Mad Monster Mansion: Choose Your Own Adventure V5

Hello Rare Gamer, its that time of year again! Halloween! And when you’re not pigging out on chocolate sweets or dressing up as ghastly ghouls, theres always RWA to look forward to.
Tee-Hee’s raid the forum pages and float through the links, Limbos scatter your posts and throw away your topics and Nibbly’s nibble at old posts in deadwood, what a nightmare!
But this year we’ve got something special planned for you, it’s Mad Monster Mansion: Choose Your Own Adventure V5!
But this isn’t like any old topic, this is a full story in which every decision you make effects the world around you.
A simple left or right decision could find you whisking away in the nick of time, or facing your bad decision in the form of setback or even…death.
How does this work exactly? Simple!
Scroll down and read the introduction of the story. After you have read the paragraph, you will be presented with a few options like this:

After choosing your fate, you will be taken to another paragraph with another set of decisions.
Each choice links with each other and there are multiple endings, good and bad.
If you happen to end your fate in a way that you do not like, you can simply click on the link provided to reset your position to the point in the story where you made your fatal error, so that you’re able to try again, such as this example here:

Great, you’ve made it this far, now lets see how well you do in the Spooky Story…
Thats the part you were looking for, the address. You read it over once more. “127 Ghoulhaven Drive”.
You look up at the creepy mansion in front of you, it towers over the iron gate surrounding it, as autumn leaves fall from the trees outside the prison.
“This has to be the place,” You mutter to yourself. “Maybe I’m just early…”.
A hooting owl outside of the gate interrupts your train of thought.
“If this is the place, Luke and Paul did a REALLY good job on decoration.”
You approach the front door of the mansion and knock.
Your knock echoes through the empty mansion and a handful of black crows fly from out of the chimney, their caws fade away as they soar through the orange red sky.
Suddenly, something grabs your attention.
A metal plate just left of the door is coated in dust and cobwebs.
Your stomach sinks as you brush away the debris to reveal the houses address:
Great, your at the wrong house but not all is lost, It is still daylight and you’ll have enough time to get to the party before nightfall.
You approach the front gate but a strong wind gusts behind you and catches the metal and it begins to slowly shut!
“No!” You shout as you jump forward to catch it, but it is too late, the gate has firmly shut and the click following confirms it has been locked shut.
Well, you could try to find a way out, or try to open the gate…
Try to find an alternative way out?
You try to slip behind the gate with little success.
You rattle the hinges, you slam your body against the gate, you try kicking it, nothing.
The gate might as well be part of the wall, as it stands as firmly as it did minutes before.
You’re just wasting time here.
Try to find an alternative way out?
You decide that it would be best to find an alternative way out.
You begin to creep around the thorny bushes surrounding the enormous mansion keeping a watchful eye out for another gate.
Daylight is slowly fading, and your opportunity to find an exit before nightfall is very slim, but your eye catches an old stone staircase to the right of the bushes.
You can just barely see some sort of fountain or pool of glowing water…
Your curiosity gets the best of you and you decide to check out the fountain.
The old stone staircase shifts under your weight as you descend the steps, you than realize that the vines from around the bushes have caused the steps to crumble over the many years.
After your shaky descent you can see that the glowing is caused by four green lamps underneath the bubbling surface.
Closer inspection of the water leaves it far from drinkable, it is placid gray sprinkled with autumn leaves from the trees above the gate and a low fog hovers over the surface of the water.
Suddenly, your eye catches a swirling motion in the water in front of you, a constant pattern of tiny circles…
You decide to check out what is making the swirls.
If only you could just move some of the fog out of your way, you could probably see right to the bottom…
Than an idea hits you! If you fan the fog, it will cause your wind to move it!
You begin fanning the fog away with your right arm above the water and sure enough the fog moves to the outer edges of the pool, leaving a wide space to see what is creating the swishing motion.
But the motions have stopped.
You strain your neck to see any movement but there is not.
Perhaps it was only your imagination…
Suddenly you feel pain on your arm! Some sort of vine has shot out of the water and begins tugging you in to the water!
Try to remove the vine with your free hand?
Try to pull the vine out of the water with your body weight?
You struggle and twist but it will do no good, the vine only pulls harder and you move more swiftly into the water.
Another vine lashes out and grabs your free hand and begins tugging as well, there is no escape.
Your body plunges into the deep gray water and you feel more vines wrap around your legs, neck and torso!
You try to scream but the placid water fills your mouth with a disgusting taste, and the surface seems farther and farther away.
Your body hits the cold stone floor of the pool and you see the bodies on the floor of others who have chosen the same fate…
The gray water slowly turns black as your lungs fill with water…
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
You decide that if you are to find an exit, you should venture while there is still daylight.
You continue up a small hill that the mansion is built upon, feeling your hands against the wall, you turn the corner and see three options:
Continue ahead to the cemetery gate?
Inspect the Mansion window to your left?
Head up the stone steps to your right?
You decide that if you explore the perimeter of the mansion, you could possibly find another gate or two bars that you could squeeze between.
You walk up the crumbling staircase and a blinding light bursts from in front of you.
You squint to see that the light is coming from a giant shack in the middle of the courtyard.
You approach the shed and stand in front of the door.
Suddenly you hear a figure move behind you!
You turn quickly to see a skeleton come at you with its arm outstretched!
“Nyeeaaaaa!” It shouts at it walks gingerly towards you!
You grab the rusty knob to the shack and swing the door open, you dart behind it and slam it before the skeleton.
It cries out as it slams on the door to be let in.
You hold fast on the door knob and lock it with much struggle.
Soon you hear many more skeletons moaning as they pound on the door and climb the shacks roof.
You don’t have much time before the shack is completely destroyed!
Desperate, you look around the shack for anything you could use to ward off the skeletons…
Some small gardening tools, a bag of soil and a few watering cans, none of these could possibly help you…
You look up to the ceiling to see the blinding light that could be seen through the cracks of the shed.
This could work…
You grab the light and kick open the door!
You flash the light into the skeletons face and it is temporarily blinded!
Using the door frame, you kick the skeleton over with both of your legs and it immediately falls into pieces!
You use this opportunity to run towards the exit as skeletons from every direction grab onto you and drag you down!
You punch, kick, knee, use any attempt you break free.
Finally, after much struggle you shake off the last skeleton and run back to the side of the house.
Continue ahead to the cemetery gate?
Inspect the Mansion window to your left?
You don’t need anyone to tell you twice!
Your feet begin to run and never stop, you charge through swarms of skeletons and turn the corner sharply.
Too sharply, you run headlong into a metal gate blocking off the path!
You fall over clutching your gashed face!
Why is there gates everywhere? Gates always stopping you!
You hear more skeletons approaching and with great force, you rise up and run towards a well in the corner of the gate.
You decide to take the twisting path to the left and begin walking deeper into the maze. Looking up you manage to spot the moon overhead like a giant plate suspended in the dark sky. The fog feels as if it may be thinning, though there are still patches that remain thick under your feet. Rounding the corner you come to the end of the twist, which just leads to another dead end! Suddenly from around the hedge you can hear an approaching gale of laughter; the ghost has found you! Backing up you prepare yourself for the inevitable, but by doing so your feet come into contact with a metal object. Ducking down quickly you’re able to make out a large brass ring under the fog, pulling on it you manage expose a large wooden door that has been hidden underneath the cracked soil. The laughter appears to be much closer as you prop the door against the hedge.
You kneel and place your arms around the well trying to get a decent breath into your lungs.
You body shivers as its narrow escape is finally catching up with you as you have hardly the strength to stand.
Dazed you stare into the well, its swirling waters relaxing to your stressed mind.
You smirk while breathing heavily, if only the fog wasn’t so thick you could probably get a lungful of air…
Hypnotized you stare into the water with more seriousness, nothing else to you matters…
Before you know what you are doing, you slip your arms into the water…
So cool and refreshing…
You dunk your head in, followed by your body…
You touch the bottom of the well and debris is sent everywhere around you, you look up to the bucket on the rope for the well…
You open your mouth as water fills your lungs…
As the water slowly turns to black you can’t help but smile…
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
You figure that maybe you can find a working phone you could use in the abandoned mansion.
You stare into the old dusty window as you make out the vague shapes of chairs covered with white sheets.
A thin layer of dust covers everything in the room and even the window itself.
You look left and right to see boarded up windows, this looks like your only option to get into the mansion.
Just a phone call away from freedom…
You wrap your fist around your shirt and punch through the glass!
A shatter breaks the silent night as you make yourself an opening.
Careful not to cut yourself, you slide into your improvised decision and stand in the moonlit filled room…
Continue into the living room?
Although a phone could be inside, you think that you could better than break into the mansion, no matter what the reward.
You turn away from the window and face the gate and stairs once more…
Continue ahead to the cemetery gate?
Head up the stone steps to your right?
As the last light of orange gold day turns into a dark blue night, the mansion has a sudden haunted presence to it.
The moonlight reflects off of the tombstones and a cool breeze blows through the tall grass.
You approach the rusted iron gate and look through to the other side.
A cemetery, plain and simple. You wish that the night hadn’t set so quickly though, the cemetery isn’t so spooky during the day.
Nevertheless, you have to find the exit and get out of this horrible place, the back of the cemetery seems logical enough to have a back exit for visitors.
You grab the gate and pull, great, another setback.
A large heavy lock has been hung on the gate and cripples your progress of getting out the back.
You shake the gate in hopes of throwing the lock off.
“Who would want to keep anyone out of a cemetery…” You question yourself. “Or maybe…they’re trying to keep someone inside…”
You shudder at the thought of it. You must stop thinking that way, think positive!
You reevaluate the situation.
There is a cellar door to the left of you, and a small hole in the brick wall to your right that you could probably squeeze through.
Try squeezing through the small hole in the wall?
It looks like the hole in the wall is really small, but you’d rather try the hole than venturing into a creepy cellar…
You look through the hole first, judging at which point you should turn your body, and at which point to go in the hole.
You slip your legs through the opening first. So far so good, you go further, still good, you’ll be in the cemetery in no time!
But suddenly, your body gets stuck in the hole!
You tug and twist but it does no good, finally with one last pull you release yourself onto the dry tall grass behind you.
It looks like the hole wasn’t made for you…
It looks like the cellar is your only way out now.
