Perfect Dark – Hidden Cheese Spotters Guide

Aliens, conspiracy theories, cheddar cheese. Yes, what started as a joke between artists during the development of Perfect Dark has resulted in a single piece of secret cheese being hidden away during each mission. Below you’ll find a detailed video and text walkthrough to the location of each piece of cheese, including the prerequisite weapons and applicable cheats you’ll need to access them all.
In order to spot the piece of cheese hidden in Carrington Institute, you’ll need to leave the offices and retrieve the ‘Hover Crate’ from the hangar. This can be accomplished by leaving the second floor via the elevator and then making your way towards the entrance to the Target Range, where an open doorway nearby leads to a descending ramp. Once you’ve begun your descent, turn to your immediate left as soon as you can and you’ll discover a door to the hangar that heads back towards the ramp. Open this door and then make your way to the center of the hangar to pick up the Hover Crate.
Make your way back to the ground floor with the Hover Crate, and then place it in the frame of the door to the Target Range; this will prevent it from closing which is crucial to the set-up. Once the door has been held, approach sliding glass door to the Target Range and position yourself so this door cannot close either.
Once this is done, you’ll need to turn around in place so that you’re facing the outside, and pause then game to navigate through the menus to access the Target Range weapons. If this menu does not appear, you’ll need to carefully inch yourself backward into the room until the menu appears whilst the sliding glass door is still being held open.
Select the Slayer Weapon on ‘Bronze’ Difficulty and then use its secondary function as a Fly-By-Wire Rocket. Pressing and holding A will cause the rocket to slow down dramatically, allowing for easier control. Direct the rocket around the corner, and out through the gap provided by the crate in the door. Continue flying through the lobby and retrace your steps towards the ramp, however, this time you’re not going to turn left – you’re going to take the path that goes straight and leads to the exterior of the Institute where the HoverBike can be found. Once you’ve arrived at this location, fly the rocket up towards the windows of the balcony and you’ll find the hidden cheese on a ledge overlooking the area.
In order to access the hidden cheese in dataDyne Central – Defection, it’s recommended that you complete the mission, ‘dataDyne Central: Extraction’ on any difficulty to unlock the ability to use the Rocket Launcher via the Cheat menu. Once you’ve visited ‘Hacker Central’ in Carrington Institute and enable the Rocket Launcher cheat, return to Joanna’s office computer, select Cheat Solo Mission, and then ‘dataDyne Central – Defection’.
At the start of this mission, use the Falcon 2 to neutralize the guard patrolling the roof, and then make your way into dataDyne proper, eliminating the second guard found after the access doors. Once you’ve traveled down the ramp, you should be able to locate a large silo next to the ‘Security Hub’ screen. Keep your distance, and fire the Rocket Launcher at the silo to blast a hole in its center – travel down the ladder provided and you’ll enter a hidden room adjacent to Cassandra’s office. In this hidden room you’ll find a window that provides a view to the city, and more importantly, a hidden piece of cheese that lies on the sill.
In order to access the hidden cheese in dataDyne Central – Investigation, you’ll need to play the mission on Secret Agent difficulty, as the door leading to the Experiments chamber in Sector Two will be locked in Agent difficulty.
For ease of searching, it’s recommended that you complete the mission, ‘G5 Building: Reconnaissance’ on Agent difficulty in under 1:40 to unlock the ability to use the Cloaking Device via the Cheat menu. This cheat is not mandatory for finding the cheese, however, it will allow you to travel through the mission unseen by the guards, making it much easier.
When you’re ready to begin, equip your Cloaking Device from the elevator if applicable, and then make your way down the hallway to the left and through the first door to find an office with a glass cubicle. Pass through this area and then make your way to a large door marked ‘Sector Two’ and pass beyond the antechamber to discover the main hall. You should be able to spot a dataDyne insignia at the very end of the hallway – you’ll need to reach this insignia and then turn to your left to find the door leading to the Experiments chamber.
Once inside, Joanna will comment that “Something around here’s using a lot of power.” On the right side of the room you’ll discover a large double door on the wall – pass through it and the antechamber and you’ll find a desk surrounded with computer terminals. Beneath the desk, you’ll spot a glass enclosure with a few pipes running underground, along with a piece of cheese.
