Kinect Sports Achievement Walkthrough
PLEASE NOTE: The walkthroughs are still in development, we’ll have them up as soon as possible!
A Note from Lerako: I am actively updating this guide with walkthroughs, though I will only update with achievements I have earned myself so that I can properly give advice directly to your similar situation.
45/50 Achievements obtained in game.
31/50 Currently written up.
Kinect Sports has 50 achievements, with a total of 1000 Gamerscore.

In Training (10G):
Reach level 10 and earn the Amateur badge
This achievement is very simple to acquire, as you’ll only need to reach level 10 overall. You can easily manage this by playing through each event in the game once. You’ll roughly earn a level with each successfully won match, so you’ll need only test the waters and play the game in order to bag this achievement.

Reach level 20 and earn the Professional badge

Reach level 30 and earn the Champion badge

Reach level 40 and earn the Master badge

Sports Star (50G):
Reach level 50 and earn the Legendary badge
This is no easy feat as reaching this pinnacle requires you to master several events throughout Kinect Sports. The best route is to attempt topping your previously set records, even if only by a single point will herald a steady supply of experience points. As well, completing Champion levels events will go toward raising your level. Along with the achievement you’ll unlock an avatar reward which can be found in the dashboard settings. Paying the menu a quick visit reveals the culmination of your efforts; a large Golden Trophy that your avatar will gleefully swing about once left in idle. Enjoy your literal trophy, you’ve acquired Legendary status!

Pin Win (30G):
Win a game in Bowling
Securing a Pin Win can be as easy as playing a 10 frame game for the first time. For the easiest method be sure to choose the Beginner difficulty setting; he’s an absolute pushover as he’ll rarely clear a frame let alone get a strike for the entire game. To combat this you should aim in absolutely obliterating him, which is entirely possible with a few pointers. First, try to set yourself dead center with the lane – doing so will improve your chances on getting a strike. You can further adjust your position by moving to the left or right. Next, swing straight, true and fast. If you’re level this will send the ball directly down the center, your increased speed will improve your odds of knocking all the pins down. Lastly, if you manage to get a strike, freeze in that exact position. Don’t sit down, don’t do a victory dance and above all else, don’t move a muscle. When your opponent has finished his feeble frame you’ll need only attempt to replicate your throw from the last frame. Repetition is key to this achievement and you should have no problem beating the Beginner to win the match.

Neon Lanes Champion (10G):
Win a game in Bowling (Champion difficulty)

Doing the Splits (15G):
Clear a split in Bowling

Wood Chipper (15G):
Break the lane with a high ball in Bowling
There’s nothing to this achievement really, you’ll find it so easy to execute and amusing to watch that you’ll likely break the lane just for fun. In order to release a high ball you’ll need to grab your bowling ball and wind up your arm backwards instead of forward; almost like a reverse windmill maneuver in Long Jump. If you’ve enacted this correctly the ball should escape your grip as you arc down causing it to smash downward into the lane, creating a crater in its wake and rewarding you the achievement.

Turkey Triumph (15G):
Get a Turkey (3 strikes in a row) in Bowling
It doesn’t matter which difficulty setting you play for this one, the achievement will be unlocked regardless of who manages to win the event. In order to better your chances to hit three strikes in a row your best bet is to aim for a strike in the first frame of the game. Keep yourself aligned with the Kinect Sensor and release the ball as hard and straight as you possibly can. If you don’t manage to get a strike on the first frame, restart the game and try again, adjusting your position accordingly. Once you manage to bowl a strike you’ll need only keep it up for two more frames. For best results, stay in your current position that earned you the strike in the first place and try to replicate the throw as close to the original as possible. If you miss the strike keep playing the entire game, if you manage to get a turkey you’ll earn the achievement.

