Jinjo Oracle Sage Advice Guide

The Jinjo Oracle is a giant sentient statue responsible for the many lost Jinjo’s you’ll come across on your quest. Once five Jinjo’s have been safely rescued they’ll return to the Jinjo Oracle in their world where your reward will be waiting for you at the foot of the Oracle. The almighty Jinjo Oracle also provides hints and clues that Banjo and Kazooie can use to progress farther into the game for each Jinjo successfully returned. A common misconception is that the Oracle provides this information to Banjo through its own knowledge, though in truth its knowledge is passed on via gossip from the saved Jinjos. Though these tips can be quite handy, it is quite a trek to make your way back to the Oracle each time you collect a Jinjo, especially later on in your adventure where a wayward trek could be quite dangerous. Instead, each of the hints may be found below, along with their cryptic messages revealed if you find yourself puzzled.
No Jinjos Collected
“Jinjo’s are magical creatures that look like me, but smaller. There’s a pink one to my far left. Listen out for their distinctive call.” 0/5
Cryptic Clue:
Fairly self explanatory in that this is the first time you’ll come across the Jinjo Oracle. Given that you’d have to purposely miss the first Jinjo and carry onto the right the Jinjo Oracle simply assumes that you didn’t know that you were meant to rescue the Jinjo.
First Jinjo Collected
“Gruntilda has cast a spell on the Jiggy Priest. He needs your help in his temple to the south.” 1/5
Cryptic Clue:
The Jinjo Oracle is preparing you to head down to Jiggy Wiggy’s Temple, this simply allows the story to progress once you’ve retrieved the first Jinjo.
Second Jinjo Collected
“Spiral Mountain sits to the north. On your way there, why not stop by and visit Honey B’s Hive?” 2/5
Cryptic Clue:
The Jinjo Oracle suggests checking out Honey B’s Hive so you become aware of the Empty Honeycomb gameplay element.
Third Jinjo Collected
“They say the Freezing Waters and Lava Pools of Freezing Furnace are more deadly that Bad Magic Bayou’s Swamps” 3/5
Cryptic Clue:
The ice cold water in Freezing Furnace and lava in Grunty Industries will take more honeycomb than Bad Magic Bayous swamp water.
Fourth Jinjo Collected
“Poor little Jinjos. Gruntilda’s scattered them in all sorts of awkward places.” 4/5
Cryptic Clue:
So get searching for them Banjo!
Fifth Jinjo Collected
“Well done, you’ve freed all of Spiral Mountain’s Jinjos! Maybe the Jinjos will be able to settle down when Grunty has been defeated.” 5/5
Cryptic Clue:
A very well made prediction on the Oracles behalf, as that is precisely what happens in the http://www.raregamer.co.uk/view_guide.php?id=267&gameid=3[linkname]future.
No Jinjos Collected
“Klungo’s Gruntweeds seem to be a cross between Gruntlings and Whiplashes. When you get close, they’ll try to squash you. They seem a little dizzy to me.” 0/5
Cryptic Clue:
The Oracle tells you how to deal with the Grunt Weeds
First Jinjo Collected
“The little Bleaters are worried – they won’t move while Grunty’s monsters are near.” 1/5
Cryptic Clue:
The Oracle is informing you about the Gruntweed blocking off the Bleater pen in Cliff Farm.
Second Jinjo Collected
“Without Mumbo’s help, you won’t be able to find all of Cliff Farm’s secrets.” 2/5
Cryptic Clue:
If you don’t use the Mouse transformation you won’t be able to complete Cliff Farm 100%
Third Jinjo Collected
“A hole that’s small enough for a mouse? Then it sounds like it’s a mouse you need!” 3/5
Cryptic Clue:
You’ll manage to locate many tiny holes peppered throughout Cliff Farm, the Oracle is making you aware that you must transform into a Mouse to utilize them.
Fourth Jinjo Collected
“Klungo’s been using a Witchy Warp to enter a secret room in the barn. I think Bozzeye might know a way to turn it on.” 4/5
Cryptic Clue:
Not only does the Oracle tell you where to find Klungo to initiate the first boss battle, but that you’ll be able to enter the Witchy Warp after learning the Forward Roll Attack.
Fifth Jinjo Collected
“All the Jinjos have been found on the farm. I only hope the Breegull Beach Jinjos will be as lucky.” 5/5
Cryptic Clue:
The Oracle reveals a sneak peek at the name of our next level, this is to become something of tradition once you’ve managed to collect all Jinjos in a level.
No Jinjos Collected
“The Jinjos on Breegull Beach are as yellow as the sand around you.” 0/5
Cryptic Clue:
You’ll find that each level harbors a different color of Jinjo, in this case the Oracle is making you aware that they are yellow.
First Jinjo Collected
“You can’t go to the beach without taking a swim, can you?” 1/5
Cryptic Clue:
Explore the watery regions around the shore of Breegul Beach
Second Jinjo Collected
“Sometimes Mumbo can help to find hidden Jinjos.” 2/5
Cryptic Clue:
Once again the Oracle makes a point that Mumbos transformations are required to find the Jinjo’s.
