Thorntail Well

I. Starfox Adventures Introductions
II. Fox’s Adventure Begins
III. Ice Mountain
IV. ThornTail Well
V. DarkIce Mines and the First Spell Stone
VI. Moon Mountain Pass & Volcano Force Point Temple
VII. Second Krazoa Spirit
VIII. CloudRunner Fortress & The Second SpellStone
IX. Ocean Force Point Temple
X. LightFoot Village
XI. Walled City
XII. Fourth Krazoa Spirit
XIII. Dragon Rock
XIV. Ocean Force Point Temple Part 2
XV. Walled City Part 2
XVI. Final Krazoa Spirits & Andross
ThornTail Hollow/ThornTail Well
Tricky will hear his mother cry out. He will run away and try to locate her. Climb down the ladder and cross the river to where the queen is located. Once at the queen a cut scene will start.
Fox: “I’m here guys. Mission accomplished. Contact General Pepper so we can get paid.”
Tricky: “She is going to be OK isn’t she Fox?”
Peppy: “Are you sure you’ve finished down there? The planets not back together yet.”
Fox: “The Queen needs my help. Fox out. Is there anything we can do for her?”
Tricky: “We need to find White GrubTub. My mom gives them to me when I’m not feeling well.”
Fox: “It looks like she’ll need a lot. Let’s take a look around, see what we can find.”
Before continuing your quest, head over to the Thorntail Store. Inside, find and purchase a Firefly and a Lantern. If you want you can buy a map of Thorntail Hollow and other maps to make traveling easier. You may need to search around for some scarabs.
Once you exit the store, head left until you see a huge circle shaped mountain well with a small crack in front. Have Tricky uncover a hidden tunnel. Crawl through and a small cut scene will play.
Fox: “OK Tricky, you stay here. I’ll go search down there.”
Tricky: “But I need to help my mom!”
Fox: “And you will be by staying out there.”
Tricky: “OK Fox, but hurry up, my mom looked real bad.”
Start to climb down the ladder. To get down quicker, stay still and press A to slide down. There are mushrooms that spray poison at you so be on your guard. Walk in the tunnel behind the ladder to find a water flooded room. In the water near the entrance of the room, plant a bomb spore. If you do not have any spores, run to the end of the room and you will find a bomb spore plant on a platform. Use your staff to fire at it. It will drop three spores. Once you plant the bomb, stand back and fire at it. The water will drain and a secret hole will be opened where the bomb was. Drop down into the hole.
You have entered another staff upgrade room. Run to the center of the pond and jump onto the glowing circle and press A. You staff now has the Rocket Booster upgrade! With this you can plant your staff in the ground and rocket high off the ground. Exit the room.
Head back into the first room where the tall ladder is. You will find a Staff Rocket Boost tile on the ground to your right. Use it to get to the next level up. Avoid the plants and run into the next room. Run across the bridge and plant another bomb spore. Walk away a little and shoot the bomb with your staff. This will cause a chunk of the bridge to fall below. Jump down and push the block onto the switch to open the gate. You will notice another Staff Rocket Booster on the wall by the switch. Use this to get two more fuel cells. Walk into the newly opened room to find a sleeping dinosaur. Walk up to him and wait for him to wake up. Talk to him and he will move out of your way. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BOUGHT THE LANTERN AND FIREFLIES. Without them you cannot progress. Plant a bomb spore where the dinosaur moved and shoot it with your staff. A ladder will appear and climb down.
This is the area where you will find the White GrubTubs. At the base of the ladder you will find your first GrubTub next to a poison mushroom. Use your staff to fire at the mushroom to stun it. Quickly collect the GrubTub. Head down the path and turn right on your first turn. This room will be very dark so use your c stick and highlight your lantern to make things brighter. On the wall there is a little crack with a bomb spore patch next to it. Plant a bomb and shoot it creating a new area. Inside this room is GrubTub number two. Head back out and turn right on the path. Collect the three fireflies and if you’re low on staff magic, hit the flower in the corner and collect the crystal to fully recharge your magic. Release another firefly and walk into the dark room to your left.
Inside this dark room will be GrubTub number three. Find the spore bomb patch in the center of the room and plant one. Blow up the plant and the pedestal will drop down for you to cross. Head back out into the main room and turn right. Use your Staff Rocket Booster to get onto the alcove. Collect the fourth Grubtub and the three fireflies. Jump across the pedestal and onto the ledge. Run forward and collect GrubTub number five and six. Make your way out of the cave and back to the queen.
Upon exiting, head back to the queen. Run past her and collect the fuel cell up the slope. Run back and highlight the White GrubTubs and use them on the queen. A cut scene will start.
Queen EarthWalker: “Thank you Fox. Thank you for saving my son and for saving me.”
