Top 5 Rare Opening Introductions
Even with todays next-gen titles involving Space Marines and other such nonsense, our first impression of any title is often made during its opening cinematic where we’ll be provided with a small taste of untold things to come. Rare have been delivering steadily on this front since their days as Ultimate, with each introductory sequence becoming more ambitious than the last. While it’s been no easy task, we’ve been searching through the archives to compile the best openings that have gone on to set us in the right mood with its visual splendor and definitive Rare humor and style. Ignoring the tempting messages to press start when prompted, we’ve cataloged the best and boldest intros that still have us entertained to this day — these are the Top 5 Rare Opening Introductions.
Before Bad Fur Day was effectively shocking the masses with its vulgar indecencies, gritty wartime commentary and jokes about poo-poo, the title was planned to be released as Conker’s Twelve Tales, which was much in the vein of Banjo-Kazooie with a cutesy animal based platformer. While Twelve Tales had been in development prior to any anthropomorphic adventures , it wasn’t doing the title any favors in eschewing itself from both Diddy Kong Racing and Banjo-Kazooie. To combat this, Conker was torn down to its ankles and retooled as Bad Fur Day, with our first impression given as soon as we started up the title. Tearing through the much-loved Nintendo 64 logo with a chainsaw and laughing maniacally as he tosses it aside, Conker gripped us from the beginning and never let go.
With both titular characters of aforementioned Banjo-Kazooie based on their respective musical instruments, was there ever any doubt that their introductions would involve some sort of hoedown? Probably not, all things considered – it’s still pretty quirky to us. But doing well to establish its tone early on prepared us for the zany antics and oddball humor to follow. Breaking the forth wall early on with a quick knock to our television screens, Banjo begins the hoedown and is quickly joined by the bantering cacophony of Kazooie and little sister Tooty on piccolo. Stealing the show altogether is Mumbo-Jumbo, whose efforts to upstage the Bear and Bird duo are hardly thwarted as the shaman uses his magic to call forth an endless supply of instruments at his disposal. It’s a real hoedown turned showdown!
As discussed in our Grabbed by the Ghoulies Spotter’s Guide, Ghoulhaven Hall is chock full of reference towards Rare past releases and characters, so its no surprise that a few dozen would find their way into the introduction. Flipping through the pages of the Rare bonus book showcases a full page dedicated to the Ultimate: Play the Game, with artwork for Sabrewulf, Jetpac, Tranz Am and Pssst as well as an old staff photo. More page turning reveals a plethora of Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie renders that takes us to the main title screen where we’ll be treated to the iconic Grabbed by the Ghoulies theme. With a history lesson covering Rares humble beginnings and an unforgettable theme that you’ll be humming for weeks, Ghoulies delivers its humor and dedication in spades.
Following a title like Grabbed by the Ghoulies, you would hardly expect Perfect Dark Zero to find room for paying tribute to Ultimate hits of yesteryear while it’s busy co-ordinating all of its explosions and shooter fare. Set aside your presumptions however and you’ll lay witness to a game of Jetpac turn triumphant as hero Jetman carries away the Rare logo to an awe-encompassing score complete with retro sound bytes. Hardly finished with blowing our minds, Perfect Dark Zero takes some time to show off Joanna endless arsenal in a visual style not uncommon to the opening of a Bond film. Set to the score Glitter Girl, we can say with much confidence that Perfect Dark Zero has one of the most interesting musical choices for any Rare game introduction sequence. Well, unless you count…
We’re sorry, but it had to be done. Breaking away from the previous conventions of the Donkey Kong Country trilogy, Donkey Kong 64 was set to bring the latest trends and musical dominance to the masses with its so-bad-it’s-good Donkey Kong Rap. While the rap was received as controversial, it does its job well with introducing a new score of gamers to the members of the DK Crew, along with their respective abilities. As evidence of its enduring legacy, the Rap has since appeared in Super Smash Bros. Melee, a feat that no other introduction theme on this list has behind it. Composer Grant Kirkhope has officially gone on record apologizing for his part in creating the DK Rap, but the wounds caused by listening to lyrics about grapes, melons and oranges will never heal… HUH!
Categories: Top 5 Lists
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