Welcome to Rare Gamer!
Rising from the remains of the charred husk that was Rareware Archives, we may be boasting a new name and a new look but the aim is the same; to be your premier Rare news and information source.
The big news for the change from Rareware Archives to Rare Gamer is that we are no longer just a Rare site – we now write about other games as well. Yup, you’ve been asking for it and now we can deliver! There’s no hard and fast rules for what games we’ll be writing about. The guiding principle is that it has to interest our staff. As long as that box is ticked then the Rare Gamer team will be writing about any game or gaming issue they like so you can expect to see quite a mix of articles (I refer you to Dr_Worm’s brilliant PS Vita review and demo round-up as great examples of what you can expect to see). If there’s a game that you’d like us to cover then please contact us to give us your suggestions. We want to hear from you!
Of course, just because we now cover other games, it doesn’t mean that the Rare love has dimmed in any way. As well as covering all the latest Rare news, our team are constantly beavering away on content for Rare’s classic games of yesteryear. To make sure that all of this content is quickly and easily available to you, we’ve come up with the Rareware Archives; you’ll see the link nestled at the top of the screen. Click on this to make a snazzy drop-down menu appear that lists all of the consoles that Rare have developed for over the years. Click on your desired console to bring up a page listing all of the Rare games made for that console. Then you can click on your chosen game to bring up a list of the content we currently have for it on Rare Gamer. We’re hopeful that this makes hunting down info on your favourite Rare games even easier than it was back on our old site.
Please head on over to our forums, get yourselves signed up and get posting. Anything is up for discussion over there (within the boundaries laid out by the forum rules obviously). For the budding games journalists amongst you I draw special attention to the member reviews forum. If you have the urge to write about a game we want you to share it with us. Those who consistently post well-written and entertaining reviews will be invited to join the Rare Gamer staff as a contributor.
At this point I have to give my huge thanks to Goombs and Jacko, and Lerako and the rest of the Rare Gamer staff who have all done so much to get this new site up and running. I couldn’t have done it without them and I am very grateful.
So, all that remains is for me to officially declare Rare Gamer open for business. We hope you like the new site and continue to use us as your one-stop-shop for Rare news, info and discussion. If you have any questions or points to raise about our new look then please let us know.
Categories: Staff Notices
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