Mini-Scribes – July 13, 2010

Q: Hello, Scribes.
I am a huge fan of the Conker series. There has been a debate regarding the Machine used in Castle Von Tedistein. First off, what exactly is the Machine’s function? Is it a Time Machine? Is it a Machine that makes Machine Tediz, or is it a Machine that converts regular Tediz into Machine Tediz? If it is a Time Machine, then my theory of the war timeline will make sense.

A: Conker designer Chris Seavor says: “It’s a portal into the future, through which the future Tediz can come (like The Terminator).”
See that? An actual response from a first-hand source, with proper, clear-cut information. Cherish it. We’ve never been able to predict the appearance of such anomalies and probably never will.

Q: Dear Scribes,
If I do Mumbo’s rain dance in Kinect Sports, will I win an in-game reward?
Jake Ford

A: No promises, but… well, no. Just generally no. Unless one of the programmers reads this and includes it in an attempt to be ‘funny’.

Q: Yo!
You great game making dudes you. Any chance of some Jet Force Gemini news? Is that a JFG image of some kind I see in your games section (currently greyed out)?
Fingers etc. crossed,

A: No JFG news at the moment. Even ‘background chatter’ would be over-generous. But we can always dig out some authentic JFG discussion from the space year 2000 in our handy Blast from the Past feature! Which honestly requires a lot of work on our part! It does!

Categories: News


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