face the key on the wall; it will soon be in your grasp!
Open the cell door with Cell Key 2, and karate chop your guard into submission. Pick up his gun, as well. His Cell Key 1 unlocks Natalya’s cell. Grab her and walk out the door. If you prefer, you can keep her locked in here until you accomplish all the objectives so that she does not get killed in the crossfire. Exit the cell room, and head down the corridor to the left. Kill the first soldier. Keep walking and up the stairs.
Here there will be lots of guards. Take your time shooting them all, and keep your distance. From the stairs, take a right down the main, non-creepy corridor. On your way, go through the door on your right. Inside, there will be a couple soldiers (if they didn’t leave already) and the staf list. Grab it. Head back out and go to the next set of doors.
Through those, you are bound to find more enemies. Take a right at the end of the hallway. Peek around the corner to the right slowly, as there is a camera nearby. You can pick it off from a distance. Once you have, tread carefully down this hallway. Soldiers like to pop out without warning. There will be doors on both sides of you. Go in the left first; take out the camera inside the computer room through the glass, then enter to kill the guard. Note that this guard will have Safe Key 2. This key is needed to open the safe later on. Take this.
Exit the computer lab and go across the hall. Snipe the camera in here through the glass, then enter. Open the next door. Take one step in, then look up. Shoot the camera right above you. Now walk through and clear the room. There will be a CCTV tape on the table which might look familiar. Take it and go out the door to the left.
Take care of any enemies that you might meet, and head to the right. Go down those stairs and peek around the left corner. There is a camera on the wall, so shoot it along with the soldiers chasing you. This next part might kill you. Go in either direction into the larger prison room. This room will spawn guards infinitely. Somewhere in here, though, will be a guard with the casualty list. Find whoever it is (without getting killed) who is holding it, snag the list, and run. Head back through the nearby door to where your cell was. There is another set of doors that lead to a room with some soldiers, computers, and a fancy safe.
The second safe key will be somewhere in this room. Find it. With both keys, you can open the safe and unravel the GoldenEye satellite operations manual that MI6 has been so keen to get their hands on. Pocket those. If you haven’t freed Natalya yet, this will be the time to do so. Get her to follow you, and make your way across the bunker (avoiding enemies at all costs) and head to the main control room.
Once you’ve passed the stairs, all the enemies in this room will go for you. You might die here, so don’t lose your cool when trying to clear your path. All that you have to do in this control room is blow up the single camera in the far corner. Natalya will go to a computer and type something. She will discover that the GoldenEye is set to strike this very bunker! With a matter of seconds left, you and the girl must escape via the front door, so head toward the same exit that you used the last time you were here. Even though you have no ride away from this place, we can all assume that 007 and Natalya escaped before the bunker was destroyed.