Ball Blitz (25G):
Score 350 or more in the Pin Rush Bowling mini-game
This is one of the more difficult achievements in the game as you’ll need to clear an abundance of frames to get close to scoring 350 points. Keep in mind that you have the ability to use more than one pin which will be key to unlocking the achievement. As soon as the game begins you’ll want to go into a frenzied windmill spin as you would in Long Jump. Keep moving both arms in a circular pattern very quickly to grab both sets of balls on either side simultaneously and send them down the lane at full speed. If you leave pins up the game will not advance until they’re cleared, so lean to the left or right accordingly to knock out the pins left standing. The downside to using this technique is that sometimes your balls will be traveling so close to one another that eventually they’ll meet up and clash; sending both balls into the gutter. To combat this you can either send them at a slight delay by using the windmill pattern with one arm going a little faster than the other so that you only utilize one ball at a time, yet keep your speed unaltered. The other improved technique involves hopping into the air just before you throw two balls down the lane. While tiring, this technique will cause you to throw the balls farther down the lane before they start to near each other, drastically reducing your odds of the two clash. Once you master this surefire technique most proficiently you’ll manage to climb to 350 points earning you the achievement as you hop on the spot.

Clear Up! (25G):
Score 10 or more in the One Bowl Roll Bowling mini-game
Luckily the expectations for this achievement have been set quite low so that you’re not stuck on it for ages, but with that said it’s still quite difficult to get to 10 points by the end of it. You’ll only be alloted four chances to mess up, but you should use these sparingly as you’ll probably find yourself set up against a split frame near the ending moments of the game and unless you manage to become a Kinect Sports God these sort of frames are strictly sacrificial. Just make sure that you can afford to make a mistake or two after you pass your 5th frame so you can leave plenty of room for error as the game winds down. You’ll need to clear out the entire frame for each set up, so leaving one pin standing isn’t going to cut it unfortunately. Luckily there isn’t a time limit for you to abide by, so take your time to set up the shot perfectly before you send the ball down the lane. Try to choose the best angle to take on the frame as evidenced by the large screen overhead. You can usually tackle a from most efficiently by hitting the head pin causing it to fall on the others and trigger a domino effect, so be sure to keep this in mind when clearing out a frame in a single shot. Once you manage to clear at least 10 frames in under 5 misses you’ll manage to clear out the achievement as well.

King Pin (15G):
Score more than 250 in Bowling

And the Winner Is… (30G):
Win a match in Boxing
In order to save yourself from becoming a sweaty mess, it’s probably wise to start off on the Beginner difficulty setting for the purposes of this achievement. The beginner will hardly throw any punches so you won’t have to worry about taking too much damage. Whenever your opponent isn’t blocking they’ll be throwing a punch or leaving themselves completely open, so take advantage by delivering a flurry of punches to their face or lower body. You can reel your arm back behind your shoulder and then forward to execute a disorienting punch that will knock your opponent backward and follow it up by sweeping your arms across the screen to knock your opponent right across the chops. You’ll want to avoid hitting your opponents gloves as doing so will fill the gauge underneath their health bar. If they manage to fill the bar completely by blocking three attempted punches they’ll have the opportunity to deliver a very powerful punch which will stun you for a limited time, indicated by blurred vision and muffled audio. While in this mode your punches won’t manage to deal out any damage at all as you’re left extremely vulnerable. During the sequence you’ll want to block your opponent as much as possible so that you can put them into a stun sequence when you’re finished with yours. Once you manage to knock your opponent out three times you’ll earn the achievement.

Tornado Gardens Champion (10G):
Win a match in Boxing (Champion difficulty)
In order to earn this achievement you’ll have to take on a boxer on Champion difficulty. Like the other achievements that require a similar completion of the highest difficulty setting this won’t be an easy feat, but if you follow the advice provided you’ll be well on your way. Be sure to go into the match with the right mindset; don’t get riled up ready to flail punches sporadically, or you’ll be absolutely pummeled in seconds flat. The real secret here is to stay on the defensive and use your gloves to block the high and low hits to charge up your punches. Once you’ve managed to block at least 3 punches – they’ll come fast so you’ll need to be ready – your gloves will be fully charged. Now you’ll just need to find your opening of sorts; wait for your opponent to lower his gloves if you’re going for his face, or bring them up if you’re preparing to wind him.
Once you’re ready lay it on thick and score some punches, if you’ve done this correctly your opponent will be in a daze which makes him a sitting duck for a knock-out. If the tables turn and you’re hit with a charged punch your vision will grow blurred and distorted; you’ll be really vulnerable here so watch out! There’s still time to turn things around if you manage to block the punches so don’t become discouraged if you take a beating or two. Once you’ve earned at least a TKO the achievement will be yours for the taking.

