Grabbed by the Ghoulies Super Soups Guide
Littered around Ghoulhaven Hall and hidden inside innumerable objects are specially marked tins of Ma Soupswills’ Super Soups. If Cooper happens to pass through them as he makes his way through the manor, he’ll manage to use their abilities for a set duration of time. Some Soups will last only a short while to provide some temporary cover, and others will last through the entire room, giving you ample time to form a strategy. Their abilities can range anywhere from getting Cooper moving a little bit faster to entirely rendering him invisible, some tins are more desirable than others and can be easily identified by the icon that floats just above the Super Soup Tin. Essentially, you’ll be able to use these Soups to your advantage against the tricks and traps around Ghoulhaven Hall as well as the expendable Ghoulies found roaming the corridors.
Not all Super Soups are good, mind; some can hinder your controls or health to make easy work for the Ghoulies, so its worth brushing up on what each Tins specific abilities are. This will also help you formulate a strategy to escape the room with, as the Soups more often then not carry out method to their madness. Below you’ll manage to find each of the 16 Super Soups you’ll find in Grabbed by the Ghoulies along with their Power-Ups and strategies to use them to their fullest potential.
Cooper Effective Soups:
Energy Boost!
Turbo Cooper!
Increased Offensive Soups:
Knock-Out Mania!
One-Hit Wonder!
Miniature Cooper!
Super Weapons!
Immediate Ghouly Effective Soups:
Dizzy Reaper!
Freeze Ghoulies!
Traitor Fever!
Challenge Specific Soups:
Challenge Complete!
Extra Time!
Shocker Blocker!
Unfavorable Soups:
Energy Sapper!
Reverse Controls!
Slo-Mo Cooper!
As you venture across Ghoulhaven Hall you’ll inevitably take a hit or two from the resident Ghoulies. While it’s in the games nature to have you sacrifice a little inkling of health to pull through, it’s quite another to have the poor lad keel over after a Skeleton wails an umbrella stand across his noggin. The tins detailed in the Cooper Effective Soups below will aid you in keeping Coopers health at an all time high by providing several means of beefing up his defensive prowess.
One of the most commonly found Soup Tins in Ghoulhaven Hall, and the one you’ll manage to pick up first, is the Energy Boost, which as the title suggests provides Cooper with an extra bit of energy depending on which number fills the heart that floats above it. The numbers can range anywhere from a single unit of health to a whopping 25 units which you’ll find in the particularity difficult challenges. Oftentimes if you’re set to start a challenge and you’re only provided an inkling of health, there’s usually an Energy Boost Super Soup waiting to be discovered nearby. It’s not uncommon for these Super Soups to be bunched into a group together, which can either provide a bounty of Energy or an adequate safe haven depending on which number has been depicted inside the hearts above the Tin. A good offense begins with a good defense, so if you manage to bulk up your total energy you’ll manage to take out the Ghoulies without putting too much worry into your own wellbeing.
The Invisibility Super Soup Tin is introduced about midway through Grabbed by the Ghoulies and it’s a bit of a rarity to find, but if you manage to do so it will prove to be indispensable in some means during the challenge at hand. Snatching up this Soup Tin at any point during your adventure will render Cooper invisible for a short duration of time. The Invisiblity Tin works wonders against any Ghoulies who happen to share the room with you, as you’ll manage to pass by them completely undetected, or alternatively you can begin to engage in a brawl without putting yourself in any remote danger. The most useful effect of the Invisibility Soup Tin are realized before the Challenge even has a chance to begin. If you can manage to locate an Invisibility Super Soup under these parameters then you’re free to escape under the guise of Invisible Cooper and exit the room without any penalty. Even if a Haunted Door awaits your presence on the frame of the Challenge Door, utilizing this strategy will allow you pass through entirely undetected, saving you from having to waste time in the room with a stealthy sneak.
While its not nearly as common as other Super Soups of its calibur, the Invulnerability Soup Tin can be found predominately in areas which feature unavoidable confrontations with difficult enemies, such as the fight with Baron Von Ghoul or when fighting a horde of Zombie Pirates for the first time. Just as the name suggests, the Invulnerability Super Soup will cause you to become invincible for a set duration of time once you’ve managed t uncover it and down it quickly. While under the effects of the soup Cooper will still react to any of Ghouly attacks as he normally would, such as getting slugged half way across the room when he comes in contact with a rampant Jessie & Clyde, but the added benefit of this Super Soup keeps his health intact regardless of what untimely demise the Ghoulies have planned for him. While you’ll be sure to use the Invulnerability Tin the second you manage to see it, it’s wise to leave it on the side where you can come back to it later should your health begin to dwindle.