In order to access the hidden cheese in dataDyne Central – Extraction, it’s recommended that you complete the mission, ‘G5 Building: Reconnaissance’ on Agent difficulty in under 1:40 to unlock the ability to use the Cloaking Device via the Cheat menu. This cheat is not mandatory for finding the cheese, however, it will allow you to travel through the mission unseen by the guards, making it much easier.
From the start, equip the Night Vision and Cloaking Device, and then make your way through the dataDyne lobby. Work your way around the dataDyne blockades by traveling around the perimeter of ground floor, and you’ll be able to take the stairs up to the elevators. Request an elevator, and then remove Night Vision as you begin your ascent to the light. The elevator will arrive at the third floor from Cassandra’s Office – leave the lift and work your way around the corner to the right where you’ll spot a single guard. Neutralize this guard and you’ll acquire the Keycard for Cassandra’s Office. From here, you’ll need to take the other elevator you passed to arrive at the second floor from Cassandra’s Office. As you’ll be blocked from accessing the stairs to the left, you’ll need to work your way around the the floor to the right. As you come upon two dataDyne Shock Troopers, you’ll notice a large door to the left of their position – run through this door to arrive in dataDyne’s outer offices occupied by Cassandra’s Bodyguards. Interact with the wall on the left side of the room to open the secret passage, and then continue down this path to arrive at the elevators, on the other side of the blockade. Access the stairwell to the right of the furthest elevator, and you’ll reach the floor to Cassandra’s Office following your ascent.
If you’re especially covert, you’ll find that you can approach the trio of dataDyne employees by the second stairwell and snatch a Rocket Launcher they’ve gathered around. Head into Cassandra’s Office afterwards, and you’ll find a Grenade on her desk, which you can pick up as well.
Make your way to the rear of Cassandra’s desk, and then focus your sights on the conspicuous wall to the left – you can use either the Grenade or the newly-acquired Rocket Launcher to create a passage through to the secret room. Once inside, locate the window to find the hidden piece of cheese on the sill.
In order to access the hidden cheese in Carrington Villa – Hostage One, it’s recommended that you complete the mission, ‘G5 Building: Reconnaissance’ on Agent difficulty in under 1:40 to unlock the ability to use the Cloaking Device via the Cheat menu. This cheat is not mandatory for finding the cheese, however, it will allow you to travel through the mission unseen by the guards, making it much easier.
Before you can focus on cheddar, you’ll need to save the Negotiator with some precision shots with your Sniper Rifle. Once the Negotiator is liberated, you can equip the Cloaking Device if applicable and begin to make your way towards the Villa. After passing through the caverns, and making your way towards the beach-front property on the right, tackle both sets of stairs and then make your way inside.
Travel down the winding staircase to the immediate left and then make your way to the end of the hall, taking a right just before entering dataDyne’s hacking den to enter the kitchen.
A hidden nook on the left side of the kitchen will give way to another staircase that spirals down to the ground floor – once you’ve arrived here, continue forward until you’ve passed the large wooden divider and you’ll find a door to the left.
Open the door and you’ll come across the final staircase that will loop around into the basement, keep on the left side and you’ll come across another door that leads to the generators.
Follow the grating on the path to ahead as it trails to the right and you’ll find a catwalk over the water. Make your way down the catwalk and then activate both wall-mounted terminals to activate the Cooling systems, and the Power systems. When this is accomplished, retrace your steps to the grating, and then follow it until it ends in the room ahead. Interface with the final terminal found on the side of the central structure to reactivate the Windmill, and you’ll restore power to the basement.
Return to the grated path, but continue forward as it turns to the right and you’ll reach a door that was dependent on the power we just restored – walk through the door, head down the flight of stairs and then turn to the left to reach the Wine Cellar.
Pass by the first two racks of wine and you’ll reach a tunnel that wraps to the right, follow this path and you’ll pass by two more racks. As you reach the rack, turn around in place and focus your Sniper Rifle sight on the very top of the shelf and you’ll spot the hidden piece of cheese.
In order to access the hidden cheese in Chicago – Stealth, it’s recommended that you complete the mission, ‘G5 Building: Reconnaissance’ on Agent difficulty in under 1:40 to unlock the ability to use the Cloaking Device via the Cheat menu. This cheat is not mandatory for finding the cheese, however, it will allow you to travel through the mission unseen by the guards, making it much easier.
