Party Pack DLC Achievement Walkthrough

Biff Sock Kapow!(25G):
Scored 12 or more in the King of the Ring Boxing mini-game
In order to be donned the ‘true’ King of the Ring you’ll have to take on at least a dozen competitors before time runs out. Fortunately your opponents will go down quicker than the regular opponents found within the standard Boxing match, however, you’ll only have a meager 30 seconds alloted to have all twelve hit the canvas to move onto the next. This is one achievement wherein you’ll have to manage your time proficiently in order to come out on top. Avoid flailing like a lunatic, as this will hardly do you any favors – though it will help you look like a flailing lunatic to spectators – instead, plan your punches in advance. If there’s an opening, take it! Once you’re able to land three punches on one opening your opponent will go into a daze, which is perfect for leaning in and dishing out those crucial hits that will send him head over heels to the floor. You’ll want to deal with each opponent as quickly as possible, not only because the situation is time sensitive, but if your opponent is left too long they’ll start dishing out damage of their own. It’s a challenge enough to knock off a dozen opponents in thirty seconds, but it’s upped significantly if you’re pushed backwards and remain helpless waiting to gain composure. This only wastes time, so avoid getting hit at all costs. The final thing you’ll have to watch out for are the mascots who have entered the ring in full costume. While they too will go down quicker than a standard boxing match opponent, the protective shell of foam surrounding them will have them going down a little slower than your typical King of the Ring opponents. They shouldn’t cause you too much trouble however, as you should manage to deal with them swiftly as well, albeit a few seconds behind. Once you KO 12 opponents in 30 seconds you’ll earn the Achievement!

Wild Rush (20G):
Landed 5 or more punches on a dizzied opponent in the King of the Ring Boxing mini-game
Stunning an opponent in King of the Ring is much easier than a standard boxing match, if you manage to land three consecutive punches on an opponent, namely the face or torso you’ll have them enter stunned or ‘dizzied’ mode. From here you’ll find them unable to return any punches, or even block your own which is handy for the Wild Rush Achievement. As they’re dizzied and the stars have appeared over their heads you’ll need to go wild on their available spots. You’ll have to dish out each punch in quick succession to make sure your opponent doesn’t regain his composure too quickly, if you manage to land five punches uninterrupted then you’ll earn the Wild rush Achievement.

Fruit Machine (25G):
Scored 50 or more in the Fruit Splatter mini-game.
Cast Volleyballs aside for this competition, it’s time to try your luck at slicing and dicing infinite fruit. You’ll notice that the goal for the Fruit Splatter mini-game is a little lower than previous achievements, reason being that you’re only alloted a single life. While the relentless onslaught of juicy melons, strawberries and pineapples are sure to give your head a good wallop should they connect, the only way you’ll manage to lose your chance is if you hit the bombs that are haphazardly thrown in during play. You’ll be allowed to miss as much fruit as you want, which is a blessing given that a number of fruit will pass by when you’re trying to avoid an oncoming bomb. Make bomb running a priority with hitting fruit a second thought, eventually you’ll get to the mark when enough fruit it hit, but it’s all about endurance and avoiding the bombs to make it there. Be sure to stand in Starfish position with your arms outstretched for better coverage of the screen, and never reach through a bomb to hit some fruit. It may look salvageable at times, but it only takes one teeny miscalculation to start all over again, and hitting one fruit when you’re so close to fifty just isn’t worth it. Be sure to look out for the red targets which indicate a bomb and do everything you can to evacuate this area of the screen. Stay alive long enough to reach the lofty heights of fifty fruit and you’ll earn the Fruit Machine Achievement without bombing.

Have That Too (30G):
Hit 3 or more consecutive smashes in the Target Smash Table Tennis mini-game
In the Target Smash mini-game you’ll be pitted against an endless row of colored plates with varying digits on the front, which advance to the right until they leave the court. By serving the ball toward the targets you’ll smash a plate and reveal a higher digit underneath. An undamaged plate begins with the number 1, after taking a single hit it reveals a yellow plate behind with the number 2 and lastly once a third hit is secured the final red plate is revealed with the number 3. Once your serve manages to hit a red plate with the number 3 on it you’ll earn the ability to Smash your next serve as the ball rebounds back towards you. In order to win the Have That Too achievement, you’ll need to serve three Smashes after breaking three red plates.
From the get go you’ll want to manage your serves efficiently; serve wide to the far left of the court, once you’ve started to take out plates as they appear you’ll have more reaction time as they advance to the right. Keep up with each rebound and eventually you’ll manage to break a damaged area to reveal a red plate and hit it. Once you’ve done that you’ll have an opportunity to serve the next shot toward another section of plates. If you’ve kept the left plates damaged during play then it shouldn’t be a problem to locate the next available plate. Upon receiving a Smash serve the first plate will break along with the plates to the left and right, creating a wake. Use this to your advantage and eventually you’ll manage to Smash three times, effectively earning the Have That Too Achievement.

Target Teaser (25G):
Scored 130 or more in the Target Smash Table Tennis mini-game
As the Targets move onward so does the time, and a game can be over in seconds flat with the meager 45 seconds initially provided. Since the Target Teaser Achievement requires you to acquire a high score you’ll need to work against the clock to ensure you get to the lofty expectations provided without ending the game. Fortunately for every 10 points accumulated – using the numbers displayed on the plates – you’ll earn 5 extra seconds to your remaining time. The longer you manage a volley, the faster your momentum overall. You’ll need to be on your toes to return each rebounded shot and you’ll earn more points for each plate destroyed. Make sure you use your Smashes proficiently to take out as many plates as possible and you’ll climb up the scoreboard. Try your hardest not to miss any rebounded returns, if you let the ball by you then you’ll have to start the initial serve over again, and you’ll lose all of your hard earned momentum in the process. Once you manage to earn 130 points before the clock runs out, you’ll earn the Achievement.