There is no way you could fit through that small hole, besides, you wouldn’t want to get stuck in a hole all night at the creepy mansion.
The only other option you have is to venture into the cellar, much against your better judgment but you see no other option.
The rotting oak creaks in protest as you lift open the ancient cellar door. As you descend the staircase a tiny screech is heard behind you!
You duck your head to just miss a giant vampire bat that has made your neck its target, you decide that this is a warning enough for you to hurry down the rest of the cellar steps…
As you enter the dark cellar a coldness engulfs you like jumping into a swimming pool, you shiver as you descend the cellar steps one by one.
You touch down on cold clay floor and continue walking, your steps echoing against the freezing prison.
You can barley see anything ahead of you as all of the torches are out in the cellar except for a single light beside the stairs…
Take the torch from beside the stairs to light your way?
Continue walking under the faint glow of the torch from beside you?
Gripping the pipe you steady yourself and begin testing the pipes strength with your weight. So far so good, it hasn’t collapsed or buckled…yet.
You begin to slowly climb the piping, gaining a few feet or so before giving the pipe a chance to readjust. Grasping onto the eaves you slowly manage to pull yourself upwards to the second floor, and all without falling off and doing yourself in, good show.
A large gloomy window reflecting the moon is directly to the left of you, and finding a way inside shouldn’t be too much of an issue if you don’t mind broken glass. Turning away from the mansion for a second you glance the property over creating a blueprint within your mind. The dagger-like fence surrounds the mansion in its entirety without a gap in between meaning that the entrance gate appears to be the only way to leave the mansion. Turning back towards the window you glance inside to reveal a dark corridor that leads to a staircase leading downwards. The full moon has been captured in the window perfectly, it’s a shame that it won’t last for much longer…
You continue to walk further into the freezing cellar in hopes of finding a way into the house and spotting an exit.
Your footsteps echo as you creep, your shadow stretched on the walls. You notice barrels around you marked “1881”, it must be a wine cellar, an open barrel to the left of you shows that the barrels had been emptied a long time ago.
You suddenly feel like you are being watched… You spin around and squint into the darkness, you should have taken the torch, at least than you could see…
Suddenly, in the darkness you see a figure move!
The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end and you glance toward the torch. Than, you feel breathing on the back of your neck, slow and raspy. You go to run up the stairs but the torch is blown out by the figure in the shadows!
With the light out, you finally see the figures… The ghosts have a bright green glow surrounding their transparent bodies and giant noses on their ghastly faces, they hover over to you and laugh as they do so!
You decide that if you take the torch that you could probably use it to walk further than if you left it there.
You continue to walk further into the freezing cellar in hopes of finding a way into the house and spotting an exit.
Your footsteps echo as you creep, your shadow stretched on the walls. You notice barrels around you marked “1881”, it must be a wine cellar, an open barrel to the left of you shows that the barrels had been emptied a long time ago.
You suddenly feel like you are being watched… You spin around and squint into the darkness, you swing the torch around in front of you trying to catch a glimpse of anything.
Suddenly, in the darkness you see a figure move!
The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end and you glance toward the torch. Than, you feel breathing on the back of your neck, slow and raspy. You go to run up the stairs but in your clumsiness you drop the torch and it and the fire extinguishes.
With the light out, you finally see the figures… The ghosts have a bright green glow surrounding their transparent bodies and giant noses on their ghastly faces, they hover over to you and laugh as they do so!
Twisting the rusty valve takes a bit of effort as you unhinge it from its placement; A few more turns and the shaft has been opened.
Several creaks and groans from the barrel signify the arrival of your flowing beverage, placing the mug underneath the spout allows the chunky concoction to fill to the brim in a few sickening plops.
You swirl your mug in a circular motion, unfortunately this doesn’t seem to do much for the drink as it stays rather still against your persistent shaking. The skin coating the top layer could be an explanation to this problem. Well, bottoms up!
You scream and run blindly left into the darkness.
You can feel the two ghosts behind you, quickly floating at your heels.
Your arms outstretched begin flailing for an exit, you now that you are running away from the staircase so you hope there is a door leading to the cellar from the mansion.
Suddenly your hand hits the wall at an awkward angle and a terrible pain juts up your arm! You must have broken your arm, or at least thrown it out of its socket…
You than realize you’ve run into the door! You feel around for a knob with your good hand and look back at the ghosts.
The smile and laugh as they float closer and closer to where you stand fumbling for a knob…
You panic and swipe the door feeling for the knob, your hand swipes a cool metal. Brass! The doorknob!
You twist the doorknob and a loud creak echoes as the ancient door opens, you run and get a face full of cobweb as you run up the cellar steps leading to the mansion.
You open the door to the mansion at the top of the stairs and stand in the kitchen, you can just see another room filled with moonlight beyond the kitchen…
You scream and run blindly straight into the darkness.
You can feel the two ghosts behind you, quickly floating at your heels.
Suddenly you run headlong into the wine rack! The ancient rack falls on top of you as you lie helplessly under the weight of heavy oak and shattered bottles! You try to get back up, but your strength is no match for the fallen rack which slowly sucks the life out of you in the haunting freezing cellar.
The two ghosts float down on top of you laughing, they’re happy tonight, they haven’t had another crew member in quite some time…
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
You scream and run blindly right into the darkness.
You can feel the two ghosts behind you, quickly floating at your heels.
Suddenly, you feel a terrible pain that juts up your knee! You have run your leg into the cool brick staircase, even though you are in extreme pain you are extremely relieved to have found the stairs.
The ghosts are not far behind as you scramble blindly up the staircase.
You burst through the door of the cellar and you are greeted again by the warm autumn night.
You quickly slam the cellar door forgetting that ghosts can pass through walls, and you distance yourself from the cellar.
Whats worse is you now have no torch to guide you through the darkness, no matter though as you got away with your life.
Your knee is killing you, you slammed it pretty hard into the stairs and running afterwards didn’t do you any good either…
You lean on the piping coming down from the eaves trove and an idea hits you!
If you could just climb the pipe up to the roof, you could probably walk across the wall above the cellar and get into the cemetery!
Look for another way into the cemetery?
You decide that jumping across the fence probably isn’t such a hot idea, and you should instead be focusing on trying to escape in a less risky manner. Looking up you can see that the perilous piping continues, leading up to the second story of the Mansion. If you were to use the pipe to climb upwards you might be able to see a better way off the Mansion, and get a bettenbsp;
nbsp;/anbsp;r feel for your surroundings.
Continue Walking along the shingles?
Luck doesn’t seem to be with you tonight, and if you were to climb the rusty pipe you’d probably end up falling off and throwing yourself into danger that could be avoided. You decide to play it safe and simply continue to walk along the current story. While the shingles are loose and gritty, you don’t seem to mind as your footing manages to stay unaltered close to the wall. The October wind is still as chilling as ever, bringing a few auburn leaves upward to your current position. With much effort you’re able to balance your weight and continue your journey across the rotten roof. Suddenly from underneath your footing a great creak is heard.
Without any warning the roof collapses as your body is helpless against gravity.
Swearing you pick yourself up off the floor of the Mansion. The fallen beams have caused dust and cobwebs to fly freely through the October air. From above you can see the moon through the gargantuan hole you’ve put through the roof. A single shingle falls into the room as you brush off your pants; you don’t appear to be injured.
As you look around the room something catches your eye as unfitting, running along the wall is a single exposed wire that continues under the carpet and behind a small table that has been tipped over from your dramatic entrance. You prop the oak table back into position and follow the wire with your fingers behind a chair, yanking on the cord brings a heavy object into view that scrapes across the floor; A phone.
Immediately you grab the phone from behind the chair and prop it up on the table, picking up the receiver you can hear a clear dial tone!
You eagerly dial the numbers “911” as the low ringing fills your ear.
After what seems like a century of waiting a loud click is heard and a gruff voice answers almost sleepily. “911,” drones the voice “What is your emergency?” Your heart is stuck in your throat as you try to collect the entire nights happenings in a single sentence, it is at this point you realize that you haven’t said anything. “Hello?” calls the other end.
“Yes, hello, yes!” You shout not wanting to lose the reassuring voice. “I need help, I’ve been locked in and, I’ve…I’ve fallen too, through the roof, and I…” Your voice is quavering and uneasy. “Slow down.” The other voice says. “Just take it real slow, and tell me what’s happened.”
“Yes.” You respond dumbly.
The lighting in the room has changed dramatically, but you hardly notice as you face the wall. “I’m locked inside number 127, Ghoulhaven Drive, it’s one of the mansions on the east end. The gates closed, and it’s jammed shut, and I’m in the mansion right now, the roof…” Your voice trails off. The room has become significantly darker and you can now see why; a long shadow has stretched across the wall where the light once hit,
You spin around the quickly and gape open mouthed.
Constable Henry Dunn stared at the phone in his hands in confusion, after the other end had trailed off there was a loud scream, a gurgling sound and a long break of silence.
Listening carefully he could hear the clashing sound of the phone being hung up and the low dial tone that now seemed empty.
Shaking his head he placed the receiver back on it’s hook. Halloween was a time of year where he had received a lot of prank calls while waiting at his desk, though this call was the most realistic so far.
Glancing back at the phone mounted on his desk, Henry wondered if he might actually get any real emergency calls tonight.
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
With the luck you have been having tonight, you will probably only cause the pipe to bend or break trying to climb up it…
There is no way that the ancient pipe could hold you anyway…
Well, if you can’t get up onto the cemetery, perhaps you could find a way around into the cemetery.
With that thought you begin searching around the mansion for any signs of a cemetery entrance.
Finally at the front of the house you see a maze that possibly connects to the cemetery!
Here you stand in front of the great green labyrinth before you, there may only be one exit, and you are sure there are many different dead ends.
Lets just hope this decision wasn’t one of them…
You enter the pathway constructed by hedges and you continue down the fog covered dirt.
So many choices, so many directions, which will be the one you choose?
Before you even begin to think up a strategy you hear maniacal laugher behind you…
You turn in time to see another ghost like you’ve met in the cellar, but this time you can’t find an exit…
It cackles as it whisks toward you, arms outstretched, mouth wide with laughter as you run with great speed towards a hopeful exit.
Only one is an exit, choose wisely…
With the thought of left firmly in your mind, you run as fast as you can to the left.