As soon as you begin your mission in Chicago, equip the Cloaking Device if applicable and make your way around the corner, passing by a dataDyne guard and a CIA Agent in the process. Take the cramped tunnel onto the rainswept streets of Chicago, and then follow the road until it diverges to the right. You should be able to locate a door to the right of two large shuttered passages – open the door and you’ll find a series of ramps that lead downwards to the Pond Punk club. When you reach the bottom, you’ll find a dataDyne guard ahead – take him out with your Falcon 2 and then open the door framed with ‘Pond Punk’ in neon. Neutralize the guard on the left, and then wait for the guard on the right to react and return fire before taking him out as well.
The door ahead will remain locked unless it’s opened from the other side – if you’ve managed to have the second guard fire his CMP-150 however, the resultant gunfire should cause enough noise to alert the guard inside the club, who will then open the door. Neutralize this guard, and then make your way to the bathroom to the immediate left. Inside the first stall, you’ll discover the hidden piece of cheese floating in the toilet.
From the off you’ll need to contend with two dataDyne guards that have a Cloaking Device – the first should run to the right side of the room, making him an easy target if you’re quick enough on the draw. Once the first guard has been taken out, rush to his former position and turn around – you should be able to take out his partner just as he de-cloaks next to the dumpster. Once the second guard has been neutralized, he’ll drop a Keycard – pick it up and then use it to breach the Fire Escape. There are two more guards up ahead; one shares your path and is stationed at an alarm, and the second travels on a lower route seen through the mesh fencing to your right. Prioritize the guard stationed at the alarm first – he shouldn’t give you any trouble since he’s facing away from you entirely – and then neutralize the second guard immediately after.
Breach the second Fire Escape and then immediately seek shelter in the glass bay to your right; this room contains four further Cloaked guards, and this bay will serve to safeguard your health, and give you the best vantage point to return fire.
Turn about as soon as you get into the glass bay and try to keep from exposing yourself too much – if you’ve done this right, each guard should present themselves one at a time as they attempt to shoot into the bay, giving you ample time to take them out. Once again, the final guard will drop a Keycard which you can use to unlock the door in the glass bay – look alive as you do so, however, as there’s a guard on the other side.
Neutralize the guard, then climb the staircase to the next door. As you enter the room ahead, take care of the guard to your immediate right, and then turn on the spot to neutralize the guard to the left of the entrance. Silence one final guard ahead with the Falcon 2 and you’ll have cleared out the area successfully.
While the guards can sound the alarm, prompting you to fail the mission, this will not have any impact on locating the hidden cheese, aside from being buffeted with dataDyne’s reinforcements.
From here, open the door ahead that shares the wall with the one you’ve entered from, and head down the flight of stairs. You’ll notice that this passage bathed in green light is the same one we could see the guard patrolling through before, made all the more evident if you should stumble on his body in the middle of the path. Be prepared as you enter this area, as there are three further guards stationed around the room – neutralize them all and then head to the right to discover a vent. Peer through the grating and you should manage to spot the piece of hidden cheese.
Locating the hidden cheese in Area 51 – Investigation involves the most investment and completion of Perfect Dark, as it requires the use of the FarSight XR-20 cheat. The FarSight cheat can be earned in two ways – you can either complete the Deep Sea – Nullify Threat mission as a Perfect Agent under 7:27 to add it to your arsenal outright, or you can complete Skedar Ruins – Battle Shrine as a Special Agent under 5:31 for the All Guns in Solo cheat, of which the FarSight XR-20 is included.
Once you’ve enabled yourself access to the FarSight through either means, you should also consider enabling the Cloaking Device, earned through completing the mission, ‘G5 Building: Reconnaissance’ on Agent difficulty in under 1:40. As added insurance, the Invincibility Cheat will provide you with extra time in which to locate the hidden cheese using the FarSight XR-20 if the Cloaking Device wears out – this can be enabled by completing Area 51 – Escape on Agent difficulty in under 3:50.
As you begin Area 51 – Investigation, you’ll be thrust into battle against three guards. There isn’t time to enable the Cloaking Device, so you’ll need to neutralize them as quickly as possible; we recommend taking out the guard to the right and the guard in the center first, as the guard to the left will buy you some time as he rushes towards the turret. Once you’ve taken out the first and second guard, turn your attention to third guard before he can get the turret up and running,
Inspecting the guards will allow you to pick up the Grenade, which is crucial against disabling the turrets you’ll find ahead should you attempt this mission without the Cloaking Device or Invincibility enabled.
