Grabbed by the Ghoulies Spotters Guide

Grabbed by the Ghoulies is full of surprises, and it’s not restricted to a few scares you’ll find while you’re touring Ghoulhaven Hall. In fact, the Xbox title from Rare contains the most references toward the gaming studio and their titles of the past; you’ll be hard pressed to locate a room without a Rare reference tucked away on a shelf or hung up on the wall for all to see. If you’re a true Rare fan you won’t have much trouble spotting out the plethora of allusions toward past games, but if you seek a play by play of each room detailing what’s depicted and it’s location, then you’ve come to the right place.
The Grabbed by the Ghoulies Spotters Guide analyzes each room chronologically from beginning to end, providing history and context for every single reference and features high definition screenshots taken directly from the Xbox One rendition of Grabbed by the Ghoulies found in Rare Replay. Enjoy!
You’ll have to keep your eyes peeled at all times to catch every reference the game throws at you, and it wastes little time getting started. For instance, the opening cinematic of the game features an abundance of Retro Rare references that you can check out if you’re not too quick to hit the Start button indicated. The first of these references is actually very easy to spot as long as you look into the background when appropriate. As the ghoulish green hand lights a candle that illuminates the entire desk, take a look at the cabinet in the background that’s left slightly ajar and you’ll spot a ‘Banjo-Tooie’ Xbox Case inside. Banjo-Tooie was of course the brilliant successor to Rare’s Banjo-Kazooie, released on the Nintendo 64 in the year 2000. In a slightly prophetic twist, the game was made available on Xbox Live Arcade in 2009. [expand image]
The first page of this dusty Bonus Book showcases Rare’s early beginnings when they were known as Ultimate: Play the Game during the early 1980’s. The image in the top right hand corner underneath the ‘Lookin’ Cool’ sticky note is a circulated Ultimate: Play the Game staff snapshot with Rare founders Chris and Tim Stamper with their spouses to the left, and veteran employees such as musician David Wise and artist Kevin Bayliss. Next to the staff image and above the Ultimate: Play the Game logo is the cover art for the first game that Rare published, the critically acclaimed Jet Pac released in 1983. The “Classic Games!!” featured underneath the Ultimate logo, from left to right, are promotional images for ZX Spectrum releases Tranz Am (1983), Knight Lore(1983), Sabre Wulf (1984) and Pssst (1983). [expand image]
As the pages continue onward, so does Rare’s lineage as the third page moves away from the Ultimate: Play the Game hits of yesteryear and focuses on Rare’s prominent success found on the Nintendo 64, namely the Bear and Bird title characters from the widely popular Banjo-Kazooie series. The image is taken from a promotional render of the duo standing in front of Mumbo’s Hut prior to the games release in 1998. This full page photo is very difficult to miss, and Ghoulies has been peppered with promotional images throughout just like this one. The Bear and Bird duo would receive certain favoritism, as most of the Ghoulies team was composed of previous Rare employees who worked on the original Banjo games,including musician Grant Kirkhope, artist Ed Bryan, programmer Chris Sutherland and designer Gregg Mayles. [expand image]
Once the page has been turned from the promotional image for Banjo-Kazooie, we come across the loving reception of its sequel, Banjo-Tooie. Atop the page is an image the games boxart as it appeared on the Nintendo 64, with a character render of Bottles the Mole is barely visible near the spine of the book. Just underneath, the renders for a Blue Jinjo and antagonist Gruntilda can also be seen. Three ingame screenshots from Banjo-Tooie have been included as well, including a shot of Gruntilda’s sisters Mingella and Blobbelda, a Sack Race in Cloud Cuckooland with Mr. Fit and an Ugger chasing Banjo in Mayahem Temple. To the right of these images is a sticky note proclaiming “Great Review!” as it refers to a detailed Banjo-Tooie review that takes up the entire right side of the page. [expand image]
This final image is nearly impossible to catch with the naked eye as it appears for only a fraction of a second as the Bonus Book is taken off the screen to focus on the Microsoft Game Studios book – which unfortunately doesn’t contain nearly as many interesting images as the Rare book. If you manage to have a peek at the final page before its whisked away however, then you’ll manage to spot a final promotional image for Banjo-Kazooie released pre-1998. A hidden gem given its blink-and-you’ll-miss-it-nature, but well worth the effort to spot if you’ve got quick enough reflexes. With that out of the way we’ve seen all the possible references to be found in the Title Screen, the rest can be found within the vast reaches of Ghoulhaven Hall where we’ll be able to interact with all future cameos and hidden references. [expand image]
Once you’ve dealt with the Imps in the Main Hallway, Criven’s will allow you to the enter the Trophy Room which is a thin hallway leading to the Billiard Room. The Trophy room features the mounted heads of ghoulish looking game animals perched over your intended pathway. While Cooper constantly tries to shift his eyes to avoid looking at these grotesque creatures, paying close attention reveals some familiar faces. For instance, around the first corner of the hall you’ll spot a mangy looking bear with a grossly disproportionate nose and a large red bird further ahead with an oversized beak. Paying close attention to the plaques underneath their heads reveals that the Bear is named Banjo and the Bird is a Breegull known as Kazooie. Is this what happened to the Bear and Bird duo down the road? [expand image]
As you progress down the Hallway you’ll find that certain heads will lash out and scream at you, initiating a Scary Shocker button mash event. While the selection of which head will spring to life is completely random, if you’re extremely lucky you’ll manage to have Banjo or Kazooie bellow out which adds a whole new level of horror to the beloved characters. You’ll have two chances for the Banjo head to scare you, the first is around the initial corner on the right hand side as you enter the room and the second is on the left hand side as you duck to avoid the flying bats. Once the Banjo head springs to life it’ll bellow out a ghastly “Guh Huh”! Although it’s difficult to hear underneath the growling moan, you’ll still manage to catch a bit of the southern accent that Banjo has become known for. [expand image]
You may have to explore the hallowed halls of the Trophy Room quite a number of times in order to get Kazooie’s exaggerated monster form to shriek out at you, so the Scene Replay option you’ll find in the Features menu is your best bet for the opportunity. You’ll find Kazooie’s head twice in the Trophy Room; the first instance is beyond Banjo’s first location to the left just before the second corner; The final instance occurs at the very end of the hall as the last trophy you’ll see on the left. If you can manage to have Kazooie spring out at you, she’ll trill out a sharp “Caw”, which bears resemblance to the sound she made when firing an egg in Banjo-Kazooie. Interestingly, her plaque doesn’t read “Kazooie”, but rather ‘Breegull’, chosing to identify the bird by her species, of which she was of the Red-Crested variety in the games. [expand image]
After leaving the Billiard Room behind you’ll find yourself in the Gaming Room, which is an appropriate title as much of the surroundings pay tribute to Rares early titles on the ZX Spectrum. If you can break through the barricade of Imps and approach the ornate fireplace that once harbored a chair-bound Ambe you’ll spot a framed green poster on the wall to your left, Get close and you’ll spot the words “Knight Lore” above three emblems. Prior to this poster, Knight Lore was referenced during the opening cinematic in an overview of the Rare Bonus Book. The game, released in 1984 on the ZX Spectrum, starred Sabreman in his third outing fresh after Sabrewulf and Underwurlde. In this adventure Sabreman must seek the help of a wizard in Knight Lore Castle to break his curse of lycanthropy. [expand image]
Yet another title from 1984 can be found across from the Knight Lore poster, and to the left of the large shelf. The poster in question is Underwurlde, the sequel to Sabrewulf and predecessor to Knight Lore. Released on both the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64, the title from Ultimate reprises the role of Sabreman who must navigate through a treacherous series of sprawling underground caverns and a labyrinth-like castle above. The creature depicted on the poster is one of the games ‘Guardians’ that must be defeated by one of the four key weapons found within the caverns in order to progress any farther. Once a player makes their daring escape to the surface, the game ends and reveals the next title in the series based on which of the three exits the player has chosen, one of which is Knight Lore. [expand image]
