Pre-E3 Nintendo Direct video reveals loads of new Wii U info
Nintendo took the unprecedented step last night of posting a video online on the eve of E3 that went into great detail about their new console, the Wii U. This, they said, allowed them to devote their entire presentation on 5th June to the games that will be fast-approaching. Did you miss the video? Well, you can see it here ‘cos we’re nice like that.
In the video Ninty boss Satoru Iwata went through some of the revisions and changes to the console since last year, chief among them a name change for the Wii U tablet controller which now goes under the moniker of Wii U GamePad. The new name takes its inspiration from the NES controller.
The change from 3DS-style circle pads to proper analogue sticks was also confirmed, but then came the biggest shock of the video; the Wii U GamePad Pro. See the pic below … drink it in!
Sure, it’s a blatant rip-off of the Xbox 360 controller, but when someone else has so obviously got it right before, why try and re-invent the wheel? Personally, I love that sucka!
Nintendo went on to really push the new social aspect of Wii U with Miiverse.
According to Nintendo, Miiverse is a brand-new network communication system that lets gamers from around the world share experiences, discuss games and discover new content. Using their personalized Mii character, players enter Miiverse and see games, applications or entertainment content that either they have interacted with recently, expressed interest in learning more about or that their friends are using or discussing. From here they can challenge their friends to play together, ask a question about a difficult level or discover new elements of their favorite games they never knew existed. After a notable achievement or other share-worthy moment, players can pause their game or application and seamlessly post messages to the Miiverse community.
I have to say that this is a bit of a masterstroke by Nintendo. By releasing this video early, all talk at E3 is going to be about the Wii U and the anticipation for what games will be shown at the Nintendo E3 keynote speech on 5th June will reach feverish levels. Having just seen the Microsoft keynote speech, which was very disappointing, it’s safe to say that all eyes are now on Sony to see what they can come up with to try and stop this juggernaut.
Want to join in the chatter about Nintendo’s video and what it’s revealed? What games do you think we’ll see in their E3 presentation? Come along to the topic that’s just sprung up in our forums and join in the chatter.
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