Moon Mountain Pass & Volcano Force Point Temple

I. Starfox Adventures Introductions
II. Fox’s Adventure Begins
III. Ice Mountain
IV. ThornTail Well
V. DarkIce Mines and the First Spell Stone
VI. Moon Mountain Pass & Volcano Force Point Temple
VII. Second Krazoa Spirit
VIII. CloudRunner Fortress & The Second SpellStone
IX. Ocean Force Point Temple
X. LightFoot Village
XI. Walled City
XII. Fourth Krazoa Spirit
XIII. Dragon Rock
XIV. Ocean Force Point Temple Part 2
XV. Walled City Part 2
XVI. Final Krazoa Spirits & Andross
ThornTail Hollow
Upon landing in ThornTail Hollow, a ThornTail will run up to you frantically. It seems the beacons have been put out.
After this short encounter, head across the river and to your right you will see a funny looking tree with fire shrub on it. Attack the tree and fire weed will fall out. Attack the fire weed to put the flame out. You will need to do this three times. After collecting three fire weeds, continue forward behind the three power crystal plants and you will see a slope on the wall. Scale the wall and you will find your first beacon. Set the fire weed on the beacon and have Tricky light it. Only two more to go!
Head into the area where the Warpstone is. Walk around the Warpstone and over the small bridge. In front of you is a small incline on the wall with the second beacon. Light the beacon and head towards the Queen for the third. Do not enter the Queens area; instead look to the wall on the right. There will be platforms. You’ll know you are there because there will be a poison mushroom next to the start. Jump across the platforms until you find a switch at the end behind some plants. If you want, after jumping the first gap, you can collect the two fuel cells that are on a pedestal to your right. Jump on the wall and climb to the top to collect them. Continue jumping the platforms and activate the switch to open the gate below you. Jump down and inside the gate is a ThornTail and the last beacon. Before you light it, climb the wall to your left and collect the two power cells that are on top. Jump back down and light the last beacon. A short cut scene will play featuring the ThornTail awarding you with the Moon Pass Key!
Head to the scarab shop. To the right of the entrance is a Rocket Boost tile. Use it to get to the next level and collect the two fuel cells at the end of the path. You will also notice on the roof there is a bomb spore patch. Plant a bomb there and blow it up to collapse the wall. Enter inside the cave and you will find four sun tiles on the wall. Shoot all four and a secret entrance will appear on the ground. Hop on down. Inside is another secret staff upgrade room! Head onto the golden circle in the middle of the room and press A. With this upgrade, your staff can now hold more magic.
Exit the cave and head towards the ThornTail Well to your left. Behind the well is a path with poison mushrooms. Avoid the mushrooms and you will find a wall with a crack on it. Plant a bomb spore in front of it and blow it up to create a new path. Walk through the cave and once you walk over the circular area, the ground will collapse, dropping you into a poison air area. You will start taking damage and you must find a way out quick. Keep your eye on the life bar at the bottom. Float left to the ledge and jump the two platforms to the end. Float up the air and continue down the path to the Moon Mountain Pass.
Moon Mountain Pass
Avoid the steam vents from the ground and walk down the path into a big area. SharpClaws will notice you and will drop many barrels down the path. They shouldn’t be much of a problem as they only take away a quarter of a wing every time you get it. Simply dodge the barrels and make your way to the end. Use the Moon Gate Key on the lock and go through. Walk up the slope and on your left is a small path that leads into the building. Turn left in the building and kill the two SharpClaws in the room at the end to dispel a magic force field. Exit the building and continue up the path. You will come across a stone building. Enter and you will find platforms extending out over lava. The platforms will retract back into the wall after a few seconds so time your jumping.
Once over the platforms walk through the tunnel and enter the cage with the fire blowing up. Wait until the fire extinguishers and cross the bridge ahead while avoiding the fire birds. Turn right and run up the incline while avoiding the barrels that fall. Turn left and head continue down the path until you’re in a room with more fire birds. Simply jump the gap on either side and climb up the wall.
Volcano Force Point Temple
This room you are now in is the Volcano Force Point Temple. Run up to the gate and you will find a small hole in the ground. Use the SpellStone on the ground and the path will now open.
Head down the path and kill the SharpClaw. You will notice two orbs on either side of the building. There are also two torches at the end of the bridge the changes colors. Stand on the bridge and aim at the orbs with the torches in the middle. Wait until the torch is the same color as the orb. When the colors match, shoot the orb with your fire blaster. The purpose of the torch in the middle is to have your blaster change colors once it travels through the flame. Do this to both orbs and the bars will recede. Use the SpellStone with the door and you will walk through. Inside this room you will notice a red barrier at the exit. Walk around and break some boxes to get health if you want. Soon four SharpClaws will appear and attack you. Kill them all to dispel the magic force field. Use the SpellStone with the door and it will open.
In the next room you will find two furnaces with flame symbol on them. Have Tricky light both furnaces on each side of the room to extend platforms above. Climb up the ladder and jump the gaps around the room. Time your jump because it will recede into the wall after a few seconds. Head into the previous room and jump over more gaps while avoiding flames that shoot out of the wall. Climb up the ladder at the end and run around the path collecting magic stones. Climb down the ladder on the other side and jump more gaps while avoiding flames. Jump the gap in the next room and drop down into the secret cave in the room preceding it. You’ve fallen into another staff upgrade room. Stand on the golden circle in the room and press A to receive the Ice Blast upgrade! Exit to the previous room.
