About Rare Gamer’s review scores

Rare Gamer reviews feature a score out of five. We appreciate that our writers will have their own views and preferences towards different games, as well as their own writing style, but whatever format the review might take the ‘out of five’ numbering system allows us to give you a good indication of what the game is like, taking into account our writers’ individual style and tastes.

Here’s the scores broken down for you;

5/5 – An essential purchase for everyone.
4/5 – An excellent game that most people will enjoy.
3/5 – Some good elements but hard to recommend buying. Try to rent it first and see what you think.
2/5 – A poor game with a few good aspects, don’t waste your money.
1/5 – Nothing to recommend here. The developers should hang their heads in shame.

Categories: Staff Notices


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