While Cooper is a real sport about giving a hearty jog in the face of danger, sometimes he just isn’t fast enough it seems. This can be especially true in large areas of the Hall where it takes some time to traverse from one side to the other, or when dealing with nimble Ghoulies constantly on your tail. Luckily if you manage to spot a Turbo Cooper Soup Tin, as identified by an icon of Cooper’s face and three green arrow gradients, picking it up will temporarily triple Coopers running speed allowing him to fire weapons faster, and deliver blows even quicker. While this does aid in getting rid of the Ghoulies in a more timely manner it also keeps Cooper at a safe distance with the added vantage of reacting to his surroundings with a more agile front. This Soup will also have you completing Grabbed by the Ghoulies in a more efficient manner once Cooper is darting through his surroundings with a jaunty sprint, which in turn benefits your Time Taken score; one of the four areas your progress will be judged on when you reach the end of your game for a possible score of 100%.
While Cooper can handle himself quite well when pitted against Skeletons, Zombies and other Ghoulies found in the game, it can be quite cumbersome to take on a crowd with only your fists to fend yourself. Thankfully, the following Super Soups pack a little extra punch that will go to providing Cooper the means to defeat his Ghouly adversaries with stronger attacks, resulting in a more efficient offensive strategy.
When it comes to dealing with a gaggle of Ghoulies, you’ll soon discover the aggravation of keeping the crowd at bay while you’re working away at a single member of the group. Under normal circumstances you’ll have to smack a Ghouly around several times until you’ve got them to enter a dizzied state, which ultimately makes them a sitting duck for a powerful finisher that will knock them to the ground. While your finishers may not be fatal in all cases you’ll find that it takes a good chunk away from their health when they’ve hit the floor. If you’d like to skip the middleman altogether you can avoid working the Ghouly up to its dizzied state by downing one of the Knock-Down Mania! Soup Tins. With this potent potion coursing through your veins, every single attack you manage to connect with a Ghouly will register as though they were dizzied and send them careening across the room. These Soups work particularity well in situations that demand proper crowd control in a timely manner.
Perhaps the most desirable Soup in the entire game, the One-Hit Wonder! Soup Tin provides Cooper with the ability to drain any Ghoulies’ health to zero after only managing a single hit, essentially making him a Grim Reaper for the Ghoulies. The Tin really is ideal for all situations that you can manage to find it in, as it will defeat any and all Ghoulies that you manage to interact with while under the effect of the Soup. As an added benefit, the Soup isn’t restricted to Coopers’ fists; if you manage to send an object crashing into a Ghouly, such as a potted plant, or single bottle, it will also defeat them upon impact. The One-Hit Wonder! Soup Tin can usually be found in rooms that you’ll be forced to defeat a set number of Ghoulies in a limited time; a task made marginally easier with this Soup Tin. As with its other brothy brethren however, the Super Soup still abides by a strict time limit, so pick your battles before going into the fray with it, otherwise you’ll have little time to get any good shots in!
It’s hard not to feel like a one man army as you make your way through Ghoulhaven Hall tasked with defeating all of its inhabitants singlehandedly. Fortunately there’s a Soup Tin all too ready to give you a little help, and we mean it all too literally as well! If you manage to come across a Miniature Cooper Soup Tin identified by Cooper’s daft looking mug floating above the lid, pick it up quick-like and you’ll be provided with a shrunken down version of Cooper that’s all too eager to charge into battle. While these little guys may appear tiny, they still pack a wallop thats equivalent to one of Coopers proportionate punches! The Miniature Cooper! Soup Tins are often found in a grouping akin to the Energy Boost! Super Soups, which is good news when it comes to bulking up your personal army, as each additional Cooper sent in will add to the damage dished out. While these Mini-Coopers can’t be defeated, they can still be affected by Scary Shock events as they fulfill their duration, so be wary when sending them out!
