Top 5 Most Difficult Rare Achievements
With hardened game completionists besting eachothers top scores and boasting about their heady Gamer Scores, it isn’t difficult to see why Rare has pitched in with their fair share of dedicated achievements to satiate their unrelenting desire for accomplishment. That said, there’s a fairly substantial margin between an achievement that requires a bit of concentration and time to spare to an achievement that will have you taking on a second job, pulling out tufts of your own hair whilst weeks, months and even years are whittled away to the unforgiving void.
This list focuses on the latter half of course, as we pay tribute to the most grueling achievements to come out of Twycross. These are the Top 5 Most Difficult Rare Achievements.
Swearing off a sentence of menial servitude in Banjo-Tooie for a chance at developing some quality gamesss, Klungo offered his past perks to players hoping to bag the Arcade Pwner Achievement, which was a slaving service all its own. Hardened completionists were tasked with beating all 5 meticulous level of Hero Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, which required precision jumping accuracy and nearly prophetic sense of timing. If it wasn’t enough to fill each level with towering enemies and spanning chasms, it was also plagued with glitches and bugs that made the title prone to freezing, warranting a reset that would erase your progress insofar. Manage to best these hurdles however, and you’ll walk away with the prize – the remnants of your sanity!
Tasking players to raise a single Piñata valued at over 10,000 chocolate coins in the original Viva Piñata title was no easy feat; this meant you had to have an uncommon piñata that had been pampered exuberantly well requiring hours of dedication, or pile expensive accessories onto them until they resembled a high-end coat rack. The crowning glory expected for this ‘cheevo however, was to fully mature a Dragonache which was valued at 11,000 chocolate coins by default. Coming across this incredibly rare creature was no easy feat, as players would be given a laundry list of expected chores that wasn’t limited to digging an elaborate mine though their gardens, and sacrificing choice piñata residents to appease it. This achievement is quite a chore to unlock, requiring days and even weeks of dedicated gardening and luck to earn it.
When the original Jetpac title had been featured in Donkey Kong 64, it came at the chagrin at many players deeming the challenge too difficult to capture the sought-after Rare Coin. Sensing this, Rare knew that tasking players with completing the expected 5 levels would be too heady and they instead set the bar at an understandable 128 – nearly 25 as many! While Jetpac Refuelled does save your progress as you play as a bit of leeway, you’re still provided the same share of lives to brave the final frontier – once you’ve jettisoned your last jetman, you’ll have to restart your progress from your last evolved ship. Given the waves of resistance you’ll have to brave with your limited lives, you’ll likely find yourself replaying the same handfuls of levels over and over again, desperately trying to reach the next checkpoint.
While the complimentary Party Pack DLC was alluring enough, the chance to nab 10 extra achievements was too much for those hoping to increase their Gamer Score. Unfortunately, for casual players looking for an easy workout, the Kilometer King achievement was interested in sheer gripping athleticism or bust. Selecting the Rapid Runner event from the Track & Field menu would set players up with enduring a spanning trek with the ill-seated ambition of completing an in-game kilometer. If this weren’t enough, the kilometer followed a strict time limit that would see players racing the clock, struggling to arrive at the designated rest stop and add a few pitiful seconds more. While Kinect Sports is determined to make even the most pasty atrophied gamer feel like a sports star, it’s surely easier to run a real kilometer…
Setting the trend with escalating difficulty settings, GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark‘s 00 Agent and Perfect Agent mode brought an unfathomable level of frustration to gamers in their heyday. Hardly ignoring the trend inspired by its predecessors, Perfect Dark Zero also featured daunting difficulties, with the added incentive of earning achievements for completing each one. Masquerading as the last difficulty setting, Perfect Agent tasked players with besting ridiculously intelligent A.I. with precision accuracy. Acquiring the Perfect Agent achievement would be mandatory in unlocking the final hidden Dark Agent difficulty, which made the previous efforts seem like a joke. If you strive for perfection as much as Joanna Dark does, this achievement is wholly necessary for a ‘perfect’ Gamer Score.
Categories: Top 5 Lists
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