You pass by too many hedges to count as your lungs become sore and winded…
Suddenly you stop.
You’ve chosen wrong! You have come face to face with the gate surrounding the maze!
Perhaps the ghost has become lost?
You glance back and see that there is no life in sight. What a relief, you sure were lucky to get a second chance…
Suddenly, from the nearest hedge the ghost emerges floating right through!
The ghoul swarms around you and cackles as it floats down…
It looks like you’ll be searching for the real exit…forever…
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
With the thought of right firmly in your mind, you run as fast as you can to the right.
You pass by too many hedges to count as your lungs become sore and winded…
Suddenly, you stop!
There it is! The clock tower for the church!
You run straight ahead only to be blocked by another gate!
Laughing is heard behind you as the ghost floats through a hedge, please be unlocked!
You grasp the rusty gate and push, it swings open and you dart through!
You look back at the ghost while you run, it has lost interest and resumes patrolling the maze.
You got lucky this time…
You steady your body and grasp the pipe, you give a few tugs to judge the strength of it.
So far so good, the piping isn’t bending or creaking so it looks good enough to climb, although there are some rusted spots here and there…
You begin hoisting yourself us the pipe, arms first and dragging your body up slowly with all the strength you can muster.
After a few tugs up the piping you can see the eaves trove in plain view!
You let go of the piping for a brief second and move one arm up to the eaves trove, than your other arm.
Your fingers sink into muck and leaves that have gathered in the eaves trove for who knows how many years.
Nevertheless you begin to pull yourself up to the shingles, you are about to swing your leg over the trove to roll onto the roof when a popping noise is heard to the left of you!
You glance just in time to see a rusty nail hit the rock path below you, this gutter might not stay up for much longer!
You try to act as quickly as you can without causing any sudden movements to shift the gutter.
Two more popping noises are heard as you place your foot on the shingles, followed by their two accompanying tingles as they hit the rock below.
You shift your body weight to your foot on the roof in an attempt to prop the other airborne foot onto the cold shingle.
Suddenly the eaves trove lets out a large lurch as five more popping noises are heard!
You roll over just in time to see the ancient gutter fall to the floor in a noisy clang followed by the sickening plop of the gutter liquids pouring out onto the rock.
You exhale deeply and continue up the shingles, they are loose so you try your best to continue without falling like the gutter did…
You grip the green brick on the mansion and continue to sidestep to the wall connecting to the cemetery.
Continue side stepping to the cemetary
As you sidestep along the wall a warm autumn breeze whips through your hair, so far so good, you fear stepping on the roof tiles as they look rotted enough to give way at any moment.
You move your hands along the cool brick of the mansion wishing there was something to grip onto.
Aside from a select few spots in the brick which have crumbled; there is not.
The pale full moon briefly peeks out from behind a rather large cloud in the night sky.
You don’t have a long way to scale to now, just to the maze hedges in front of the cemetery, but the journey feels like eons.
As you approach the hedge you notice you are unbelievably close to the wrought iron fence surrounding your imprisonment.
Doing a double take you notice that with some speed you could probably clear the fence altogether with one well planned bound, if it wasn’t for your busted knee…
You peer out into the darkness beyond the fence…
A messy patch of distorted branches and twisted roots await your journey next, you could probably follow them to…
The road?…
You glance up toward the now locked gate.
Yes! If you just follow the fence after you jump, you could find your way back to the main road and get out! It’s too perfect!
On the other hand if you miss jump…
You glance back at the tops of the fence; the peaks are like a sea of daggers…
You force images of a grizzly fate out of your mind and think back to your options.
You decide that you can jump over the fence if you get a running start at it.
You back up the farthest amount possible, bumping into the mansion wall behind you.
Lowering your head, you take in a few deep breaths to will up the courage for your big jump.
You crouch for one second and ignore the throbbing pain from your knee. You start off at breakneck speed, throwing your weight into a full out sprint!
As you jump off the roof you pivot off of your sore leg, almost bending over in pain, your jump off becomes half hearted!
As you scream into the dead of night, you take off into the air.
The autumn air passes your ears as you begin your descent, you close your eyes still screaming.
Your scream ends too short.
A sharp pain in your chest, you begin choking on sobs of pain and gasps of air.
Pity that, you’ve managed to get a fence rail impaled through your stomach and out your back.
You grip the slippery rail from underneath, but you’re unable to shift it.
As your muscles twitch in vain you stare down at what could have been your great escape, mere inches from where you are suspended now.
Your vision grows blurry as you begin to lose consciousness, your voice has grown to a thin whisper.
The twisted mess of branches below you begins to envelop the darkness, turning your vision black as your last breath escapes you.
Won’t your slumped figure look quite the surreal Halloween decoration come the morning…
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
A shooting pain from your knee stops in the nick of time, your feet balancing on the edge of the roof, sending debris down below.
As you catch your balance, you move swiftly back to the wall you started off from.
There’s too much chance here, too much room for error…
If you miss…you try to shake away the thought of landing on the dagger like fence.
You face the fence.
If you do jump over…just follow the fence and get out…
But your knee…You massage your leg mulling the thoughts around in your head.
You crouch anxiously, tapping your fingers against the cool brick.
Perhaps if you leap off with your good leg you’ll be able to get more distance…
As you jump off the roof you pivot off of your good leg, kicking off the roof and getting even higher!
As you scream into the dead of night, you take off into the air.
The loud woosh of autumn air passes your ears as you begin your descent, you close your eyes still screaming.
Your body hits the ground with a dull thud as you roll out onto the ground of autumn leaves.
Dizzyingly you rise, triumphant that you’ve cleared the wall completely!
You look back up at the now conquered fence; a piece of your clothing must have caught onto the fence, as it flaps half heartedly in the warm breeze.
You smile knowing that the mansion will only have that to remember you by.
As you turn towards the twisted forest of tree branches, you try to map out where the road is.
You decide that if you were to cut through the forest, you could probably get to the road quicker.
As you leave the dim light of the mansion, you continue down into the deep dark wood…
Glancing back at the mansion, you continue into the cool depths, feeling around for any loose branches.
Suddenly, you trip over a root sticking up out of the dirt!
You being falling down the hill in front of you, your limbs bumping into the gnarled branches in your path.
Finally you come to a full stop, facing the full moon as you flip onto your back.
You slowly rise from the dirt and continue walking down your set path, which has become distorted by the fall.
Perhaps it was this way to the road…
No, you’re sure it was this way…
The moonlight slowly disappears from view as you travel through the now pitch black forest.
Perhaps if you were to turn around? No, its much too late now, you must find the road…
As you continue through the darkness, you are completely unaware that the forest surrounding the mansion stretches out for thousands of miles, and you’ve gone in the wrong direction…
&nnbsp; bsp;
It was the fifth day of walking where you began to lose hope, incredibly hungry and thirsty it seems you only knew how to walk now.
You’ve collapsed into sleep where you’ve fallen numerous times…
The only thing that seems to be keeping you going is the sheer will to find a way out…
How many times had you seen the sun rise and fall? Too many to count now…
Too many times had you felt the temporary success of finding a way out, only to be greeted with more trees.
The caws of the ravens overhead is the only sound you’ve heard for days, the hopefulness of hearing traffic has vanished.
Must keep walking.
The ravens calls grow persistent, they just want something to eat as well…
One of the ravens swoops down and begins pecking at your side, again.
You swat it away with the remaining energy you have left, just keep walking…
Your knees begin to sway…
Not again!
You grasp onto the nearest twisted branch for support, you haven’t seen a live tree since you escaped from the mansion, even that seemed so long ago…
Your vision grows blurry, you feel yet another faint coming on.
Your body collapses and the ravens fly down, how unfortunate that you won’t be rising up one last time…
The ravens are overjoyed, at least they’ve got a meal out of your efforts…
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
With your luck you’d probably get lost in the forest, following the fence is the surest way to find an exit, you think.
Placing your hand against the cool brick, you walk through the darkness determined to find an exit.
You’ve only walked a short distance when you begin to hear low vibrations that seem to be coming from deeper in the woods.
You realize that the sound is loud music traveling through the ground.
Brushing through the trees, you move deeper into the woods, and closer to the house where the music is coming from.
The branches claw at your clothes and your face as you pick up speed, now running.
The party! The Rare Gamer Mad Monster Bash!
Nearly out of breath, you reach the door inevitably filled with Archive members and break on through!
As you run into the doorway several familiar members turn their heads toward you.
The party music slowly fades away as your heart feels like its beating in your throat, gulping down a lungful of air, you face upwards at a room full of murmuring members.
Two members approach you and carry your slumped figure to a chair, a plastic glass of punch is placed into your eager hands, your throat is too dry to mutter a thank you.
Gulping down the fruit punch with vigor, the whispers in the room grow to a faint hush as a figure sits in the chair opposite to you.
He places his hand on your shoulder, you look up realizing that the figure is Luke.
Using a calm voice Luke asks you to explain what happened outside, the scratches from the branches makes it look like you were in a brawl.
As you retell your story to Luke and the members, the room has gone unaturally quiet; all eyes are focused on you.
“Just out of curiosity,” begins Luke “did you happen to get the number on the house?”
Luke leans inward, clearly shaken.
As you recall the house number, Luke runs his hands through his hair, his face has gone white.
Paul approaches the side of Luke’s chair, he looks as if he is about to faint.
Luke looks up into your eyes and begins to speak.
“The house at 125 Ghoulhaven Drive…” Luke whispers. “burnt down on this very night 2 years ago…”
The party begins to exchange nervous glances.
As you peer out the window towards the forest, you cannot catch the large mansion silhouette you saw only minutes prior.
Feeling uneasy you sit back into the chair, you swear you can smell the unmistakable scent of ashes from your clothes…
Happy Halloween!
Congratulations! You have completed the Mad Monster Mansion: Choose Your Own Adventure Story! Was this not the ending you were hoping for? Well theres no problem, you can always go back to the beginning and try for another story altogether!
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You decide that you should explore where you are first rather than tear through the mansion.
You pull out one of the kitchen chairs cluttered around the table and rest your arm. It seems off center, or at least out of place.
You look away from your busted arm.
The kitchen is vacant and bare, dust now fills the empty open cupboards and old dishes lay smashed and cluttered on the floor.