Nothing is static in the Ghouly universe, as every feasible item or background object can be interacted with in some shape or form, and it usually involves an impromptu meeting with your fists that leaves it a pile of rubbish in your wake. The same can be said about the Weapons you manage to find around Ghoulhaven Hall unfortunately, as each one can only withstand so much bashing until it crumbles in your hands, never to be used to dent a Zombies’ head in again. Luckily there’s a means to preserve these priceless antiques if you manage to locate a Super Weapons! Soup Tin which does away with the pesky counter on each object that dictates how many hits you’ll have until the item is obliterated, allowing you to abuse the weapon well past its breaking point. If you’re forced to carry an automatic weapon such as a Water Squirter or Soda Pop Gun, you’ll have the comfort of drawing from an untapped supply as the needle will never deter from the full icon. If you can, try to use this power-up on items that pack a healthy punch that you can fire off rather quickly, such as bottles or toilet paper to deal with multiple Ghoulies efficiently from afar.
While the above Soups detailed effective strategies for dealing with the Ghoulies on an offensive front, you were still tasked with defeating them with the aid of the Super Soups, rather than letting the Soups take care of the Ghoulies singlehandedly. The following Super Soups will go into immediate effect the second they’re plucked from the floor, leaving you to plan your route of escape, or plan of attack in combination with the effects of the tins.
There’s much more to Grabbed by the Ghoulies than rushing around and pummeling everything that moves into submission; there’s a strict set of rules that are set out for each and every room you’ll need to complete before you’re granted access to the next area. If you go against these golden rules regardless of intent you’ll find yourself getting a visit from the Grim Reaper, an unstoppable Ghouly with the ability to drain Coopers’ energy to 0 with a single touch. Couple this with the fact that you’re in a locked room with a Reaper that’s ever so slightly quicker than you are and you’ll find yourself a sitting duck. There is a last minute ditch effort however if you manage to locate the Dizzy Reaper! Soup Tin featured in sparse supply around the Hall. Picking up this tin will cause the Reaper to spin around in a circle wherever he’s standing where he’ll be unable to do you any harm. This will warrant you some extra time to attempt to solve the broken challenge and escape before the Soup wears off and the Reaper regains his composure. If you’re feeling bold you can also use this time to slug the Reaper out of the nearest broken window if permitted, as certain windows around the Hall will put this Ghouly out of sight and mind.
While the Turbo Cooper! Soup Tin is a practical solution to dealing with nimble Ghoulies, sometimes it would be better to get a chance to stop the action altogether and plan out your means of escape. Enter the Freeze Ghoulies! Tin, a Super Soup that’s sure to stop any and all Ghoulies in their tracks for a limited time. While each Tin features a Snowflake atop its lid, they all work exactly the same; once you’ve picked one from the ground a crackling sound will ripple through the room and all of the Ghoulies will act as though time has stopped. You’re free to use this time – or lack thereof for your creepy cohorts – to rush in and start pummeling at their frozen frames as they watch on helpless to do anything. As an added benefit, landing consecutive hits will work in similar fashion to the Knock-Out Mania! Soup Tins in that you’ll manage to deal out your powerful finishers in quick succession after landing your initial hits. Since the Ghoulies are in a stunned state, they’re prevented from reacting to the damage that will see them to the floor where they’ll have a bit of recovery time. Instead, you’ll have the opportunity to keep landing finishers which will see their way to taking of ten units of health for each successful hit.
While it might seem like it’s Cooper against the world as you tour around Ghoulhaven Hall, not all of your ghoulish adversaries will see eye to eye. In select rooms you’ll be lucky enough to find a few feuding Zombies that will preoccupy themselves with battering each other around before focusing their efforts on Cooper. The same can be said for any Skeletons that are lead by the group of rogue Zombie Pirates; once you’ve laid a hand on their Captain they’ll call mutiny and turn on the crew. While these turncoat Ghoulies are found in short supply, you can manage to have an entire room turn traitorous with the Traitor Fever! Soup Tin. Once this Super Soup has been gathered, all Ghoulies – no matter their alliance – will turn on any other Ghoulies that they share the current room with. You’ll only have a limited time before the Ghoulies come to their senses once the Soup has worn, so be sure to manage your time efficiently so that you benefit from their fighting. It’s best to plan out ahead how you’ll work an escape route to have the Ghoulies distracted as you slip away undetected.
If you can manage to ward off the Ghoulies without much difficulty you’ll have the necessary brawn to make it through the Hall without a hitch, however, if you wish to escape each room you’ll have to brave it’s respective Challenge inside if you even hope to make it to the morning. The Challenge Specific Soups will aid in solving the challenge at hand, whether that involves supplying you a margin of breathing room to make mistakes or completing the Challenge outright.