From the helipad, you’ll be able to find a path that leads deeper into Area 51, equip the Cloaking Device if applicable, and then neutralize the guard as the pathway veers sharply to the left. If you haven’t equipped either the Cloaking Device or the Invincibility cheat, you’ll need to disable the turrets found at the end of the current path, and the one found to the left after you’ve negotiated the turn. Both turrets will require a battle of attrition, as you’ll need to seek cover while you exchange dueling blows, though you’ll be able to use the Grenades for an instant and explosive result.
Your next port of calling will be the guard tower found to the right of the second turret; you’ll need to quickly approach the base of this tower and then use the ladder to climb up into the snipers’ nest. If you haven’t enabled the Cloaking Device, you’ll need to avoid the fire from the tower as you approach, and then take out both guards to access the tower – otherwise, you’ll be able to covertly access the button within the snipers’ nest to activate the Main Gate.
Climb down from the guard tower and then prepare to walk through the Main Gate; you’ll find wall-mounted turrets on the right side of the base, so focus on getting as far to the left as possible if you aren’t cloaked – that way you’ll only need to contend with a few guards. In any case, you’ll need to make sure you take out the technician repairing the Hoverbike to the left, as he’ll drop the Lift Key Card when neutralized.
Pick up the Lift Key Card, and then approach the left side of the garage, as you’ll be able to interface with the terminal to activate the elevator and open the door. Once the lift door has opened, you can get inside of the elevator and then ride it into the base – the door will open on the opposite side to a hangar. If you haven’t brought the Cloaking Device, you’ll need to neutralize all of the guards found within the hangar, otherwise you can continue ahead to the far right side of the hangar, where a ramp is used to access the second floor.
Here’s where things can get tricky – you’ll need to approach the corner and withdraw your FarSight XR-20, and then peer down the scope to see through the walls of the base. You should start out with the FarSight zoomed out as much as possible, and the first area that comes into view from the corner will be a laboratory hallway. Zoom in a bit further and you’ll travel down the hallway until a large door appears. You’ll need to adjust your aiming reticle so that it’s placed between two triangular objects to the left of the door – when this is accomplished, continue to zoom in and pass through two further rooms. Depending on your position, you’ll either see a large hallway or a small room with wall-mounted sinks; if you’re looking into a large hallway, you’ll need to aim down towards a ventilation shaft; if you see the small room with wall-mounted sinks, you’ll need to aim up towards the ventilation shaft.
After you’ve found the ventilation shaft, follow it to the right and you’ll be able to make out a small, bright triangle in the corner – this is the infrared signature of the hidden cheese.
In order to access the hidden cheese in Area 51: Rescue, you’ll need to play the mission on Secret Agent difficulty, as the door leading to the hangar will be locked in Agent difficulty.
For ease of searching, it’s recommended that you complete the mission, ‘G5 Building: Reconnaissance’ on Agent difficulty in under 1:40 to unlock the ability to use the Cloaking Device via the Cheat menu. This cheat is not mandatory for finding the cheese, however, it will allow you to travel through the mission unseen by the guards, making it much easier.
By completing the earlier mission, ‘Carrington Villa: Hostage One’ on any Agent difficulty, you’ll have access to the Sniper Rifle in the Cheats menu. It’s recommended that you enable the Sniper Rifle cheat, as it will allow you a closer look at the hidden cheese.
As soon as you start the mission, equip the Cloaking Device if applicable. Maneuver around to the front of the Hover Crate and begin pushing it up the incline. As you enter the warehouse, approach the cargo lift on the left side of the room and use it to bring the Hover Crate to the second floor.
Push the Crate along the catwalk and you’ll manage to locate a pair of guards positioned at a large door ahead – make your way through this door and then find a second cargo lift to your left.
Once the Crate is secure on the lift, take it to the second floor and then take care to place it on the left side of the catwalk, away from danger.