TKO (15G):
Win a match with a technical knockout (3 knock downs in 1 round) in Boxing
With three knockouts in one round you’ll need to be extremely efficient in dishing out the damage. You might be inclined to select the beginner opponent in order to take full advantage of their slower reactions, however if it’s charged punches you’re looking to send their way you’ll find that the beginner hardly lays on the offensive, so you’ll have difficulty in charging up your gloves to deliver fatal blows in stun sequence. You might have luck in pummeling him into submission by flailing like a maniac, but you’ll find that the safest route is selecting the amateur opponent instead. The amateur relies a little more on offensive jabs so you’ll manage to block the punches and charge up your gloves. Once you’ve managed to achieve maximum charge lay into your opponent and pummel him during the stun sequence. Once your opponent gets back up rinse and repeat with a flurry of punches until you’ve ended the match with a Technical Knockout. You should manage to accomplish it in a single round so keep at it and try your best to conserve time.

Kiss the Canvas (15G):
Knock down your opponent with an uppercut in Boxing
An uppercut is easy enough to execute, but this achievement requires you to administer a showy finish by knocking your opponent to the ground with one. For the easiest route you’ll need to select a Beginner opponent in order to have maximum control over the course of the match. In order to leave your opponent vulnerable for a finishing uppercut you’ll need to put them into a stun sequence, so start the match strong and wallop them around the ring until they’re seeing stars. From here your opponent is a sitting duck and there’s plenty of time to land some quick jabs until they’re left with an inkling bit of health. Get ready to kiss the canvas! Bend down and lower your fist pulling it toward your chest, follow it up by jumping into the air and bring your glove to your opponents chin. Pow! If you’ve managed to uppercut properly you’ll earn this cheevo as soon as your opponent hits the canvas below.

Comeback Kid (15G):
Win a match after being knocked down 4 times in Boxing
You’ll want to have total control over this match as you’ll need to purposely allow yourself to be knocked out and then comeback in full form with the ability to turn the tables entirely. While this sounds sounds best as an incentive to choose the Beginner difficulty setting you’ll find it very rare that he’ll throw a punch, even less so in quick succession, so you may have difficulty in getting knocked out in this scenario. Instead you’ll want to choose the amateur setting for a more matched match. You shouldn’t have too much trouble in knocking out the amateur, and you’ll find he’ll lay into you when its time to take a fall. From here it’s just a trade off of knockouts, though you’ll still want to keep the technical aspects in mind. For example, if you let your opponent knock you out three times in one round first it counts as a TKO, which will end the match before you get a chance to have a triumphant comeback. Instead you’ll have the match over the course of a few rounds. In the first round, knock your opponent to the ground and when he gets up let him hit you down twice. This should take you to the next round, but if not waste time by blocking punches or putting your opponent into stun mode and doing nothing. Once the first round has ended you’ll need to come back strong in the next by knocking your opponent out twice, then letting him knock you out once. From here you’ll be evenly matched, so wait for the second round to come to a close before letting him knock you out one final time. You will now have fulfilled the first half of the achievement by getting knocked out four times, now its just a matter of coming back, so once you rise back up lay into your opponent and continually knock him out until you’ve won the match, earning you the achievement.

Stunning Recovery (15G):
Survive an entire stun sequence without being hit in Boxing (Professional or Champion difficulty)
You’ll need to have your reaction time in full-form here, mastering a defensive guard is your key to earning this achievement. To start off you’ll need to choose an opponent in either Professional or Championship Difficulty to quality for a Stunning Recovery so the easier fight lies with the Professional boxer. Once you start the match you’ll need to deliberately punch your opponents gloves so that he fills the three units underneath his health bar. Once he’s built up a maximum charge you’ll need to take the hit, doing so will put you into the vulnerable stun sequence which is mandatory to earning the achievement. This is the most crucial moment of the match; you’ll need to block your opponents punches until your vision returns to normal. The punches will come quite quickly so remember to block high when your opponent swings at your face and block low when your opponent slightly crouches. Survive the entire sequence unscathed and you’ll earn the achievement.