Tiny insects scurry in and out tiles in hopes of finding tiny morsels in the cracks.
You stare up at the ceiling with yellowing drywall speckled with brown.
It seems quite impossible that such a desolate and forgotten kitchen was once the gathering place of a happy family, discussing their day over their warm meals…
This vision makes you think…
You imagine your family wondering where you are.
You imagine the Rare Gamer Halloween Bash carrying on without you.
You face the dusty table, the eerie silence replacing the warmth of the mansion.
You must get out of the mansion gates!
You explore the room further but you trip over the loose carpeting and slam into the floor!
A layer of dust is sent flying in every which direction.
But just what did you trip over?
Removing the carpeting reveals a hidden trapdoor underneath!
A cool breeze is sent through the cracks of the door.
It probably hasn’t been opened in centuries!
You decide that you cannot miss an opportunity to explore the secret area below…
You start down crumbling steps as you sweep cobwebs out of the way.
The darkness engulfs you as you move farther away from the warm world above and into the cool world below.
After what seems like an hour descent, the earth levels off underneath your feet.
You continue along the chilling corridor, feeling your way through the dusty walls forward.
You feel the walls are closing in, you cannot see a thing down in the darkness, but your hands feel like the wall getting closer to your body.
You begin to run, your footsteps echoing in the tiny space.
You pick up your pace and run faster and faster…
The walls begin to give you less and less room to feel out!
Your shoulders brush up against either sides of the walls as you run your fastest yet!
Suddenly, you smash your leg into a wall in front of you, the walls seem to move away from your arms and you are able to breathe without hyperventilating.
You grasp your leg and caress it, extreme pain shoots up every time you put pressure on it. You limp towards the wall you smashed into and realize that it is a staircase!
Your spirits rise as you see tiny lines of light shine down the skinny steps to where you stand, another trapdoor!
You limp up the staircase trying to walk off the feeling of pain.
You press up on the trapdoor but something is blocking the door from moving upward.
You slam your arm up in an attempt to shift the object. One, twice and on the third time you manage to shift the object and it crashes above the floor.
You open the door upwards and stand in a room full of books, a library.
You turn on the spot.
No doors in sight, it must be a room only accessible by the trapdoor you just took…
But how do you get out? You turn to a large staircase in the middle of the room, but you could also explore the library a little more…
You move towards the moonlit room and realize that it is the living room, although nothing living looks like its entered this room in quite a long time…
The dust on the hardwood floor reflects the eerie cyan of the full moon outside the dirty windows.
You hear a whimpering howl off in the distance as you approach the furniture across the room.
The floorboards creak as they welcome the new visitor to their humble abode.
You examine the white sheets that have been draped over the ancient couches and chairs, everything lay in a thin coat of dust.
You are lured to a lamp on the other side of the room, you pull the lamp string and the room turns an auburn orange.
It almost looks homely at this point, comfortable living room, warm cozy chairs…
You feel sleepy, but before you can even begin to yawn the light shorts out!
Suddenly, the room in filled with the blue crystal moonlight and you can hear bumping from upstairs.
No, it must be your imagination…
But the chandelier above your head is shivering at each bang.
As you look up to the ceiling a tiny scraping is heard from far away in front of you.
Dare you go further?
Continue down the winding hall?
Ignoring the banging noises all together, you decide to check out what made the scraping noise in the next room.
As you follow the light down the hallway your footsteps creak on the ancient floor boards.
Finally, you round the bend and see a tiny room with a soft blue rug and a fireplace.
At least, thats what it looks like…
You examine the fireplace more closely and notice there is no grate, or even indent in the wall to allow a fire to be built.
It is just some obscurity sticking out of the wall…
You decide to approach the brick and examine the mysterious area for more clues.
As you sit down on the tile the fireplace turns into the wall and you dart off just in time! A scraping noise is heard.
You now see that a real fireplace has been rotated to replace the empty one.
A secret room lay just behind the fireplace, how many secrets this house must have…
You think back to the scraping noise.
If the wall had already turned, than that must have meant something else must have been in here using it!
You shudder at the thought of a ghoul or goblin waiting just behind the fireplace.
What choice do you have?
You decide that you’d better not fool with such a dangerous contraption and you leave the tiny room.
As you make your way to the living room you hear a loud banging sound…
The moment does not seem the time for plundering what isn’t yours.
You may regret the chance of finding gold bullions the size of your head, but stealing is wrong, no matter what the treasure.
You continue walking down the narrow hallway of the mansion looking for any open doors.
Finally after your searching, you come across an unopened door…the bathroom…
You decide that you’d just be wasting time in the bathroom, and keeping on task is the best way to solve your current predicament.
Finding a phone would be your best chance of escape.
You see a tiny room to your left, it looks to be a library. Perhaps a phone could be inside?
As you make your way into the tiny room, your foot hits a raised object on the floor, cursing, you stare down to what you have bumped into.
A spot on the floor appears to be raised, removing the tattered carpeting revealing a trapdoor.
Opening the trapdoor you peer down into the darkness which seems to go on forever…
You decide that you cannot miss an opportunity to explore the secret area below…
You start down crumbling steps as you sweep cobwebs out of the way.
The darkness engulfs you as you move farther away from the warm world above and into the cool world below.
After what seems like an hour descent, the earth levels off underneath your feet.
You continue along the chilling corridor, feeling your way through the dusty walls forward.
You feel the walls are closing in, you cannot see a thing down in the darkness, but your hands feel like the wall getting closer to your body.
You begin to run, your footsteps echoing in the tiny space.
You pick up your pace and run faster and faster…
The walls begin to give you less and less room to feel out!
Your shoulders brush up against either sides of the walls as you run your fastest yet!
Suddenly, you smash your leg into a wall in front of you, the walls seem to move away from your arms and you are able to breathe without hyperventilating.
You grasp your leg and caress it, extreme pain shoots up every time you put pressure on it. You limp towards the wall you smashed into and realize that it is a staircase!
Your spirits rise as you see tiny lines of light shine down the skinny steps to where you stand, another trapdoor!
You limp up the staircase trying to walk off the feeling of pain.
You open the trapdoor upwards and stand in a wide room filled with pews and an organ, the church.
Amazing! the trapdoor you took must have connected the church and mansion together at one point. Though the distance between the church and the mansion is vast, it feels like you’ve been underground for miles.
You turn on the spot.
Along the corridor you can see a lone large bell hanging from the rafters, on the other end of the corridor you notice a large door next to you leading up to the clock tower.
Emerging from the depths of the underground tunnel you arise to a thick layer of swaying trees. Confused you spin round to reveal the mansion hidden behind a thick gate, with yourself on the other side. You’ve made it! The trap door had lead you on a secret path to the outside of the mansion perimeters! Gingerly following the gate back to the front of the mansion you pay one last parting glance to the estate before parting off into the dead of night. Hopefully you’re not too late for the party…
Happy Hallowe’en!
Congratulations! You have completed the Mad Monster Mansion: Choose Your Own Adventure Story! Was this not the ending you were hoping for? Well theres no problem, you can always go back to the beginning and try for another story altogether!
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Approaching the large bell you notice that it isn’t as filthy as the rest of the objects in the mansion.
In fact, judging from the dust on the ground around the bell, it looks as though its been shaken quite recently…
You brush your palm against the bell, the surface is extremely cool to the touch.
Suddenly the bell jumps to life and begins to sway, creating a crashing noise throughout the church!
As you jump back in fright you notice that the bell has created a chain reaction with the smaller bells higher above it.
The church is filled with sound of the giant bells clanging together, creating a medley of clashing!
Covering your ears as you run out of the church, you look back at the clock tower and realize that the clock has struck midnight.
Over the obnoxious sound of the bells, you can hear the faint sound of grinding metal…the gate!
You glance back at the mansion gate as the door slowly opens as if upon request.
Wasting no time you charge around the mansion walls and toward the prison like fencing.
In the nick of time you make it past the gate just as it begins to near to a close, what luck!
The gate slams shut, leaving you in the outside world beyond the spooky mansion, to continue where your life left off before this haunting happening.
You treat the church bells as a victorious theme as you depart into the dead of night, putting the whole experience behind you.
Happy Hallowe’en!
Congratulations! You have completed the Mad Monster Mansion: Choose Your Own Adventure Story! Was this not the ending you were hoping for? Well theres no problem, you can always go back to the beginning and try for another story altogether!
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You decide that searching the bathroom could be interesting as well as useful.
As you enter the bathroom you notice the shower is on, though you are too scared to open the curtains, you peek behind them just to be safe…
A single toilet and sink occupy the rest of the bathroom and rotting tile and ceiling take up the rest.
Suddenly, from behind you hear heavy breathing, the hair on your neck prickle.
You turn around just in time to see a skeleton staring you in the face.
You try to scream, but nothing will come out!
It stares at you in a perplexing manner and smiles.
You feel dizzy and sick, as if someone has poured ice cold water on you.
No longer in control of your body, you fall over onto the floor.
The skeleton smiles knowing that in a few days he will have a new playmate!
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
You decide that you should probably check out the room behind the fireplace.
You sit on the brick and the whole fireplace begins turning around and you are absorbed by the darkness as you swivel into the secret area.
As you get up on your knees, you hear the sounds of dripping in the darkness and bumping further ahead.
You extend your arms and begin feeling the walls, cool brick meets your hands as you feel every bump, indent and curve. A map is drawn in your mind.
You move forward and reach a set of stairs, you begin climbing…You grasp the rusty railing and ascend the giant staircase.
As you climb up the steps you notice that the light from above is gradually dimming.
Soon you find yourself in complete darkness, feeling you way up the never ending staircase.
After what seems like a century of climbing, you finally reach the top of the staircase as you stand in a thin opening.
You push up to open the trapdoor that leads into the attic…
The attic is nearly bare, but filled with light shining through the holes in the rafters.
You balance on the beams and look through the holes to rooms below.
Surprisingly, the attic is only large enough to fit above one bedroom.
The attic itself is rather bare, only two paintings hang on the wall and the wallpaper has been ripped through to the brick.
The floor itself is in need of much repair.
You bend over to inspect the room below once more.
If only you could find someway of getting inside…
Looking to the left you can see a spiraling
staircase leading upwards…
You could possibly use the staircase to get down a floor and explore the room below you now, or you could go upwards to a higher level…
Perhaps you could find an alternative way down however, the floor looks pretty worn, better choose quickly!