Unfortunately, we’ll need to engage the guards on the catwalk, as they block our path. If you still have the Cloaking Device equipped, you should be able to covertly approach the nearest guard and take him out with a single shot from the Falcon 2. Now exposed, you’ll need to quickly dispatch the remaining guards on the catwalk – it’s recommended that you use the Dragon to suppress any potential return fire here. It’s likely that you’ll have attracted the attention of the guards below the catwalk at this point, and they’ll take the cargo lift to close in on your position. Take them out from the second floor with the Dragon if you can, and prepare to neutralize any survivors at the cargo lift, taking care not to fire at the Hover Crate.
Once the room has been cleared, disable your Cloaking Device and then approach the Hover Crate at the cargo lift. Take it to the other side of the catwalk and locate a small ‘x’ on the wall to the right; leave the Crate in front of the ‘x’, and then stand back as you fire into it with the Dragon.
The exploding Crate will blast a hole into the wall, leading to the medical branch of Area 51. Equip the Cloaking Device if applicable, and then head to the right as soon as you step through the makeshift entrance. When the path diverges ahead, take another right and head down the incline until you arrive at a door leading to the hangar. Open the door and then make your way up the ramp to access the second level, once this is accomplished you should be able to locate a few beams that pass overhead, leading into the air vents. Approach the base of the first beam and crouch down as you cross it and you’ll be able to make out the hidden cheese at the far end of the vent. You won’t be able to get too close, as the ventilation shaft will drop you into the Showers below, however, if you’ve brought your Sniper Rifle, you can use the scope to get a closer look.
The hidden cheese and its location in Area 51: Escape is the exact same as Area 51: Rescue, though you’ll need to progress much further into the mission in order to see it.
It’s recommended that you complete the mission, ‘G5 Building: Reconnaissance’ on Agent difficulty in under 1:40 to unlock the ability to use the Cloaking Device via the Cheat menu. This cheat is not mandatory for finding the cheese, however, there is one instance near the end of the mission where it will allow you to avoid a difficult enemy ambush entirely.
It’s also recommended to use the cheat for the Sniper Rifle – unlocked by completing ‘Carrington Villa: Hostage One’ on any Agent difficulty – as it will allow you a closer look at the hidden cheese.
From the start of the mission, lead Elvis through the door ahead, and through the gassed medical bay until you’ve arrived in the hallway. Turn to the right and open the door to find a pair of Biotechnicians – neutralize them as quickly as possible and then continue through the next door where the hallway takes a sharp dive to the left. Once you’re able to reach the end of this hallway, you’ll find the door to the containment lab (referred to here as ‘Lab A’). Turn Elvis’ sideways and you’ll be able to open the door as you approach it, sidestepping into Containment Lab A. Once Elvis has been placed in the center of this area, Joanna will let him go automatically.
When Johnathan offers to meet up, you can leave Elvis behind and retrace your steps back to the encounter with the Biotechnicians. Enter the rightmost containment lab (referred to here as ‘Lab B’) and neutralize two further Biotechnicians before locating a ramp that leads to the maintenance hatch at the rear.
Open the hatch and step into the next room where you’ll encounter three Area 51 guards; the first is facing away from your position on the leftmost wall, and the remaining pair can be found across the room. Neutralize all three guards and then continue through the door to find an exterior catwalk in a canyon trench – cross the catwalk and dispatch any Area 51 guards you encounter on the way.
Once you’ve made it to the other side, enter the door and turn to your immediate right to discover Johnathan’s location. Speak to him, and then continue deeper into the base to locate a single Area 51 guard around the corner. After this guard is dispatched, you can switch over to the SuperDragon you’ve received, and prepare to use the ‘Grenade Launcher’ secondary function.
Retrace your steps back through the crosswalk, and then prepare to launch a grenade as soon as you’ve opened the door – there are a lineup of Area 51 guards that can be easily engulfed by the ensuing explosion.
As soon as Johnathan catches up, he’ll begin priming an improvised explosive in the maintenance room. You’ll need to cover him while he does this, so keep an eye on the maintenance hatch – as well as the crosswalk – and be prepared to neutralize any guards that appear with the SuperDragon.
When Johnathan is finished his work, the explosive will detonate and blast a hole into the hangar with Elvis’ ship. When this is done, rush through the hole and take care of the Area 51 guard positioned in the corner, then make your way down the ramp and through to the door just behind it. Opening the door will lead back to Containment Lab A where we left Elvis – once you’ve crossed the threshold you’ll witness a cutscene that will return Johnathan to your side as Elvis awakens.
