Mini-Scribes – May 10th 2011

Q: Ahoy there! I had some questions about the credits area of Banjo-Kazooie on XBLA. What exactly does ‘Moving N Shaking’ mean? It’s spoken by Gnawty the Beaver in the credits. Does it mean getting rid of the ‘N’ logo at the game startup maybe? Only logical explanation I got. By the way, thank you for releasing B-K, B-T, and PD on XBLA. So awesome! Love the nostalgia!
Derek aka Firebomb 87

A: King of Banjo Mr. G. Mayles says: “‘Moving n’ shaking’ was an ‘hilarious’ category name for the credits, in the same way that the programmers were known as ‘keyboard tappers’ and the artists as ‘scribblers’. ‘Moving n’ shaking’ was the ‘bigwigs that sorted non-game stuff out’ category – like Tim, Joel and so on. The use of the ‘n’ was simply a ‘cool’ replacement for the word ‘and’.”

Q: So here we are again. Another year has (almost) passed and we nostalgic not-so-few are still wishing, nay, DEMANDING, you give us once and for all a decent sequel to Donkey Kong Country, and… wait… whoa. Did that really happen? Well, never mind. Don’t think even for a second that we will stop bugging you. Never. Jamais. Nie. Nunca. Mai. Not until we get GoldenEye 007 on W… what the… did the Lord Of Games get drunk or something?
But still, I have to see the day you loonies decide to release a controller-free, motion sensing, casual-ish, even-those-that-think-Mr. Pants-is-an-underwear-brand-can-play game. Ha. That would be rid– oh. Holy Sabreman, this year was strange. Never saw all this coming. But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Isn’t it?
Well, all I have left to say is: A Very Merry Christmas To Everyone! Or whatever you celebrate. Or don’t celebrate. But let it be Very Merry. And of course, Best Wishes and Happy New Year. You people deserve some great Holidays, after all, it’s you who made the formula that endures in these games all these years later. Mine sure will be great. Barrel-blasting, banana-saving, tiki-bashing, nostalgia-reviving great.
Timelessly yours,
The Ghost Of Christmas Future Past (currently stuck in the present)
PS Still waiting for Tomorrow Never Dies though.

A: What’s all this about Christmas? Why are you talking like it’s December when it’s clearly May? Are you insinuating that there’s a months-long backlog of Scribes questions that we dig into at will? Just as well, nobody asks us anything printable any more. Oh, and cheers, by the way. Though of course we can’t take the credit for the hard work done by Retro and Eurocom in this generation. Feel that Christmas spirit! Happy New Year, fellas! You know, for four and a half months ago.
PS Current thinking is to make it a match-three puzzle game. Check back with us in another 14 years.

Q: Hey Rare,
2 Questions:
1) Why do I love you?
2) Why did Matt eat the cheese?
Myles Davis

A: Thanks for writing, Myles. It’s this level of candid one-on-one interaction that we value and encourage.
1) A qualified expert may be better positioned to answer this question. As Catherine Lutz and Geoffrey White argued in their 1986 essay ‘The Anthropology of Emotions’, many factors including but not limited to interpretive approaches to social science and the understanding of sociocultural experience from differing perspectives should be taken into account. Frankly, it’s a challenging area.
2) I’m guessing he’s some kind of idiot.

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