Battletoads Retrospective (Video Series)
In celebration of Battletoads being released this week, we’ve put together a five-part retrospective video series that examines every single game in the franchise. Clicking on the video below will automatically load up the episodes in order, but if you wish to view a specific episode, links are provided underneath.
Battletoads Retrospective Episode 1: Battletoads (NES, Mega Drive, Amiga, Game Gear, Game Boy)
Battletoads Retrospective Episode 2: Battletoads (Game Boy)
Battletoads Retrospective Episode 3: Battletoads & Double Dragon (NES, SNES, Mega Drive, Game Boy)
Battletoads Retrospective Episode 4: Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (SNES, Master System)
Battletoads Retrospective Episode 5: Super Battletoads (Arcade)
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