DarkIce Mines and the First Spell Stone

I. Starfox Adventures Introductions
II. Fox’s Adventure Begins
III. Ice Mountain
IV. ThornTail Well
V. DarkIce Mines and the First Spell Stone
VI. Moon Mountain Pass & Volcano Force Point Temple
VII. Second Krazoa Spirit
VIII. CloudRunner Fortress & The Second SpellStone
IX. Ocean Force Point Temple
X. LightFoot Village
XI. Walled City
XII. Fourth Krazoa Spirit
XIII. Dragon Rock
XIV. Ocean Force Point Temple Part 2
XV. Walled City Part 2
XVI. Final Krazoa Spirits & Andross
DarkIce Mines
Welcome to DarkIce Mines. You will notice where you land is a great deal of fire and lava. Don’t worry this is only temporary. Run up either side of the hot path until you come across a narrow area with fire balls shooting at you. Carefully make your way along the path while dodging fireballs and jumping gaps. You will soon reach the snowy land of the DarkIce mines.
Kill the SharpClaw that immediately attacks you upon entering the snow. To your left is a snow filled wall with a crack on the bottom. Have Tricky dig through the wall and crawl through. Head down the tunnel and kill the two SharpClaws. Turn right into a small room and use your staff to unlock the barrel to find a Shackle Key. Return out into the snow. Make a sharp left and behind a small puddle is a shackle locked mammoth. Use the key on the mammoth and in return, she will give you a cog. She mentions that the GateKeeper’s daughter did not mean for this and she thought what she did was right. She asks you to look out for her, her name is Belina Te.
Head forth down the path and climb down the wall left of the river. While jumping gaps and dodging enemies firing at you from a wall, make your way to the lever and cogs machine behind the waterfall. Place the cog on the machine and pull the lever. This will cause a bridge to extend over the river. Climb back up the wall and cross the river.
Watch out for the lizard dino that pops out of the ground and kill it. Continue down and you will find two SharpClaws beating up a SnowHorn. Kill the SharpClaws and the SnowHorn will thank you. He will notice that Tricky hasn’t learned his fire breath command and Tricky will suddenly learn it. The SnowHorn wants to help but is too weak and needs Alpine Roots. Turn around and head back down the snow path. Turn left and jump or walk down into the ditch. Watch out for the giant rolling snowballs! Make your way through the end and to your left you will find a frozen wall. Use Tricky’s new flame breath command to melt down the icy wall. Inside use Tricky’s search command to have him dig out an Alpine Root from the ground. Collect this and return back to where the Shackled SnowHorn is. Next to the third SnowHorn is a house with ice covering the entrance. Have Tricky melt the ice and continue through.
Inside, kill the bats if you want. Walk over to the unlit pile of fire logs and have Tricky light them. This will cause the ice on the floor to melt and collapse, creating a new path below. Drop down and follow the path and you will find a block of ice. Kill the lizard dino behind it first. Have Tricky melt the ice wall behind you and then again have him use his search command to dig up another Alpine Root. Go back and push the ice block back to where you dropped down. Climb on the ice block and hop on out. Exit the cave and head on over to the fallen SnowHorn. Give him your two Alpine Roots and he will let you ride him around the area.
Climb up the ladder next to him and press A to get on his back. Walk forward and smash open the gates with his Tusk Attack. To your right will be a SnowHorn Platform. Walk next to it and get off the SnowHorn. Run to the left of the area to find another ice wall. Have Tricky melt the ice and go through. Turn right and climb up the ladder. Turn right into another room and keep note of this location because of the missing cog machine to your right. Use your Staff Rocket Boost to proceed to the next level. Turn left and jump the gaps while avoiding the cannon fires. In the end turn left into the cave and proceed further. Kill the SharpClaw inside and a cut scene will show a SharpClaw walking out of the building in the center of the area. He notices you at the cannon and walks back inside.
Press A to grab hold of the cannon. A little to your right you will see a big X on board in the back of the area. Shoot this X to destroy it. Now you must shoot all of the other SharpClaws. The longer you hold A, the farther the bomb will travel. Once all SharpClaws are killed, the red force field will diminish. Head back, jump down and head into the building where the SharpClaws were hiding and open the barrel inside to receive a cog. Run to where the force field once was and collect the second cog from the barrel. Now head over to where you blew up the big X board and jump up the ledge. Run up the snowy slope to your left and have Tricky use his fire breath on the wall in the back. Inside, collect the cog from the barrel. Now that you have all three cogs return to the cog machine and place all three cogs in place. Pull the lever next to it and a bridge will extend out. Go out and slide down the ladder. Cross the bridge and follow the path until you come to a wall with a small crack at the bottom. Have Tricky use his search command to open up a small tunnel. Crawl through.
In this room you will find a machine like contraption that has four fire symbols on each side. Look up on the back wall to find a sun tile. Shoot the tile with your staff and you will have one minute to have Tricky use his fire breath on all four fire symbols. Once completed, a door will open. Head through the door. In this room you will find an invisible bridge with purple warping clouds at the bottom. Try and jump a leap of faith, and Fox will land on the invisible bridge. Make your way to the end of the path to find a frozen piece of ice. Have Tricky use his flame command to melt the ice and collect the Dinosaur Horn.
Head back to the area where the giant X board was. Navigate to where you collected the third cog and you will notice a symbol on the ground surrounded by torches. Use your Dinosaur Horn and a SnowHorn will come. Climb up the ladder next to the SnowHorn and climb on its back. Your task is to make it across the wasteland while eating Alpine Roots to keep you going. Do not risk passing a root, your life drains quite quickly. Walk across the bridge with fire at the bottom and eat the last few Alpine Roots ahead. A cut scene will play featuring Tricky disappearing. Do not get off him yet, walk forward and use the Tusk Attack to destroy the wooded door. Now head back to the platform and get off the SnowHorn.