Once you’ve finished viewing the Underwurlde Poster, work your way across to the other side of the room just across from the large shelf to your right. You should spot a lone shelfing unit between two windows filled with trophies and plaques, and appropriately so; the shelf is just below a poster of critically acclaimed Jetpac, Ultimate’s first release in 1983 and the brainchild of Rare’s founders, Chris and Tim Stamper. Jet Pac is perhaps the most well known ZX Spectrum title created by Ultimate, after being featured in Donkey Kong 64 in 1999 and warranting a polished re-release on the Xbox Live Arcade as JetPac Refueled in 2007. In Jetpac, a lone astronaut is tasked with collecting fuel and salvaging sections of his ship in order to blast off to hostile alien worlds, all with the help of his trusty thrusting jetpac. [expand image]
Follow the same wall you’ve found Jetpac on toward the thorned Challenge Doorway and you’ll spot another hidden gem in the corner next to the window. The Old Western ‘Wanted’ poster cover art in question is from the ZX Spectrum title Gunfright, released in 1986 by Ultimate: Play the Game as their final title before they were sold to developer U.S. Gold and became Rare. While a refreshing breakaway from the castles and catacombs seen in Knight Lore, and Underwurlde respectively, Gunfright championed the same Filmination technique that Knight Lore had pioneered with the large open isometric Western setting of Black Rock. Taking control of Sherrif Quick Draw, Gunfright tasked players with tracking down several outlaws and bandits, with the aid of a pantomime horse called “Panto”. [expand image]
Just around the corner from your showdown with the Gunfright poster, you’ll find the next Ultimate reference next to the thorned Challenge Door on the left hand side. This poster advertises Sabrewulf, the first game of the Sabreman series released by Ultimate in 1984 for the ZX Spectrum. The game stars Sabreman, an avid explorer forced to navigate through an intense jungle labyrinth. Along the way he’ll need to avoid confrontation with the aforementioned Sabrewulf, and collect items crucial to his quest. The most important items are the four lost pieces of the Sabrewulf Amulet, which when assembled, form the completed Amulet depicted on the Ultimate poster next to the door. Once Sabreman manages to escape, the next game in the Sabreman lineage; Underwurlde is revealed. [expand image]
Venture around to the left of the door and you’ll manage to spot a portrait of the Grim Reaper, follow the wall around to the left further still and you’ll spot a rocking chair with another Ultimate: Play the Game poster. The terrifying title, which may even give Ghoulies a run for its money, is Atic Atac, released in 1983 for the ZX Spectrum and later ported to the BBC Micro. Assuming the role of either a Wizard, Knight or Serf, the player must navigate a haunted Castle in search of the “Golden Key of A.C.G” – a cryptic acronym of Ashby Computer Graphics, Rares original founding name – in order to unlock the main doors of the Castle and escape into the night. Along the way players will cross paths with a multitude of monsters as their health – represented by a rotting chicken – slowly drains. [expand image]
Just past the Television Set you’ll spot a shelf filled to the brim with Xbox game boxes. Curiously, most of the Xbox games are ports from Ultimate’s heyday such as Atic Atac and Sabre Wulf, though there are also some Nintendo 64 games that have been seemingly remastered for Xbox as well. Looking closely at the spines reveals one as “BFD”, alluding to Rare‘s final N64 release Conker’s Bad Fur Day – there is some truth in this easter egg, as players did receive the remastered Conker: Live & Reloaded on Xbox in 2005. Also included is a version of Killer Instinct, originally released on arcade and Nintendo 64 in 1994 and 1996 respectively. Three red scratches following the the logo suggests this version is the third installment of the series; the release of which Rare have been consistently teasing for years. [expand image]
While you’re admiring the impressive collection of Ultimate game ports and speculative hopefuls from the Nintendo 64 era, don’t forget to look above for a chance to spot the iconic poster for Alien 8, one of Ultimates later releases in 1985 for the ZX Spectrum and BBC Micro home consoles. Set in outer space, the game takes place aboard a starship harboring the physical bodies, records and knowledge of a dying race who have been cryogenically frozen on board. A lone cybot named Alien 8 whom the player controls, is responsible for the safety of the crew and the ship as it reaches a new solar system after light years of interstellar travel. However, when the ship is attacked and boarded by hostile aliens who compromise the cryogenic system, it’s up to Alien 8 to save the ships’ crew and ensure the survival of their race. [expand image]
This next reference is fairly obvious as its been left in the center of the room out in the open, but it should be mentioned nevertheless. From where you stand at the shelf of Rare Xbox Releases, turn around and you should manage to spot a dart board with a picture of Criven’s face on it. Just to the right of this board at the base of a Hop Scotch chalk rendering you’ll manage to spot a large dark blue box. Adorned on all sides of this box you’ll spot a luminious Xbox logo and symbol with the bland title of Video Game System overhead. If you look on the sides of the box however you should manage to spot two great Rare logos that have been cheekily edited to say Rarf instead of Rare just underneath. To make matters worse for this not-so-hidden gem, you’ll find that this Rare Box houses the Key to escape the Games Room. [expand image]
From the copyright infringing box that harbors the classic games from Rarf of Twincross, England you should manage to spot a cradle to the left comprised entirely from bones. You won’t be able to venture into the pen without kicking in a makeshift entrance, so get ready to break some bones and attack the cradle. Once you’re inside you should manage to see the final poster in the Games Room; the cover art for Cookie released on the ZX Spectrum by Ultimate as their fourth release in 1983. Cookie introduced Charlie, a chef whose ingredients have grown sentient and escaped the cupboard and wreak havoc with rubbish underneath the drawers. Thankfully, Charlie has some Flour Bombs that he can use to knock the ingredients into the bowl, but he has to make sure not to hit any rubbish into his recipe as well! [expand image]
According to Crivens, the large rotating fireplace spins outward to the Cinema, just across from the Gaming Room. Sure enough, Amber can be found awaiting your arrival in the Cinema once you’ve descended the first set of stairs. One trap eventually leads to another however, as coaxing Amber away from the track of the fireplaces puts her just over top of a trapdoor that swings open when she moves her chair, sending her hurtling into the Archives below. While Crivens suggests approaching the fireplace to progress, you should instead turn around and look over the couch behind to check out a portrait of Klungo, the loyal sidekick of Gruntilda in the Banjo-Kazooie series. He still looks a little worse for wear after being defeated by Banjo and Kazooie on three separate occasions during the events of Banjo-Tooie. [expand image]
After you’ve managed to find Amber unbound in the Archives you’ll have little time to celebrate before the maniacal Dr. Krackpot shows up to transform Amber into a grotesque monster! From here you’ll be tasked with running off to the Cellar. If you stop to examine the large barrels here however, you’ll notice that each one has the numbers 1881 on the front. While the Baron may be a wine connoisseur with 19th century casks, it’s more likely that these numbers allude to two previous Rare/Ultimate titles. The first chronologically was Atic Atac, which featured its own yellow 1881 barrel in the ZX Spectrum game. The second appearance was within Banjo-Kazooie where several 1881 barrels could be found in the Cellar of Mad Monster Mansion. Now the Rare barrel has found its way to yet another cellar in Ghoulhaven Manor. [expand image]
Before you start fixing yourself a snack, there are some notable references adorning various bulletin boards in the Kitchen. The first you’ll be able to spot is right next to the entrance of the Kitchen, which seems to feature a picture of an inferno and a picture of a rotund stick figure in red underpants. The first image is a promotional piece of artwork for the cancelled ZX Spectrum game, Mire Mare, which was to be the fifth installment of the Sabreman series after being hinted at in poems at the end Knight Lore, Pentagram and Underwurlde. Unfortunately the game never came to surface and the series stopped squarely at Pentagram. The second image on the board depicts Mr. Pants, the Rare Website Mascot who was eventually granted his own quirky puzzle title on the Game Boy Advance known as It’s Mr. Pants [expand image]
As you make your way around the counter to the other side of the room to the exit, you’ll spot the next bulletin board which feature two more images in the form of promotional renders for Banjo-Kazooie prior to release. The first image, hidden subtly behind a large notice, depicts the Bear and Bird duo seeking a Jiggy in a forested area. Interestingly enough, the image in Grabbed by the Ghoulies does away with the collectible item and adds a sticky note in its place. The second image features a more up close and personal view of both Banjo and Kazooie breaking out from a large golden Jiggy puzzle. A separate bulletin board can also be found in the hallway across from the first bulletin board features the exact same Banjo-Kazooie renders. These two images can be found in their original glory here and here. [expand image]
