Fox’s Adventure Begins

I. Starfox Adventures Introductions
II. Fox’s Adventure Begins
III. Ice Mountain
IV. ThornTail Well
V. DarkIce Mines and the First Spell Stone
VI. Moon Mountain Pass & Volcano Force Point Temple
VII. Second Krazoa Spirit
VIII. CloudRunner Fortress & The Second SpellStone
IX. Ocean Force Point Temple
X. LightFoot Village
XI. Walled City
XII. Fourth Krazoa Spirit
XIII. Dragon Rock
XIV. Ocean Force Point Temple Part 2
XV. Walled City Part 2
XVI. Final Krazoa Spirits & Andross
The Great Fox
Meanwhile in a lost corner of the Lylat System… The Great Fox can be seen floating through space. Inside are our famous heroes. Slippy is working on Robs components. After getting to know our heroes a little, General Pepper sends in a transmission.
General Pepper: “General Pepper here. I have a new mission for you Fox. You are approaching Dinosaur Planet, an ancient world on the edge of the Lylat System. As you will see, chunks of the planet are being torn from its surface! It’s your job to get them back! If Dinosaur Planet explodes, it could affect the entire Lylat System! The only lead we have is that you must locate the queen of the EarthWalker dinosaur tribe. Maybe she can help you further. By the way, your fee has been approved. If you are successful, then the money will be forwarded to you immediately. Pepper out.”
Arwing Flight #1
This will be your very first arwing flight through the Lylat System. The goals for these flights are simple: fly through the given amount of gold rings to lower the force field to reach your destination. In this case for your first flight, you must fly through one gold ring. As you begin you will be greeting by many asteroids flying in your path. It is optional to shoot them out to receive points and to create a high score. Other objects include enemies and mines. You will also find silver rings and item boxes with an “S” on them. Along with gold rings, silver rings will heal your Arwing. Item boxes will contain power ups. Go ahead and fly through one gold ring and you will arrive in Thorntail Hollow within seconds.
ThornTail Hollow
Upon landing on the quiet, beautiful planet of Thorntail Hollow, General Pepper will speak through your transmitter explaining how to use your new Communicator. He briefs you on your mission: talk to the local Thorntails to receive information. Slippy is also working on a translator for you. North of your arwing is a circle of flowers surrounded by palm trees. Head over there and pick up Krystal’s staff. Krystal’s voice will be heard explaining the uses of the staff.
“If you are receiving this message, then I am in great danger. The staff you hold in your hands is a powerful weapon. You must learn to use it wisely. It will give you guidance when its powers can be used. My staff’s main use is in combat. And in time your skills will grow. Try different actions to release its powerful attacks. You can also use it to explore the world around you. Try lifting rocks or knocking items out of trees. I’m sure you will find it very useful. Take care of my Staff and it will take care of you.”
After her brief message, head north past a small fence and into a little gated area by the mountain. This is where you will test your combat skills with your new weapon. Four SharpClaws with run out of the tunnel in the mountain and attack you. Do not worry about them ganging up on you; it is a one on one battle. When a red heart is above your enemy, press the A button to attack them. Try and repeatedly press A to make combos. Wait until your enemies guard is down to attack. After all four SharpClaws are dead, the Staff will feel that you will be its new owner for now. A sun shaped tile will appear above the door on the mountain, and a circle door can be seen lowering on the other side of Thorntail Hollow.
Now it’s time to head over to the newly opened door. Exit the gated area and head to your right across the river. Head north past the Thorntails and behind the circular mountain. Enter the door in the wall and you will find a rock in the center of the room. Press A next to it and you will use your staff to wedge the rock off. Step through the hole. Follow the tunnel into the next room. You will find a small pond surrounded by glowing circles around it with staff energy gems. These gems are used to shoot fire from your staff. But first you need to get the upgrade. Pick up all the staff energy gems and swim to the center of the pond. Stand on the golden circle and press A. Your staff will now be upgraded and can now shoot energy fire crystals. Rotate the c stick until the fire shooter is highlighted and press A. Aim at the red button on the wall next to the gate to raise it up. Head back through the tunnel and press A under the glowing light to return to the surface of Thorntail Hollow.
Head back where you fought the four SharpClaws. Aim your staff at the sun tile on the mountain and shoot it. This will raise the door to open a new path. Head down the path to find the Queen EarthWalker. Talk to her only to be responded with dino-talk. Slippy informs you that you must go to Ice Mountain which is where her son is being held. Head straight out of the fenced area until you come across a bomb spore plant. Use your staff and fire at it to make it release spores. Collect the spores and run past the Thorntails to the corner of the wall. Find the crack in the wall with the bomb spore patch beneath it. Highlight a bomb spore and use it with the patch. Let it grow and then fire at it with your staff to make the wall explode. Head inside to find the might gate stone statue.
For now, head back behind you and will find large boulders on the ground. Stand next to one and press A. Repeatedly tap the A button to release scarabs from the rock. Let go by pressing B. Collect one of the scarabs that jumped out. The scarabs are the currency of the Thorntails. As of now you can only collect ten. Lift another rock to fill your pockets with ten scarabs. Run across the river into the cave in the wall. Climb down the ladder and make your way through the end, only to be greeted by a floating SharpClaw looking like storeowner. He will explain about his store and what he sells. Browse his store until you find some Rock Candy. Purchase the Rock Candy; he will try and negotiate a price. Go ahead and offer 9 scarabs; he will sell it to you.
Head out of the store and to the gate stone statue. Walk around the pond over the bridge and turn right to jump over the little gap to the gate stone. Highlight the Rock Candy with the c stick and use it on the gate stone. He will gladly take his meal and eat it. He asks who bothers him after a slumber for over 1,000 years. You ask if he can help you. He finally decides to help warp you to Ice Mountain. When given the option, move the analog stick to the left to choose Ice Mountain. You walk into his hands and you will be teleported to Ice Mountain.