They Think It’s All Over… (30G):
Win a match in Football
You shouldn’t have too much trouble with this achievement as the gameplay is very basic. In order to set yourself up for the easiest win, make sure to pick the Beginner difficulty setting for your opponent. This ensures that you’ll have less trouble running up the field and scoring a goal. You’ll want to remain on the offensive for the entire match, don’t let your opponent advance or you’ll give them a chance to score or you’re in for twice the work to best them. Instead, keep the ball firmly around your opponents goal by claiming possession at every opportunity. Block the opponents players by quickly jumping into their line of fire as indicated by the Grey strip and work the ball up the field once you’ve successfully blocked the shot. From here you’ll just need to get by the keeper, so line up the shot and give it your all. Since the game has been set at Beginner it’s likely the keeper won’t manage to stop many of your shots, so take advantage. Once you’ve endured three minutes of play and manage to stay on top of the game you’ll earn this easy achievement.

It Is Now… (30G):
Win a match by scoring a goal in the last 10 seconds in Football
Timing is absolutely key to this challenge as your window of opportunity is going to be very slim. For the easiest route go against a Beginner difficulty opponent, this will ensure that you have the most control over the match so that you’ll be able to score in the last ten seconds. The best advice for this one is to stay on the offensive; the more you ride up on your opponents net, the higher likelihood you’ll have for setting up the shot in the last dwindling seconds. Make sure you take full advantage of your position when the clock hits 10 and go straight for the net! If your shot is blocked try to work it up the field for another shot in time, with the Beginner opponent it’s more than likely going to go in. If you don’t manage a goal in the fleeting seconds of the match don’t let it get you down, this all comes down to timing, so there is an element of luck involved.

Lotus Park Champion (10G):
Win a match in Football (Champion difficulty)
As with any Champion difficulty setting, don’t expect an easy match. The football champion is extremely challenging to beat and if you manage to win the match you’ve earned the achievement entirely. Because football requires an array of players in varied positions you’ll need to master attacking, defending and goal keeping to ensure you win the match. From the starting kickoff you’ll want to try your hardest to keep the ball around your opponents side of the field. The longer the play is kept around your opponents net, the higher likelihood you’ll have a chance to score on their net, and most importantly; away from your own. You’ll need to be in top form in this match as your opponents will act incredibly fast and you’ll need to exhibit very quick reaction time to stop their plays. The most difficult portion of the game is defending as the gray strip which indicates the position you’ll need to stand only appears for a fraction of a second, so you’ll need to act very quickly to ensure you don’t let the ball go too far up the field. If it eventually makes its way to the front of your net you’ll have to do your level best to save the shot by stretching out your arms and legs into starfish pattern to improve your guard. Scoring on your opponents net can be quite difficult as the keeper will save near every shot you take on the net, so you’ll need to plan your shots and keep a relentless front, eventually one will go in. Just keep the ball away from your own net and you should be able to waste the remaining three minutes plus added time to end the match. Don’t get discouraged if you lose the match, champion difficulty is the most challenging of all difficulty settings. Keep at it and you should manage to walk away with the achievement.

Hat-trick Hero (15G):
Score a perfect hat-trick (1 header, 1 left foot & 1 right foot goal) in a match in Football
While simple sounding enough, the time limit of an alloted three minute cap on a single match is going to be your enemy as you attempt to acquire this achievement. Given that a Hat-trick requires three goals, the difficulty is ramped up by expecting you to score certain types of goals. This paired with the various attempts you’re going to make on the net that will go unfulfilled once blocked certainly go toward the challenge of obtaining this achievement. In order to allow the game to play in your favor, it would be wise to select the beginner difficulty setting so that the majority of the shots you make actually go in. You’ll want to lay on the offensive the entire match so that you’ll have numerous opportunities to score a goal. The first move you’ll want to make is having your opponent lose the ball on the sidelines to allow a corner shot. The best manner to achieve this is to take a shot on your opponents net and hope they block the shot and send it flying over the sidelines. From here you’ll have a chance to hit the ball into the net with your head if the appropriate icon appears. You’ll want to get the header in first as its often the part of the Hat-trick you’ll be trying desperately to get in during the last dwindling seconds of the game long after you’ve scored a goal with your right and left feet. To save your time and patience you’ll want to ensure the header goes in without issue, from there it’s just a matter of getting the remaining two goals using your right foot and left foot when available. Once you manage to score a goal with your head, left foot and right foot in a single three minute match you’ll walk away with the achievement.