In regards to solving a Challenge at hand, the Challenge Complete! Soup Tin is the most sought-after in the entire game. If you can manage to find this illusive Super Soup as identified by the ghoulish question mark icon hovering above the tin, collecting it will immediately solve any and all challenges in your current room allowing you to pass through as though you had solved it yourself. Aside from saving you from wasting time in the room otherwise spent trying to complete a rather difficult Challenge, this Soup Tin will also allow you to make a quick escape should the Reaper be summoned once you’ve failed a particular challenge. It goes without saying that the Challenge Complete! Soup Tin can only be put to use if you’re currently in a Challenge; if you snatch up this Soup Tin before a Challenge has a chance to start up you’ll have wasted it. A majority of the rooms that feature Challenge Complete! Soup Tins will often surprise you with a second more difficult Challenge, so it’s best to work your way through the first Challenge tedium before snagging the Soup to take care of your heady seconds. Observe some patience if you happen to uncover this Tin and you’ll be well on your way to escaping the room without hindrance.
Fulfilling a Challenge will oftentimes go beyond simply following the rules, in most cases you’ll have to solve the challenge under a strict time limit, lest you earn yourself a visit from the Reaper. For any Timed Challenges you’ll find that the Extra Time! Super Soup will help out in a pinch, granting you some extra leeway to get the job done. Each time Cooper manages to pass through a single Extra Time! tin, he’ll add an ample 10 seconds extra to the timer. Most tins can be found in a single grouping akin to the Energy Boost! tins, which will provide Cooper with an excess of more than a half minute in some cases. In similar form to the Challenge Complete! tins, the Extra Time! Super Soups will only provide useful under the specific event that it’s designed for; if you accidentally pass through one of the tins before the Timed Challenge starts you’ll have wasted ten precious seconds that could have been used in the Challenge. It’s best to go about uncovering these Soup Tins while you’ve got ample time before the Challenge starts, from there it’s a simple matter of breezing through them all to warrant some much needed time.
As much as he protests, Cooper likely falls under the heading of protagonists that fear their own shadows, and as such he’s not really too equipped with dealing with all of the freaks and frights to be found in Ghoulhaven Hall. Specifically if Cooper finds himself on the receiving end of a Super Scary Shock he’ll be alloted a limited amount of time to solve the frantic button combination at hand, otherwise he’ll risk losing 10 points off of his total energy if he succumbs to the shock. Luckily if you can manage to find a Shocker Blocker! Soup Tin you’ll find that the Super Soup will take over during the button combination sequence to solve it flawlessly. Unlike it’s brothy brethren, the Shocker Blocker! will stay active until you leave the room which offers up a permanent solution to any Super Scary Shocks in the room, so it’s best to snatch up the Shocker Blocker! tin as soon as you manage to find it. As you progress throughout the Hall you’ll find your health will begin to dwindle, and with many Shocks waiting for you at the exit it’s a good idea to ensure that you’ll make it to the other side by preparing for any surprises.
While the aforementioned Super Soups are instrumental to escaping Ghoulhaven Hall with as little difficulty as possible, not all of the Soups will agree with Cooper. A particular set of Unfavorable Soups will go toward much the opposite, hindering Cooper and making it otherwise more tedious to escape a room unscathed. While you’ll want to avoid these Soups at all costs, it’s best to brush up on their ill-fated effects.
Identified by the ghostly orange form floating above the lid, the Unfavorable Soup Tins are found throughout Grabbed by the Ghoulies and have varying effects if accidentally run into. The Energy Sapper! tins predictably drain Coopers total energy to a single measly health point, the Reverse Controls! invert Coopers movement which can catch you by surprise as you desperately try to run away from the Ghoulies only to find yourself heading straight for them, and the Slo-Mo Cooper! works in similar fashion as the Turbo Cooper tin, drastically slowing Cooper down rather than speeding him up, which has its obvious drawbacks when trying to outrun a hoard of Ghoulies. Each Unfavorable Super Soup is nearly fatal if you happen to pick one up – save the Reverse Controls! which can be remedied by mirroring your control scheme – so the best course of action is to avoid them at all costs. On the bright side, the effects of the Unfavorable Soups last no longer than a few seconds before wearing thin, so you’ve still got time for redemption before finding yourself on the receiving end of a Ghoulish demise.