From the bulletin board touting the references to Banjo-Kazooie promotional renders, follow the wall away from the exit and you should manage to spot a counter after you pass over the thorned Challenge Door. At the base of the counter you should spot a collection of dirty dishes collected into a pile, however, one dish leaning on the counter can be picked up and used as a weapon as indicated by the white hand icon. Before you go about busting Ghoulies across the chops with this Rare plate, you should instead pick it up and have a look at the rear. While the front has an interesting pattern around the rim, the rear reveals a light blue Rare logo that should be easy enough to see once you’ve whipped the plate around. The Rare logo will be popping up quite a number of times throughout Grabbed by the Ghoulies. [expand image]
You’ll need to work your way back to the exit by following the counter back around past the thorned Challenge Door and toward the Banjo-Kazooie bulletin board. While the open door certainly looks inviting, we should resist walking through the frame and instead focus on the large shelf stocked to the right. While some tins showcase normal confectionery such as Baking Soda and Ground Pepper, cans that pay tribute to Rare are mixed in with them. In this case there’s a large tin on the top shelf closest to the door marked Guffo’s Baked Beans. This is a reference to Banjo-Tooie which featured a sentient can of baked beans inside a large garbage trashcan in Cloud CuckooLand. As Kazooie, you were tasked with entering the trashcan and ridding the abundant supply of germs for Guffo to earn a Jiggy. [expand image]
Once you’ve left the Kitchen behind, you’ll come to the Scullery which also features a number of previously seen Rare references. Directly to your left leaning against the shelf is another Rare plate that you’re free to wield and crack Ghoulies over the head with. If you take a glance behind back to the door you entered from however, you’ll notice a sneaky reference that’s been behind a large metal dispenser, hoping you would pass it up. Mr. Pants and Mire Mare are back, unsatisfied with only being featured in the Kitchen have taken another location in the Scullery. While this is the last we’ll hear of Mire Mare much like the Spectrum days, Mr. Pants will refuse to go down without a fight, popping up time and time again throughout Ghoulies, albeit in different fashion than presented on the Bulletin Board. [expand image]
Not nearly quite as hidden as its previous Scullery counterpart, it’s likely that you spotted this next reference the second you’ve entered the room. The Banjo-Kazooie bulletin board featuring the duo in two promotional renders from the Kitchen has made a reappearance in the Scullery. This time the bulletin board has been placed over top of the counter that surrounds the Scullery in the first portion of this room next to a pile of dirty dishes. You’ll manage to spot it straight ahead from your current position as you enter the room, which makes this one an easy search. This is the last time this specific Banjo-Kazooie board makes an appearance in Grabbed by the Ghoulies, it’s also the final Rare reference in this room, so enjoy it while you can before you leave the Scullery behind to find new Rare references. [expand image]
The shelving unit in the Kitchen was hardly the last place to have a nod toward previous Rare titles, in fact, the cans found on the shelves around Grabbed by the Ghoulies are often the more risqué references, as their small size and font can easily escape the casual glances of regular players. Specifically, you can find this reference just as you enter the Boathouse on the right hand side, it may take a little manipulation of the camera control to spot a purple can on the second shelf from the top. The tin in question is Captain Blubber’s Lubricant with the quote “Grease up them oars, boys” underneath. Ahem… Let’s leave that to the imagination shall we?… Captain Blubber was of course the sobbing Hippo in Banjo-Kazooie who had crashed his ship in Treasure Trove Cove. Since then, Captain Blubber has appeared in every single Banjo title. [expand image]
Work your way around the corner to your left, around the various nautical supplies and continue around to the left as you pass the giant treasure chest. You should come across a mounted Swordfish in front of the Boathouse window. While the fish looks a little beaten up, it is absolutely true that it’s seen better days, specifically being ridden by Donkey Kong to the beats of Aquatic Ambience. The Swordfish known as Enguarde first appeared in Donkey Kong Country as an animal buddy in 1994 on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Left to their own devices in the water based levels made Donkey and Diddy Kong extremely vulnerable for the predators in the water, but once they had hitched a ride on Enguarde they could use his pointed beak to dispatch prey easily and skim through the water more quickly. [expand image]
From the window, you’ll need to head toward the exit on the other side of the room. Just as you pass the treasure chest you’ll notice a single shelf on the left side of the wall with a few tins of paint and a large can of Old Seaman’s -Wood- Stain. Next to this suggestive stain is a purple tin marked Captain Blackeye’s Barnacle Remover Also removes Winkles!. In its own rite, this one deserves a history lesson. Before the development of Banjo-Kazooie, Rare was working on a game for the SNES called Dream. The title was to be a seafaring epic starring a boy named Edison who goes up against a group of pirates lead by Captain Blackeye after they steal his girlfriend, Madeline. Eventually the story was scrapped and the game was modified to star a Bear, a Bird and a Witch instead, ultimately creating Banjo-Kazooie in the process. [expand image]
Once you leave the Boathouse, you’ll come to the next room known as the the Lighthouse Store which can be a very hostile place indeed; constantly patrolling Medusa’s will have you attempting to speed through this area without getting a nasty look from these glancing Ghoulies. If you want to catch these references however you’ll have to play it quite slow and pay attention to the piles of various supplies around the Store. If you do, you’ll manage to come across a crate that showcases a Rare Logo on its broad side. Continue to explore the room while avoiding the meanderings Medusas, and you’ll spot two more crates that brandish the Rare logo as well. Given that the Key to progress beyond this room is found within one of the Rare crates, you’ll have to destroy at least one logo in see the rest of the Lighthouse. [expand image]
Once you’ve braved the Lighthouse Store you’ll find yourself inside the Lighthouse Living Quarters, which serves as a home to an assortment of seaworthy Ghoulies as well as an abundance of nautical references to past Banjo titles. Before you can get to snooping, however, you’ll notice that the room is occupied by two Zombies playing cards – luckily they’re so invested in their game that they’ll quarrel with each other over alleged cheating rather than giving chase. If you’re especially observant, you’ll be able to do some cheating yourself and take a peek at their hands, revealing Mumbo-Jumbo‘s skeletal mug standing in for the Queen of Hearts alongside the 9 of Hearts and Ace of Diamonds. As both undead players have exactly the same hand, the allegations of cheating rings true, as this would be impossible during an honest game. [expand image]
After the Zombies have managed to work out their differences (with one of the Zombies managing to pummel another into submission) use your Water Pistol to take care of the other putrefied player so that the Lighthouse Living Quarters can be explored without any undue interference . From the card table, venture off to your immediate right and you’ll spot a bed and a locker beside it. Coated in Barnacles, the locker looks like its been dredged up from the depths, and in fact, it has! The locker, marked D. Jones for Davy Jones was once found at the bottom of Jolly Roger’s Lagoon in Banjo-Tooie. Swimming through the locker revealed a large boss arena where the Bear and Bird would come face to fin with Lord Woo Fak Fak; an oversized self-important angler fish bent on sending the duo to a watery grave. [expand image]
After you’ve finished inspecting the Locker, you’ll do well to take a look at the portrait over top of the bed just to the right. Who’s this pirate bloke? Well it looks like we can match the face to the name after his Barnacle Remover showed up in the Boathouse a few rooms earlier. Captain Blackeye was to be the initial antagonist in the SNES title Project Dream before it eventually evolved into Banjo-Kazooie and Blackeye was given the boot. Interestingly enough the Captains mug has appeared framed and hung once before, popping up inside Mad Monster Mansion in Banjo-Kazooie. While gamers at the time couldn’t place the face of the mysterious pirate, they would finally get a chance to meet him in the flesh during the events of Banjo-Tooie where he could be found in Jolly Roger’s Lagoon, sitting in the back of the Tavern. [expand image]