Beat the Gull-keeper (15G):
Scare the bird from the crossbar using the ball in Football
This one comes down to luck more than anything else as there’s no guarantee that this gull will choose to loft during your current match. Because of this you may find yourself competing in match after match waiting for the space above your opponents net to be taken. Once the seagull has landed however you’ll manage to spot it sitting just atop the net. Beating the gull is fairly easy from here; you’ll just have to take a shot on the net and have the keeper hit the ball upwards on the pole, you can also try shooting straight and high in order to hit the gull yourself. Scare the bird from the goalpost and you’ll earn the achievement.

Golden Gloves (25G):
Score 100 or more in the Super Saver Football mini-game
Akin to the other mini-game events, your success relies entirely on endurance; the action starts off slow and picks up at a steady pace only ending when you’ve been overwhelmed by the challenge. In order to make it to the lofty expectations of the Golden Gloves Achievement you’ll need to take advantage of the strategies provided. Firstly, you’ll need to use your space to its full potential by getting yourself into a starfish pattern; legs far apart, arms stretching straight out. Doing so will allow you quicker reaction time to save the balls by subtely leaning to the left or right. The killer in this game is going to be the far balls, these are shots which travel on the edge of the screen either high low which can be fatal if executed in quick succession. Use your starfish formation to your advantage to reach these far shots by using your hips to direct your body, this will help your reaction time. Reach 100 successfully saved shots and you’ll bag the achievement.

Sharp Shooter (25G):
Score 80 or more in the Target Kick Football mini-game
In order to earn this achievement you’ll need to add some major time on the clock so that you’ll manage to get in at least 80 goals before the game is called. Each time you clear the net of all available targets you’ll manage to earn 5 extra seconds. The quicker you clear the net the more time you’ll be alloted to rack up even more points, a vicious cycle which will see you to a high score! Before you go off in a kicking frenzy however, you’ll do well to nail the technique to Target Kick. The most difficult aspect of this mini-game is mastering your control of the ball so that it flies straight and true to the target, to initiate the kick you’ll need to turn your leg into a pendulum; keep your knee straight, extend your leg into a comfortable arc each time you kick and using your foot try your best to ‘point’ at the target on screen. You might want to practice the mini-game a few times just to get all the angles worked in. Aim left and right high for targets in the top corners, left and right low for targets in the bottom corners, and keep your leg straight and center for the targets in the middle, adjusting your height accordingly. Try alternating legs for the quickest results. Once you’ve managed to master this technique we’ll move onto the keeper. The keeper is going to be just as relentless as you are during this match, diving to catch the most wayward of kicks and protecting the targets at all costs. If left alone the keeper can easily bring the match to an abrupt end, so you’ll have to get rid of them to get at the targets. Fortunately getting the keeper out of your line of fire couldn’t be easier; just ensure that every few kicks you make on the net you launch a ball to the very far left or right so that it escapes the perimeter. Once you’ve managed that the keeper will be distracted long enough for you to clean up the targets, best case scenario results in the keeper diving to the ground leaving the net wide open as they struggle to gain composure. You can also fire multiple shots at the same target the keeper guards to slip one by, chances are you’ll manage to hit the keepers chin which will effectively disorient them as you take the next shot. One final bit of advice will help you on your way to the achievement, and it all lies in premonition. Once you’ve managed to clear the net of all targets don’t wait around to see where they’ll appear next. Instead, pop a shot anywhere at the net when you’ve cleared the targets and with any luck you’ll manage to pick off a target the second it appears. This achievement can be very tricky, especially with the timer and keeper working together, but if you manage to master your technique and timing you’ll clean up the targets and the achievement.