Walk through the cave and kill the two SharpClaws at the end of the path to dispel the magic force field. Continue through and hop on the snow mobile. Have fun while you can with the snow mobile until fall off onto a large conveyor belt. Dodge the flames that shoot out and make your way to the end of the belt. Walk off onto your right and kill the three SharpClaws that greet you to dispel another force field. To the very right after you get of the conveyor belt is a Staff Rocket Booster. Use this to get to the next level up. To your right is a small space where you can crawl through, so do so. Turn left and avoid the large ice balls that roll down the path. Use the small alcoves on the wall to let the ice balls pass. To the left of the last alcove on the wall is a sun tile. Use your staff to shoot it and the fire blasting in the last alcove will distinguish. Open the barrel inside to collect the SharpClaw Prison Cell Key.
Head back into the main room where the SharpClaws were and cross the bridge in the back onto platforms with spinning flamethrowers. Guide yourself across each spinning platform. Scale the wall until you come across Tricky and Belina Te’s prison cells. You can only open Tricky’s cell right now so release him first. Head back across the spinning fire platforms into the main area. To your right on the wall is a frozen ice cave where you dispelled the force field. Have Tricky melt the ice to reveal a barrel. Inside the barrel is Belina Te’s Prison Cell Key. Make your way back to her cell and unlock it with the key. Talk to her and a cutscene will start.
You meet Belina Te, daughter of Garunda Te. After she learns that her father did not send Fox to rescue her, she violently smashes herself into the wall, causing a cave in. She tells you to find a way around to meet her.
When the cut scene ends, you will be standing directly in front of a wall with a crack at the bottom. Have Tricky use his find command to create a small tunnel. Crawl through. Inside you will find a small lake surrounded in an icy room. Before you go anywhere, take out your Staff Fire Blaster and aim at it the ceiling. Shoot the three different looking stalactites to make them fall into the water. Jump across the ice in the water to the switch on the wall. Use your staff to click the switch and gate will be lowered in the water which will release various ice chunks flowing down. Head back across the ice and head left. Kill the lizard dino that pops out of the ground. You will notice a Rocket Booster directly ahead. Use this to get to the next level.
At the end of the path you will find chunks of ice flowing down the river. Jump across the ice to the other side of the wall. Wait for the ice to flow until an opening in the wall appears. Jump through the opening. Head down the little path to find a block of ice. Push it off the ledge and jump down Try landing on surface because the water will hurt you. Enter the cave behind you and kill the two SharpClaws in the next room. If you’re low on health, destroy the boxes around the area. Continue down the path to find yourself on another conveyor belt. Dodge the fire as you travel down. After scaling the fiery wall, run down the side of the room until you will find Belina Te. A small cutscene will play.
After the cutscene ends, run forward and kill all the SharpClaws. Climb up the ladder in the center of the room and pick up the barrel at the top. Be careful not to get hit while holding the barrel or you will drop it and have to pick it back up again where it spawns. Avoid the barrels that roll down the path. You can just eye where the barrels path goes, it’s the same for each barrel. At the top, turn left onto the circular platform. Cross onto the next circular platform and turn left. You will notice a barrel symbol on the ground. Set the barrel on the symbol and climb the ladder on the other side of the platform. (Note that you must climb on the other side of the ladder.) Run to the other side of the platform and use your staff to switch the switch in the center. This will move the crane and pick up the barrel. Pick up the barrel and run to the circular platform with fire shooting out. Do not take any chances and be very cautious while avoiding the fire. Make your way to the other side and cross the bridge to the wall. The wall will have a crack on it so throw your barrel on it to make it collapse. Inside is a switch. Use your staff to switch the switch. This will lower platforms for you to cross.
Head back to where the barrels were being shot out and cross the bridge to the other side. Continue straight down the ramp with the ice balls rolling with you. Soon you will find a switch on the left. Use your staff to activate it. A bridge will then be raised and you will now have access to the cannon. Navigate your way back while avoiding the ice balls. Head back to the circular platforms. And climb the ladder again. Head to the circular platform with the fire shooting out and turn left to find the new passage. Climb the ladder and kill the SharpClaw at the top. Now activate the cannon.
A little to your left and right you will find a board on each wall with a large X on it. Shoot them out and a path will form in the lava at the base of the level. Climb down the ladder and jump all the way down to the bottom of the level. (Don’t worry you won’t die unless you have a half a wing left.) Walk up the platform and stand in the center of the golden circle. Press A to start your first boss fight!
DarkIce Mines Boss: Galdon
Run up to Galdon and you will notice the he is frozen. Have Tricky use his flame breath to defrost him. Tricky notices the SpellStone in his hands. But after he becomes defrosted, Galdon eats it! This is the start of that battle! Run behind Galdon and attack his tail. Hit it three or so times and Galdon will swallow you! Inside you will see the SpellStone in his uvula. Attack the SpellStone and watch out because it will bounce back and hit damage. After a few attacks on his uvula, Galdon will spit you back out. Take out your staff and get ready to use your Fire Blaster. Careful of the flames that shoot out of the ground. Avoid his attacks until he leans back a little. This is your chance to fire at his chest. Successfully hit his chest three times and he will swallow you yet again. Attack the uvula until the SpellStone is released. Galdon will spit you out again and he will look like he’s choking. He then falls to the ground defeated. After this, a cut scene begins outside in the snow with Fox and Belina Te.
You now have an extra life wing in your health! Get inside your Arwing and choose the planet as your destination. The Arwing flight is the same course as the first so just fly through one gold ring and there should be no troubles.