When you’re ready to return to the action, leave Containment Lab A and enter the hangar once again, making your way to the right to locate another guard found on the catwalk above. Deal with him swiftly and then turn back to assist Johnathan with any Area 51 guards that have come through the maintenance room.
When the room is quiet, make your way to the flying saucer in the hangar and rendezvous with Elvis and Johnathan. You’ll need to stay close until Johnathan offers to take the Hoverbike, requesting you cover him while he opens the doors. As soon as Johnathan rushes off, you’ll need to chase after him, and then overtake his position, which prompts Joanna into making the sacrifice instead.
Johnathan will turn around and prepare to depart with Elvis, and you’ll be tasked with climbing the ramp and locating the two terminals on the right side of the hangar.
Once you’ve activated both terminals, the hangar will open and the area will soon be flooded by a staggering number of Area 51 guards. If you have the Cloaking Device, you may equip it now and avoid having to survive the onslaught. Otherwise, you’ll need to expertly dispatch the guards with the SuperDragon, taking cover when necessary. In either case, once you’re ready to continue, you can make your way to the Hoverbike nearby.
Press the interaction button twice in quick succession to climb on the Hoverbike, and then ride through to Containment Lab A where Elvis was deposited previously. From here, you’ll turn left riding up through the hallway, and then take a right to pass Containment Lab B. You’ll need to race down the central hallway, opening two further doors until you’ve encountered a lone Area 51 guard – take him out with the SuperDragon and then make your way up the incline to gun down the next Area 51 guard. Turn the Hoverbike to the right and then speed down two further slopes to find the final Area 51 guard, posted at the door to the hangar. Neutralize this guard, and then make your way inside. You should be able to spot a ramp on the opposite side of the room, ditch the Hoverbike and climb up the ramp to the elevated catwalk. You’ll notice a few beams that lead into the air vents; approach the first beam and crouch down as you cross it to make out the hidden cheese at the far end of the vent. Unfortunately, the vent has been sealed off as a lockdown procedure – but if you’ve brought your Sniper Rifle you’ll use the scope to peer through the slats for a closer look.
The hidden cheese located in Airbase – Espionage can only be found in Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64.
The Xbox Live Arcade version has removed the cheese from its familiar location during this mission.
Given the ease in arriving at this Cheese, you might prefer to go without a Cloaking Device if you haven’t managed to complete the mission, ‘G5 Building: Reconnaissance’ on Agent difficulty in under 1:40. There are only two guards you’ll face directly, and even failing your mission objectives will not compromise your opportunity to glance at the cheddar.
From your starting position, equip the Cloaking Device if applicable, and start making your way to the cave on the left. If you haven’t equipped the Cloaking Device, you’ll need to covertly sedate the guard patrolling the area with your Crossbow before entering the cave. Follow the cavern to its end, and you’ll find two further guards on either side of the Stewardess that can be taken care of similarly – unless you’re under the cover of the Cloaking Device. In either case, you can approach the right side of the ledge where the safety chain has met the mountain, and prepare to look down into the valley below.
If you stand as far as you can to the right, and find the wire for the cable car overhead, you should be able to follow that view downward towards the water far below. Equip the Horizon Scanner device from the menu, and focus on the water – you can use its zoom function to hone in on the spot where the two mountains touch in the water. You may need to adjust your view, but once you’ve gotten the correct vantage point, you’ll find the golden hue from the hidden cheese nearly buried in the frost.
As Joanna Dark is already disguised as a Stewardess in Air Force One – Antiterrorism, all of the guards she meets prior to speaking to the President will regard her as a co-worker, and thus there isn’t a need to use the Cloaking Device at all for this mission.
The only proviso to this mission is that your starting location is entirely dependent on how you’ve finished Airbase – Espionage:
If you boarded Air Force One using the presidential shuttle, you’ll begin on the main deck of the aircraft.
If you boarded Air Force One through the cargo bay, you’ll begin underneath the main deck of the aircraft where the hidden cheese can be found.
Starting on the main deck of Air Force One, you’ll need to open the door found immediately in front of your position. Walk through the aisles ahead to reach the next door, and then continue forward through the small antechamber. You’ll pass another row of aisle seats as you reach the next door, and you’ll find yourself in the final compartment of Air Force One. You should be able to locate a door to the right as you step into this area area, and you’ll find a panel on the floor just next to it.