Score 5 goals or more in a match in Football (Professional or Champion difficulty)

Win a match in Table Tennis

Blade Center Champion (10G):
Win a match in Table Tennis (Champion difficulty)
Don’t expect any feeble lobs here, like the other Champion level events Table Tennis will pit you against the most difficult of adversaries, requiring acute reaction and endurance from your end. You’ll need to be in full form if you plan to snag the achievement, so it’s best to go into a starfish pattern to ensure you take advantage of the fast paced shots. You’ll only be armed with a single paddle, so you’ll need to manage your space proficiently. For starters your dominant hand may be the go-to choice for every match, but how effective are you at reaching over to the other side of your shoulder with it? It might be wise to check out other possibilities that may prove more effective. You’ll also need to master hitting extreme left and right shots very quickly as the champion will often corner you in a pattern and surprise you by smacking the ball to the other end of the table, if you’re on your game these wayward serves can be easily saved. Lastly, when you return a shot, return it hard and get your arm into a full swing if needed. The worst thing to do is set your opponent up for a smash if your return is too slow, while these can be returned if you’re especially quick on the draw it’s best to avoid the risk all together. Champion Table Tennis is very challenging, so don’t get discouraged if you take in a few losses, it’s all about teaching yourself to react quickly and productively outmatch your opponent and you’ll earn the achievement soon enough.

Force your opponent to roll 3 times in a match when reaching for the ball in Table Tennis

To the Left, to the Right (15G):
Win 2 games, one with each hand in Table Tennis
This achievement is quite similar to ‘Head of the Table’ which simply requires you win a game of Table Tennis on any difficulty. The difference here however is that you’ll need to win a game with your right hand, and then one with your left. The normal game shouldn’t cause you any trouble, but when it comes to playing with your non-dominant hand things can get quite disorienting. It may take some getting used to, but once you become used to using your weaker hand than you’ll find the challenge becomes significantly easier. Polish off both sets and you’ll earn yourself the achievement.

Win a match with a smash in Table Tennis

Return to Sender (25G):
Score 60 or more in the Rally Tally Table Tennis mini-game
You’ll need to master endurance in order to achieve the lofty requirements set forth on the Rally Tally mini-game. Keep within the starfish pattern in order to use your space effectively and be sure to return every last serve, if even one gets by the game will end. No pressure… Naturally you’ll want to return the serve with as much driving force as possible as you would in a regular match to get past the opponent, but for the purpose of this challenge your opponent will never miss. Instead you can return a serve in slower fashion to decrease the speed of the ball. Doing so will delay the ball in ramping up its speed too quickly too soon. You’ll find that the speed will begin to get challenging at around 30 rallies and from there will get significantly faster. Keep an eye out for wayward shots to the far left or right, if you get worked into a pattern these shots are crucial to return as they’re often near the 50 rally mark and can end the mini-game prematurely if you’re not on your toes. This challenge will hardly be a walk in the park, but if you keep at it you should manage to walk away with at least 60 rallies, earning the achievement.

Score 150 or more in the Paddle Panic Table Tennis mini-game

Win a match conceding no points in Table Tennis (Professional or Champion difficulty)

Win a full contest in Track & Field

Flame Stadium Champion (20G):
Win a full contest in Track & Field (Champion difficulty)

Turbo Pants (20G):
Gain a boost start and boost finish in 100m
Not only does this achievement allow you to boost ahead of the competition, it also acts as quintessential element to improving your future times and breaking your set record. In order to start the race off with a strong take off lean forward until the announcer shouts for the race to begin. Once you take off running you’ll notice your surroundings turn red and blurry, that’s all there is to boosting, just one more now! As you approach the finish line lean forwards once more and you’ll manage to rush past the finish line, effectively boosting and earning the achievement.

Circuit Breaker (20G):
Break some electrical equipment within the stadium in Javelin
This is arguably the hardest achievement to obtain in Kinect Sports and most of the difficulty boils down to luck. With a single javelin throw you’ll be tasked with sending it soaring past the 100 meter mark toward an ill-placed electrical screen to make sparks fly! The equipment you’ll need to hit is a little larger than the sand pit you’ll use in Long Jump, but given the large size of the field it makes itself a tiny target. While the chance of hitting the screen may be slim, if you’re able to nail the technique for throwing the javelin past the 90 meter mark you’ll find yourself in the general proximity for the achievement. From there its a matter of tweaking the the toss as you gradually get closer to the target. The throwing style that works best is to forget all about the overhead shot and instead give the javelin a windmill send off as executed in Long Jump. Doing so will allow the javelin to carry off on increased speed as well as the greater height that the underhand arc is able to deliver. Be sure to aim your toss to the left ever so slightly and you should manage to send it into the electrical area beyond the 100 meter mark. There is some leeway if you can get it beyond that point, as even hitting the equipment around the screen will register the achievement.