Leaving the Lighthouse behind doesn’t mean you’ll leave behind the cutlass characters, as a visit to the Dining Room reveals the entire hall has been taken over by Zombie Pirates in mid-feast. While the Captain of the crew takes note of your presence right away, the rest of the Pirates are too busy stuffing their faces to bother with you which leaves you plenty of time to locate this next reference. You’ll need to work your way over to the other side of the hall where you’ll find the Captain sitting at the table. To your imminent left are three skeletons that have been put to work in supplying the Captain with delicacies and decadent desserts and directly behind this bony trio is a massive portrait of Klungo, the loyal minion for Gruntilda in the Banjo-Kazooie series, looking as beat up as he was at the end of Banjo-Tooie. [expand image]
A Bull in a China Shop probably wouldn’t cause a fraction of the damage that Cooper does during a casual stroll through Ghoulhaven Hall, and while a room filled with Pottery absolutely begs to be shattered, it would be in your best interest to hold off on wreaking havoc in this room just yet, as its home to a plethora of Rare articles. A tour around the room will reveal that a select number of Urns have been glazed with the official Rare logo. You’ll find the first two Urns right beside each other once you’ve ventured past the large Kiln that hooks up to the central fireplace, once you’ve done that you’ll find them in the corner on either side of a table. You’ll manage to locate the next Rare Urn after you pass a shelving unit mixed in with a few large pots and one final urn awaits inspection just beyond the last corner. [expand image]
Venture into the Pantry and you’ll find it’s well stocked with plenty of references. Once you enter the Pantry itself you’ll manage to spot a number of shelves ahead of you. If you head over to the lone shelf to your right you’ll spot a large blue tin of Mr. Pant’s Chocolate Treats, taking into account what’s being insinuated, I wouldn’t give these ‘Chocolate Treats’ a taste test. Below the shelf you’ll manage to spot a large bag of RW Cookie Flour, Est. 1984 in Twycross, England. While you’ll find that the RW Cookie Company doesn’t actually exist, their HQ shares property with a rather well known company called RareWare, who were also established in 1984… I think you’ll find that these two companies are one in the same, although Rare hasn’t made anything close to a Cookie since 1983 on the ZX Spectrum. [expand image]
From the shelf harboring Mr. Pants Chocolate Treats, work your way back over to the shelving unit in the corner of the room and you’ll come across your next plethora of pantry product placement. On the shelf closest to the RW Cookie Flour you’ll spot two boxes of Mrs. Bottles Tea, an obvious reference towards Bottles‘ wife, Mrs. Bottles, whom Banjo and Kazooie first met in Banjo-Tooie. In the game Mrs. Bottles was easily identifiable from the curlers in her hair and the large red mug that she would take tiny sips from. Her habit seems to have carried over to Ghoulies, inspiring an entire line of tea. On the opposite shelf are several cans of previously seen Guffo’s Beans along with a can of Grunty’s Tinned Carrots, which seems to imply that the hag from Banjo-Kazooie has found another use for Topper, a large bouncing carrot enemy in the game. [expand image]
After you’ve finished examining the expiry date on Grunty’s Tinned Carrots, hold back your gag reflex for the next, more deserving, item on our list. You’ll have to make your way back to the very center of the room where we met our Haunted Coat enemy and proceed towards the two refrigeration units. Inside, you should manage to spot a girl shivering in the first unit surrounded by large cartons of milk. If you read the print on the cartons you’ll make out Grunty’s Dairies Fresh Milk – an obvious nod to series antagonist Gruntilda of Banjo-Kazooie fame. If you return to the Pantry during the Race chapter later on you’ll find that the shivering girl in the first freezer will have eaten all of the food and washed it down with a few cartons of Grunty’s Dairies Fresh Milk, which has fattened up the poor girl considerably. [expand image]
Once you enter the Sitting Room you’ll need only maneuver around the table ahead and approach the fireplace on the other side of the area, from here you should be able to spot a large skin rug that has been placed in front of the fireplace facing the doorway. Taking a close look at this Wulf‘s distinctive facial features reveals it to be that of Sabrewulf, borrowing some of the more modern aesthetics from his Game Boy Advanced outing of the same name. In the original release on the ZX Spectrum in 1983, Sabrewulf was an invincible force that would pursue players around the jungle in moments of genuine fear and tense action. These days it looks as though Sabrewulf has finally met his match and now just ties the Sitting Room together – not quite the fitting end that we expected for such a beastly foe. [expand image]
Unfortunately you won’t be able to find any references in the first section of the Music Room, so you’ll have to venture ahead toward the piano and the head right into the area to the right. You should manage to portrait of a golden Jigsaw piece next to the fireplace, and a glowing red figure featured on the mantel. The golden Jigsaw piece is a collectible item in Banjo-Kazooie called a Jiggy, one of one hundred available required to progress through the game, it has appeared in every Banjo title to date. The red glowing figure is a render of Devil Bottles, a malevolent alter-ego of Bottles the Mole who was to be featured in Banjo-Tooie in an additional gameplay mode that was eventually scrapped called Bottles Revenge wherein a second player could take control of enemies in order to impede the players progress. [expand image]
From the fireplace you’ll need to turn around and locate the couch on the other side of the room, once you’ve done that carry on to the left and you should manage to spot an illuminated portrait hanging on the wall. The figure depicted is Mumbo-Jumbo, a shaman with a skull for a face who helps Banjo and Kazooie with his mighty magic. Provided that the duo have collected enough Mumbo Tokens, Mumbo can transform them into a multitude of creatures capable of traversing dangerous terrain with their own unique abilites. The sequel, Banjo-Tooie, introduced Mumbo as a playable character who attacked by wielding his staf and preforming magic abilities on context sensitive Mumbo Pads. Baron Von Ghoul must have really liked Mumbo, as this portrait alone reappears a total of eight more times throughout the Hall. [expand image]
You’ll need to keep your wits about you if you want to locate all the Rare references in the Study, as Jessie N’ Clyde have taken to patrolling the area. Luckily you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for safely away from the field of danger. From the entrance you’ll need to descend the stairs directly in front of you toward the first landing and refrain from entering into the main area. Once you’ve gotten yourself positioned on the landing you should manage to see a large green Urn wedged in between the wooden bookcase ahead. If you inspect the Urn you’ll spot a great Rare logo right on the front. You’ll find a number of Rare Urns throughout the room on display in the Study and placed on the edges of the interior windowsill. Just be sure to deal with Jesse N’ Clyde in the center of the room before you go about inspecting. [expand image]
In order to spot this next reference you’ll need to abandon your safe haven on the staircase and confront Jessie N’ Clyde if you haven’t done so already. Once you’ve dished out your own grabs on the Ghouly you’ll be free to explore the room freely. From the stairwell you’ll need to head toward the glass cabinet just around the staircase displayed next to the fireplace. While the cabinet is stocked full with an abundance of books, you’ll also manage to spot a single portrait of Mumbo-Jumbo in the center of the cabinet. The Shaman also has a second appearance just to the right of his portrait in the form of a glorified Mumbo-Jumbo statuette. Interestingly enough a similar looking statuette would go on to appear in later Rare title, Viva-Pinata: Trouble In Paradise available for purchase in Costalot’s Store. [expand image]
Just as the name suggests, the Storeroom is the perfect place to find a number of Rare references that have been holed away and left dormant in storage. As you enter the room you’ll manage to spot a rickety looking shelving unit just to your right. Found within this unit you’ll spot a few previously seen cans of Guffo’s Baked Beans, which leads us to wonder if they ever expire, or if they’re just packaged that way to begin with. Up ahead you’ll spot a thin corridor guarded by a lone Haunted Television ready to spring to life and impede your progress. You should manage to spot a large portrait of Mumbo-Jumbo placed atop a large pile overlooking the Haunted Television to the right. While you’ve seen this exact portrait of Mumbo-Jumbo countless time prior, this particular portrait is the largest version in the entire game. [expand image]
While you may be tempted in running toward the Haunted Television and hit its broadside broadcast with a little electrical disturbance of your own, you’d best hold off until you’ve gotten a chance to see the final reference in the corner of your current position ahead. Simply walk around the corridor, taking all precautions necessary to avoid waking the Haunted Television in order to locate a hidden area kept out of view. Amongst the trunks and crates you’ll manage to spot a framed portrait leaning against the left side of the wall, the portrait can easily be identified as Devil Bottles of Banjo-Tooie fame; the malicious mole counterpart of chirpy Bottles who starred in a dropped feature known as Bottles Revenge. A second portrait can also be seen in this area, tipped to its side and left forgotten on the right hand side of the room. [expand image]