If you interact with the side of the panel closest to the door, you’ll uncover a secret trapdoor that leads into the cargo bay of Air Force One. Descend into this area and then open the door just in front of the stairs – you’ll find the hidden piece of cheese placed between the machinery to the left.
If you’ve started Air Force One – Antiterrorism in the cargo bay, then your job is made even easier. From your starting position, turn to the right and then pass through the leftmost door. Continue forward and open the next three doors in the Cargo Bay and you’ll find the hidden cheese between the machinery on the right side of the room, which given your vantage point should be readily visible.
By completing the earlier mission, ‘Carrington Villa: Hostage One’ on any Agent difficulty, you’ll have access to the Sniper Rifle in the Cheats menu. It’s recommended that you enable the Sniper Rifle cheat, as it will allow you a closer look at the hidden cheese. You can also use the magnification features of the Horizon Scanner, which can be accessed during the mission without cheating.
From your starting position, continue forward and follow the path to the right around the central serac. As you pass through the ice field, you should be able to locate a pair of NSA Bodyguards just ahead – take them out covertly with your Falcon 2 pistol, and then turn right to make your way towards the downed Air Force One. After climbing the escarpment towards the trail of smoke, approach the cockpit of the aircraft and withdraw your Sniper Rifle or Horizon Scanner – aiming your sights above the nearest the jet intake will reveal the location of the hidden cheese, just above the wing.
In order to access the hidden cheese in Pelagic II – Exploration, it’s recommended that you complete the mission, ‘G5 Building: Reconnaissance’ on Agent difficulty in under 1:40 to unlock the ability to use the Cloaking Device via the Cheat menu. This cheat is not mandatory for finding the cheese, however, it will allow you to travel through the mission unseen by the guards, making it much easier.
From your starting position, equip the Cloaking Device if applicable, and then travel towards the first door. You’ll find a lone Pelagic II guard just around the corner; neutralize him if you’re not under the guise of the Cloaking Device, and then make your way down the inclined hallway. You’ll find a second guard that can be dealt with similarly before entering the next door at the end of this corridor. If you haven’t equipped the Cloaking Device, you’ll be thrust into a direct confrontation with a handful of Pelagic II guards. Once the guards have been neutralized, or you’ve managed to avoid detection altogether, work you way around the central pillar and then position yourself in front of the door to the Power Source room. If you inspect the floor grating to the right of the Power Source room entrance, you’ll be able to spy the hidden cheese through the slats.
In order to access the hidden cheese in Deep Sea – Nullify Threat, it’s recommended to use the cheat for the Sniper Rifle – unlocked by completing ‘Carrington Villa: Hostage One’ on any Agent difficulty – as it will allow you a closer look at the hidden cheese.
From your starting position, head towards the large door ahead and once it’s been opened, turn to the right and peer out into the sea floor with your Sniper Rifle – you should be able to locate the submerged hidden cheese close to the shoreline.
In order to access the hidden cheese in Carrington Institute – Defense, it’s recommended to use the cheat for the Sniper Rifle – unlocked by completing ‘Carrington Villa: Hostage One’ on any Agent difficulty – as it will allow you a closer look at the hidden cheese.
As soon as you begin the mission, step around the corner to the left and neutralize the Skedar with your AR34. Once this is accomplished, step through the doorway next to Skedar that leads onto the balcony, and then approach the door at the top of the ramp to the right. Rather than interacting with the door, turning around on the spot will reveal the location of the hidden cheese, viewed between a slim gap on the roof of the Carrington Institute. You can use your scope of your Sniper Rifle to get an even better look at this hidden cheese.
In order to access the hidden cheese in Attack Ship – Covert Assault on Perfect Dark XBLA, you’ll need to enable the cheat for the X-Ray Scanner, previously awarded on completion of Area 51 – Escape on any Agent difficulty. This is due to the fact that the hidden cheese was placed underneath a transparent surface on the Nintendo 64, but has since been modified to an opaque surface on the Xbox Live Arcade remaster.
While the former version does not require the X-Ray Scanner, it’s recommended that you complete the mission, ‘G5 Building: Reconnaissance’ on Agent difficulty in under 1:40 to unlock the ability to use the Cloaking Device via the Cheat menu on both versions. This cheat is not mandatory for finding the cheese, however, it will allow you to travel through the mission unseen by the Skedar, making it much easier.