Style Show-off (25G):
Scored 50 or more in the Super Striker Soccer mini-game
In this challenge it’s all about sneaking thrown shots past the Keeper, you’ll have to extend a limb each time the appropriate icon appears on screen to have a shot at scoring on the net. You’ll need to make sure you don’t miss a single ball, as you’re only allowed to miss three until the game is called. To make matters more difficult you’ll have to avoid flying boots which are also thrown into the mix. These can easily be identified by the large red icon as they approach, so do everything you can to avoid getting hit by these painful projectiles – even if it means jumping out of the way or diving to the floor. To effectively score a goal you’ll need to lean into your high shots and kick forward at the lower shots, this will add some serious speed to the ball which will zip right past the Keeper. With any luck you’ll manage to score 50 points without succumbing a three boots to the skull you’ll earn the Style Show-Off Achievement.

Goals On A Roll (20G):
Scored 10 consecutive goals or more in the Super Striker Soccer mini-game
This Achievement is exponentially difficult to acquire as you’ll find it quite challenging to score ten consecutive and uninterrupted goals past an incredibly persistent Keeper. So long as you lean into your shots you shouldn’t have a problem eventually bulking up your attempts on net until you accumulate 10 successfully scored points, however you may want to string along and wait until the throws become quicker paced to have a greater chance at hitting more shots into the net as the Keeper have less time to react. It can be quite frustrating when a successful chain is broken by the Keeper, but keep at it and eventually you’ll earn the Goals on a Roll Achievement.

Pew Pew Pew! (30G):
Knocked down 50 pins or more in 4 seconds in the Pinvaders Bowling mini-game
Don’t get Pinvaders confused with the Pin Rush mini-game and start flailing your aims expecting infinite bowling balls; you’ll only get two at a single time, so you’ll need to plan and think critically. As the game begins use your bowling balls to take out the far left and right rows of pins, then make your way to taking out the remaining pins in the center. You’ll need to continuously take out the farthest advancing row of pins to ensure that they don’t cross over the danger zone. For this achievement you’ll need to let a long string of pins build up and throw the ball once you hear the trumpet sound off; this indicates that the pins are about to lurch forward quite suddenly. Doing so will not only hit the pins down, but since the pins are advancing faster from the trumpet they’ll naturally go down quicker. This in combination with throwing the second ball at another line of pins shortly after will increase your score well past the 50 required for the Pew Pew Pew! Achievement.

Invasion Thwarted! (25G):
Scored 360 or more in the Pinvaders Bowling mini-game
In order to score at least 360 points you’ll need to stay in the game for quite awhile, which means you can’t let any pins get past the danger zone or else the game will end prematurely. You’ll need to plan ahead in advance, making sure to clear off a single row or two of pins with each throw. Akin to the Space Invaders game it’s named after, each pin will enter the frame in waves, so long as you manage to prioritize each wave given how far ahead of the other pins it is, you shouldn’t have trouble achieving a high score. The trumpet will only sound off when there is an inherent risk that the pins will cross over the danger zone, you can still manage to cut it off if you clear all of the advancing pins back towards the center of the lane. The most important thing to keep in mind during this mini-game is to remain calm during it. Pinvaders is meant to overwhelm you and leave you desperately trying to make up lost ground by firing off balls wherever you can. Develop a strategy and think each decision through before you throw and you’ll never have the game sneak up on you.

Kilometer King (25G):
Scored 1000 or more in the Rapid Runner Track & Field mini-game
Arguably the most challenging and infuriating achievement in Kinect Sports, and bar none for the Party Pack is the Rapid Runner Achievement which tasks you at running at least 1000 in-game meters in a single race. While you’ll have to rely on your own stamina and technique on this mini-game there are several handy tips that will help see you to the end of the treacherous trek. First, to start things off correctly, you’ll want to make sure you receive a starting boost by leaning forward until the race begins and then springing into action, this will take you to the first rest area without much effort required. Above all else in this challenge, be sure to raise your legs high to get the most out of your speed; running very quick in tiny strides will do nothing but tire you out faster. Be sure to pump your legs steadily and rhythmically so that you run at a constant high speed, almost so that you’re using the ground to hop back into the air like jumping. Next, don’t slow down as you enter or exit a rest area; if you slow on approach you’ll end up running too slow through the area, and if you exit the area too slow, you’ll notice a serious lag as you try to regain your speed. If you find yourself winded and unable to continue, there are some cheats available to you if you’re willing. The first trick is to take on the challenge using the Canary Mary Technique, when you get tired or sore use Kinect’s advice to take a break! How can this be done in the middle of a race? Wait until you reach a rest area and press the Xbox Guide button for the game to instantly pause. From here enjoy your break until you feel limber enough to continue again. You can even have a friend help you out by pressing the button when you arrive at an agreed rest area. Even with these handicaps however, this challenge will still prove itself to be very difficult, so don’t give up and keep a water bottle handy; earning the Kilometer King Achievement is a sure sign you’ve managed to master Kinect Sports.