Approach the Spiral Staircase?
You eagerly dial the operator as the low ringing fills your ear.
After a few seconds of uneasy glances around the room a loud click is heard and a female voice answers the phone. “Hello,” the woman says chirpily “Operator. How may I help you?” The voice sounds nearly angelic in your current situation, and just hearing a voice other than your own after this long night is a great comfort.
“Hello! Yes! Help me, I’m trapped…” you begin. “”I’m locked inside number 127, Ghoulhaven Drive, it’s one of the mansions on the east end. The gates closed, and it’s jammed shut, and I’m in the mansion right now.”
“Are you seriously injured?” the voice questions.
You quickly glance yourself over. “No, no not badly, could you send someone over, please.” You put extra emphasis on the please and eagerly wait a response. “We’ll send someone right over, you just need to remain calm and-” Suddenly from the other end you can hear a second loud click and a slow painful breathing. “Hello?” you stammer. The breathing quickens and a click signals the end, the woman is nbsp;
still on the other end.
“Hello? What was that?” You question. The operator answers in a panicked tone, “That was from your end, a second phone was just picked up on the second floor of your residence!” Your heart plummets as you hear footsteps coming down the stairs. You slam the phone onto it’s hook and look for the first exit you see.
Breaking out into the dead of night you find yourself at the reverse end of the mansion.
Although the twisting hallways and many rooms may have made you disoriented from your original intentions, you figure that you’d fare better than trying to climb out of the space that the roof had made.
The echoing sound of footsteps have since left your mind, but the knowledge of a being other than yourself inside the mansion on the line stays fresh with you.
Ducking around the side of the mansion you attempt to head to the front gate, if the operator has sent help than naturally they would have driven up from the road. You make one last round on the porch and jump downward toward the many piles of leaves that litter the entrance. Looking up you’re blinded by the sudden flashes of blue and red; the police cruiser sirens. Immediately you call out to an officer cutting the lock with a large pair of bolt cutters, hardly looking up the officer pulls down in one swift motion followed by a creak and a snap; the lock clatters to the ground and the gate slides open.
Without missing a beat you duck through to the other side of the gate as the officer begins to damage the mechanism to the gate so that the same mistake won’t occur again. Finished with his duty the officer turns around and beckons you to the cruiser, making sure that you’re not seriously injured.
As you sit in the passenger seat of the car the policeman takes a quick parting glance around the property with his flashlight. Focusing mostly on the windows, the officer makes a grab for his radio transceiver but quickly dismisses the thought. From your position in the car you swear you can see the front door of the mansion open a crack, the officer having the same thought immediately shines his light towards the door but the door remains closed as always. Perhaps it was just your imagination, you can only hope…
Closing the gate behind him the officer jumps into the drivers seat and slams the door, he turns towards you with beads of sweat glistening on his forehead.
His mouth opens almost causing his jowls to shake, as he announces exactly what’s been planted in your mind, “Let’s get out of this place…”.
As the engine revs up and the crunching autumn leaves are crushed from under the tires you can’t help but think that his words could be the best decision of the night.
Happy Hallowe’en!
Congratulations! You have completed the Mad Monster Mansion: Choose Your Own AdventuClicking this link will take you to the bottom of the page so that you are able to postre Story! Was this not the ending you were hoping for? Well theres no problem, you ca/an always go back to the beginning and try for another story altogether!
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You carefully make your way to the Spiral Staircase, balancing on the rafters.
Leaving the barren room, you grip onto the railing, which seems to go on forever.
Glancing down you can see that most of steps have eroded away, and the railing circling upwards bends at many points.
Looking up you can’t see much through the darkness, and you wonder if you will have to climb up the staircase in the dark.
What if some of the stairs upwards have eroded as well? You won’t know unless your foot plummets through the non-existent step…
Trying not to think to hard on such a grim fate, you see your only option to go is up…
As you plant your foot onto the railing it creaks in protest, clearly it hasn’t been in use for quite some time…
How long will it be until you won’t be able to see the next step in front of you?
Slowly inhaling and exhaling, you place your other foot onto the steps and begin climbing.
As the light begins to dim you spot a missing step and carefully step over it.
Hopefully thats the last one you’ll have to encounter…
The light has now completely vanished, leaving you blind, alone on a suspended staircase that could give way without the slightest notice…
As you continue your blind spiraling climb, you place your foot onto the next step, only to find that it isn’t there!
Panicking, you grip onto the railing and hold your breath.
After you’ve stopped shaking you extend your leg to touch the next step, still clinging to the railing.
Carefully you continue your ascent, clinging to the rail like a child on your way a href=”#Trapdoor”to the top…
As you grip the rail you realize that if you slap your hand onto it you could get an idea how much higher it goes from the vibration!
Slapping the rail, it causes an echo that ends not much farther in front of you.
You’ve made it to the top!
You can still feel steps in front of you beyond that point…
You slap the rail once more, following the vibration with your hand.
It ends too soon.
As you run your hand along the rail you realize that railing has broken off!
it must have eroded away years ago, much like the steps…
The steps continue upward, but without a railing you won’t be able to tell which steps are there and which steps…are not…
Getting on your hands and knees you begin feeling your way up to the next step, making each one seem like a mountain.
Suddenly as you feel your way onto the next step it seems to level off and continue, one long step…
Confused, you outstretch your leg and attempt to find the next step up.
Your leg passes through thin air, you’re falling!
No, your foot has stepped onto the same step you are on now…
Foolishly, you realize that you’ve found the next floor and you’ve been treating it like the stairs, how foolish you must have looked.
Still better safe than sorry…
As you open the door in front of you light pours onto your face.
The giant pale moon is perfectly captured in the huge window in front of you.
Using this light you are able to see this giant room is filled with cardboard boxes, chests and rugs.
This is the real attic…
You look around for a possible means of exit.
Along the other side of the room you can see a ladder which most likely leads to the roof…
You’d think in among all this junk you might find a working telephone.
Your search looks to be a long one, but you have all the time in the world.
You figure that somewhere in all of the junk must be something you could use…
You don’t have to look very far until you see something which sparks hope into you.
On the other side of the attic, you can make out the outline of a cord leading up to the black gleam of a telephone!
Eagerness overcomes you as you charge towards the telephone, knocking boxes and heirlooms out of the way as you do so!
Suddenly as you step onto the carpet just in front of the phone, several great crack are heard just from under you!
Looking down too late you free fall screaming to the floor below, shortly followed by the rafters and debris.
Gasping for air through the think cloud of dust and dirt, your body lay trapped under the rafters which have followed you down.
You try to push them off in one great heave but it is no use; you simply can’t muster the strength to budge them.
As you strain and gasp you swear you can hear a cackle in the distance…
My, my, won’t you be quite the easy catch for the ghouls now…
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
You decide that you’d be wasting your time looking around in all of the junk, and you should instead see where the ladder goes…
Clinging onto the rungs you glance upwards, more darkness…
It seems as though you can’t climb anything in this mansion without being surrounded by it…
Taking yet another deep breath you begin your journey upwards to the unknown…
You begin to climb the ladder and realize that your back will scrape against the wall behind you climb.
Though it could get sore, this will save you the fear of falling backward off the ladder.
After a few moments of climbing you are left in complete darkness, unable to see the ladder in front of you.
You can hear the chirps of the crickets in the distance, so you must be very close to an exterior wall.
After several minutes of climbing your shoulders begin to come closer to your body.
Is the area getting smaller?
No, it must be your imagination…
If you continue climbing you could get stuck…
It won’t thin anymore, its not thinning now, it was never thinning!
An endless argument taking place in your mind.
However it does feel as though you’re running out of space, and what about air?
Trying to keep your thoughts away from getting caught in the area and being unable to breathe you focus on the ladder.
How high does this ladder go?
How long had you been climbing it feels like ages…
Suddenly your thoughts as interrupted as the top of your head makes contact with a dry stringy like substance.
You try desperately to sweep the cobweb out of your hair, but your hands cannot reach up to do so.
In utter disgust you can feel the squirming and biting of many insects, and possibly the bodies of many dead ones too…
You try shaking them off with little success.
Finally your shoulders move away from your body as you quickly reach up and brush the debris from your scalp, exhaling in relief.
High above where you cling now, you can make out a faint light.
An orange light…
No, thats not a light at all…
That’s the morning sky…
You begin to climb feverishly, hopping two rungs at once as you make your way up to the top.
Finally as the ladder stops, you heave yourself up onto the rotten tiles of the mansion roof…
As you rise up your face is kissed by the sun, never have you been so glad to see daylight.
You’ve made it! You survived the entire night!
Looking down at your domain you realize that the mansion is much different in the day than at night, almost…homely…
Smirking you stare down to the spot where you once began your journey, alone and afraid at the base of the mansion.
The gates which have tested your will and patience are now wide open.
You begin to laugh under your breath which soon turns into gales of laughter as you rear your head back.
Tears now forming in your eyes, you raise your arms into the air and greet the wind.
How odd you must look from far away; standing on the mansion roof, yelling in victory with your arms suspended in the air.
You glance to the left and see a ladder leading to the ground that you swore wasn’t there only a few moments prior…
As your feet touch the ground you make your way to the gate, and turn back to the mansion.
Just wait until the others get a load of the night you had…
Happy Hallowe’en!
Congratulations! You have completed the Mad Monster Mansion: Choose Your Own Adventure Story! Was this not the ending you were hoping for? Well theres no problem, you can always go back to the beginning and try for another story altogether!
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If only you could find a way into the room below you, but how…
No sooner had you thought of this, the rafter you were sitting on collapses!
The entire floor falls through onto the bedroom below!
After much struggle you are able to shift the large rafter off of yourself with one heave.
You look around the room and spot a heavy chest in the corner of the room.
What now?
You decide that in order for your fears to be put to rest, you should find out what is making the banging noise.
You look around the dark blue living room and you see a doorway!
A giant staircase is just through to the next room, you could climb it to get to the upper floor.
As you put your hand on the old wooden railing a tingling sensation builds up in your spine.
The banging from the room is getting louder and louder, and faster and faster.
You can hear the tingling from the chandelier as it swings to and fro from the large noise.
