Ocean Force Point Temple Part 2

I. Starfox Adventures Introductions
II. Fox’s Adventure Begins
III. Ice Mountain
IV. ThornTail Well
V. DarkIce Mines and the First Spell Stone
VI. Moon Mountain Pass & Volcano Force Point Temple
VII. Second Krazoa Spirit
VIII. CloudRunner Fortress & The Second SpellStone
IX. Ocean Force Point Temple
X. LightFoot Village
XI. Walled City
XII. Fourth Krazoa Spirit
XIII. Dragon Rock
XIV. Ocean Force Point Temple Part 2
XV. Walled City Part 2
XVI. Final Krazoa Spirits & Andross
Return to Ocean Force Point Temple
Once in the Arwing, choose Dinosaur Planet as your destination. Make your way back to Cape Claw. While passing through LightFoot Village, a small LightFoot will come out and show you how to open the gate to their village. Just go ahead to Cape Claw. Once there, swim to the south western beach. Go through the small cave and unlock the portal inside. Put out the flames and run up the ramp to find a cannon. There are two things you need to destroy. Use the cannon and aim to the right. Shoot the mouth of the face to break open the door. Once that’s destroyed turn it to the left by the trapped LongNeck. To the right of it is a large rock. Shoot the rock to break it down. Get off the cannon and run to where the rock was. You will wind a Staff Energy Upgrade room. Jump down and collect the energy upgrade. Your staffs magic power is now maxed. Run up to the board walk and cross the bridge. Run to the mouth and go inside to the Ocean Force Point Temple.
Ocean Force Point Temple
Once there climb up the ladders and then use the SpellStone on the circle to open the path. Once inside the temple, have Tricky step on the switch to reveal lights. Do this puzzle again to get across. Jump in the water to your left and go through the tunnel in the corner. When you make a turn climb up the brick wall and enter the teleporter.
Head into the north room and then go west into the hall way. In the next room to your right is a block. Push it straight then left down the path. Place it to the left of the rubble next to the ledge. Jump on it to get on the ledge. Flip the switch on the wall to open the door. Jump onto the ledge north of you and then break the crate you see. Put on your SharpClaw disguise. Step on the switch at the end to open a door in the center of the room, revealing a switch. Turn around and then jump the gap to the switch. Flip it to raise the water level. Head south into the next room.
You will be in another torch/water room where you must put out the torches with the water. Only this time the torches are color coded so the torch must be put out by the right snake. Activate the switch on your right and climb up the brick wall. You will notice under each snake will be a color. Wait until the correct torch moves under the corresponding color, then shoot the sun tile to make water come out. It is best to shoot the sun tile when the torch starts to move in place. You can stand here for the red and blue torches, but once they’re out jump down and head to the opposite side of the room to do the green and yellow torches. As you successfully put out a flame, the spinning will go faster and may skip a few stops making it harder to time it. You may have to do this one or two times to complete it.
Once you complete it, run through into the next room where you will have to do another maze with the block. The directions are: West, North, West, South, East, North, and West. Once the maze is complete, a Staff Rocket Booster will appear in the main room. Run inside the main room and the booster will be on your left. Use the booster to get up the ledge. Follow the path until you come to another color changing flame. Wait until the flame is blue then shoot through the flame hitting the orb behind it to extend the bridge. Run across and use the teleporter. Place the final SpellStone in the slot and a cuts scene will play.
The four pieces of land start to return to place on the planet but soon returns to orbit. You learn that you must free all of the Krazoa Spirits in order for the planet to be put back together. You will arrive at the entrance to the Ocean Force Point Temple. Run back to Cape Claw, through the well, past LightFoot Village, to ThornTail Hollow. When you enter the Hollow, you will meet the Queen EarthWalker.
You brief on your mission with the Queen and you decide to head to the Walled City because there is a Spirit there. Hop back into your arwing and head to the Walled City. NOTE: If you haven’t bought Fox’s High Tech Viewer device from the shop, go and buy it now since you will be needing it.