In order to locate the next reference you’ll need to navigate through the narrow passageway toward the opposite side of the room, which means sitrring the Haunted Television from its static slumber. Do your best to avoid the Haunted Television and then hang an immediate left as you approach the end of the corridor. Since you’ve backed yourself into a corner you’ll make yourself a sitting duck for the virtual Ghoulies, but while you’re waiting, why not check out the references that have been left dormant in the corner? Tilted against the wall you’ll manage to spot a large portrait of a collectible Jiggy from Banjo-Kazooie, previously seen (albeit on a much smaller scale) in the Music Room, as well as one of the four large Wardrobes found in the room with Rare trim displayed on the front its double doors. [expand image]
As you venture into Criven’s Quarters it would appear that the Butler has found himself in quite the pickle as a swarm of rouge Flying Imps have forced him into hiding in his armoire. As he continues to remain hidden behind an impenetrable forcefield of half inch thick wooden panel, this next reference is all too exposed out in the open of the Quarters. You’ll need to survive the relentless onslaught of dive bombing Flying Imps if you hope to live to see much of anything in Criven’s Quarters, so keep on the move and rush on over to the wardrobe where Crivens has taken shelter in the far corner of his room. Once you’ve arrived at the wardrobe and take note of Crivens beady little eyes showing through the thin crack in the door you should manage to see a small portrait of Mumbo-Jumbo just to the left of the wardrobe itself. [expand image]
While the first portrait of Mumbo-Jumbo in this room is quite plain to see out in the open, the second Rare reference will take a little bit of careful spotting on your end to spot, which means it would be wise to deal with the threat of Imps prior to seeking out the next reference. After you’ve managed to down all of the Imps and leave Crivens Quarters in a state of disrepair, Crivens will emerge unscathed from his wardrobe, leaving you plenty of time for seeking. From the center of the room where Crivens stands you’ll need to move over towards the left side of the room where you’ll spot the Butlers bed along with a clamorous nightstand just beside it. Atop the nightstand is a tiny desk portrait of Mumbo-Jumbo tilted over and facing upward with a large bottle next to it, you’ll need to manipulate the camera to see it properly. [expand image]
While you’re only given a smattering of health to carry you through the rather short trek towards the entrance to the Bathroom ahead, this next reference won’t put you in harms way given the amount of Mummies crowding the exit up ahead. Rather, you’ll need to carry on through the hall until you spot a rather roomy area to your right. You should manage to spot a heap of Laundry carts that been been slammed haphazardly into the receiving area, one of which will have remained upwards to harbor the reference. Take a peak inside and you’ll discover a periwinkle sweater with Banjo and Kazooie on the front with its arm hanging off the edge. If you look underneath the Laundry cart thats been upturned in the center of the receiving area you’ll manage to spot a second Banjo-Kazooie sweater laying on the floor underneath it. [expand image]
While you wouldn’t necessarily expect it in the bathroom, this is a great place to go for some fresh air in regards to new and unseen references, quite a break from the last few rooms where you’re sure to have seen plenty of Mumbo-Jumbo decorating the walls. While the references may be new, they’re getting a bit harder to spot and rightfully so as it’s the hidden ones that are extra sweet to find. For this reference you’ll need to approach the shelving unit to your right as soon as you enter the bathroom and you should manage to spot a laundry cart just underneath the shelf. Approach the basket and begin to manipulate the camera for a nice top down view and once you manage that you get the perfect perspective to catch an eyeful of the third Banjo-Kazooie sweater since the Upper Corridors. [expand image]
From the pile of Banjo-Kazooie laundry in the basket you’ll need to work your way to the exit which can be found directly ahead after you’ve past the stall doors. Once you reach the exit, turn to your left and you’ll spot a shelving unit with a few bathroom commodities on top. If you look to the floor you’ll barely be able to spot another article of periwinkle Banjo-Kazooie clothing just underneath a green checkered piece. Atop the shelf you should manage to make out a green bottle and a light blue bottle. The light blue bottle is Bottles’ Soapy Mole, referring to Banjo‘s friend, Bottles the Mole in Banjo-Kazooie. The other bottle is labeled Hairy Moments Shampoo and features the likeness of Merry Maggie, a character introduced in Banjo-Tooie as the partner of Jolly Roger who is eaten by a large fish in Jolly Rogers Lagoon. [expand image]
Just above the basket that we managed to find the Banjo-Kazooie sweater inside is a massive shelving unit filled with towels, creams and powders. While it’s a little difficult to make out the label from so far below, the product in the center on the highest shelf reads, Grunty’s Talcum Powder once again referencing to the beauty-obsessed witchy protagonist of Banjo-Kazooie. A second bottle of Merry Maggie‘s Hairy Moments Shampoo can be seen just beside the talcum powder, with Bottles Soapy Mole capping off the trio of Banjo references on the top shelf. Interestingly, the second shelf features a few tubs of “Krackpot’s Anti-Aging Cream”, suggesting that Ghoulhaven Hall’s resident mad scientist has also entered the world of ineffective cosmetics alongside Banjo‘s ensemble cast. [expand image]
In the corner of the bathroom, you’ll find your final set of Banjo-Kazooie references surrounding the toilet bowl just beside the exit door leading to the Schoolroom. Over the top of the laundry hamper you’ll manage to spot the iconic portrait seen five times previous depicting Mumbo-Jumbo of Banjo-Kazooie fame. A unique bathroom product lies just right of the toilet however, and while the front is rather difficult to make out, it reads Tip-Tup’s Turtles Head Toilet Cleaner. The turtle named Tip-Tup is from the Banjo-Kazooie series, first appearing alongside the bear and several other racers in Diddy Kong Racing, then as Bubblegloop Swamp’s Turtle Choir Conductor in Banjo-Kazooie and lastly as a distressed father in Jolly Rogers Lagoon during the events of Banjo-Tooie. Now as to what exactly a ‘Turtle Head’ is referring to, well… [expand image]
You might not have made the class in time, but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t playing by the clock! As soon as you step foot into the classroom you’ll only be alloted a single minute to make your daring escape from one end of the room to the other before the Grim Reaper is summoned and your time is through. While you may escape the room with your life, it’s just not worth living until you’ll managed to spot all of the hidden secrets inside the Schoolroom! Once you’ve stepped into class, you’ll no doubt spot the posters on the wall aimed at teaching the students the alphabet, continue around the corner to your left and you’ll spot Mr. Pants on a poster explaining that ‘P is for Pants‘. It’s nice to see the chap, as we’ve been missing him since the last spotting back in the Pantry with his questionable ‘Mr. Pants Chocolate Treats‘. [expand image]
Be sure to follow the wall that the Mr. Pants poster hangs from and you’ll find a low counter top that leads to a messy white board on the opposite side of the room. Avoid approaching the white board and instead focus on the items placed on top of the counter top, namely a tin of pencils, a globe and a class Goldfish. While this Goldfish may belong to the class now, it once belonged to Banjo the Bear during the events of Banjo-Kazooie where he resided in Spiral Mountain and took the name Roysten. While his actions in the first title involed banging his head into his glass bowl, his role was expanded in the sequel Banjo-Tooie by providing the duo with increased oxygen. Roysten has since appeared in every Banjo title, a running gag is to feature him in dangerous scenarios, such as being nearly grilled or almost crushed by a boulder. [expand image]
Leaving Roysten behind to contend with the Grim Reaper, we’ll continue to follow the wall to the left and come around the first whiteboard in this area. Be sure to avoid any of the Medusa’s or the Imps hidden inside the desks to spot a bit of graffiti doodled in the bottom right hand corner. The black marker scrawling is of course that of Mr. Pants, fully realized in all of his artistic glory. Having been featured as a teaching tool for those struggling with words beginning with ‘P’, Mr. Pants has since graduated to teaching students mathematics, as he points enthusiastically to three problems he shares the board with. While we’d like to think that this scene inspired the events of brain-bustingly challenging It’s Mr. Pants on Game Boy Advanced just a few years later, we’d be the first to admit that puzzles have always been his forte.