You set up the stairs, each step making the banging faster.
You follow the noise up the stairs, through the hallway and to a closed door in the dark.
Most frightening of all though, is that light is pouring out from underneath the room door…
This house hasn’t been used in years, so who could be in the room now?…
You creep down the hall, not wanting to disturb the banging, and you approach the old wooden door.
The banging gets louder with each breath you take!
Faster and faster the tempo rises!
You take a deep breath and reach for the doorknob, the banging is at its fastest yet!
You grasp the doorknob and the banging stops!
You lose all track of time as you wait in from of the old door.
The light still emits from underneath the gap.
You hold your breath and slam open the ancient door.
The room is rather small, and it looks to be previously owned by a small child due to the untidiness of the room itself and the toys littered about.
This room feels off though, unlike the rooms you have visited before, this room has no trace of dust. It looks brand new.
Continue into the child’s room?
Forget about researching the room?
s, hardly looking up the officer pulls down in one swift motion followed by a creak and a snap; the lock clatters to the ground and the gate slides open.
Without missing a beat you duck through to the other side of the gate as the officer begins to damage the mechanism to the gate so that the same mistake won’t occur again. Finished with his duty the officer turns around and beckons you to the cruiser, making sure that you’re not seriously injured.
As you sit in the passenger seat of the car the policeman takes a quick parting glance around the property with his flashlight. Focusing mostly on the windows, the officer makes a grab for his radio transceiver but quickly dismisses the thought. From your position in the car you swear you can see the front door of the mansion open a crack, the officer having the same thought immediately shines his light towards the door but the door remains closed as always. Perhaps it was just your imagination, you can only hope…
Closing the gate behind him the officer jumps into the drivers seat and slams the door, he turns towards you with beads of sweat glistening on his forehead.
His mouth opens almost causing his jowls to shake, as he announces exactly what’s been planted in your mind, “Let’s get out of this place…”.
As the engine revs up and the crunching autumn leaves are crushed from under the tires you can’t help but think that his words could be the best decision of the night.
No cobwebs cling from the corners, the ceiling remains white and tidy, no dust is present at any part of the room and you feel like you are being watched…
You step closer into the center of the bedroom, your footsteps echoing around the small space.
You stand in front of a window that is the only indication of how old the room is; the pane is scratched, the iron rusted and lifeless insects litter the bottom of the window.
You look out to the dark night, the full moon looks down upon the mansion and stars twinkle like crystals on black fabric.
Suddenly, a tiny bang behind you makes you wheel around on the spot!
Where you were just walking moments prior lies a small box with a handle on the side.
As if some unknown force is playing with the object, the handle begins winding itself up, slowly making a tin tune echo out the back, it wretches slower and slower until it approaches the last note of the song.
The handle stops spinning and the song remains unfinished.
The room loses all warmth as the song halts, your breath can be seen in front of you!
You rush for the open door but it shuts, leaving you trapped inside!
Your hands pummel the door and you scream for help, although you know full well nobody can hear you scream…
The box’s’ handle begins spinning once more, finishing the song. The light turns off.
You scream louder and tackle the door.
You know now that something else is in the room with you!
Scraping is heard as the closet door on the opposite side of the room opens up with a large creak.
You hear a small child giggling and laughing.
You bang even harder on the door, wishing yourself out of the mansion, wishing yourself out of the gates, wishing yourself out of this nightmare…
Suddenly, after all of your pounding and pummeling the door finally gives way and falls on the floor in front of you!
You run at full speed into the hallway, around the railing and onto the stairs.
You look back into the darkness of the child room, completely silent once more as it becomes part of the mansion.
You start down the stairs and the room gives you one last goodbye bang before you descend the main stairwell.
Out of the corner of your eye you see a stairwell you hadn’t noticed on the way up.
It spirals upwards, probably all the way to the roof, if you wanted to go there…
However, perhaps it might be best to explore the bottom of the mansion before venturing to the top…
Climb up the spiraling staircase?
Descend to the floor you were last on?
You grasp the edge of the railing to get a better view.
Craning your neck, you follow each swirl of the spiral staircase; it seems to go on forever…
How would it look to stand on the last step and peer down at the minuscule floor you stand on now?
Following the spirals has made you dizzy, you stare back at your own shoes and step on the first step.
The ancient staircase lets out an uneasy creak as you plant your weight onto the next step.
Each step groans in protest as you continue your ascent to the top step.
Perhaps if you were to close your eyes…
No, it would be much better to try to focus on something else…
You look up again, dizzyingly, its hard to tell where the staircase stops spiraling sickeningly upwards
How far does it go? The attic? The master bedroom? The roof?
Like the rest of the house, its hard to tell how long its been since someone has used this staircase, someone living anyways…
You look back down at your progress, so far so good, you can barely see the bottom of the stairwell anymore.
You must keep going.
This becomes the mantra firmly planted in your mind
“Must keep going…must keep going…”
What a triumphant victory it will be to reach the very top; you picture each step as the next goal.
Confidence meets you with each step up the spiraling case. Each step you take is like conquering a fear.
Soon the steps become your current goals; hopeful goals for the future.
“This step is for getting to the top…” You think as you pass over the step in front of you.
“This step is for finding a way out…” You whisper to yourself, continuing to climb.
“This step is for getting out of this place…alive…” You shout as your foot lands on the next step.
Suddenly, the ancient step you have climbed onto gives way sending the rotten board to collapse underneath you!
Thinking fast you jump towards the railing to avoid falling through the missing step.
Slowly, the rotted railing begins to give way, as you free fall towards the floor so far below…
You look upwards, passing floor after floor as your body completes your endless descent; hitting the floor with a sickening thud.
Your last vision grows hazy as you follow the spiral upwards…forever…how far does it go?…you’ll never know…
Pity really…some goals are just impossible to meet…
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
You steady yourself as you walk down the shingles and onto the thin wall connecting the house to the cemetery.
You walk along the beam slowly, trying not to make any sudden movements or lose your balance.
You crouch low in order to get a better grip of the beam and you come to the cemetery wall.
Bracing yourself, you jump from the onto the soft earth and roll in order to land safely.
You’ve done it! You’ve entered the cemetery!
You descend the main stairwell of the mansion and enter a very dusty room…
Cobwebs coat the dining rooms every inch and dust scatters as you walk in the room.
The table itself is rather large, complete with a setting for a family of 6 and than some, you sit down at the nearest chair.
The room almost seems like it has been trapped in time, common enough to be seen in your own home, yet so ancient that it is covered with dust.
You examine the ugly portraits on the walls, and the fireplace that was once in use.
You see a rickety staircase leading upward to the right of the table setting and a small empty room with some sort of trap door to your left.
You decide to follow the cold path as you continue walking through the darkness. With your palms outstretched you attempt to fill the void that your sense of sight has left with your sense of touch. Suddenly your hands make contact with a cool hard substance ahead, from the texture you assume it to be clay. Following the clay you realize that it is actually a staircase leading upwards out of the tunnel.
without hesitation you begin to climb the makeshift staircase and prop open the trap door to the outside world.
You make sure to pinch your nose before raising the glass to your nose, not that you can’t smell the putrid liquid already.
A quick exhale and you tip the glass to your lips, letting the liquid seep inward and down your awaiting throat. Suddenly you begin to gag as you drop the glass; it shatters on the cool cellar floor below you.
Your throat feels like it’s on fire, and the taste surely doesn’t help either. Coughing and hacking you manage to grip onto the edge of the Wine Barrel for support, however this plan is short-lived as you begin to falter.
Feeling faint you stumble backward, with a firm grip still on the rotted barrel a few loud snaps and creaks bring the face down with you.
As you shiver on the floor with pieces of rotted wood in your hands you’ve opened a stream for the wine to spout from, however instead of hearing the familiar splashing of liquid hit the floor your ears are treated to sickening thuds around your legs.
Sitting up you can see the source of this horrific sound; the bodies of roaches and rats slowly pour from the makeshift hole almost like a waterfall of corpses.
Funny, you should have inspected the drink for hairs first…
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
You decide that checking out the trap door may be interesting, and could lead to an undiscovered portion of the house. You nimbly open the old door as it creaks in protest, in it’s wake you find that several spiders have decided to make the door part of their respective webs and you wonder how many spiders have had the same idea deeper down. Looking downward you’re able to make out a stone staircase that have since lost their sharp angles and are instead rough and slope-like. Propping the door against the wall you begin your descent down the staircase. As the light slowly fades from above you can hear the faint sound of running water.
Perhaps you’re walking just under the house plumbing? This cannot be however as the raging waters are much too loud to be drain water. The staircase levels off to a ground floor of clay which lead ahead to a large gap. You realize that between the gap is a constant source of flowing water littered with autumn leaves making it’s way under the house. Curiosity gets the best of you as your eyes follow the stream as far as you can before you come to a wall and an overhanging gate that separates this room from the next. The only way you’d be able to follow the water any farther would be diving in and swimming under the gate just over the top of the water.
Without hesitation you dart straight ahead just as the spectral foe begins to lower his body toward your own. The hedge maze is impossibly intricate, and even if you had a map it would be still pose a challenge to follow the correct path. With the fog thick and heavy and the hedges looking identical to one another you find yourself lost. The cackling now seems miles away, so you’ve managed to shake the ghost from your tail to say the least. Perhaps if you were to attempt to climb the hedge and get a better view? No, the hedges tower over yourself at this point, and even having one carry your body weight as you climb upwards would be expecting too much. With your lungs sore and winded you stop to get a better view of the maze; a path directly ahead of you carries on to right, while the other seems to twist deeper into the maze.
Take the twisting path to the left?
You ease yourself into the water, surprisingly it’s not chilling but instead lukewarm. Fully clothed you swim toward the gate and ducking as you approach its towering appearance. After you pop your head back up from under the water you glance back at the gate which seems farther away than just seconds prior. You realize that the current has picked up and is directing you around the stream at a very quickened pace, your attempts to reach the shore go unfulfilled as the flowing water has a mind of it’s own.
Suddenly from up ahead you can spot an overhanging wall that just comes to the top of the water, you quickly dive under not a minute too soon and wonder how long you’ll have to hold your breath.
The current slows as you regain control of the situation, however the water has gotten deeper and even as the overhanging wall has ended you’re met with a large room filled with water to which there appears to be no end to it.
