GoldenEye 007 Walkthrough 9-1: Temple

Mission 1: Arkangelsk
Mission 2: Severnaya
Mission 3: Kirghizstan
Mission 4: Monte Carlo
Mission 5: Severnaya
Mission 6: St. Petersburg
Mission 7: Cuba
Mission 8: Teotihuaca’n
Mission 9: el-Saghira
– 9-1: Temple
1- Recover the Golden Gun (Agent)
2- Defeat Baron Samedi (Agent)
M Briefing: This is sinister, 007. We’ve received a message from someone claiming to be Baron Samedi, the voodoo sorcerer you crossed swords with back in Haiti. He claims to have the golden gun and he wants to meet you in the ancient el-Saghira temple in the Valley of the Kings. Obviously, it’s a trap, but as a double-0 agent you know what goes with the territory.
Q Branch: Keep your wits about you, 007. Remember, the golden gun is a powerful weapon, perhaps it could even defeat Samedi.
Moneypenny: Do you do voodoo, James?
These declassified maps from MI6 give a satellite view of the Temple – our intelligence has also taken great care to provide internal blueprints for any area that our cameras haven’t been able to peer inside of, giving you complete visibility of every location in your mission. Crucial provisions like Body Armor and hidden Weapons have also been detailed inside the dossier, along with other points of interest during the assignment.
Click here to expand the dossier and take a closer look at the maps provided within.
You may use these maps before the mission starts to familiarize yourself with the region, and refer to them throughout as you need them.
Good luck, 007!
Somehow a resurrected Haitian sorcerer has gotten his hands on Scaramanga’s infamous Golden Gun, and he now wishes to duel you in Egypt. This all sounds a little unusual, but it’s time do get down to business. From the start, stick to your right and ignore the enemies. They are infinite here, too. Dispatch the tailgaters as you make your way to the next room of pillars. Run to the right and go up the stairs.
In this room will be Scaramanga’s Shrine. Notice the squares on the floor. The idea here is that you have to walk a specific path on this floor or the drone guns will go online and it will be lights out for you. In the center of the room is the god-forsaken Golden Gun. This will be instrumental is disposing of Samedi. Here is the proper path for this shrine:
-Step onto the first square in front of you in this room.
-Step to the left two spaces. This will put you in the corner.
-Step forward two. You will be two spaces away from a drone gun.
-Step to the right three spaces. You will be one away from the wall.
-Step two spaces forward. Kitty-corner from another drone gun.
-Step left one.
-Step forward one.
-Step left one. You will be right next to the drone gun again.
-Step forward two spaces.
-Step right one space. You will be able to grab the most powerful handgun ever made: the Golden Gun, capable of killing any person with one shot. The drone gun will not activate now, so walk out to the left freely. Drop down. It’s time to kill a voodoo master.
Nab the Body Armor here. Open the hatch and aim down. Kill the soldiers here before you fall right in front of them. Take care of all four enemies here, and walk forward. In the next piece of the temple, there will be two rows of three pillars. Baron Samedi will appear here. Shoot him with the Golden Gun to make him disappear in one hit, or take your time with another weapon. Once you kill him, he will dissipate into the collective creepiness of this place and his echoing laugh will be heard from all directions. You have to kill him two more times to win. From here, take the hallway to the left.
There will be a plethora of guards, so don’t dally and kill only those in your way. On your left will be your starting point, as well as your second duel with Baron Samedi. Kill him again with any weapon you like. As long as he does not kill you, you will cause him to disintegrate into the atmosphere, chuckling the whole way. The skies will darken and visibility will be cut. Walk forward and then right, like before. This time, take a right before the stairs and head down. This leads to an underground tunnel that is (relatively) safe from intruders. Make your way across the water pool and up the stairs. Past here will be your third and final duel with Samedi. Don’t be intimidated by his laser guns. You have a gold gun. Finish him off and send him to the great beyond.