Windmill Wonder (20G):
Perform a windmill maneuver in Long Jump
It’s likely this achievement won’t cause you any trouble as you’ll probably execute the Windmill Maneuver naturally. If you’ve been awkwardly holding your arms stiffly at your sides while you jump into the air than get them into motion! As soon as you’ve jumped off the ground in Long Jump flail your arms in a circular motion to improve your distance. If you’ve wowed the crowd with the Windmill Wonder you’ll earn the achievement.

Dire Distance (20G):
Throw the discus less than 4 meters in Discus
Luckily this achievement doesn’t require you to throw out your arm with a wicked throw, but it can still be challenging to achieve a score so miniscule. With less than 4 meters alloted, you’ll have to keep the Discus off the field entirely with your throw so make as little movement as possible. Try to throw the discus straight down, with any luck you’ll earn the achievement.

Juggernaut (20G):
Win a race after knocking down every hurdle in Hurdles
The hurdles race is a challenge in multitasking; you’ll need to master both running and jumping to secure a win. The Juggernaut achievement throws this logic aside in favor of having you knock over every last hurdle by running headlong into it and getting up ready for more. The challenge in this achievement is securing the win as you’ll lose momentum with each collision, sacrificing your speed and jeopardizing your position. For the easiest method you should choose the beginners difficulty level to race against, this way your opponents won’t pose too much of a threat. Use the boost start and finish to your advantage by leaning forward when appropriate. These technique will help you finish first, but the success of this race relies entirely on your endurance. You’ll need to be in perfect form to running again once you’ve toppled over the hurdle in order to maintain first position and earn the achievement.

Win a match of Volleyball

Waveside Champion (10G):
Win a match of Volleyball (Champion difficulty)
Like all Champion difficulty events, this achievement will really test your endurance, skill and most importantly: your patience. There are a few key tips to go about defeating the Champion players, and they will be instrumental to your success if you execute them correctly. The most important advice I can possibly offer for this one is do not let the other team get a chance to serve; even with your arms outstretched you’ll have a very short window of opportunity to connect with the ball, and even then you’ll most likely dive and have to return a second similar spike. It’s extremely crucial that you don’t let a point in, but if you do there is still a chance to turn things around, so keep at it.
The next thing to keep in mind is that you don’t want to be hanging around at the back at all, otherwise you’ll just get bombarded with wayward spikes. To avoid this you’ll need to act as soon as possible once you’ve made your serve. The moment you’ve started the volley you’ll need to lean forward and jog in place; doing so will put you in front of the net where your computer controlled team mate will have a much better chance at returning the spikes. From here you’ll just need to spike and block when indicated while you’re situated in front of the net. The Champions have very quick reflexes, so don’t get discouraged if they dive in the nick of time to save your spike. The best thing to do is get a pattern of feeble lobs over the net until they begin to crowd you and when the opportunity is right smack that sucker as hard as you can and you’ll hit the sand in the back, earning you a point. From here it’s just rinse and repeat, keep on the offensive and you’ll win it.

Score a point from a perfect bump, set & super spike in Volleyball

Look, No Hands! (15G):
Score a point by heading or kicking the ball in open play in Volleyball
This achievement is very easy to unlock and it’s quite simple to execute during a match whatever difficulty you choose. You’ll have to wait until your opponent has smacked the ball toward you and the pink icon has appeared to indicate the path. Rather than reaching out with your arms block the shot with your head, or if the shot is too low extend a leg to kick it back up. Once you’ve connected your limb with the volleyball you’ll earn the achievement.

Networking (15G):
Perform a block move (by jumping at the net) in Volleyball
This is another achievement you’ll likely earn through normal play. As you start the volleyball match serve the ball and lean forward in a run-in-place, doing so will position you in front of the net. Once your opponent sets the ball up for a spike an icon with two open palms will appear on screen, as soon as this occurs jump into the air with your hands raised and you’ll block the spike, effectively earning the achievement.

Score 85 or more in the Body Ball Volleyball mini-game

Bump-osaurus (25G):
Score 130 or more in the Bump Bash Volleyball mini-game

Win a match conceding no points in Volleyball (Professional or Champion difficulty}
Achievements List compiled by Jacko.
Walkthroughs compiled by LerakoLanche.