Well, I suppose the only way to go from here is up.
You begin climbing the kitchen staircase…You grasp the rusty railing and ascend the giant staircase.
As you climb up the steps you notice that the light from above is gradually dimming.
Soon you find yourself in complete darkness, feeling you way up the never ending staircase.
After what seems like a century of climbing, you finally reach the top of the staircase as you stand in a thin opening.
You push up to open the trapdoor that leads into the attic…
The attic is nearly bare, but filled with light shining through the holes in the rafters.
You balance on the beams and look through the holes to rooms below.
Surprisingly, the attic is only large enough to fit above one bedroom.
The attic itself is rather bare, only two paintings hang on the wall and the wallpaper has been ripped through to the brick.
The floor itself is in need of much repair.
You bend over to inspect the room below once more.
If only you could find someway of getting inside…
Looking to the left you can see a spiraling
staircase leading upwards…
You could possibly use the staircase to get down a floor and explore the room below you now, or you could go upwards to a higher level…
Perhaps you could find an alternative way down however, the floor looks pretty worn, better choose quickly!
Approach the Spiral Staircase?
Your arms become heavy, but you must not give up! Struggling you pump your limbs through the water your lungs becoming desperate for air.
The murky water prevents you from seeing directly in front of you, but something from above has captured your attention…
A single ray of light pierces the water and continues downward where you lose sight of it, but where is the light coming from? Looking upwards you can see the rippling moon casting light into the water; the surface!
Your lungs begin convulsing madly as you try your best not to open your mouth for doing so would allow a rush of the murky water access to your body. Your legs thrust madly in the water as you keep your sights on the moon.
Your finger tips reach outward and you can feel the air, next second you’ve reached the surface of the water, breaking the reflection of the moon into a million pieces.
Panting loudly you grab hold of the brick surrounding you in order to get a few desperate breaths in. Looking upward you can see the circular pattern of bricks working their way upwards the moon; a single bucket hangs by a rope that sways silently above. You’ve come up in the well.
But how to escape this brick prison? Your eyes follow the rope upwards, if you were to shimmy your way up the rope you could reach the top of the well. However from the state of the rope it looks as though it may give way at any second, something undesirable if it’s to take you to the top.
You could however dive back under the water and check for an alternative escape, after all, the misty water surrounds the well so the drain must be close to where you float now. Either decision doesn’t look too promising.
Hoisting yourself upward with the rope you get your footing onto the wooden bucket hanging just on the surface of the water, so far so good.
You wrap your legs around the rope, and begin to tug yourself up with your arms. The cool autumn air whispers through the cracks of the well as you continue your steady climb to the top, trusting the rope to hold your weight. Your path is illuminated by the moonlight which grows persistently stronger as you ascend higher and higher; with a final tug you’ve placed yourself just inches from the brim of the well.
As you attempt to reach outward to grasp the edge the rope creaks in protest, leaning toward the brim you can barely touch the cool brick as the creaking grows steadily louder.
You grasp the cool brick with your fingers, your legs ache from underneath as you keep them firmly placed on the brick.
With a final heave you manage to pull yourself out of the well and only solid ground once again. Panting you arise to your feet and look down the well, it certainly is a long way down, and thanks to the rope you’ve managed to make it out alive.
You observe the crank mechanism to your left attached to the well, your eyes follow the crank and spool to the rope that leads down and disappears into the darkness. You grasp the mechanism and begin to turn it, it whines in protest and slowly twists causing the rope to coil on the spool. Using two hands you shift your weight into turning the crank as you faintly hear the bucket hitting the sides of the well. Next second you can clearly see the bucket make its journey toward the brim of the well, something shiny has been collected inside. As the bucket ends its climb it hits the top of the spool causing the metal object to hit off the edges of the bucket.
Reaching inside you slowly withdraw a thin metal object, a key!
You admire the design of the key taking into account the pattern in the center bearing great familiarity with the gate.
The gate! You look towards the entrance of the house and sure enough the pattern is exactly the same on both key and gate.
Rushing through the knee-high grass and ancient cobblestones surrounding the mansion you approach the gate with your key in hand.
You find the lock in the center of the gate, dividing the two heavy wrought iron doors that have trapped you inside the property. With great difficulty you manage to twist the key inside of its rusty hole, an ancient mechanism causes the gate to crack loudly. As if by request the gate slowly creaks open, the sound breaking the silence of the midnight autumn, and allowing you to pass into the forest beyond.
Your face is beaming as you run out toward the road, this was certainly enough of an adventure for one day…
Happy Hallowe’en!
Congratulations! You have completed the Mad Monster Mansion: Choose Your Own Adventure Story! Was this not the ending you were hoping for? Well theres no problem, you can always go back to the beginning and try for another story altogether!
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&nnbsp; bsp;
You decide that diving downward will probably fare better than having to dive upwards, especially given how tired your arms are.
Taking in a large lungful of air you plunge back under the water determined to find an exit.
As you kick away from the light from the moon above you’re able to make out an underwater “swooshing” sound that slowly increases it’s volume. You hope that the sound doesn’t pose a threat and perhaps the noise is simply your own legs displacing water, but even as you slow down the noise remains repetitive.
Suddenly from up ahead you can see a tiny box of light cutting through the water; it must be an exit out of the well! Sure enough as you near the light you’re able to see that the light continues into a tunnel and back out to the mansion itself.
As you attempt to swim through the tunnel a splitting pain shoots up your leg! Your scream allows a bit of water to fill your lungs as you quickly shut your mouth and swiftly turn around.
You can feel a force begin to coil around your leg and tug your body backwards, you kick and attempt to escape the force but your efforts are in vain.
As you near the swooshing object more vine-like objects begin to coil around your arms, neck and torso. The coils around your torso begin to squeeze tightly causing your lungs to become crushed under their weight, twisting and squirming seems to have no effect as the vines have you completely bound. As the vines tighten you have no choice but to release your mouthful of air, no sooner had you done this had another vine forced your mouth to stay open under the disgusting taste of the murky water. Coiling around your throat the vine begins to drag your body down to the bottom of the well until it waits for its next victim…
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
You continue along the cemetery gates, looking for another exit.
Your eyes divert from the fencing to catch a tombstone you almost trip over.
Glancing down at the stone, the bronze plate catches your eye.
In curiosity you stoop lower to the plate.
Though the name is obscured you can clearly see the dates 1398-1498.
100 years of living on the nose, who knows if you’ll make it that far…
Though the stone looks rather weathered and worn you figure you could read the whole nameplate.
However, you should also continue to search for an exit…
You enter the trapdoor leaving the world of fog and hedges behind you as you continue into the darkness. While the floor of the path is clear of any debris the top of the path is covered with thick roots of the hedges that have broken through. Keeping your head low you continue walking straight into the darkness with your arms outstretched. Suddenly, your palms make contact with cool earth which means that the path has run out!
Reaching to your sides you realize that the path continues to either side, simply creating a split in the path and not ending. Outstretching your palm to the left you can feel a warm breeze casually moving through the darkness, to your right is instead much colder with a constant creaking sound coming from deep within the path.
You lean inwards to inspect the headstone more carefully; the name plate is obscured from the amount of moss that coats it.
You quickly rub off the debris to get a closer look.
No good. Even if you were to remove every last spot of moss, the headstone is just too worn to make anything out…
Attempting to feel the embossed letters on the stone doesn’t get you much farther either.
As you reach the stone for support as you begin to rise up, you can feel the uneasiness of being watched…
You wheel around to catch the culprit, but the only thing you can make out in the thick fog is the seemingly endless rows of headstones.
You stand above the stone overlooking the plot of land it sits on, it almost looks new.
Quite odd that such an old stone would occupy what appears to be newly upturned soil.
You reach down and grab a handful of black earth and sure enough it looks moist enough to have just been set today…
As you shift the earth in your fingers, you notice a long shadow stretch across the headstone…
You spin around the quickest you can, but it is too late, the rusty shovel strikes the back of your head.
Dizzyingly sick, you clutch the back of your head as you lose grip with your consciousness.
You begin to fall over yourself but not before catching an eyeful of your shovel wielding attacker.
Hard to make out in such thick fog, you can make out a tall figure wearing a cloak that goes well past his knees, he stares down at you and begins to rise the shovel over his head.
Unable to ward off the oncoming blow, you attempt to shield off the falling shovel with your arms.
No such luck, the shovel hits the back of your head, causing the sound to echo in your mind as you completely lose consciousness.
 nbsp; ;
You wake up. How much time has passed? You can’t seem to recall what happened after you were knocked about with the shovel.
The back of your head is still throbbing, and the roof of your mouth is unnaturally dry.
You can see nothing but darkness ahead of you, it feels as though you are lying on a table…
You attempt to feel your way though the darkness, but as you rise your arms they stop short just in front of your face.
More wood?
You try to feel the sides of the darkness, only to be met with more wood…
A box? Could you be in a closet?
You begin to pound on the wood in front of your face, perhaps you can force one of the sides open that way…
Your efforts are met with a trickle of black earth to pour onto your face.
Gagging on the soil, you realize that you are not in a closet, or a box…
You have been buried alive just underneath the headstone you were inspecting.
You begin to scream, but it will do you no good; nobody can hear your voice under 6 feet of fresh soil…
You begin to flail and kick in a feeble attempt to break out of your box prison.
As you kick, your feet make contact with an object placed at the other end.
It looks like some of the remains of the previous occupant of this casket weren’t completely removed when your unconscious body was added and buried…
Trying not to think about which body part you have just kicked, you try to pound the lid open just a crack to allow you an escape.
Unfortunately, the six feet of packed earth just above you appears to be much too heavy to shift…
As the oxygen within the casket begins to thin, you face the utmost definition of irony as you die within the coffin.
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
You continue along the cemetery gates, looking for another exit.
But unfortunately for you, an exit gate is nowhere to be found in the cemetery…
You approach the gate again for another check around the gates, but a ghastly sound beside you makes you turn swiftly around…
A tombstone has yanked itself out of the ground and is making its way towards you!
Run through the Cemetery Gate?
You rush towards the cemetery gate and tug it as hard as you can, but it is firmly locked shut!
You rattle the bars and kick the lock, but nothing is working!
You turn around just in time to see the tombstone tackle you over and begin its work on the next guest to the cemetery…
Oh dear.