Fox: “OK, OK, enough with the thanks. Now I need some help from you. Can you just tell me what’s going on?”
Queen EarthWalker: “This is all the work of General Scales. He is the ruler of the SharpClaw tribe, a nasty bunch of pirate who have always wanted to rule Dinosaur Planet. We have always been able to stop his attacks. But this time he’s somehow become stronger and defeated our army at the Krazoa Palace.”
Fox: “Right a bad guy. But how did the planet get in such a mess?”
Queen EarthWalker: “Within Krazoa Palace, he broke the seals of the Force Point Temples.”
Fox: “I’m listening.”
Queen EarthWalker: “This planet is rich with a magical force, a force so strong that it is continually pushing our world apart. To stop this, four SpellStones were placed inside the Force Point Temple. “
Fox: “OK that’s a bit weird but I understand.”
Queen EarthWalker: “With the seals broken, Scales entered the temples and removed the SpellStones. With nothing to hold back the magic force, the planet was torn apart!”
Fox: “At last, it all makes sense. So, the bad guy takes the SpellStones, your planet falls apart, and I’ve got to FIND the spell stones and bring them back to the Force Point Temple.”
Tricky: “See mom, I told you he was good! Star Fox… yeah!”
Queen EarthWalker: “My son will remain with you. For only a dinosaur of noble birth can breathe life into the SpellStones”
Fox: “What! Uh, that’s OK. But don’t you think he’s a bit young? I mean it’s going to be very dangerous. Loads of bad guys, fighting, death!”
Queen EarthWalker: “He knows the planet well and I’m sure he’s shown you his Sidekick moves.”
Fox: “Oh yeah, I forgot about those.”
Tricky: “C’mon fox, we’ll make a great team!
Fox: “OK, but if you mess up just once, I’ll send you straight back to Mommy!”
Tricky: “OK, yeah, yeah!”
Queen EarthWalker: “Good. Now, our spies have indicated that Scales was last seen in DarkIce Mines. I know the gatekeeper. Garunda Te. A silly fellow, but he can guide you to the SpellStone. Go back to the SnowHorn Wastes and find him.”
Fox: “Got it.”
Queen EarthWalker: “And Fox, I think you’ll need this. The SharpClaws dropped it when they attacked me. Maybe it will come in use somewhere.”
Fox: “OK enough already. Can I just get on with it!”
Queen EarthWalker gives you a SharpClaw Prison Key. Head back to the tunnel to SnowHorn Wastes. Cross the river and climb up the ladder. Go through the tunnel to the water way. Have tricky stand on the switch and climb up the wall. Run to the switch and turn the water flow the other direction with your staff. Jump back in the water and head to the other side of the tunnel. Navigate to the end of the tunnel to end up back in SnowHorn Wastes.
SnowHorn Wastes
Run straight ahead from the tunnel and right ahead of you is a keyhole on the wall. Highlight your SharpClaw Prison Key and unlock it. A gate will rise to your right. Head on through the gate. To your left you will find a mammoth frozen in ice on the ground. This mammoth is none other than Garunda Te. Your mission is to feed him three Iceweeds so he can burst out of his prison. Watch out for the SharpClaws that will endlessly attack; they will always respawn so try and ignore them. Behind Garunda Te is the Iceweed tree. Head behind the tree and while facing Garunda Te, attack the tree to make the Iceweeds fall into his direction. Knock the Iceweeds close to Garunda Te so he can suck them up and become stronger. Successfully do this three times and he will break free, starting a cut scene.
You meet the GateKeepers of the DarkIce Mines, Garunde Te. He explains that he was given an ultimatum, give Scales the SpellStone, or enslave his tribe. He refused to help. His daughter instead opened the gateway and “dishonored” her father. He tells you that you must search for the SpellStone within DarkIce mines.
The GateKeeper opens the gateway to DarkIce Mines and this is where you will be heading next. Return through the tunnel. Once at the water way, have Tricky stand on the switch to open the gate. Climb up the wall and switch the switch to change the water flow. Jump back in the water and stop right when you turn the corner and walk on the ledge. Use your Staff Rocket Boost to get onto the ledge above. Turn around and fire at the sun tile on the wall behind you. This will open the gate behind you and it contains two fuel cells. Collect the fuel cells and jump back into the water to ThornTail Hollow. Head to the arwing and jump in. Make sure you have collected enough fuel cells or else you will not be able to fly. Refer to the Fuel Cell Location guide for more info.
Arwing Flight #2
This time in your great arwing journey, you must successfully fly through three golden rings. The course is pretty short so keep your eye out for the rings. Asteroids, enemies and mines lie around everywhere. Be careful and this ride should not be that hard. Fly through three golden rings to lower the force field and land on DarkIce Mines.