Third Jinjo Collected
The ancient Breegulls must be too old for Grunty to put to work in her slave quarry.” 3/5
Cryptic Clue:
After freeing the Breeguls from the Quarry, the Oracle makes a reference to Breegul Peak where the Ancient Breeguls may be found.
Forth Jinjo Collected
“Shrapnel Mines can be destroyed with Blue Egg shots.” 4/5
Cryptic Clue:
This is a really handy tip! If you’re fed up with getting chased around by the Shrapnels you can always destroy them via Breegul Blaster mode in order to keep yourself at a safe distance.
Fifth Jinjo Collected
“Watch out for the Spookos in Monster Manor. They fear only fire and feathers!” 5/5
Cryptic Clue:
Not only does the Oracle prepare you against the Spookos, but Mad Monster Manor as well.
No Jinjos Collected
“If you hadn’t noticed, the Swamp is full of Poisonous waters. I’ll bet you’d feel ill if you so much as dipped a toe in! 0/5
Cryptic Clue:
The Oracle is warning you against venturing into the hazardous swamp waters.
First Jinjo Collected
“I heard Klungo say “Banjo need tank to get through here” I wonder what he meant?” 1/5
Cryptic Clue:
The area Klungo was talking about requires the Tank transformation to successfully enter.
Second Jinjo Collected
“Some boardwalk paths lead through the trees to murky places.” 2/5
Cryptic Clue:
The Jinjo Oracle is talking about the dreaded Vapor Scrubs through the trees; a foggy area which will systematically ebb away at your honeycomb energy.
Third Jinjo Collected
“Some Jinjo’s hid in Monster Manor, I hope they’re not afraid of the dark!” 3/5
Cryptic Clue:
The Jinjo Oracle has just told you where to find some of the Jinjos.
Fourth Jinjo Collected
“Bozzeye may not be able to climb trees, but he can help you shake things down.” 4/5
Cryptic Clue:
Using the Bill Drill ability learned from Bozzeye you can shake things down from tree branches.
Fifth Jinjo Collected
“Have you heard of a place called ‘Spiller’s Harbor’? it used to be a resort but since Grunty’s lot turned up they don’t get many other visitors.” 5/5
Cryptic Clue:
The Jinjo Oracle let’s slip the name of the next level; Spiller’s Harbor.
No Jinjos Collected
“The Jinjo’s are well hidden here, you’ll have to look everywhere to find them all.” 0/5
Cryptic Clue:
A quick preface for things in store…
First Jinjo Collected
“It might be worth nosing around with someone a little smaller if you’re having trouble finding all the Jinjos.” 1/5
Cryptic Clue:
The mouse transformation will prove to be invaluable in Spiller’s Harbor.
Second Jinjo Collected
“Klungo’s Germuloids will suck the life out of you. Be quick and shake them off before they can start.” 2/5
Cryptic Clue:
Here’s an indispensable tip that you’ll definitely use countless times, be sure to press left and right on the control pad to shake off the Germuloids.
Third Jinjo Collected
“Those Maggie Birds are a pain, but you should win a battle of the beaks when they’re nearer ground.” 3/5
Cryptic Clue:
Lure the Maggie Birds to the ground and follow it up with a Rat-A-Tat Rap to take them out of the sky!
Fourth Jinjo Collected
“I don’t know how a small creature would get out of the harbor if it wasn’t for that Wall Pipe.” 4/5
Cryptic Clue:
As an Octopus it can be quite difficult to get out of the harbor once you’ve dropped in, however if you approach the pipe in the wall it’ll lead back up on to the land.
Fifth Jinjo Collected
“I think Gruntilda’s getting desperate. Her Mecha-Grunty suit needs more spare parts than the Freezing Furnace can make!” 5/5
Cryptic Clue:
Out slips the title of our final level, thanks Jinjo Oracle.
No Jinjos Collected
“Maybe it’s just because they’re cold, but the Jinjo’s in Freezing Furnace are all blue” 0/5
Cryptic Clue:
The color that the Jinjo’s have taken in Freezing Furnace is blue, so keep your eyes peeled.
First Jinjo Collected
“See Mumbo to get all fired up before you fiddle with frozen fuses.” 1/5
Cryptic Clue:
You’ll have to become the Candle transformation before you go about blowing up the barrel of fireworks.
Second Jinjo Collected
“You’ll need to get past a curtain of fire to find Klungo’s chill-out room.” 2/5
Cryptic Clue:
You’ll need to deactivate the fire door on the large robot in the middle of the lava pool in Grunty Industries in order to locate the next boss battle.
Third Jinjo Collected
“A rocky cave leads to Grunty’s Furnace” 3/5
Cryptic Clue:
You’ll need to locate the rocky cave in Freezing Furnace to find the entrance to Grunty Industries.
Fourth Jinjo Collected
“Tanks…I mean thanks for trying to rescue all the Jinjos. 4/5
Cryptic Clue:
You will require the Tank transformation to find all of the Jinjos in Freezing Furnace.
Fifth Jinjo Collected
“With your dedication to finding the Jinjos, I’m sure you’ll be brave enough to face Gruntilda in her Lair” 5/5
Cryptic Clue:
Now that you’ve found all the Jinjos it’s time to see how you size up against Gruntilda!