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Continue around the corner into the next area and be sure to avoid the Medusas, once you’ve passed the second Medusa turn to your immediate left and you’ll come across the proper white board. The board touts an elaborate diagram with the homework instructions 1. Collect Ice Key, 2. Collect Eggs, 3. Activate Secret Level. This is a reference to a dropped feature called Stop ‘N’ Swop. After completing Banjo-Kazooie, players were shown an Ice Key and a set of Mystery Eggs hidden in areas that were unaccessible in Banjo-Kazooie. They were told that upon release of Banjo-Tooie, these items could be taken to the sequel by ‘stopping’ one game and ‘swapping’ it with another. The feature was scrapped, but Ghoulies inclusion of only 4 of the 6 unearthed Eggs created mindless speculation amongst Banjo fans. [expand image]
From the Stop ‘N’ Swop board, work your way back to the second patrolling Medusa where you can continue toward the exit. As soon as you weave yourself through the remaining Medusas you’ll enter the third classroom, with the exit at the far end. You’ll likely have the Reaper stalking you at this point, so hopefully there’s enough time to check out this last reference. From the opening, stick to the left side where you’ll see a large window, and straight ahead is the final white board. In the bottom right hand corner you’ll spot a pair of doodled underpants as a final parting gift from Mr. Pants. Below this is a game of Hangman with the unsolved riddle being b_njo _az_o_e with the solution leading to Banjo-Kazooie, however the first ‘a’ in Banjo and first ‘o’ in Kazooie should have have been added in as well. [expand image]
To locate the final reference within the Schoolroom you’ll need to follow the white board along the wall to reveal a hallway with an open exit door right at the end. You’ll need to shun every natural instinct in your body that tells you to flee from the Reaper and instead face the wall to your left as you approach the open door. To the right of a lone desk with a Dunce Cap on top is yet another promotional image made available prior to the release of Banjo-Kazooie in 1998. The render depicts the Bear and Bird duo diving into the aquatic depths and avoiding a chained Shrapnel in order to rescue a Jiggy that has been trapped in a bubble. Once you’ve finished observing the promotional render, it would be rather wise to take a few jaunty steps towards the door before the Reaper catches up, or you’ll have to use the Dunce Cap yourself. [expand image]
Perhaps the most pressing matter in the Infirmary, is why exactly Baron Von Ghoul would require one in the first place. But as out of place as this room may seem, it is entirely stafed by a Ghoulie attendance who are sure to take notice if you waltz into their “no visitor” ward. You’ll manage to spot Fiddlesworth ahead standing in the open doorway with a single Medusa. Stick to the right side of room and you’ll see a collection of ‘Get Well Soon’ Cards lined up above a lone shelf. Amongst these cards is a particular cover which touts a Bear and a Bird bursting forth from a large puzzle. This promotional image for Banjo-Kazooie was previously seen in the Kitchen and the Scullery previously. You’ll also manage to spot a similar shelving unit ahead with another Mumbo portrait to the right next to the Infirmary bed. [expand image]
Speaking of the Shaman, it appears that the Infirmary may rely on more archaic practices with an absence of scientific equipment and the appearance of Mumbo around the ward. Case in point lies just above the bed to the right of Fiddlesworth, follow the wall where you’ve spotted the second Get Well Soon Jiggy Card and you’ll approach the bed, be wary as you do however as getting too close to Fiddlesworth will begin the challenge. Once you’ve gotten close enough you’ll manage to spot a framed portrait of Mumbo overlooking the bed, along with a crude looking drawing of Mr. Pants just to the right. While we’ve seen Mumbo many times throughout the last few rooms, we’ve been able to spot higher resolution portraits, but the drawing of Mr. Pants is nearly too small to be seen at all. [expand image]
In order to gain access to the second area of the Infirmary ward, you’ll need to talk to Fiddlesworth standing in the doorway. After initiating conversation you’ll be given Little Willys’ Water Pistol with the task of surviving the hostile hospital for an entire minute. From where Fiddlesworth once stood you’ll manage to spot a bed in the second room directly ahead, venture toward the bulletin near the hallway and you’ll manage to spot the larger drawing of Mr. Pants just above a third and final Get Well Soon Card of Banjo-Kazooie that was featured twice in the room previous. Draw your eyes from the final revealing Vampire portrait featured here and continue toward the exit to spot a final drawing of Mr. Pants underneath a portrait of Mr. Ribs just to the left, and then check yourself out of the Infirmary! [expand image]
While the Greenhouse in Chapter 3 is rather large you’ll only find one reference tucked away in the far corner. Unfortunately while you attempt to unearth this secret you’ll have to brave an entire line of Ghoulies that populate this glass house. From the start you’ll need to locate the path that leads directly to the opposite side of the Greenhouse, then walk toward the barren patch of earth with a crate and a Soupswill Soup for 10 Health. This is of course a trap, so you’ll need to best the Super Scary Shocker Hand that raises from the ground in order to continue toward the corner of the room. Once you arrive, you’ll spot several bags of green fertilizer labeled Grunty’s Grow Fast Compost. It would seem that Gruntilda of the Banjo-Kazooie series has found her niche in making products with noxious stenches… [expand image]
Venturing into the Potting Room will have Crivens eagerly point out a portion of the Baron’s rhyme for the taking, though if you ignore the rhyme entirely there’s something else in this room worth noting. If you can manage to resist the alluring rhyme from where you start off, you should spot the corner of the Potting Room to your immediate right. Working your way around the rather massive flower pot here to the right should set you in the right direction, as passing it by will have you discover a repeat reference that we’ve just managed to catch in the Greenhouse previous. Grunty’s Grow Fast Compost has found its way into this room as well it seems, as there’s a double baggage of fragrant fertilizer to be found in this corner as well as the lengthy flower box just to the left. Wasn’t once enough, Wartbags? [expand image]
While Dunfiddlin Cottage Garden is easily accessible four chapters previous, the references lie hidden beyond the gate to Dunfiddlin Cottage, which remains locked until you’ve returned from the Greenhouse. Once you’ve managed to return to the Cottage Garden you’ll be free to walk through the gate and explore Fiddlesworths’ front yard. From the path ahead, venture off to the right you’ll pot a small breakable Honey Hive inside a divot. Similar looking Honey Hives were peppered throughout Banjo-Kazooie that harbored three units of Honeycomb Energy. If you can see it through the darkness, there’s a tiny Rare logo just underneath the first knot hole. Though smashing the Honey Hives won’t reveal any helpful health, it is mandatory to progressing further in the game, which unearths this hidden gem. [expand image]
While Dunfiddlin Cottage Garden can be quite dangerous once the Worms have been freed to wreak havoc, this next reference is found away from the battlefield. From the Honey Hives location you’ll need to trek around Fiddlesworths’ Cottage by following the front wall all the way to the other side, you should manage to see a drab looking picnic table. On top of the picnic table you’ll spot a few items, you’ll need to manipulate the camera to ensure that you’ll be able to see these items properly. While they may appear to be a Lunch Box and a Thermos left behind, these items share the exact same image, namely the promotional render released for Banjo-Kazooie of the Bear and Bird Duo taking to the skies. This image was previously seen in the pages of the Bonus Book during the introductory cutscene of the game. [expand image]
Next to only the Gaming Room, Dunfiddlin Cottage is the second most popular spot for harboring Rare references in Grabbed by the Ghoulies, you shouldn’t have much of a difficult search ahead for these unique cameos in Fiddlesworths’ cramped quarters. The first reference can be found the moment you enter the cabin where you’ll be spot a large refrigeration unit to your left. Work your way around this obstacle and you’ll manage to spot an untidy collection of garbage that is currently spilling over the bins to your left. If you peer inside the garbage can you’ll discover that Fiddlesworth clearly doesn’t see the inherent danger in consuming Mr. Pants Chocolate Treats as two large empty boxes can be found discarded alongside a bulky case of Mrs. Bottles Tea and a lone can of Grunty’s Tinned Carrots. [expand image]