There are four torches in the corners of the room and you must put them all out with your new ice blaster. Extinguish the first two and jump down on the floor. Climb the ladder and extinguish the last two torches. This will open up the hole on the floor down below and a platform will rise. Jump down onto the platform and have it lower you down. Run down the hall way avoiding more fire bats. In the next room you will find the SpellStones home. Peppy will give you a brief lesson about the SpellStones.
Peppy: “Hi Fox. I’ve been studying the ancient records of this planet, and you might be interested to hear this. This temple has been built on a Force Point, a point where pure magical energy is forced up from within the core of the planet. This energy is so powerful that it continually attempts to break the planet apart! To stop this, the Ancient Krazoa placed two SpellStones inside the temple to absorb the energy. When General Scales removed the stones, the planet began to fall apart! By returning the SpellStones back to the temple, you will bring the planet together once more. Peppy out.”
Once the transmission is over, walk to the center of the room and place the SpellStone in the socket on the ground, returning it to its rightful place. This will unlock a door to the right of the entrance. Step back and extinguish the fire that’s blocking your path with your staff. Walk through the door and run to the end of the path while avoiding flames shooting out and fire birds. You will come across a large blue room. Stand on the platform in the center of the room and press A to rise to the next level. To your left you will see a ladder. Climb up it and you will find four torches around the room. Extinguish them all and bars covering a door will recede. Slide back down the ladder and continue down the path, entering into the next room.
Inside this room are three SharpClaws. Kill them all to dispel the magic barrier. Jump onto the moving platform. Time your jump so you do not get burned by the flames shooting out. When at the end, Tricky will be too scared to jump over the platforms while they are moving. Turn around and you will find sun tiles on each moving platform. Shoot them both with your staff and they will stop moving, allowing Tricky to jump across. Have Tricky use his flame breath on the furnace next to you to open the door. At the end of the path you will find a blue transporter in the center of the room. Walk onto it and press A.
You will arrive in a large room with the Force Point Stone holder in the center of the room. Walk around each hole until the C icon pops up. Use the SpellStone with the holder. You will then be transported back to the entrance of the Volcano Force Point Temple. Make your way back to Moon Mountain Pass and a cut scene will start. You hear a mysterious voice calling for help in the distance. A Krazoa Spirit appears in front of you and briefs you that Krystal is in need of rescuing. The Spirit tells you to kill the enemy in the hole for answers.
Enter the cave that the Krazoa opened for you on the left. At the end of the tunnel is a small stone covering something. Use your staff to wedge of the stone to reveal a hidden entrance. Jump down inside. You have arrived inside another staff upgrade room. Step onto the gold circle in the center of the room and press A. You now have the Ground Quake upgrade! Jump off the platform and exit the room. Run back out to the enemy and use the ground quake next to him. He will spin around and reveal his weak spot on his back. Attack the weak spot twice and he will die, giving you the MoonSeed. Behind you is the patch where you will plant the seed. Once planted, have Tricky to use flame to make it grow. Climb up the plant and continue down the path.
You will come across another large frog monster in a hole. Defeat it like the previous one to collect another MoonSeed. NOTE: You do not have to kill all the frog monsters; they are there only to drop the MoonSeeds. I will point them all out in case you need to find a MoonSeed. You can only hold seven at a time. Now, here are actually two different places where you can plant it. The patch behind you takes you to some magic gems and a Bafomdad. Plant the seed to the left of you and have Tricky light it with fire. Climb up and shoot the bomb spore plant across the gap. Collect a spore that shoots out and defeat the next frog monster that’s next to it. Collect the moon seed and jump down. There are two more frog monsters that you need to kill. Once you’ve collected the MoonSeeds, climb up the vine that leads to the bomb spore plant. Jump the gaps and head into a cave with another frog monster. Kill it and collect the MoonSeed. There is a bomb spore patch near the wall. Plant one and blow up the wall.
Continue down the path and kill the next frog monster. Collect the MoonSeed and head on down the path. A cut scene will play featuring a meteor crashing onto the land. If you scale the wall on the right, you will soon find an alcove with a Bafomdad and a fuel cell. There’s also a magic crystal plant if you need magic energy. Straight back from the alcove there is another frog monster. Kill it and take the MoonSeed. To the left of the area is also another frog monster. Again, kill it and take the MoonSeed. The last frog monster is a bit down the path near the wall. Go ahead and kill it to make these frogs extinct.
Now your mission is to use the power of the gas in the ground, to push to boulder out of the way. You must collect rocks and set them on top of the gas holes. The first rock is directly on front of the alcove where you collected the power cell. It is located in a dirt patch so have Tricky dig it out. Pick it up with A and take it over to the meteor crash site. Place the rock on any of the green gas holes. You will see the meteor start to move. You can find the second rock to the left in the front of the gas hole area. You will see it is on fire so use your staff to spray ice on it. Once the fire is extinguished, pick it up and set it down on any of the gas holes. The third rock can be found in the very left of the area buried under another dirt patch. Have Tricky unbury it and take it over to the gas holes. Make sure to put the rock in the first three gas holes or for some reason it will not work. After you place the last rock, walk under the meteor and continue.
Kill the frog monster to your left and plant a MoonSeed in the patch by the wall. Have Tricky light it and climb up. Go left down the next area and plant another MoonSeed by the wall. Light it and climb up. Walk up the incline and plant yet another MoonSeed next to the crack in the wall. Again light it and climb up. Walk into the cave to find a cheat token well. If you want you can pay 20 tokens to get a cheat token. There’s also a fuel cell and a Bafomdad in here. Collect the fuel cell and head back out. Jump down the alcove and navigate your way to the top of the incline. Before you continue there is a power cell to the right behind some weeds. Head into the building to find a teleporter. Walk onto the circle and press A.