The Sniper Rifle cheat can also be used for the best vantage here, which relies on your previous completion of ‘Carrington Villa: Hostage One’ on any Agent difficulty.
From your starting position, equip the Cloaking Device if applicable, and then leave your holding cell aboard the Attack Ship. Work your way around the console and fend yourself from the Skedar if you’re exposed, and then call for an elevator on the other side of the room. Take the elevator down to the lower floor, and then work your way up the ramp towards the Skedar hangar.
Turn to the right as soon as you’ve arrived in this area, and then right again as you reach the back of the room – this should bring you to a large door that can be opened to reveal a Skedar teleportation system.
On the Nintendo 64, approaching the teleportation system and peering through the center of its blue transparent flooring will reveal the cheese in the bottom left hand corner, which you can view closer using the Sniper Rifle.
For the Xbox Live Arcade remaster, you’ll need to equip the X-Ray Scanner as you look towards the bottom left hand corner, where the infrared signature of the hidden cheese will appear. You can also use the Sniper Rifle in tandem with the X-Ray Scanner to get a closer look as well.
In order to access the hidden cheese on Skedar Ruins – Attack Shrine, it’s recommended that you complete the mission, ‘G5 Building: Reconnaissance’ on Agent difficulty in under 1:40 to unlock the ability to use the Cloaking Device via the Cheat menu. This cheat is not mandatory for finding the cheese, however, it will allow you to travel through the mission unseen by the Skedar, making it much easier.
It’s also recommended to use the cheat for the Sniper Rifle – unlocked by completing ‘Carrington Villa: Hostage One’ on any Agent difficulty – as it will allow you a closer look at the hidden cheese.
From the start of the mission, equip the Cloaking Device if applicable and then proceed towards the entrance to the Skedar Ruins, working your way around the path and towards the windowed chamber. If you aren’t cloaked, you’ll encounter the first Skedar here – otherwise, continue through the chamber until you’ve reached the curved hallway. You’ll encounter your first and second Cloaked Skedar following this path; if you’re not Cloaked adequately you’ll need to fend off their disguised assault – otherwise, continue ahead through the straight narrow path. After you’ve encountered the third Cloaked Skedar at the end of the path, you’ll be able to turn left and follow the path ahead towards a valley, as seen from the snow-covered rockface just ahead. Continue towards this face, and you’ll come to a large gulch that drops off below. Prepare to lower yourself onto the ridge just below your position, and then follow the bank as it leads to the left.
Avoid the Skedar positioned on the cliff opposite as you continue along the ridge, and eventually you’ll come to a point where both sides of the cliff nearly converge. Cross at this stage, and you’ll successfully bridge the chasm, finding yourself on the other side. Turn to the right and you’ll manage to locate a few rungs embedded in the side of the rock – climb these rungs and you’ll reach a new elevation where you’ll be able to confront the Skedar from the side. It is necessary to neutralize this Skedar under the guise of the Cloaking Device, as it blocks the path otherwise.
Once this is accomplished, you’ll notice that the path is cluttered with debris just ahead; you’ll need to pass over this debris, and then turn around once you’ve done so, as you’ll find another set of rungs on the previously hidden escarpment.
After you’ve ascended, you’ll be able to follow the path ahead until it drops down to an area below. If you’ve set out without the Cloaking Device, you’ll encounter the final Cloaked Skedar on the left side of this section – otherwise, drop down and then head to your immediate right to find a secret passage, as indicated by the extended cliff edge.
You’ll locate the next Skedar as you follow this secret pathway to the left – neutralize the Skedar if you’re exposed and then work your way to the left or right of the large cube to locate the final Skedar atop the Shield. Just behind the final Skedar is a crack in the wall in the shape of a lightning bolt; if you approach this crack and crouch, you’ll be able to locate the final hidden piece of cheese just beyond. If you’ve enabled the Sniper Rifle cheat, you can use the scope to get an even better look.
Well, nothing really – it’s cheese, you see. While at one point it might have been planned for some sort of tangible bonus, as it stands currently there’s nothing that the cheese can ‘unlock’ for you once it’s found.
It’s just a fun Easter Egg that you seek out when you’ve mastered everything there is to do in Perfect Dark.