From the trashcan you’ll need to work your way around the Kitchen wall where you’ll spot a large table. There are two previously seen items on the table, namely a Rare Ceramic Plate and a tin of Guffo’s Baked Beans, though the really interesting references can be found hanging on the opposite wall. You’ll manage to spot three images adorning the wall, one should be easily identified as Mr. Ribs, but the other two may throw you a bit. The character placed on the pink background at the top is Merry Maggie who could be found in Jolly Roger Lagoon in Banjo-Tooie, and previously featured on the bottle of Merry Maggie’s Hairy Moments Shampoo in the Bathroom. The second figure on teal is Tip-Tup the Turtle from Banjo-Tooie, who was also featured in the bathroom on a bottle of Tip-Tup’s Turtles Head Toilet Cleaner. [expand image]
This next reference is quite difficult to spot, but if you’re attentive it shouldn’t escape your eye. From the portraits of Tip-Tup and Merry Maggie you’ll need to continue toward the treasure chest ahead and follow the wall toward the Thorned Challenge door. From there, you should spot a bookshelf next to the door. In order to spot the reference you’ll need to back yourself into the corner of the room where you’ll find a Television next to a pile of kindling. You may need to toy with the camera controls a bit in order to work the view onto the shelf and focus on the collection of books. If you’ve done this correctly you’ll manage to see a portrait of Fiddlesworth in front of a collection of books, as well as a portrait of Banjo and Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie tucked away just behind, barely visible by the fire. [expand image]
Now that you’ve found your way beside the kindling pile next to the fireplace, you’ll need to head towards the fire. Once you’ve reached the other side, you’ll come across a table with an old rotary telephone on top, and pictures on the wall behind. You should manage to recognize the figure on the top left as Mrs. Bottles as she’s been featured on her own brand of tea throughout Ghoulhaven Hall. The mole to her right is Bottles’ son, Speccy who could be found in Bottles’ House in Banjo-Tooie. Underneath Speccy‘s portrait is Bottles’ daughter, Goggles, who can also found in Banjo-Tooie and gave Banjo and Kazooie the Amaze-O-Gaze Goggles to increase their field of vision. The final character featured to the left of Goggles is Jolly Roger, mayor and proprietor of the Inn at Jolly Roger Lagoon in Banjo-Tooie. [expand image]
We’ve got only one more family collage to see, and you’ll be able to find it on the second floor of the Cottage. From the portraits of Bottles’ family you’ll need to walk to the left of the cabinet and ascend the stairs, turning to your immediate right to see the pictures adorning the wall. This family of Polar Bears belongs to Boggy, an avid sled racer found in Freezeezy Peak during the events of Banjo-Kazooie. While his children, (top left and right) Moggy, Groggy and (bottom left ) Soggy were present in Banjo-Kazooie their appearance in the photos are based after their looks in Banjo-Tooie. The trio can be found in WitchyWorld where their mother, Mrs. Boggy (bottom right) has taken them to enjoy the attractions, they do so much that they don’t want to return home and it’s up to Banjo and Kazooie to round all them up again. [expand image]
After you’ve finished pondering over the polar bear family, you’ll be able to locate the final reference found in Dunfiddlin Cottage. From the pictures of Boggy‘s family move straight ahead along the wall until you spot the Groundskeepers armoire, and then turn to your immediate left while avoiding Fiddlesworth’s bed and you’ll manage to spot two lonely T-Shirts hanging on the wall next to a rather large patched sheet. The White T-Shirt on the left features titular heroes Banjo and Kazooie in the same pose as previously encountered from the image of the duo on the bookshelf, and the second Blue T-Shirt to the right features a great Rare Logo on the front. These two designs for the T-Shirts will appear in Grabbed by the Ghoulies time and time again, but this is their first noted appearance. [expand image]
Before going all modern with their fancy offices and glamorous cubicles, Rare used to work largely out of Manor Farm House. While it’s questionable if the Foundry is somewhat connected to the old HQ, one could be easily forgiven due to the sheer amount of Rare logos in the room, which totals out to more than any other in the entire game. As you enter the room you’ll manage to spot a Coal Bag and a large Barrel, both donning the logo. Follow the wall toward the large open furnace and you’ll see yet another Rare barrel. From here, turn around and head back toward the entrance, before you enter the hallway once more you’ll spot a second Rare bag of coal. Run toward the exit and you’ll manage to spot a final Rare barrel next to the doorway and a bag of coal in between a shelf and a crate bringing the grand total to six. [expand image]
We’ve spent quite a while going through Rares dirty laundry during the pursuit of references, and now we’re doing it literally. You’ll manage to spot the thorned challenge door on the right side of the Laundry
room along with two woven laundry baskets next to it. You should spot two Rare shirts hanging just above; the white shirt on the left displays the previously seen image of Banjo-Kazooie and the opposing blue shirt on the right shows off the previously encountered Rare logo. While these shorts may appear to be out in the open, a third hidden shirt appears as well… If you turn your vision toward the center of the woven baskets you’ll manage to see a green checkered piece concealing the periwinkle Banjo-Kazooie shirt below, evidenced by Kazooie‘s wing previously seen in the Bathroom during Chapter 3. [expand image]
From the three Rare shirts. We’ll continue to explore the Laundry Room in order to locate the further references. Luckily, we won’t have to venture far to dig through an awaiting pile. You’ll need only turn around on the spot and face your immediate right and you’ll see a spanning clothes line running the length of the window nearly buried in dirty clothes. Across the clothesline are a number of garments left to dry, amongst them is a second Banjo-Kazooie shirt featuring the same pattern of the Bear and Bird duo seen in the last reference. If you manage to get a closer look you’ll spot quite a number of clothes strewn about behind the line on the floor below, while the familiar Banjo-Kazooie design can’t be seen, it’s fairly obvious that the remaining white shirt with blue lined sleeves features the same image, though facing downward. [expand image]
The next reference in the Laundry Room takes a bit of a trek as its farther than its previously seen counterparts as you’ll need to venture all the way back to the beginning of the level where you ascended the staircase to enter the Laundry Room. From the clothesline featuring the Banjo-Kazooie shirt you’ll need to squeeze your way in between the section of Washing Machines in the center of the room to emerge on the other side. Once there, you’ll need to make your way toward towards two round woven laundry baskets ahead just underneath the Clothesline. Once you’ve found the baskets you’ll need to manipulate the camera to focus on the area you’ve come from. Once you’re oriented, you’ll spot a blue Rare shirt clinging onto the line directly above along with a final Banjo-Kazooie shirt near the right hand side. [expand image]
You’ll manage to locate a final reference in the Laundry Room just on the opposite side. To get there you’ll need to start from the clothesline at the entrance of the room and hang your own left in order to locate another thorned challenge door tucked away in the corridor at the far side. Once you’re there you’ll manage to spot one of the Barons struggling victims crammed uncomfortably into the cabinet spaces in the wall. As with spotting anybody in need of desperate assistance, we’ll leave the child behind in favor of locating our next reference, which can be found by walking toward the Washing Machines ahead. You should manage to notice a ventilation shaft just above a large laundry basket, inside said laundry basket you’ll spot a Banjo-Kazooie sweater that was previously seen in the Bathroom during Chapter 3. [expand image]