I suppose that wasn’t quite the happy ending you were looking for, was it?
Well don’t feel so bad, you’ll always have another shot of choosing a happy ending!
Click here to try again.
You quickly decide to go into the church, this would be safer than dealing with animated gravel…
You grasp the heavy door and begin to tug, but it is much too heavy!
You try with all of your might to shift the door even an inch but it seems impossible…
You turn away from the door to see the tombstone running at you!
With one great tug you open the giant door and close it behind you!
A metal thunk is heard as the tombstone tries to pass the door.
You decide to follow the warm path as you continue walking through the darkness. The path begins to get gradually warmer providing you with a small comfort as the thick roots coming through the roof begin to lessen as you continue down the path.
From up ahead a crack of light is exposed revealing a skinny staircase leading upward, without hesitation you begin climbing the stairs.
Your face is doused with candle light as you prop open the trap door at the top of the stairs. You analyze the room you’ve just walked into, you assume that the trap door in the maze has lead you to a tiny room inside the mansion itself.
The left wall is decorated with several large wine barrels, to your right is a single ladder leading down into another path of darkness. Looking toward the barrels you take note of how old they appear, perhaps they’re still filled with a cool wine that has improved with age… You’re suddenly aware of how thirsty you are.
On top of the nearest barrel is an old tin mug that appears quite clean. If you were to twist the valve of the barrels you might just get a refreshing drink.
You enter the church with a great feeling of confusion.nbsp; You should be feeling safe for being in a sanctuary, but you cannot help but feel doomed in this church…
You walk down the aisle, your footsteps echoing against the church walls.
Unlike the cellar, the church is not dark or dusty, but it is clean and light, perhaps this is what makes it feel so off…
Rows upon rows of pews are lined on the floor, and a lone ancient organ towers over the surroundings.
Suddenly, you notice a large door next to you leading up to the clock tower.
You open the door to the October winds as a cool breeze crosses your face.
You notice that while you have been inside the church it has begun to rain. Not enough to drench you, but enough to make you slightly damp.
You climb up the tower further when you see it…
Through a thick forest of blackened trees, on the edge of the forest lies a single house full of lights, laughter and music…Rare Gamer’ “Mad Monster Bash”…
You climb the cardinal pole to get a better view of the festivities…
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes the cardinal rod of the clock tower and your eyes are filled with flashing lights.
You limp body falls to the ground of the cemetery from the roof.
“Wait, wait, somethings happening!” A strange voice shouts.
“Yeah, I can see. Hello? Can you hear us?”
Replies another.
Your eyes flutter as you wake up and your blurred vision reveals two figures in front of you.
You’re propped up against the front of the mansion.
“W-what happened?” You question.
You blink and the figures are suddenly clear.
“You fell asleep on the doorstep here last night.” Replies Luke.
“Well,” Chirps in Paul “I wouldn’t exactly call it sleeping peacefully, you were tossing around a lot.”
You than realize that the entire expedition was a dream.
“But the party…” You gasp.
“That was ended abruptly when you didn’t show up,” Luke said. “You are more important than some party.”
“Are you alright to stand?” Asks Paul.
You test out your legs and it shocks you to find out your leg is no longer broken.
“Come on then, everyone will be so happy to see you” Luke states with a smile.
As you walk down the road away from the gate you look back to see the sun slowly rise over the roof of the mansion.
Happy Hallowe’en!
Congratulations! You have completed the Mad Monster Mansion: Choose Your Own Adventure Story! Was this not the ending you were hoping for? Well theres no problem, you can always go back to the beginning and try for another story altogether!
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You decide that you should see where the stairs go before exploring the library.
You grasp the rusty railing and ascend the giant staircase.
As you climb up the steps you notice that the light from above is gradually dimming.
Soon you find yourself in complete darkness, feeling you way up the never ending staircase.
After what seems like a century of climbing, you finally reach the top of the staircase as you stand in a thin opening.
You push up to open the trapdoor that leads into the attic…
The attic is nearly bare, but filled with light shining through the holes in the rafters.
You balance on the beams and look through the holes to rooms below.
Surprisingly, the attic is only large enough to fit above one bedroom.
The attic itself is rather bare, only two paintings hang on the wall and the wallpaper has been ripped through to the brick.
The floor itself is in need of much repair.
You bend over to inspect the room below once more.
If only you could find someway of getting inside…
Looking to the left you can see a spiraling
staircase leading upwards…
You could possibly use the staircase to get down a floor and explore the room below you now, or you could go upwards to a higher level…
Perhaps you could find an alternative way down however, the floor looks pretty worn, better choose quickly!
Approach the Spiral Staircase?
You decide to take a look around the vast room.
You see that there is a large four poster bed, a small hope chest, and a chest on the other side of the room…
The chest intrigues you, what could possibly be inside? Treasure? Maps? Gold?
Should you dare open the chest?
You decide that the chest could greatly benefit your journey, and you decide to open it.
After a good tug at the top, you manage to open the chest and peer inside.
Your heart sinks, instead of gold and treasure you find hundreds of yellowed newspaper clippings.
You pick up the nearest one and begin reading…
You read the entire article and learn the mansions horrible secret, but it isn’t until you read the last clipping that the final piece is fitted:
Years ago the mansion had been accidentally set on fire, leaving one small child trapped in his crib while the flames engulfed the house.
After the surviving family members had left, builders tried re-building the house but failed to due so by a twist of fate.
The mansion had thus become a historic site and not been rebuilt.
As you finish the article, a large bang is heard behind you.
A child ghost floats behind you with a tearful expression…
You turn to see it is the child that died in the fire, its wailing sobs echo off of the room walls and makes your spine tingle.
It begins to speak, and its voice hollow and wavering.
“I…just wanted to play” It reaches out towards you, but you step back.
It begins to sob once more.
“I…I’m sorry…” It chokes through sobs.
“It’s…OK” You mutter, “I just want to get out of here.”
The child nods and you are blinded by a white light.
You wake up face down on the wet ground in the morning.
As you rise up you realize that the mansion has completely disappeared!
You can make out vague shapes of where the cellar would be, as well as the secret trapdoor, but they have been filled and coated with ash.
You hear a lone echoing sob in the distance as the gate opens if upon request.
You know you have missed the party, but you’ve had one night that would last a lifetime…
Happy Hallowe’en!
Congratulations! You have completed the Mad Monster Mansion: Choose Your Own Adventure Story! Was this not the ending you were hoping for? Well theres no problem, you can always go back to the beginning and try for another story altogether!
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Just as before, you decide that exploring your surroundings could be worthwhile!
The library is full of tattered and ratty old books to match the cobwebs around the house.
Spines of novels lay twisted and broken, whilst yellowed pages wait to be read.
You realize why someone would build a private study like this to have some time to themselves uninterrupted.
You look towards a lopsided table with a bottle of brandy set on top, the bottle remains dusty but the reddish liquid inside looks fresh and tasty.
You sit in the large red chair beside the table and look across the room, absorbing in every detail of the peaceful sanctuary.
There must be at least one hundred…no one thousand books stacked neatly in their places, row upon row and shelf on top of shelf.
The ceiling is built low and lush thick red carpet covers the floor, it is wider than it is tall but it adds to the fact that it is a small secret, and not part of the house itself.
You look around and soak up even more details.
A few torches are lit around the library, each with red wax and a pearl white wick.
The previous owner must have really liked red…
You think what it would have been like to sit in this study, as you hear your families footsteps above you as they carry on their lives.
You would than chuckle knowing nobody can bother you when you stay in the shadows so secluded…
You open your eyes after your little fantasy and look around some more.
You lie back and sigh, thinking if you could perhaps squeeze in a quick nap…
You yawn and glance at the upturned table, you are about to shut your eyes when you notice something.
A black gleam bounces with the light underneath the table…
You lose all thoughts of sleepiness as you are now fully awake.
You rush over to the table and slam it upright, you reach down and your hand touches the black metal.
You prop it up on the table and shake with excitement! You were right! It was a phone!
You look at the phone with new found appreciation, this would be your ticket home, but first, how should one operate it?
You take note of the twisting dial instead of buttons and ear piece alone instead of the traditional mouth and ear piece you have at home.
You rise the ear piece to your ear, at least, you think that is the ear piece…
You raise the entire phone to your ear and begin working the twisting dial mechanism.
You spin the dial to what you think is your number, but there is no dial tone.
You look down at the ancient phone, wishing it to tell you its secrets…
But you realize that it really doesn’t have to…
You pick up the frayed end of the cord that plugs in to the wall. The phones cord is broken…
You throw the useless thing away, in your anger you kick away the table too.
It doesn’t matter, you don’t care.
You lean against the wall in despair, so close, so close to getting out of this nightmare…
You punch the wall in anger, releasing your frustrations! The single tile you have punched presses inwards and you hear a large “Click” expel from inside…
A confusion lingers with you, but suddenly you hear gears rotating, rotating inside the very walls!
The noise and shaking works its way around the perimeter of the library and stops directly behind the chair.
You are filled with excitement and anticipation as the wall rumbles and moves slowly to reveal a secret room! But, as the room opens you see hundreds of dark figures move outwards! You back away slowly, trying to get away from the figures but it is no use as they keep a steady pace.
Suddenly, one lashes out his arm and grabs your shoulder, you scream!
“Boo” He says sarcastically, the rest of the group laugh.
As the lights in the room turn on, you see that it is filled with Rareware Archive members!
Luke approaches you from the front of the group, he is wearing a brown robe and a fake brown beard.
“Sorry for the scares, but were glad you could make it to the party.”
Suddenly, a figure dressed as a vampire leaps from behind.
“Hey, I see another member coming up the steps, better pull the gate switch guys!”
You sigh in relief and anger at the stunt pulled on you, but they were right, this certainly was a Mad Monster Bash.
And you can’t wait to be a part of it scaring the others that come to the “wrong” address…
Happy Hallowe’en!
Congratulations! You have completed the Mad Monster Mansion: Choose Your Own Adventure Story! Was this not the ending you were hoping for? Well theres no problem, you can always go back to the beginning and try for another story altogether!
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Thank-you for playing Mad Monster Mansion Choose Your Own Adventure by LerakoLanche, have a very Happy Halloween from all of us here at Rare Gamer!
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