Top 5 Old-School (Oddball) Rare Sports ripe for Kinect Sports DLC
With the arrival of the Basketball Challenge Pack in April, Rare have introduced a brand new means of play in Kinect Sports: Season Two that was previously unheard of. After all, the previous Challenge Packs that we’ve managed to receive featured a few modest extensions to our familiar events, so we were rather taken aback with Rare‘s latest offering finding independence from the group. While this naturally has us interested to see what new sorts of events find their way onto the roster, we can’t help but usher the process along a tad…
That’s right, it’s another look back into Rare‘s library of yore to see if there’s any contenders amongst the previous sporty offerings that would find a new home in Kinect Sports: Season Two. While they may be a bit dated, the events are anything but run-of-the-mill, even finding themselves brushing uncomfortably against the lines of utter lunacy and absolute ridiculousness. These are the Top 5 Old-School (Oddball) Rare Sports ripe for Kinect Sports DLC.
With its previously mentioned Challenge Pack out of the gate, Kinect Sports: Season Two has managed to bring the game of basketball along with the standard rules of fair play and sportsmanship to the masses. You know what didn’t really need to come along? The standard rules of fair play and sportsmanship. Enter the conditions of Arch Rivals: A Basketbrawl!, which Rare released on the NES way back in 1990. Anything goes on this court; use your fists to clear a path towards the hoop or trip up the competition by pulling their pants down if they gain an early lead! With the technical elements already implemented for Basketball, it shouldn’t be too much of a stretch to have us merging the event with boxing, right Rare?
Cowabunga’s and Gnarly’s all-round dudes for this stereotypical assault set to offend a crowd of Californian’s isn’t about to stay on the shores! Following exciting events like Footbag (Hacky Sack), BMX and Roller Skating, the introduction of Surfing in competitive compilation California Games was Rare‘s ticket to add insult to injury. When you’re ready to hit the radical waves, grab a bogus board and have your tubular teen hang ten to a rendition of The Sufaris’ Wipeout! Just be sure to avoid bailing from your board or you’ll tempt the stalking shark to head in for an early lunch! With the Kinect Sports Shark mascot making itself an ideal contender to be found in our nightmares, stick that foam predator with his frozen stare in the water and see if we don’t spill from our boards after we’re paralyzed with fear.
Taking their widely held belief of cultural expectations to the world stage, Rare gave Californian’s a break with their NES release of World Games where they would encourage global stereotyping for the next decade. Take a quick trip to Canada for instance – if you can stand the cold – and you’ll find our national event summed up with Log Rolling. You’ll be pitted against an equally burly looking lumberjack as you attempt to shift him from the shared log and into the drink; do it in record time before you’ve fallen in as well and you’ll win the event! While the Kinect Sports equivalent of this event would be interesting to see, we’d be lying if we said we weren’t interested in seeing how Rare manages to squeeze in all of the Mascot Moose, Beaver and Polar Bear all under the same Canuck Challenge Pack, eh?
If you can find some time in between gripping your steering wheel with white-knuckle endurance and bracing yourself for the impact of nuclear fallout, you’ll find that Blast Corps features a number of bonus missions that will have you taking your mind off of the whole ‘saving the world’ thing. In one of the more surreal missions that Blast Corps features, you’ll be tasked with navigating Ramdozer around massive billiards table suspended in space with the hopes of sinking in all of the explosive cartel into the corner pockets. While we might imagine that fine-tuning the Kinect to deal with each sensitive nudge and slight movement might be a little overwhelming, if Rare were to provide us a massive billiard board to traverse with our entire bodies working as the cue, we would be well on our way to reliving this absolute blast!
If you haven’t been properly initiated in the rites of Mayan Kickball, it’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate your so-called life thus far. Found deep inside the likes of Mayahem Temple and Hailfire Peaks, this ancient sport was played by four opposing goaltenders all facing one another. Lacking any means of offense or defense, the keeper would be expected to venture out onto the full-contact field and bring back as many golden kickballs to their own goal as possible, while kicking in as many red negation balls into the others. The game can get very heated quite quickly, and when a free-for-all manifests itself on the field during the last dwindling seconds, a Kinect Sports rendition is sorely missing out on all of the high-caliber kickball action. Set us up with this one, Rare and the next Challenge Pack will sell itself!
Categories: Top 5 Lists
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