Starfox Adventures Walkthrough

Welcome to the official Rareware Archives Starfox Adventures walkthrough. This guide will be designed to travel deep into the story line, characters, levels, and the step by step directions to completing the game to its 100% mark, covering all the hidden secrets and mysteries within. Please be aware that this is my first walkthrough ever written so if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at
I. Starfox Adventures Introductions
II. Fox’s Adventure Begins
III. Ice Mountain
IV. ThornTail Well
V. DarkIce Mines and the First Spell Stone
VI. Moon Mountain Pass & Volcano Force Point Temple
VII. Second Krazoa Spirit
VIII. CloudRunner Fortress & The Second SpellStone
IX. Ocean Force Point Temple
X. LightFoot Village
XI. Walled City
XII. Fourth Krazoa Spirit
XIII. Dragon Rock
XIV. Ocean Force Point Temple Part 2
XV. Walled City Part 2
XVI. Final Krazoa Spirits & Andross
First Krazoa Spirit
“From the depths of space, a girl name KRYSTAL searches the truth of her parents’ death. Finding herself within a lost corner of the Lylat System, she receives a distress call from a world known as DINOSAUR PLANET. Being of a kind nature, Krystal decides to investigate…”
Riding on the back of her pterodactyl Highwind, the beautiful and heroic Krystal has received a distress call, and soars through the rainy skies looking for the source. She is then attacked by a large ship, knocking her staff out of her hands as it falls far below. The Galleon follows close behind, and the action begins.
Fire at the ship in front of you, while avoiding the great fireballs. Do not worry about being hit; you do not have a life meter. After a few harmless attacks on the cannons, the ship will rise a little bit and reveal the rotor. Fire at the spinning blades. The ship will start to close in on you making it impossible to free yourself from being hit. Remember you have no life bar so don’t panic. After all four blades are shot off, the ship will lower back down again. Resume dodging the fireballs while firing attacks at the cannons. Focus your aim on the cannons. Once both cannons are destroyed, the ship will completely turn around and you will have to destroy the dinosaur head that shoots more fireballs at you. Continue firing attacks and the ship will soon be defeated.
The Galleon
You will land on the back of the ship. Krystal thanks her friend and asks to let herself take it from there. The Pterodactyl flies away. A faint voice can be heard somewhere on the ship. Follow that voice down the stairs until you reach a wall. In a small cage you will find an infant HighWind. Press the A button to talk to the bird. Doing so will open a door near the stern of the ship. Make your way back to the back of the ship but not going up the stairs and enter either door on each side of the stairs. Navigate to the center of the ship to find a golden key. Pick this key up by pressing A. This key that you find will be to enter the great Krazoa Palace. Make your way back to the top of the ship towards the young HighWind in his cage. A cut scene will begin featuring our main villain: General Scales. After a short encounter, you are rescued by your companion HighWind and you fly off to the Krazoa Palace.
Krazoa Palace
You will find yourself walking on the sacred floors of the Krazoa Palace. Run up to the fallen EarthWalker and talk to him. He will explain that the land is not safe and if you need to doge, press the X button. Look to your left and you will find a barred door. Rotate the yellow C stick until you have highlighted the key. Use your key with the door and the door will open. Inside the door is a fuel barrel. Pick this up with A. Run back out and test your aim on the jellyfish. Press A again to throw the barrel. Defeat the two jellyfish that swarm around you, and destroy some boxes to find some unique new items. The barrel will endlessly respawn itself after detonation. Destroy the four boxes that block your path to the right of the start. Pick up another barrel and run down the stairs while avoiding the jellyfish in the next area.
Continue forth into the small alcove where you will see a crack in the wall. Throw the barrel at the wall to blow it up. Head to the right to find two barrels in a small room. Pick them up and throw them at the wall. Inside these barrels are PukPuk eggs; the basic health items that restores your hitpoints. Make your way down the hall an turn on your first right. Pick up the barrel behind the EarthWalker and blow up the crates that block your way. Watch out for the jellyfish! These harsh enemies will respawn so don’t pay much attention into killing them. You can talk to the fallen EarthWalkers if you want; they will talk to you about how they were attacked by General Scales and they will also mention some secrets of the Krazoa Palace.
Pick up another barrel and heath through the next room. Wait until the fire shooting from the wall burns out and then quickly make your way through. If you get hit, you will drop your barrel and you will have to start again. At the end of the hallway is a cracked wall. Throw the explosive square on the crack. Careful not to hit around the crack, it must be right on the crevice. If you miss, return back to where the jellyfish was in the hallway and continue down the path to find a respawn of barrels. Once the door is blasted open, enter through.
Inside this room is a barrel with a button on the floor to your right. Pick up the barrel and walk towards the switch. Stand on the switch to open up the wall on the other side of the room. Set the barrel down on the switch by standing still and pressing the A button to keep it activated. Walk into the next room to find a fallen EarthWalker and a jellyfish. Talk to the EarthWalker to begin a cut scene.
The EarthWalker explains that they have been summoned to protect the sacred palace and that they have been massacred. You learn of the Krazoa Spirits and how you must take their tests to save the planet. The EarthWalker tells you to return to him if you pass the first test. Enter the newly opened door to your right. This is where you will take your first Spirit Test. Walk onto the golden circle on the floor and press A. You will be taken to the Krazoa Shrine.
Krazoa Shrine
“You have found your way into a KRAZOA SHRINE, and within lies a KRAZOA SPIRIT. The Spirits have been hidden as they hold great powers. Powers that, if in the wrong hands, could bring terror. But in the right hands, the Spirits can bring peace. There are 6 Spirits to find and return to Krazoa Palace. If you can find the Spirit within this Shrine, and complete its test, then it will be yours.“
Run into the room in front of you. Climb the ever so tall ladder and you will find yourself in a room with obstacles. Dodge the fire shooting from the ground. Climb down the ladder in the pit with the jellyfish. Run past it and climb up the ladder on the other side. Grab the barrel sitting next to you and blow up the giant squid. This will dispel the red barrier and open up gate to continue your search for the Krazoa Spirit. Grab another barrel and kill the jellyfish in the next room. Go back and grab yet another barrel. Set the barrel on the switch in the next room to open the gate to the Spirit. Run past the fire that shoots from the walls and enter for your first Spirit Test.
This first Spirit Test is quite simple. You must keep track of which urn the Spirit is hiding in as it moves around the floor. After successfully finding the Spirit three times, the Spirit will rush into your body, using you as its holder until you release it at the Krazoa Palace.
Krazoa Palace
You will then be transported back to the Krazoa Palace. Walk back to the fallen EarthWalker to start up another cut scene.
EarthWalker: “The Shrines keep the Spirits safe from harm. But their powers are useless. Only when the spirit has been released back into the palace can it be used to stop this war.”
Run onto the rising platform behind the EarthWalker. Make your way through the tunnel and turn left. Walk onto the glowing circle on the floor the release the Krazoa Spirit. As you release the Spirit, a mysterious creature watches you from behind and attacks you. A purple beam shoots out from the spirit shrine and sends you flying into an ancient room with large fans. You are levitated to the top of the room to the outside in a giant crystal. This is the beginning of our hero Fox’s journey.