While the Servants Dormitory is filled with a number of interesting Rare references, it’s also extremely hostile as a number of seriously challenging Ghoulies including Jessie N’ Clyde have decided to patrol the massive area that will prove rather difficult to traverse unscathed. To top it all off you won’t be able to use any items to make your life any easier, so you’re going to have to rely on your own fists to get anything done. Fortunately you’ll find a garbage can to the right containing an Invisible Cooper Soup tin which you can use to sneak right past the first Jessie N’ Clyde in the first room. Don’t get too far ahead of yourself though; you’ll find your first reference in this room to the left. On the first bunk bed after the wardrobe you’ll manage to spot a Rare shirt made nearly unrecognizable hanging sloppily over the bed post. [expand image]
Once you’ve finished taking in the slumped Rare shirt you should hurry onto your next reference before your Invisibility wears out, unless you’re set on taking out the patrolling Jessie N’ Clyde with your bare hands. From the first bunk bed you’ll need to hug the wall and continue past the two windows at the side as you pass the single bunk bed in the center of this area. Once you’ve arrived at a final bunk bed just before the corridor. You should spot a shirt cluttering the floor here and once you manage to manipulate the camera you should easily identify it as the same shirt featuring Banjo-Kazooie from the Laundry Room. While in theory it would seem that cleanliness would be priority with an entire staf of Servants, it doesn’t seem to be the case as they’ve missed the Laundry Room from the scene previous. [expand image]
After you’ve finished inspecting the servants dirty laundry you’ll have quite the trek ahead of you to get back on track and out of harms way. First, you’ll need to navigate your way around the bunk bed that hides the Banjo-Kazooie Shirt while avoiding a possible confrontation with a patrolling Jessie N’ Clyde in the main bedroom. Next, you’ll need to continue down the hallway to your immediate left, where you’ll find plenty of Ghoulies ready to jump out from hiding, so keep on the beaten path and press onward regardless. Eventually you’ll approach a set of stairs ascending to the next floor where you’ll spot a shelving unit to the left. The shelf contains an assortment of previously seen confectioneries on display, such as Guffo’s Baked Beans, Grunty’s Tinned Carrots and a single box of Mrs. Bottles Tea. [expand image]
You’ll need to show off some fancy footwork in the Servants Dormitory if you hope to make it this far. From the shelving unit harboring an assortment of Rare ingredients you’ll need to head to the right and avoid the Jessie N’ Clyde patrolling this upper area, once you make your way to the end of this living area you’ll need to ascend the stairs to a second hall filled with bunk beds. There’s another Jessie N’ Clyde meandering around this area so take care not to get your Ghoulies Grabbed and navigate around the beds. Work your way around the changing room panels ahead and then continue off to your right. Once you’ve escaped through the panels all of your hard work will be rewarded as you’ll finally manage to spot the final eighth portrait of Mumbo-Jumbo of the Banjo-Kazooie series ahead. [expand image]
From the final Mumbo-Jumbo painting, you’ll have a shot at viewing the last reference located in the Servant Dormitories. Be sure to keep your eyes out for any patrolling Jessie N’ Clydes, and then continue down the hall toward the exit. Just before the hallway turns left you should manage to spot a portrait of Klungo from the Banjo-Kazooie series hanging on the tattered wallpaper to your right. Perhaps Baron Von Ghoul sought a portrait of a loyal figure that his various servants could emulate, or the servants themselves hung up this portrait of Klungo as a warning toward ill-fated Grunty Beatings… Nonetheless, this is the final time we’ll end up seeing Klungo‘s bruised and battered mug in the game, or any character art proudly hung up on the walls for that matter, so take it in before darting off to the exit. [expand image]
You’ll have to move swiftly if you want to get this next reference in time; as the Grim Reaper will be summoned in a matter of seconds as you step foot into the Servants’ Bathroom. Since these references are rather difficult to spot on the run as you dodge the approaching pointed finger of the Reaper, it would be wise to get this one out of the way as soon as possible and avoid an untimely death. You’ll need to move forward from the entrance of the Bathoom as quick as possible toward the large sink placed in the center of the room. If you look at the corners of the unit you’ll manage to spot four light blue bottles of Bottles’ Soapy Mole. It’s nice to know that while their bathroom is in a state of disrepair, the servants of Ghoul Haven Hall are familiar with cleaning supplies from a mud-munching mole. [expand image]
After you’ve managed to finish the anti-climactic and err…’extremely difficult’ confrontation with Doctor Krackpot you’ll find yourself in his laboratory with the final piece of the riddle in your possession. Unfortunately you won’t be able to leave the lab quite so easily, as three Jessie N’ Clyde’s patrol the area. Keep yourself out of harms way from the center of the room and do an about face so that you’re facing the opposite direction from where you started. Once you’ve done that you should spot an area filled with large tubes that leads to the exit. While it’s a complete mystery as to what could be bubbling inside the containers, what is clear is the reference they harbor at their bases. If you look carefully you’ll manage to spot a collection of Rare logos around each of the glass containers. [expand image]
Von Ghouls Quarters seems to be large enough to harbor a house full of Rare references, you’ll manage to only locate a few previously seen entries, such as a periwinkle Banjo-Kazooie shirt in the corner of his personal bathroom, and three tubes of Bottles’ Soapy Mole; two appearing within his personal bathroom as well, and a final on the vanity mirror next to his bed. The real seller is what the Baron happens to be wearing. If you can get close enough without causing harm to yourself if the Baron happens to lunge at you with his propeller staff, or manipulate the camera from afar to focus on the Baron, you’ll manage to see that the Barons pajama are comprised of patterns that feature Banjo, Kazooie and Mumbo heads from the Banjo-Kazooie series. Where can we get our hands on those PJ’s, Rare? [expand image]
The final references in the game can be found outside the Hall in the Front Gate at the end of ‘The Race’ Chapter. You’ll need to venture across the way to the other dog house and check out the bowl where you’ll see the name Blobbelda written on the side. While the dog house is vacant you’ll find the name actually refers to Gruntilda‘s heavyset sister who appeared at the start of Banjo-Tooie to remove the large boulder that had fallen on top of the hag at the end of Banjo-Kazooie. Awaiting for the arrival of the Bear and Bird at their keep, “The Tower of Tragedy” was set up by Gruntilda as a final quiz show challenge before the battle. Blobbelda appeared as a contestant on the show and was ultimately flattened by a 1 Ton Weight teetering above her head, which may or may not have been heavier than the hag. [expand image]
Find your way across the yard to the opposite dog house where you’ll find an eager Mr. Ribs hopping in front of the final prisoner. You’ll want to avoid getting too close to prevent the cutscene from occurring, but just close enough to be able to read the name inscribed on the side. Once you’re close enough, you’ll be able to see that the dish belongs to Mingella. While the dog isn’t present, her name is a direct nod to Gruntilda‘s second warty sister in Banjo-Tooie. With a frame about as thin as her broom, Mingella was introduced in the prologue of Banjo-Tooie where she resurrected her sister by blasting the boulder that kept her at bay. She appeared once more during Gruntilda‘s aforementioned quiz show as a contestant, and was the first victim of the Large 1 Ton Weight positioned precariously over her scrawny noggin. [expand image]
Once you’ve escaped the Front Gate you’ll have finished up Grabbed By Ghoulies after exploring each and every room and seeking out over eighty-six unique references during the course of Coopers adventure.
Paying tribute to their classic titles of yesteryear with an entire mansion to house them all, Rare’s first release on the Xbox showcases the impact and positive reception that their series favorites and iconic titles have had since their Ultimate: Play the Game years.